this debate came up when watching the red wings game...


Old Man Dan
watching with a few friends, and we started discussing is Chris Osgood a hall of famer? He doesnt have that "vibe" of being a HOF athlete, but look at his career numbers and compare them. The guy just wins, plain and simple. Great regular season record, great postseason history... I say yes to this. What do you think....
hockey hall of fame? yup... one of the easier halls to get into.

10th on the wins list, 2 cup wings as a starter etc.

I dont think he's an elite goalie though...
It is weird, especially being from here and thinking this. This guy went thru trials and tribulations early in his career. The year they were a 1-seed vs sharks and he turned it over late in the game and they lost('93 I believe). Tough to be a goalie in this town. He was the backup for the first cup team then finally got his due in '98 winning one. Then, coming full circle and coming back to Detroit and winning one. I agree with Santa, not an elite goalie but a very good one and HOF no doubt with his numbers and cups.
Pretty much a no brainer for the hall of fame in my opinion but he is no brodeur or P Roy by any stretch.
every hall of fame should do bill simmons idea and have 5 tiers. osgood is a bottom tier HOF'er. Put up the stats but he's not a guy you'll be telling your grandchildren you saw play like gordie howe or gretzky
What about rhett trombley ???

he deserves to go ... one of best fighters who nhl fans never got to see. so what if he could barely skate.
You know who he reminds me of, Grant Fuhr. Not so much statistically or stylistically, but how I imagine I'll remember him in hockey history.

Ozzie is overshadowed by the stars that have come through there and really by the franchise as a whole--sort of the way Brodeur was overshadowed by the Trap and the Devils' system for so long only to outlast it and set records.

He'll get in.

Speaking of which, I'm sorry, but Tom Barrasso deserves to be in there, too.

I've heard his name mentioned recently by Cam Ward as he's their goalie coach--which is kind of surprising since he was such a d*ck to his backups in Pittsburgh. But Ward's had great things to say about the guy and even though he was a prick back in the day, he was a truly great goalie.

Two Cups, a Calder, a Vezina, a medal on the Olympic team, he really deserves to be in there.
when i hear the name, i really dont consider him an all time great to be honest. like others i think he gets in, but not really sure about how i feel about it. then i think of hasek, who i consider top 3 ive ever seen. im only 24, so i missed alot. see, hasek is a no doubt about it, but i just took a quick look at numbers and was wowed. hasek and osgood now have the exact same number of regular season wins, and osgood just one postseason win shy of hasek. hasek has a better career gaa and save percentage, not to mention a boat load of awards, but osgoods cups and career wins will get him in. in my mind, osgood is not in hasek's league because hes played on much better teams, i think we can agree on that. but its eery to me how much their numbers were similar and how i think hasek is that much better. yet, osgood took over the reigns and was the winning goalie on the cup team last year, not hasek.
think Hasek you also think everything he's done on the international stage

Goalies IMO arent remembere by #'s, its by games they stood on their head to steal from the opponent when its comes to being a 'great one'...
The thing with the Hockey Hall of Fame is that it really only values career long numbers, except in some cases like Bobby Orr.

Saying that I think based on his numbers he should get in, but he is probably not of the caliber that the other players are.