Tom Brady---Forever a Fraud?

If he didn't give his phone how did he cooperate?

These are cba rules not any federal laws

Didnt want the phone, wanted the messages,,,, everyone knew the messages would always be there... phone doesnt matter...

As far as cooperating... You must not have read the the statement from above...

Let me assist you.....

Finally, as to the issue of cooperation, we presented the Commissioner with an unprecedented amount of electronic data, all of which is incontrovertible. I do not think that any private citizen would have agreed to provide anyone with the amount of information that Tom was willing to reveal to the Commissioner. Tom was completely transparent. All of the electronic information was ignored; we don’t know why. The extent to which Tom opened up his private life to the Commissioner will become clear in the coming days.
The Commissioner’s decision and discipline has no precedent in all of NFL history. His decision alters the competitive balance of the upcoming season. The decision is wrong and has no basis, and it diminishes the integrity of the game.
From Breer:
Reminder of this again: When Brady goes to court, not about his innocence anymore. It's about process and whether Goodell violated the CBA.

From Breer:
Reminder of this again: When Brady goes to court, not about his innocence anymore. It's about process and whether Goodell violated the CBA.

Of course it's not about his innocence because he is guilty and the whole damn world knows it.
Of course it's not about his innocence because he is guilty and the whole damn world knows it.

Very true

no fan can disagree that the process is out of control. He is a tyrant. He got it right here, but every squirrel finds a nut
Brady got off easily when you think about it, he should give the millions he is going to give to his lawyers to fight this and give it to charity, maybe he can restore some of his decency as a human
Brady got off easily when you think about it, he should give the millions he is going to give to his lawyers to fight this and give it to charity, maybe he can restore some of his decency as a human

wrong again, the union will pay for it.....
Could have been 1 game if brady gave up the phone

What are you hiding Tom?

You guys can walk with the Shepard but my eyes are wide open

Peter king going anti brady with his article

Not a good sign he's a pats tongue bather if there ever was one

Of course it's not about his innocence because he is guilty and the whole damn world knows it.

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someone is running away with Homer of the year.

Union should give money to charity

what's funny is that I wouldn't care if the Pats had won the SB for 5 straight years, or never won it all. I would be reacting the same way. It's pretty clear this is a shitty organization with no ethics or moral code. I don't care for it. They are an embarrassment to the game of football and guys like Brady and Bellicheat should no longer be in the league. Good day sir.
what's funny is that I wouldn't care if the Pats had won the SB for 5 straight years, or never won it all. I would be reacting the same way. It's pretty clear this is a shitty organization with no ethics or moral code. I don't care for it. They are an embarrassment to the game of football and guys like Brady and Bellicheat should no longer be in the league. Good day sir.

hmmm when did Belichik cheat?
hmmm when did Belichik cheat?

glad to see you are now at least acknowledging that Brady is a cheater, that's a big first step

Spygate I'm sure is just the tip of the iceberg with this guy. He runs a cut throat business up in Foxborough, and he toes the line every time he does it. But it's clear he never took an Ethics class in college, because he shows none. Wouldn't really surprise me if he had a passing knowledge of the deflated balls. He has no bounds to what he will do. Can't wait for the book in 20 years
Belichik is like the mob boss. He can never be directly linked to the crime, he'll deny everything, but everybody knows he's behind it
glad to see you are now at least acknowledging that Brady is a cheater, that's a big first step

Spygate I'm sure is just the tip of the iceberg with this guy. He runs a cut throat business up in Foxborough, and he toes the line every time he does it. But it's clear he never took an Ethics class in college, because he shows none. Wouldn't really surprise me if he had a passing knowledge of the deflated balls. He has no bounds to what he will do. Can't wait for the book in 20 years

Jesus Alex are you that dumb that you don't know the actual facts to what spy gate is?
By your comments you haven't a clue....
what's funny is that I wouldn't care if the Pats had won the SB for 5 straight years, or never won it all. I would be reacting the same way. It's pretty clear this is a shitty organization with no ethics or moral code. I don't care for it. They are an embarrassment to the game of football and guys like Brady and Bellicheat should no longer be in the league. Good day sir.

I think its one more strike and you sell the team Kraft, you've embarrassed this league long enough. Enough is enough. We NFL fans can't take this junk anymore.
Jesus Alex are you that dumb that you don't know the actual facts to what spy gate is?
By your comments you haven't a clue....

no friend, I don't consider myself to be dumb by knowledge or non-knowledge of what happened to the Patriots 8 years ago or whenever it is. Maybe I don't know a ton about it, but it seems unusual to fine a guy 500K for having nothing to do with it. I am sure you are somehow embedded within the Patriots organization by the way you are standing by them, so maybe you have a better knowledge of how those cheater do business. The rest of us, who don't have as good of sources, will just go with the general knowledge that the public has in front of them. Patriots are cheaters. Don Shula even thinks so.

Jesus Cash, are you that dumb, or do you just ignore clear logic?
By your comments you haven't a clue...
I think its one more strike and you sell the team Kraft, you've embarrassed this league long enough. Enough is enough. We NFL fans can't take this junk anymore.

That's right. In my opinion, this isn't a far cry from what Sterling did to the blacks. Throw Kraft out of the league, and the MLS out of principle
no friend, I don't consider myself to be dumb by knowledge or non-knowledge of what happened to the Patriots 8 years ago or whenever it is. Maybe I don't know a ton about it, but it seems unusual to fine a guy 500K for having nothing to do with it. I am sure you are somehow embedded within the Patriots organization by the way you are standing by them, so maybe you have a better knowledge of how those cheater do business. The rest of us, who don't have as good of sources, will just go with the general knowledge that the public has in front of them. Patriots are cheaters. Don Shula even thinks so.

Jesus Cash, are you that dumb, or do you just ignore clear logic?
By your comments you haven't a clue...

Somewhere in the first 5 pages it is discussed why they were fined and it wasn't cheating and it didn't give them an advantage..... Try using facts....
Somewhere in the first 5 pages it is discussed why they were fined and it wasn't cheating and it didn't give them an advantage..... Try using facts....

Well I'm obviously not going to read 5 pages of homerific posts

Look Cash, you want to walk with the shepard, you go right ahead. But my eyes are wide fucking open on this one. I hope I don't look so shameful when I try to pretend that Ben didn't rape those girls. No evidence after all. I also do not believe he has a gray cock.
Well I'm obviously not going to read 5 pages of homerific posts

Look Cash, you want to walk with the shepard, you go right ahead. But my eyes are wide fucking open on this one. I hope I don't look so shameful when I try to pretend that Ben didn't rape those girls. No evidence after all. I also do not believe he has a gray cock.

Not all by me most are by others pointing out the obviously don't want the facts..... Why continue the conversation when only 1 side knows the facts...
I could care less about his guilt. The important thing here is to weaken this overpowered union for the good of football. Unions are the worst.
Not all by me most are by others pointing out the obviously don't want the facts..... Why continue the conversation when only 1 side knows the facts...

Look heres the truth, you can sit here all day and night arguing about "facts" or whatever. But no one actually gives a shit. The Patriots will forever be known as cheaters no matter what happens
But the clown has opened up a discussion with some validity, the fact that this is easily the worst union in the major sports, but yet the league makes the most money. Of course there are way more players on a team. But the players are being fleeced by the owners. I seriously need it explained to me how this union is overpowered. You have become radical in your age clown.
Look heres the truth, you can sit here all day and night arguing about "facts" or whatever. But no one actually gives a shit. The Patriots will forever be known as cheaters no matter what happens

Yes they will, but this discussion is about the facts....
Says the fan of the Al Davis led Oakland raiders

first organization to hire a woman executive, minority coach etc.

refused to have the Raiders play games in segregated cities

a shining beacon of progressiveness in the backwards world of the NFL
so on one hand you have one of the franchises the NFL should be most proud of

on the other, what is essentially a criminal organization that plays football from time to time
From Brady....

I am very disappointed by the NFL’s decision to uphold the 4 game suspension against me. I did nothing wrong, and no one in the Patriots organization did either.

Despite submitting to hours of testimony over the past 6 months, it is disappointing that the Commissioner upheld my suspension based upon a standard that it was “probable” that I was “generally aware” of misconduct. The fact is that neither I, nor any equipment person, did anything of which we have been accused. He dismissed my hours of testimony and it is disappointing that he found it unreliable.
I also disagree with yesterdays narrative surrounding my cellphone. I replaced my broken Samsung phone with a new iPhone 6 AFTER my attorneys made it clear to the NFL that my actual phone device would not be subjected to investigation under ANY circumstances. As a member of a union, I was under no obligation to set a new precedent going forward, nor was I made aware at any time during Mr. Wells investigation, that failing to subject my cell phone to investigation would result in ANY discipline.
Most importantly, I have never written, texted, emailed to anybody at anytime, anything related to football air pressure before this issue was raised at the AFC Championship game in January. To suggest that I destroyed a phone to avoid giving the NFL information it requested is completely wrong.
To try and reconcile the record and fully cooperate with the investigation after I was disciplined in May, we turned over detailed pages of cell phone records and all of the emails that Mr. Wells requested. We even contacted the phone company to see if there was any possible way we could retrieve any/all of the actual text messages from my old phone. In short, we exhausted every possibility to give the NFL everything we could and offered to go thru the identity for every text and phone call during the relevant time. Regardless, the NFL knows that Mr. Wells already had ALL relevant communications with Patriots personnel that either Mr. Wells saw or that I was questioned about in my appeal hearing. There is no “smoking gun” and this controversy is manufactured to distract from the fact they have zero evidence of wrongdoing.
I authorized the NFLPA to make a settlement offer to the NFL so that we could avoid going to court and put this inconsequential issue behind us as we move forward into this season. The discipline was upheld without any counter offer. I respect the Commissioners authority, but he also has to respect the CBA and my rights as a private citizen. I will not allow my unfair discipline to become a precedent for other NFL players without a fight.
Lastly, I am overwhelmed and humbled by the support of family, friends and our fans who have supported me since the false accusations were made after the AFC Championship game. I look forward to the opportunity to resume playing with my teammates and winning more games for the New England Patriots.
The NFL leaks...............................

If nothing else, the NFL can (when it wants to) master the art of public relations. Sure, the league screwed the pooch in the Ray Rice debacle last year, failing to realize that a video existed or that it would inevitably be leaked. But while the #DeflateGate episode has featured many very real flaws regarding the substance of the case, the league has done a great job of getting its messages out in a strong, clear way.
It started, of course, with the mistaken air pressure information from the initial letter to the Patriots, in which league executive Dave Gardi told the team that one of the footballs measured at 10.1 PSI — even though none of them were that low. It quickly continued with the leak of blatantly false information to ESPN that 11 of the 12 Patriots footballs were a full two pounds under the 12.5 PSI minimum. This cemented the notion that someone deflated the footballs, leaving only two questions: (1) who did it?; and (2) who knew about it?
Months later, it became clear that the information was incorrect. But the damage already had been done, with a curiosity instantly morphing into a multi-million-dollar investigation and the Patriots thrown against the ropes from the outset of the fight.
The P.R. mastery continued with the release of the Ted Wells report, which created the initial widespread impression that the Patriots cheated, and that quarterbackTom Brady knew about it. By the time those in the media inclined to digest the 243-page opus began to notice the warts, the narrative had been locked in by those who admittedly didn’t bother to roll up their sleeves and start reading.
The coup de grâce came Tuesday morning, when the league leaked to ESPN that “Brady destroyed his cell phone,” locking in the notion that something sinister — and irreparable — had occurred. The press release announcing the decision likewise focused on the destruction of the cell phone, raising eyebrows from sea to shining sea and reinforcing for many the idea that Brady had something to hide, and that he tried to hide it.
But like the much longer Wells report, closer inspection of the Goodell decision undermines the primary conclusion. And, as usual, the Achilles heel can be found in a footnote.
Specifically, it can be found at footnote 11 on page 12: “After the hearing and after the submission of post-hearing briefs, Mr. Brady’s certified agents offered to provide a spreadsheet that would identify all of the individuals with whom Mr. Brady had exchanged text messages during [the relevant time] period; the agents suggested that the League could contact those individuals and request production of any relevant text messages that they retained. Aside from the fact that, under Article 46, Section 2(f) of the CBA, such information could and should have been provided long before the hearing, the approach suggested in the agents’ letter — which would require tracking down numerous individuals and seeking consent from each to retrieve from their cellphones detailed information about their text message communications during the relevant period — is simply not practical.”
In English, here’s what the footnote means: Although the text messages couldn’t be retrieved directly from Brady’s phone, his agents provided all of the phone numbers with which Brady exchanged text messages. His agents also said that the league could attempt to get the actual text messages from the phones of the people with whom Brady communicated, but the league refused to attempt to try, claiming that it would be too hard to track down the various people and to persuade them to cooperate.
How hard would it be? Goodell’s ruling points out that “nearly 10,000 text messages” were exchanged on Brady’s phone in a four-month period, but Goodell’s ruling doesn’t provide the total volume of numbers that sent text messages to or received text messages from Brady’s “destroyed” phone. At an average of 2,500 text messages sent and received per month, which works out to an average of 83 sent and received per day (with some people surely sending and receiving a lot of short messages to and from Brady), how many people was he actually communicating with?
More importantly, how many of those people are Patriots employees, how many are family members, how many are friends, how many are people who would have no reason to be saying anything to or hearing anything from Brady about this specific case?
“I very much look forward to hearing from Mr. Brady and to considering any new information or evidence that he may bring to my attention,” Goodell said last month. And so Brady admits that he has a habit of dismantling his phone when he buys a new one, he provides the full list of phone numbers with which the dismantled phone communicated, and Goodell nevertheless refuses to try to identify the persons with whom Brady exchanged messages or to obtain the actual content of them, despite the commitment to “considering any new information or evidence.”
The league arguably opted not to track down the text messages or to match them up with text messages that the league already harvested from other phones, like the one used by John Jastremski, because the league already had the silver bullet it needed to win convincingly in the court of public opinion.
Tom Brady destroyed his cell phone.
It was expertly leaked to ESPN by the same league office that had expertly leaked the 11-of-12 footballs falsehood to ESPN.
Tom Brady destroyed his cell phone.
It’s a theme that will be adhered to even though Brady made available the phone numbers necessary to reconstructing the contents of the messages.
Tom Brady destroyed his cell phone.
The details don’t matter once the message takes root. For #DeflateGate, a couple of giant oaks are growing at the NFL’s equivalent of Toomer’s Corner. The first one? 11 of 12 footballs were two pounds under the minimum PSI.
The second?
Tom Brady destroyed his cell phone.

Don Yee, the agent for Patriots quarterback Tom Brady went on the record this afternoon with, calling out the National Football League for the way it characterized the phone the league said Brady destroyed.

“They shifted from PSI to the new shiny object, the cell phone,” said Yee. “We expected this. Because this was the easy way to pivot off the junk science and get off the PSI issue. And we knew that from a newsworthiness standpoint, the general public might be easily fooled. But in the coming days -- just like the Wells Report being picked apart after its issuance -- the same thing happens with this.”

What happened is this,” Yee began. “After Goodell decided to take the appeal and publicly asked for new information, we were under the authority of the actual commissioner, not private investigators with dubious authority. We decided to provide him with the new information. This was in June. The information that Wells requested covered September 2014 to February 28, 2015. The first thing we did in June was say, ‘Holy cow, do we have a cell phone left from that time period?’ because Tom regularly cycles through phones. We happened to find one and we tested that phone and found it covered the period October through November.

“In a letter to Goodell, we told him that we don’t have any other phones that cover November through March. We believe Tom may have cycled through a phone. We were the ones that disclosed this issue. Meaning that if Tom Brady was trying to hide something, why would we voluntarily disclose that fact?

I asked Yee why Brady would discard or recycle a phone when he knew Wells was seeking the phone in his investigation.

“It wasn’t until February 28 that Ted Wells’ team sent us an e-mail asking for contents off Tom’s phone,” said Yee. “They never asked for the actual device. Ted Wells, in his May 12 press conference actually said that -- he emphasized that. They didn’t want the actual device. On March 2, we wrote back to Ted Wells and told him we considered his request for information off the phone and we declined his request. On March 3, they said they hoped we would reconsider. They knew going into the March 6 hearing that they were not going to get the actual device. They knew that.

“Why did Tom cycle through a phone that week?” Yee continued. “It turns out he just got back to the country after taking a trip. Why did he cycle through the phone that week? The iPhone 6 was coming out. [Brady] happened to want a new phone and knew Ted Wells’ team didn’t want the actual device, they only wanted information from the device.”

Yee then detailed the effort to gather the “additional information” Goodell sought during the appeal.

“We compiled all of Tom’s personal cell phone billing records from his vendor from September through the end of February 2015. The records detail every incoming and outgoing phone call. Every incoming and outgoing text,” Yee explains. “We submitted that to the commissioner. They would then be able to determine were there any other communications with Patriots personnel that were not outlined in the Wells Report. Everything matched up perfectly with the Wells Report with the exception of three texts between Tom and [John] Jastrzemski on February 7, and that was only because Wells had given Jastrzemski’s phone back [on] February 7. As far as any texts prior to the AFC Championship Game, where any alleged scheming would have taken place, Ted Wells would have had any communications between Tom, Jastrzemski and [Jim] McNally. This personal phone billing record compiled by an independent third party shows that he had no communications at all with McNally.

“In an effort to be even more transparent, we decided to offer to the commissioner to disclose the identities of everyone that Tom communicated with. We said that some of these individuals are NFL-related personnel and that the commissioner has the power to compel a search of their phone to see if they have texts remaining on their phone from Tom. The commissioner’s own decision in footnote 11 acknowledges this and says they thought it was impractical to conduct this search. The amount of NFL-related personnel that the league needed to consult, if they so chose, was 28 people. Which is not very many people. And a number of those people they had information from already. Tom texted from December 24 to February 24 these NFL-related personnel. Ten teammates, two current coaches, five former teammates, one NFL Network personnel, five front-office personnel and five other Patriots employees. A number of them, the league had the authority to say, ‘Check your cell phone, we want any text exchanges between you and Tom Brady from that period.’ They chose not to. I don’t know why.”

I asked Yee why those people would feel compelled to furnish information if Brady was known to have not done so. The switch from Wells as the investigator to Goodell as the one hearing the appeal prompted a greater interest in making sure everything was shared.

“Tom regularly deletes his texts,” said Yee. “It’s a privacy safeguard. E-mails and texts in case the phone is ever lost. But we felt, in our effort to try and give the information they wanted, ‘Well, perhaps other people kept text exchanges with Tom.’ I don’t think there’s anything more intimate than sharing your personal phone records as well as disclosing everyone you communicated with. If you had something to hide, why would you offer that?”

More to come . . .

Tom E. Curran serves as Comcast SportsNet's NFL Insider
I hope the patriots rip Goodell a new asshole. The NFL is a joke. Incompetency at its finest. Everything snowballs on top of each other. Goodell had to come down strong on this matter after all the shenanigans in the past two years.... but this is not the way it should be going down.

The NBA and soccer are gaining while the NFL and MLB are losing some ground
I hope the patriots rip Goodell a new asshole. The NFL is a joke. Incompetency at its finest. Everything snowballs on top of each other. Goodell had to come down strong on this matter after all the shenanigans in the past two years.... but this is not the way it should be going down.

The NBA and soccer are gaining while the NFL and MLB are losing some ground
Always gotta add something with the NBA in it lol
We have confirmed that the Brady/NFLPA lawsuit is, for now, assigned to Judge Richard Kyle in MN - not Judge Doty as NFLPA preferred #wcvb
I asked Yee why Brady would discard or recycle a phone when he knew Wells was seeking the phone in his investigation.

“It wasn’t until February 28 that Ted Wells’ team sent us an e-mail asking for contents off Tom’s phone,” said Yee. “They never asked for the actual device. Ted Wells, in his May 12 press conference actually said that -- he emphasized that. They didn’t want the actual device. On March 2, we wrote back to Ted Wells and told him we considered his request for information off the phone and we declined his request. On March 3, they said they hoped we would reconsider. They knew going into the March 6 hearing that they were not going to get the actual device. They knew that.

“Why did Tom cycle through a phone that week?” Yee continued. “It turns out he just got back to the country after taking a trip. Why did he cycle through the phone that week? The iPhone 6 was coming out. [Brady] happened to want a new phone and knew Ted Wells’ team didn’t want the actual device, they only wanted information from the device.”

Would you please stop posting bullshit Patriots propaganda.

The Iphone 6 came out back in the 3rd week of September.
