Tom Brady---Forever a Fraud?

lol at this being the leading story in national news.. ISIS, SOTU, Paris, dead Nigerians.. No America, deflated footballs!
lol at this being the leading story in national news.. ISIS, SOTU, Paris, dead Nigerians.. No America, deflated footballs!

So sad. The NFL is loving every single minute of it though...they got just what they wanted from this.
But you still haven't answered why it's a bigger advantage in the cold as it would be in warm weather. A deflated ball is a deflated ball, and if Brady likes them so much, why wouldn't they deflate them every single game?

Who says they haven't ?
You're clearly a smart guy
You're apparently honest as not many people would admit to a bad run
You've been around a while as you've been a member for over 8 years

I bet you're a pretty damn capper. I understand if you don't want to post but I do think your plays/analysis would provide value to the forum for the above mentioned reasons

duscussing balls, not licking em.. Your all up in him.,
I linked an article earlier that likened this incident to pine tar in baseball...check it out. As for the other things you've brought one is saying those things are okay, but some of them are done by a bunch of guys and if they aren't caught we never know about it. Except for the stick um, there's no real need for that anymore, they've just basically incorporated stick um into the WR's gloves. Have you tried on a pair of WR gloves lately? It's amazing they ever drop a ball with how sticky those things are.
My point is....there are rules....they are there for a reason....if you tell your kid not to do something and they disobey you, are there consequences or not?
My point is....there are rules....they are there for a reason....if you tell your kid not to do something and they disobey you, are there consequences or not?

Oh sure, of course. But I don't think this whole deflated football thing fits into that, or not to the extent some of these guys are claiming (that's it's been going on for years and years). If they are proven to have done it, then yes they should be punished...but with nothing but a bunch of circumstantial 'evidence' being discussed by the rumor mongering media (whose stories change a little bit each day), and the controversy loving NFL, people calling for these guys heads and talking about then not being eligible for the HOF or whatever other ridiculous things that have been mentioned, reminds me of the witch hunts from Salem a few centuries ago. Holy fucking mob mentality Batman.
Who says they haven't ?

Teed did with his stats that he somehow thinks proves his point. Why would Brady's stats be better in cold weather games if he was deflating the balls in every game? It's just logic and reason at that point...if he like deflated footballs that much, and it affects the performance that much, it seems foolish to argue he's only doing it in cold weather. Since it's then foolish to assume he only does it in cold weather, the stats shouldn't show an increase in performance in cold weather, he'd be using the deflated balls in every game.

Right? If I'm wrong with my thoughts, please show me how. I very well may be, but someone's gonna have to poke holes in the logic, because that's all it is at this point.
The great thing about the deflatriots scandal is we don't have to listen to the talking heads debating the Brady/Montana/Bradshaw or BB/Walsh/Noll greatest ever argument. Might have been the weed but right after the Pats won on Sunday that's all I heard. Didn't want to spend two weeks listening to that sh!t. Actually cringed when I thought about how many media types would be blowing the coach, #12, #87.
Teed did with his stats that he somehow thinks proves his point. Why would Brady's stats be better in cold weather games if he was deflating the balls in every game? It's just logic and reason at that point...if he like deflated footballs that much, and it affects the performance that much, it seems foolish to argue he's only doing it in cold weather. Since it's then foolish to assume he only does it in cold weather, the stats shouldn't show an increase in performance in cold weather, he'd be using the deflated balls in every game.

Right? If I'm wrong with my thoughts, please show me how. I very well may be, but someone's gonna have to poke holes in the logic, because that's all it is at this point.

They probably only do it during home games

Either for equipment or logistics reasons

More home games are going to be cold weather for them then away
They probably only do it during home games

Either for equipment or logistics reasons

More home games are going to be cold weather for them then away

Except for the fact that the Colts say they were doing it in their regular season game at Indy in a dome.

Interesting stat, Tom Brady had 36 fumbles his first 3 years in the league...and only 60 in his last 10 seasons.
Except for the fact that the Colts say they were doing it in their regular season game at Indy in a dome.

Shhhh....facts don't work here, we only want rumors, insinuations, and bunk stats that don't prove much (and certainly not without more context and info, like opponents for one).

Not to mention it was 50 degrees last that what we're calling cold weather nowadays?
They probably only do it during home games

Either for equipment or logistics reasons

More home games are going to be cold weather for them then away

If they only do it during home games, those cold/warm weather stats mean even less. Every cold game they play isn't at home...they play BUF and the Jets every year, probably been cold in their two spots, at least, during this supposed era of them deflating balls.
10 pages of this crap and zero pages discussing what actually matters.....the game.


It's not a fail for the NFL, this is exactly what they wanted.

Also, this thread is specifically about the issue with the Pats and deflating balls, why would there be any talk of the game in this thread? I'm sure you can find a dozen threads on the game if you want to discuss it.
Interesting stat, Tom Brady had 36 fumbles his first 3 years in the league...and only 60 in his last 10 seasons.

Aaron Rodgers had 20 in his first 2 seasons...he's had 27 in his last 5 years.

Peyton Manning had 17 his first 2 seasons....he's had 59 in the next 14 years.
And this certainly plays into the Super Bowl, at first I thought that the Patriots were the play. Then after initially hearing that the NFL was looking into the matter I thought the Pats an even stronger lean wanting to disprove any doubters. Now you have to seriously question their ability to focus on getting ready for the game while simultaneously dealing with the major distraction of this scandal.
Aaron Rodgers had 20 in his first 2 seasons...he's had 27 in his last 5 years.

Peyton Manning had 17 his first 2 seasons....he's had 59 in the next 14 years.

Manning had 9 his first 2 seasons.

Rothlesberger similarly showed no decrease after his first 2-3 years in the league.

Per pro football reference.
It's not a fail for the NFL, this is exactly what they wanted.

Also, this thread is specifically about the issue with the Pats and deflating balls, why would there be any talk of the game in this thread? I'm sure you can find a dozen threads on the game if you want to discuss it.

You missed my point, obviously. If not, please direct me to the thread that has 10 pages discussing the Super Bowl
If I'm Pete Carroll and Seattle I troll the Pats hard and ask in public the NFL to take extra precautions to secure the integrity of the Super Bowl.
Manning had 9 his first 2 seasons.

Rothlesberger similarly showed no decrease after his first 2-3 years in the league.

Per pro football reference.

Yeah, the stats on pfr are backwards compared to where I looked up Brady and Rodger's stats. Peyton has fumbled 17 times in his past 2 seasons...and it was only 59 in his first 14 seasons. So Peyton was cheating all along, and then stopped 2 years ago, since his fumble rate has skyrocketed?

The whole talk and now digging back into stats to try and pigeon hole this theory of deflating balls is just foolish. I know you're not the one who found the stat and asserted what it meant, I'm just talking in general. It's easy to go back, after the fact for any type of controversy, and find some stat that may happen to support some theory...doesn't mean anything at all though really.
If I'm Pete Carroll and Seattle I troll the Pats hard and ask in public the NFL to take extra precautions to secure the integrity of the Super Bowl.


Then the Pats can do the same and ask the NFL to make sure the Seahwaks have all been recently tested for banned substances...since their players have done just as much, at one point or another, to shame this "integrity" of the game we keep hearing about. Since when has the NFL and integrity been so closely intertwined?
Two things I love about this......first, it is NOT going away.....second, there is no way Goodall comes out of this looking good...just no fukkin way
Two things I love about this......first, it is NOT going away.....second, there is no way Goodall comes out of this looking good...just no fukkin way

He hasn't looked good during and after the past 5 or 6 'scandals' that have hit the NFL in the past few years. He always survives...this is what they thrive on now in the NFL...drama and controversy. Oh yeah, and money.
Yeah, the stats on pfr are backwards compared to where I looked up Brady and Rodger's stats. Peyton has fumbled 17 times in his past 2 seasons...and it was only 59 in his first 14 seasons. So Peyton was cheating all along, and then stopped 2 years ago, since his fumble rate has skyrocketed?

The whole talk and now digging back into stats to try and pigeon hole this theory of deflating balls is just foolish. I know you're not the one who found the stat and asserted what it meant, I'm just talking in general. It's easy to go back, after the fact for any type of controversy, and find some stat that may happen to support some theory...doesn't mean anything at all though really.

No, I looked it up as I remembered Brady coughed it up a lot early in his career. And you say Peyton has fumbled 17 times the last 2 seasons, which coincidentally also happen to be played in Denver with his home games not confined in a climate controlled dome.
No, I looked it up as I remembered Brady coughed it up a lot early in his career. And you say Peyton has fumbled 17 times the last 2 seasons, which coincidentally also happen to be played in Denver with his home games not confined in a climate controlled dome.

But he wears a glove on his throwing hand now. A glove with enough stick-um (no, not really stick-um...but the gloves today are just ridiculous) on it to be able to lift one of his OL off the ground with one hand without much effort. How can he possibly be fumbling so much wearing 2 gloves?


What are your thoughts on the Michael Pineda incident? I can only assume you think it was an honest mistake
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If they only do it during home games, those cold/warm weather stats mean even less. Every cold game they play isn't at home...they play BUF and the Jets every year, probably been cold in their two spots, at least, during this supposed era of them deflating balls.

75% probably are
The great thing about the deflatriots scandal is we don't have to listen to the talking heads debating the Brady/Montana/Bradshaw or BB/Walsh/Noll greatest ever argument. Might have been the weed but right after the Pats won on Sunday that's all I heard. Didn't want to spend two weeks listening to that sh!t. Actually cringed when I thought about how many media types would be blowing the coach, #12, #87.

You need to post more, your terrific:cheers3:
Super Bowl commercial that will only be seen by some...

According to the ideal gas law a ball filled at 12.5 psi at 72F would have a pressure of 11.75 psi at 40F

PV-nRT can be rearranged to

P2=P1(T2/T1) if Volume is constant, where Pressure is measured in Pascals and T in degrees Kelvin

12.5psi=86184.466125 pascals

277.59/295.37= 0.939804313

86184.466125 x 0.939804313= 80996.53299806599 pascals/6894.75729pascals/psi = 11.74559psi

And this is assuming the volume of the ball remains the same and does not shrink at all, any change in the volume of the ball, which is probably negligible, would make the pressure even higher at 40F.

Lloyd, the hell with this....who do you have for the Pick 4 at Gulfstream? :shake:
According to the ideal gas law a ball filled at 12.5 psi at 72F would have a pressure of 11.75 psi at 40F

PV-nRT can be rearranged to

P2=P1(T2/T1) if Volume is constant, where Pressure is measured in Pascals and T in degrees Kelvin

12.5psi=86184.466125 pascals

277.59/295.37= 0.939804313

86184.466125 x 0.939804313= 80996.53299806599 pascals/6894.75729pascals/psi = 11.74559psi

And this is assuming the volume of the ball remains the same and does not shrink at all, any change in the volume of the ball, which is probably negligible, would make the pressure even higher at 40F.

This is exactly what I said in the ingame.
The biggest question still left unanswered in all of this: what the hell kind of name is "D'Qwell"?