Tom Brady---Forever a Fraud?

1st-round pick and Brady doesn't miss a game. 2nd-round pick, Brady misses a game. Those are the options. And tell Goodell I ain't no band leader.
Also, since the NFL is clearly waffling, I'd like to hedge and say if there is a severe penalty, I'll run half naked.
I mean if there is not a severe penalty. I guess that would be a hedge. I'm rusty on hedging.
On Tuesday morning, ESPN’s Adam Schefter helped answer a very important question that people have been asking ever since theDeflateGate punishment was issued.
That is, if team employees Jim McNally and John Jastremski did nothing wrong — as the Patriots insist — then why were they suspended indefinitely by the Patriots on May 11?
Answer: Because the NFL wanted them to.
Per Schefter:
“For those asking why Patriots suspended two employees if those two did nothing wrong, asNew England claims: NFL asked Pats to suspend them prior to discipline being handed down, per a league source in New York. New England obliged with the NFL’s request.”
holy crap... kraft - accepting the penalties-- for the benefit of the nfl...

Robert kraft Says his team will not appeal their punishment, for the "good" of the league. he's tired of the rhetoric.

Not expecting NFLPA & Tom Brady to do the same.
They probably have something to do with each other..... back off and let Brady's team go at it..... fix the whole commissioners office, punishment system, ref issues, etc etc..
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="">#NFL</a> commissioner Roger Goodell says league DID NOT ask the <a href="">#Patriots</a> to suspend staffers for deflating footballs. Pats did it themselves.</p>&mdash; Charles Robinson (@CharlesRobinson) <a href="">May 20, 2015</a></blockquote>
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Goodell also said that his office didn't get the Ray Rice video. I'm not sure anyone should be rushing to take anything Goodell says as the truth.
You think after kraft doing him a favor yesterday by dropping the appeal and win or lose creating an issue for thr league that he would keep quiet too about this
Originally Posted by tipyerbartender

I'll run naked from Cleveland to Boston and back if anything more than a fine comes of this. Doubt they'll even be fined.

now is a good time to do it, very hot and humid here.... Will meet you at Gillette stadium for a few cold ones during a revs game ... :)
So is he going to play game 1 because he is going to sue the league

no way the NFL risks going to court unless they think they win
looks like Hugh already volunteered, should be quite the get together on the pitch
I've already got the theme song picked out:

<iframe width="480" height="320" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Just a matter of hiring a film crew now and booking an exclusive with Diane Sawyer...
i thought he would start with this...

BREAKING: @NFL asks federal court to confirm Tom Brady suspension. Complaint filed in Manhattan #sportsbiz #NFL #preemptivestrike
Chris LongVerified account
My assistant Jack Daniels and I actually destroy a cell phone every four months or so. Usually just the screen but I get it.

very good, at the end of the day, justice prevailed here

requirement of MODs - make false accusation, no proof to back it up....hate teams that win....... Braves, Alex, ............ any others..... Gteed???
first off, fuck roger goodell, period. brady isn't getting suspended for deflating footballs, he's being suspended for lying to the ginger hammer. that's weird and stupid.

but this is what you get when your union is a joke.

and considering how the nfl leaks everything, if i'm tom brady, there's no way i'm handing my phone over to them, or their highly paid investigator. no fucking way.
Statement from Tom Brady's agent, Don Yee:
"The Commissioner’s decision is deeply disappointing, but not surprising because the appeal process was thoroughly lacking in procedural fairness.
Most importantly, neither Tom nor the Patriots did anything wrong. And the NFL has no evidence that anything inappropriate occurred.
The appeal process was a sham, resulting in the Commissioner rubber-stamping his own decision. For example, the Wells investigative team was given over 100 days to conduct its investigation. Just days prior to the appeal hearing, we were notified that we would only have four hours to present a defense; therefore, we didn’t have enough time to examine important witnesses. Likewise, it was represented to the public that the Wells team was ‘independent’; however, when we requested documents from Wells, our request was rejected on the basis of privilege. We therefore had no idea as to what Wells found from other witnesses, nor did we know what those other witnesses said.
These are just two examples of how the Commissioner failed to ensure a fair process.
Additionally, the science in the Wells Report was junk. It has been thoroughly discredited by independent third parties.
Finally, as to the issue of cooperation, we presented the Commissioner with an unprecedented amount of electronic data, all of which is incontrovertible. I do not think that any private citizen would have agreed to provide anyone with the amount of information that Tom was willing to reveal to the Commissioner. Tom was completely transparent. All of the electronic information was ignored; we don’t know why. The extent to which Tom opened up his private life to the Commissioner will become clear in the coming days.
The Commissioner’s decision and discipline has no precedent in all of NFL history. His decision alters the competitive balance of the upcoming season. The decision is wrong and has no basis, and it diminishes the integrity of the game.”
Also the PA needs to wait and file this September 6th

Have it in courts till at least feb or March or next year

Don't want to watch Jimmy at qb on opening night