Tom Brady---Forever a Fraud?

For deflated footballs? Supposedly? No way, not even with the history. This will go away.

I'll run naked from Cleveland to Boston and back if anything more than a fine comes of this. Doubt they'll even be fined.

As much as I don't want to see this nor should anyone, except for schrute who might add a dik picture to his collection... I will google map it for you so that you will get 100% exposure...

I dont doubt you are. Hard for it to possibly shrink to any smaller huh?

Gurv is sooooo pumped.

You guys are deranged, or kidding beyond my level. They, the NFL, are not going to do a damn thing.

I wouldn't be surprised if the official response from the NFL was, "Give it a rest, dorks."

posted 1.21.15

he was on the right path....

lets go Tippy...........
Rumor has it NBC is looking to flex out of the season opener with Brady and Bell both suspended.....
[video][/video][video]<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>[/video]
Rumor has it NBC is looking to flex out of the season opener with Brady and Bell both suspended.....

this is just the beginning,, this is about to get very very ugly..... peterson and rice won their appeals...

#NFL explains suspension is largely related to #Brady's failure to cooperate with the investigation.

Sums it up:
Amazing words from @FieldYates on the @NFL: "It is the master of pretending like it retroactively cared about something more than it does."
Also can I bet on the pats now in Tommy's first gsme back against the colts

He might put up 600 yards passing

Snitches get Stitches
Albert Breer @AlbertBreer · 8m8 minutes ago

Per Vincent's statement, the Patriots were indeed treated as a repeat offender.
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Albert Breer @AlbertBreer · 19m19 minutes ago

Patriots/Brady paying for the lack of cooperation. NFL doesn't have subpoena power, doesn't put players under oath. So this is their hammer.

Dean Blandino, NFL’s Officiating VP, Lied About DeflateGate Knowledge

With no hard evidence in hand, the NFL’s only course of action to suspend Tom Brady was to conclude that when the quarterback was interviewed by Ted Wells’ investigative team, he was lying.
And the NFL did exactly that.
“Finally,” Troy Vincent wrote in his explanation of the four-game suspension to Brady, “it is significant that key witnesses – Mr. Brady, Mr. Jastremski, and Mr. McNally – were not fully candid during the investigation.”
Well, if that same standard can be applied to NFL employees, then it might be time for VP of officiating Dean Blandino to prepare for a four-week vacation next fall.
At this point, I understand that folks’ eyeballs might immediately gloss over with boredom upon seeing yet another excerpt from the Wells report. But this is important, as it relates to the email sent by Colts GM Ryan Grigson and Colts equipment manager Sean Sullivan. This message was sent to NFL senior VP of football operations David Gardi and director of football operations Mike Kensil.
Kensil forwarded Grigson’s email without comment to James Daniel, Director of Game Operations at he NFL, who in turn forwarded it to other Game Operations personnel who would be at the game as an ‘FYI.’ Kensil also forwarded Grigson’s email to Dean Blandino and Alberto Riveron, both senior members of the NFL Officiating Department, with the message ‘see below.’ Both Riveron and Blandino decided that they would raise the issue with Walt Anderson, who had been assigned as the referee for the game.
On Saturday, the day before the AFC Championship Game, “Blandino reminded Anderson to ensure that proper protocols concerning the footballs were followed.”
So there’s that: Dean Blandino knew in the days leading up to the AFC Championship Game that the Colts had suspicions about the Patriots’ footballs.
But then … there’s this.
At a pre-Super Bowl press conference, Blandino tried to say that nobody from the league was aware of any issues with the footballs prior to the game.
“Then there was an issue that was brought up during the first half,” Blandino said on Jan. 29 in Phoenix. “A football came into question and then the decisions was made to test them at halftime and now.”
When hit with a follow-up question from the New York Post about allegations that the NFL conducted a “sting operation” in order to catch the Patriots red-handed, Blandino again flatly denied any prior knowledge to anything about football inflation levels.
“I don’t know where [the idea of a sting] came from,” Blandino told the Post. “This was a problem that came up in the first half.”
(Quick reminder: This is the same Dean Blandino who was caught partying on a bus with Cowboys exec Stephen Jones and was not penalized at all.)
What you have here is, quite clearly, a case of the VP of officiating telling lies.
Now, there’s also the chance that the commissioner himself lied publicly.
Roger Goodell told Sports Illustrated’s Peter King in late March that he also had no prior knowledge of suspicions regarding the Patriots’ footballs.
King: Can you say that the first time that you heard about this was after the game?
Goodell: Yes.
King: You know that there’s a storyline out there that you knew about the deflating and wanted to catch them in the act.
Goodell: Let’s just short circuit this a little bit. I’m not going to get into what we knew and when we knew it because that’s part of what he’s investigating. … I can tell you that I was not personally aware of it until after the game.
So here, Goodell either blatantly lied in a public statement, or he was not kept in the loop about a pressing matter that was essential to the integrity of the game and the shield.
With the emails from the league officials in the week prior to the Indy/NE game, and then the fact that the ball Indy eventually turned over in the first half of that game being well more deflated than the 11 other balls that were tested, some merit has to be given to this being some type of conspiracy to get at the Pats.

Either way, whichever side you're on in this, the NFL is a complete fucking joke, from the top on down.
Not cooperating with a work investigation is a bad look.

With that being said the suspension and draft picks was too harsh. Give them 2 games and let's move on.
When this goes to an arbitrator or a neutral hearing, and not goddel and it gets either overturned or reduced, he will once again look like a clown.
Not cooperating with a work investigation is a bad look. -read below

With that being said the suspension and draft picks was too harsh. Give them 2 games and let's move on.

From shutdown corner on yahoo sports..

The NFL made a circus out of deflate-gate, and it made sure in the end it got the reaction it wanted from the general public.
That's the only way to figure the miscues the NFL made with its unprecedented and overdone punishments for the New England Patriots in deflating footballs (an issue, as we'll see, the league never cared about before).
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The NFL screwed up this punishment, going for the standing ovation from a mostly Patriots-hating public (all good teams are hated, and the Patriots surely rub people the wrong way) instead of doing what was right.
Here are five reasons the NFL got the punishment so, so wrong:
The NFL did not care much about football tampering, until it fit its agenda
How do I know the NFL didn't care about ball tampering before? Well, there are two cases in which it did practically nothing, seeing them as the misdemeanors they were. Many people have brought these situations up in previous days, including's Mike Reiss. They are perfect examples of the NFL's hypocrisy when it came to the Patriots.
Last season, the Carolina Panthers and Minnesota Vikings were caught, on a cold day, using sideline heaters to warm up footballs. That's against the rules. You can argue that it's not the same level as deflating footballs in a bathroom, but it has the same effect: something outside of the rules to make the football easier to grip and catch. The Panthers and Vikings were ... warned. That's it.
Now, even if you don't think it's the same level crime, it is at least similar in nature, and the difference between no punishment at all and what the Patriots got shows the NFL wanted to make an example out of New England. The NFL was pandering to the crowd, whether that was Pats-hating fans of 31 Pats-hating owners.
Also, in 2012 the San Diego Chargers used towels with an adhesive substance on their game ballsand didn't give them up to the NFL immediately when ordered to do so. If you think the Panthers-Vikings thing was just some honest mistake, it's a lot harder to convince anyone that there was no intent by the Chargers to gain an advantage. And the Chargers' punishment? A $20,000 fine. That's it.
The NFL recently started caring about game ball manipulation, about the time of last season's AFC championship game apparently. Heck, the league didn't even immediately act when the Indianapolis Colts told the NFL the day before that game that they were concerned about the Patriots deflating game balls. Doesn't sound like a league that was too concerned about the issue, does it? I don't believe there was necessarily a sting, I just think the league didn't care about the issue. Until it saw which way the public wind was blowing, that is.
The precedents are so out of line with the Patriots' discipline, it's hard to reconcile in a way that makes any sense.
The argument that Spygate mattered doesn't hold up in Brady's suspension
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If you want to say the Patriots' part of the suspension ($1 million fine and two lost draft picks) is harsh because of Spygate, the videotaping scandal, I won't waste much time arguing. But when it comes to Brady's suspension, it's wrong to throw the two controversies together.Brady was on the Patriots when they were videotaping signals. If there was a benefit to be had from it, he benefited. But he was not a part of the Patriots' wrongdoing in that scandal. Brady wasn't punished. He wasn't implicated in any wrongdoing. Spygate was on Bill Belichick. Not Brady. Punishing Brady extra because the team was involved in Spygate is just looking for a convenient excuse. It doesn't hold up in reality.
The Patriots as an organization were not found to be responsible for wrongdoing

If we're going solely on Ted Wells' report in the Patriots' punishment, then let's see what the Patriots as an organization did wrong. This passage comes after the report says that assistant equipment manager John Jastremski and officials locker room attendant Jim McNally probably conspired to deflate game balls and Brady probably knew something was going on:
"We do not believe that the evidence establishes that any other Patriots personnel participated in or had knowledge of the violation of the Playing Rules or the deliberate effort to circumvent the rules described in this Report. In particular, we do not believe there was any wrongdoing or knowledge of wrongdoing by Patriots ownership, Patriots Head Coach Bill Belichick or any other Patriots coach in the matters investigated."
So, no wrongdoing equals a $1 million fine and two lost draft picks? Huh. It seems the NFL used the Wells report when it was convenient and ignored it when it wasn't.
The NFL saying the Patriots and Brady didn't cooperate is not accurate
In the second paragraph of the NFL's statement on the punishment, it says "the failure to cooperate in the subsequent investigation" was a reason for the harsh penalty. Again, this is the NFL using an easily digestible phrase that people can parrot but doesn't hold up if you have read the report. In fact, the line "the Patriots provided substantial cooperation throughout the investigation" appears in Wells' report. Page 23, if you're interested.
The Patriots did cooperate. They turned over text message records of employees, security tapes, secured interviews with dozens of their employees. "The failure to cooperate" is the NFL's pandering at its worst. The "failure to cooperate" is this: The Patriots say McNally was made available for four interviews but the investigators were turned down when a fifth interview was requested. Brady met with investigators, answered all their questions, but refused to provide text messages and emails. That's it. That's the extent of "failure to cooperate." There are no other examples of any lack of Patriots cooperation in the report. And the way the NFL embarrassed Jastremski with the long story about the ball he had autographed after Brady reached 50,000 yards in his career, something that had no point in the report other than to show up Jastremski, I can't say Brady did the wrong thing.

If you want to see how the NFL was pandering to get a visceral reaction from fans while being less than forthright, the "failure to cooperate" reach is it.
There's no evidence of Brady's wrongdoing
I'm not talking about old quarterbacks saying what Brady should have known or the Wells report's many "probablys" by connecting dots. I'm talking about evidence that Brady had any say in deflating footballs. Evidence. Not conjecture. Facts.
Here's the entire Wells Report. Read it through. Find the evidence (not Wells' opinion, but evidence) that Brady was explicitly involved in Jastremski and McNally probably conspiring to deflate footballs. Hit me up on Twitter @YahooSchwab with that evidence if you want. I asked for it last week. Still haven't had anyone find any.
If you want to roll your eyes and say that Brady kept his hands clean like a football Tony Soprano, fine. If you want to judge him based on connecting a million dots, that's your right. But if the NFL is going to take four games from Brady without pay (about $2 million) and permanently damage the reputation of one of the greatest players in NFL history, I want more than someone saying "Well he had to have known!" I would like to see some evidence. Facts. Not conjecture or an opinion. Evidence. There simply is none.
And there was also no excuse for the NFL screwing up this punishment so badly, either.
lets go Tippy...........

Think it's in everyone's best interest if I don't pay up on that run naked bet. I'll find another way to make it up to you. (Can't believe I put myself in this position here at CTG, memories of elephants … I don't even like the Pats!)
Yup, they gave it to indy, ..
no way. We wouldn't take it. Give it to Baltimore they want it.
THIS IS ALL BALTIMORE's fault anyways.
if Harbaugh just would have called timeout on that offset line Darth Hoody drew up nothing EVER would have come of this.
Replace Brady with Bortles and Patriots with Jaguars and the resulting penalty is a slap on the wrist.

It all should get overturned on appeal
Replace Brady with Bortles and Patriots with Jaguars and the resulting penalty is a slap on the wrist.

It all should get overturned on appeal

Because the Jaguars as an organization don't have a history of cheating as the Patriots do.

Only one organization has previously been stripped of their first round pick or forfeited draft picks on three different occasions for rules violations and it ain't the Jags.
With the emails from the league officials in the week prior to the Indy/NE game, and then the fact that the ball Indy eventually turned over in the first half of that game being well more deflated than the 11 other balls that were tested, some merit has to be given to this being some type of conspiracy to get at the Pats.

Either way, whichever side you're on in this, the NFL is a complete fucking joke, from the top on down.

my sarcasm is off

but really?

been some shit with this regime for a while tho right?
Because the Jaguars as an organization don't have a history of cheating as the Patriots do.

Only one organization has previously been stripped of their first round pick or forfeited draft picks on three different occasions for rules violations and it ain't the Jags.
Saints too

Honestly, what is worse:

What Bountygate or Deflategate?........................Spygate is the worst of all, so leave that one.

Curious to see the responses, I will refrain.
Saints too

Honestly, what is worse:

What Bountygate or Deflategate?........................Spygate is the worst of all, so leave that one.

Curious to see the responses, I will refrain.

do you know exactly why they got in trouble for spygate?
Saints too

Honestly, what is worse:

What Bountygate or Deflategate?........................Spygate is the worst of all, so leave that one.

Curious to see the responses, I will refrain.

pats and its not even close

Saints were doing what every locker room did

Brady was cheating himself, the fans, and the opposite team of a fair game
Not sure if it was a tweet or post here or both but...

A baseball pitcher messing with the ball...10 games(so 1.5 starts perhaps) and if you equate that to the number of games played etc and even out we are talking one game or so for Brady. Now, add in the perhaps lying part and that gets me personally to 2.5-4 games tops...

So after the appeal he'll prolly be at 2 or 3 and that is fine I would think.

The fines and loss of draftpicks is obviously a build-up of the last 10-12 years is all, right? Who knows. The NFL 'staking' system for offenders is so messed up they need to start from scratch.


The best part is, Tom gets rested early and comes back kinda pissed and prolly has one more great year left in him. We shall see.
pats and its not even close

Saints were doing what every locker room did

Brady was cheating himself, the fans, and the opposite team of a fair game

I am not defending Brady. your comments are wrong and per usual are against Brady and the Patriots.

other qb's have stepped up and said they inflate or deflate the balls, even rogers said he likes it over the legal every othe rlocker room is doing it. no one is going to say anything now because they dont want to be suspended..

my guess is you didnt read the actual press release of why Brady was suspended ?? So when you are done reading the whole press release come on back and continue your hating....

You can hate all you want but at least be factually correct.....
Last edited:
Saints too

Honestly, what is worse:

What Bountygate or Deflategate?........................Spygate is the worst of all, so leave that one.

Curious to see the responses, I will refrain.

Personally I think Bountygate was worse. Offering money to take a guy out is messing with his body, career and livelihood. I wish Bettman would have had bigger balls in his punishment over the Burtuzzi / Moore hit.

In either case you can argue "everyone is doing it"
Personally I think Bountygate was worse. Offering money to take a guy out is messing with his body, career and livelihood. I wish Bettman would have had bigger balls in his punishment over the Burtuzzi / Moore hit.

In either case you can argue "everyone is doing it"
todd went on to play and make more money as well
I am not defending Brady. your comments are wrong and per usual are against Brady and the Patriots.

other qb's have stepped up and said they inflate or deflate the balls, even rogers said he likes it over the legal every othe rlocker room is doing it. no one is going to say anything now because they dont want to be suspended..

my guess is you didnt read the actual press release of why Brady was suspended ?? So when you are done reading the whole press release come on back and continue your hating....

You can hate all you want but at least be factually correct.....

other qbs have said they have ball boys inflate or deflate the balls outside the nfl approved legal limits during games?

Mr. Goodell appoints who will hear the appeal, so unlikely suspension will be reduced. Sets up for some nice drama, as Brady's first game back will be vs. Colts. Goodell jerking is junk to the thought of that game -- A Sunday night national tv game too.