Tom Brady---Forever a Fraud?

other qbs have said they have ball boys inflate or deflate the balls outside the nfl approved legal limits during games?


Phil Simms casually recounting their pregame conversation with Aaron Rodgers before his Week 13 matchup with the Patriots. According to Simms, Rodgers admitted to them that he likes to over-inflate game balls. "I like to push the limits of how much air we can put in the football, even go over what they allow you to do," is what Simms recalls Rodgers telling them.
that link on HOF QB's doesnt have anyone saying they did it, and Phil Simms heresay quote isnt enough to crucify Rodgers, but if the belt does I would be dissapointed,

so far we have 2 QBs on the list of those who let down the game, their teams, their opponents, and mostly the children who look up to them

Tom Brady
Brad Johnson
I take it back, that Leinart article takes away Brad Johnson from the list, so it's down to just 1 again Touchdown Tommy

As for the accusation that the Patriots deflated footballs in violation of NFL rules before Sunday’s AFC Championship Game, Johnson said that’s not the same thing that he did before the Super Bowl.
“That doesn’t have anything to do with me,” Johnson said. “I don’t know anything about what they’re talking about, deflation of balls.”
What Johnson knows is that he did ask for the footballs in that Super Bowl to be prepared a certain way. Even if he doesn’t think there was anything untoward about that.
that link on HOF QB's doesnt have anyone saying they did it, and Phil Simms heresay quote isnt enough to crucify Rodgers, but if the belt does I would be dissapointed,

so far we have 2 QBs on the list of those who let down the game, their teams, their opponents, and mostly the children who look up to them

Tom Brady
Brad Johnson

heresay is what convicted Brady
not really

heresay is unverified information, the ball boys admitting to something in texts with each other is a bit different

theres no recording of Simms conversation with with Rodgers
no evidence of Brady ordering/telling them to do it, just some guys on a text message.

Remember the reason why he is suspended
I take it back, that Leinart article takes away Brad Johnson from the list, so it's down to just 1 again Touchdown Tommy

As for the accusation that the Patriots deflated footballs in violation of NFL rules before Sunday’s AFC Championship Game, Johnson said that’s not the same thing that he did before the Super Bowl.
“That doesn’t have anything to do with me,” Johnson said. “I don’t know anything about what they’re talking about, deflation of balls.”
What Johnson knows is that he did ask for the footballs in that Super Bowl to be prepared a certain way. Even if he doesn’t think there was anything untoward about that.

Johnson did admit it though...this just says he doesn't know anything about deflating balls. What he did was technically illegal...are we now simply talking about only guys who specifically deflate the balls, and not doctor in any other way that was/is against the rules, including Rodgers saying he likes them over inflated? I figured we were being adults and talking about "cheating" with regards to the football, not only about deflating the footballs. Johnson even admitted that he paid for the balls to be doctored to how he wanted them.

And just because those guys didn't come out and say they did it, they clearly said that it went on in every locker room..which would include their own locker room. The point is that it's very common, and many QBs have said as much, across a broad spectrum of talent levels.

Your 'list' should have no one on it since Brady didn't come out and say he did anything either...right? Maybe Johnson would be the only one on this mythical list, since he did actually say what he did and how he went about it.
Proof would be Brady sending the texts, not talking about brady in the texts

Further proof would even be the guys who sent the texts discussing the actual psi they were setting the balls at. Those texts simply referenced taking air out of the balls, and one of the texts mentioned that the officials gave them the balls back at all you can really interpret from the texts is that they took air out of the balls, not that they took air out of the balls that would put the balls under the allowable limit.
If the NFL wanted a fight with Tom Brady, they’re going to get one. And history indicates it’s not going to turn out real well for the league.
A day after being suspended four games for his role in Deflategate, the Patriots quarterback has hired 61-year-old Jeffrey Kessler as his lawyer for this Deflategate, as reported by ESPN’s Adam Schefter. He has represented the players associations of the NFL and NBA in countless arbitrations involving player free agency rights, collusion claims, and salary caps.
Why should the NFL, which also fined the Patriots $1 million and docked the team two draft picks, be concerned?
Kessler is arguably the most successful lawyer in history representing clients who take on established sports leagues. Namely:
In Brady v. NFL, he successfully represented a class of NFL players in an antitrust action which eventually led to the end of the 2011 NFL lockout.
In Belichick v. NFL, et al., he represented Belichick in litigation over changing teams.
In NFLPA v. NFL, he represented NFLPA in a successful challenge to provisions of NFL TV Contracts used to fund the NFL 2011 Lockout.
In McNeil, et al. v. NFL, et al., he won jury verdict for NFL players striking down free agency restrictions under the antitrust laws, eventually leading to the Reggie White class action. That case paved the way for the negotiation of free agency and the salary cap system in the NFL.
In North American Soccer League, et al. v. NFL, he successfully represented North American Soccer League in antitrust case striking down NFL ownership rules.
Most recently, he represented Adrian Peterson and forced the league to reinstate the running back. Safe to say, the NFL didn’t envision this when they started asking about PSIs of footballs in January.
I could never figure out why AJ Feeley wasn't as good as Brady.
teed's just concerned about how this whole thing will affect the kids.
so phil simms just made that shit up about rodgers? i hate phil simms with the fire from 100 hells for the son that he gave us, but even i don't think that came outta thin air.
that link on HOF QB's doesnt have anyone saying they did it, and Phil Simms heresay quote isnt enough to crucify Rodgers, but if the belt does I would be dissapointed,

so far we have 2 QBs on the list of those who let down the game, their teams, their opponents, and mostly the children who look up to them

Tom Brady
Brad Johnson

are you quoting PFTcommenter?
The kids I'm most worried about are the ones whose parents want to fundraise to pay the Pats' fine.

"I'm just going to let the cat of the bag, every team does it, every game, it has been since I played," Blake said. "'Cause when you take the balls out of the bag, they are rock hard. And you can't feel the ball as well. It's too hard. Everybody puts the pin in and lets just enough air out of the ball that you can feel it a little better. But it's not the point to where it's flat.

"As soon as they give them the balls," Blake said. "On the sideline before the game. The quarterbacks would come out to warm up in pregame ... I would just say, 'Take a little bit out, it's a little bit hard.' And then they'd take a little bit out and I'd squeeze them and say 'That's perfect.' That's it."
Going forward, the NFL shouldn't let any teams handle the balls, it should be done by a neutral party. And both teams should have to use from the same pool of balls. Letting each team supply and then handle their own balls is ridiculous.
Snitches get stitches

Now that Tom has been caught AJ feels he has to do the right thing


Did CTG lower their standards for Super Moderator.... all you are doing is Trolling.... you have added no value to the discussion....
Going forward, the NFL shouldn't let any teams handle the balls, it should be done by a neutral party. And both teams should have to use from the same pool of balls. Letting each team supply and then handle their own balls is ridiculous.


I am not answering for Larry...

but if I may add my .02 for comparisons...
The owner - Benson? and then the defensive coordinator both fully admitted that there was a bounty going on.... in the Pats situation there is no admission of guilt.....
Going forward, the NFL shouldn't let any teams handle the balls, it should be done by a neutral party. And both teams should have to use from the same pool of balls. Letting each team supply and then handle their own balls is ridiculous.

Just seems like it should be standard
Larry where do you stand on what happened to the Saints?

I've mentioned it in this thread at least twice. It was complete BS, and I defended the Saints just like I'm defending the Pats. I'm sure we can dig up the Saints thread somewhere.


"I'm just going to let the cat of the bag, every team does it, every game, it has been since I played," Blake said. "'Cause when you take the balls out of the bag, they are rock hard. And you can't feel the ball as well. It's too hard. Everybody puts the pin in and lets just enough air out of the ball that you can feel it a little better. But it's not the point to where it's flat.

"As soon as they give them the balls," Blake said. "On the sideline before the game. The quarterbacks would come out to warm up in pregame ... I would just say, 'Take a little bit out, it's a little bit hard.' And then they'd take a little bit out and I'd squeeze them and say 'That's perfect.' That's it."

I posted this in reply to Teed when he asked for proof that other QBs have said they've messed with the footballs, or they knew of it being rampant. There were 4 or 5 links...but they were all dismissed by Teed outside of Brad Johnson (even though he then tried to take him off the list because he wasn't deflating the balls, he was simply doctoring them in another way).
I posted this in reply to Teed when he asked for proof that other QBs have said they've messed with the footballs, or they knew of it being rampant. There were 4 or 5 links...but they were all dismissed by Teed outside of Brad Johnson (even though he then tried to take him off the list because he wasn't deflating the balls, he was simply doctoring them in another way).

my bad. thought that jeff blake one was new.
if brady tries to take this to court outside of the NFL, won't he have to tell his side of the story under oath and shit?

some reporter needs to ask bobby kraft why he suspended those two dudes if nothing shady was goin on.

And so it begins....................................

<header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); font-family: 'Gentium Basic', Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; font-size: 20px; line-height: 28px;">[h=1]The Wells Report in Context[/h]</header>The conclusions of the Wells Report are, at best, incomplete, incorrect and lack context. The Report dismisses the scientific explanation for the natural loss of psi of the Patriots footballs by inexplicably rejecting the Referee’s recollection of what gauge he used in his pregame inspection. Texts acknowledged to be attempts at humor and exaggeration are nevertheless interpreted as a plot to improperly deflate footballs, even though none of them refer to any such plot. There is no evidence that Tom Brady preferred footballs that were lower than 12.5 psi and no evidence anyone even thought that he did. All the extensive evidence which contradicts how the texts are interpreted by the investigators is simply dismissed as “not plausible.” Inconsistencies in logic and evidence are ignored.
These points, and others, are addressed in greater detail in the following Annotations to the Executive Summary of the Wells Report by Daniel L. Goldberg, a senior partner in the Boston office of Morgan Lewis and who represented the Patriots and was present during all of the interviews of Patriots personnel conducted at Gillette Stadium. Our intention is to provide additional context for balance and consideration.
Annotations are in Bold. Text in blue links to relevant documents.
some of he responses from the brady camp are... well..... i will just give you one...

"The deflator" is about his weight loss...
if brady tries to take this to court outside of the NFL, won't he have to tell his side of the story under oath and shit?

some reporter needs to ask bobby kraft why he suspended those two dudes if nothing shady was goin on.

LOL of course he would which is why he would never even contemplate the idea.

The second thing you mention I have yet to hear anyone give a reasonable explanation for.

I'm starting to think Brady might not miss a snap.

You have been wrong this entire thread.
Well now we know something shady was going. They were trying to lose weight which is unacceptable

Gonna delete the fat club threads so we don't lose anybody here their jobs
my bad. thought that jeff blake one was new.

It's all good. My comment wasn't really directed towards you was directed to the guy who asked for something, then just dismissed that info when it was given to him. Funny stuff.
if brady tries to take this to court outside of the NFL, won't he have to tell his side of the story under oath and shit?

some reporter needs to ask bobby kraft why he suspended those two dudes if nothing shady was goin on.

Would the appeal be heard by the court system though, or simply an arbitrator? When Rice and Peterson appealed their suspensions, those weren't done in a court of law were they? I can't remember, they may have been, but I'm pretty sure the cases were heard by an arbitrator.
it'll go to an arbitrator, but folks were talkin about him or bobby kraft suing the NFL in like, civil court.

still: if nothing was going on, why did kraft fire those two dudes?