Summer of Lebron, 2014

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I think he fits with Houston nicely but that is a lot of money to do what he does.
Would you rather have Bosh or keep Parsons and sign another player?
Was just watching pti.
So Kobe wants Byron Scott as the coach. Kobe ur 36 with 3 million miles on it legs and two recent injuries. Keep quiet and collect the ridiculous money the Lakers just gave you.
oh you missed it

he was eaten by windhorst on live tv, probly catch it on sportscenter

riots everywhere
Right now on 5dimes

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[TD="colspan: 8"]<small>Lebron James - Free Agency Decision</small>[/TD]
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[TD]Thu 7/10[/TD]
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[TD]1 Lebron James signs with Cavaliers[/TD]
[TD]<input id="editx" name="M1_0" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> -185 [/TD]
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[TD]2 Lebron James signs with any other team[/TD]
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[TD]<input id="editx" name="M2_0" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> +145 [/TD]
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[TD="colspan: 8"]<small>Carmelo Anthony - Free Agency Decision</small>[/TD]
[TR="class: linesRow"]
[TD]Thu 7/10[/TD]
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[TD]3 Carmelo Anthony signs with Knicks[/TD]
[TD]<input id="editx" name="M1_1" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> -400 [/TD]
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[TD]4 C.Anthony signs with any other team[/TD]
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[TD]<input id="editx" name="M2_1" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> +280 [/TD]
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[TR="class: linesSubHeader"]
[TD="colspan: 8"]<small>Chris Bosh - Free Agency Decision</small>[/TD]
[TR="class: linesRow"]
[TD]Thu 7/10[/TD]
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[TD]5 Chris Bosh signs with Rockets[/TD]
[TD]<input id="editx" name="M1_2" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> -170 [/TD]
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[TD]6 Chris Bosh signs with any other team[/TD]
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[TD]<input id="editx" name="M2_2" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> +130 [/TD]
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[TR="class: linesSubHeader"]
[TD="colspan: 8"]<small>Lebron James / Carmelo Anthony / Chris Bosh - Free Agency Decisions</small>[/TD]
[TR="class: linesRow"]
[TD]Thu 7/10[/TD]
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[TD]11 L.James-CLE & C.Anthony-NYK & C.Bosh-HOU[/TD]
[TD]<input id="editx" name="M1_3" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> +100 [/TD]
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[TD]12 Any player doesn't sign with listed team[/TD]
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[TD]<input id="editx" name="M2_3" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> -140

i said i'd pay money that Lebron doesn't go back to Cleveland on post 41. glad i didn't have a line. i think he goes back now.
why does LeBron have to rush the biggest decision of his career? there are plenty of FA who haven't signed and they are making 10% of the scale of the decision LeBron is. give him a break, jesus.. guy hasn't said a word, he's been out of the limelight not padding his ego at all. If you had 3 weeks to make the biggest 50/50 career decision of your life would you rush and make it in 3 days? this is completely normal.
i'm curious, is the entire state of Ohio this desperate?
it's I-71 corridor up from C-bus when it comes to Lebron...majority of the state is indifferent about the Cavs...but Lebron was a legend when he was a fifth grader in Akron...then when CLE drafted him it was like all the Browns/Indians problems were gonna go away...Lebron is basically a currency in that portion of the's hard to explain how much he means to that area.
yeah rarely, if ever, does someone grow up with that much hype and not only live up to it, but probably exceed it. not to mention with the hometown team.
why does LeBron have to rush the biggest decision of his career? there are plenty of FA who haven't signed and they are making 10% of the scale of the decision LeBron is. give him a break, jesus.. guy hasn't said a word, he's been out of the limelight not padding his ego at all. If you had 3 weeks to make the biggest 50/50 career decision of your life would you rush and make it in 3 days? this is completely normal.

screw Lebron and how big the decision is. He has had many more than 3 days. We want a decision now
oh you missed it

he was eaten by windhorst on live tv, probly catch it on sportscenter

--that was great kj--still laughing at that one. another rumor is that windhorst ate david aldridge and peter vessey to get his basketball knowledge--how else can u explain how i fat white guy can be such an authority on the nba.

--as far as the whole lebron cleveland thing--i grew up a cleveland fan and i am about 40. in a nutshell the indians were so bad in the 80s my favorite player was wild thing Vaugn (swear to God Jo-bo is not a fictional character though, he is alfonso soriano and its not the curve ball but the slider). the 90s they somehow got good--prolly could have won it all in 94 but the strike, their star player, joey albert belle was disgraced and it wasn't even from roids. made it to the WS in 98 and lost to the expansion marlins and edgar fucking renteria.

the cavs had a good team but 1>5 as MJ single-handedly ended their season in the playoffs back when he was chuck daly's bitch. after that danny ferry fucked em (1st time, he did it again as a GM in the 2000s) as the worst ever #1 pick up to that point. then we get shawn kemp after the 18 kids and 1 milliionth cheeseburger, when he would just pull up from a foot inside the 3 point line every time.

then there is the browns, great 80s teams loose to elway back to back heartbreaking years with the drive and the fumble. then they went back to being shit but managed to assemble the most remarkable set of young coaches ever, but bellicheck was like 0-40 on 4th down conversions and yes cleveland browns fired the best coach of our time. then art model pulled an al davis or an irsay and moved to baltimore, drafted ray lewis and won a superbowl a couple of years later.

on top of that the biggest rival is pittsburgh and their 6 superbowls (to cleveland's 0, hell even buffalo went to 4 straight in the 90s). penguins win, even the pirates won in the late 70s and are a fun team now.

this isn't a thing like the cubs have--chicago has plenty of championship teams even in baseball. this is an entire city with such a history of loosing, all they can say is jim brown (...and even then if ernie davis's career didn't end b4 it started green bay may not be called title town)--but that was pre-superbowl era so u gotta b like 60+ to remember those days.

what pisses us off so much is lebron grew up with all this pain too--he knows how much this city needs a championship and he knows with this roster he will have a shot for the next 5-8 years (miami's window closes in 2 imo). they other thing that pisses us off is we know lebron fucked us in 2010, we know deep down dan gilbert fucked us in 2014, just like selig did in 94(maybe giamatti-the dad not the actor i forget), renteria in the late 90s, elway did twice in the 80s, etc. and we know its not the end of the sorrow either. cleveland will continue to b the armpit of america--their sports history is proof. fuck dan gilbert--i don't even put this one on lebron, i wouldn't play for that asshole either.
why does LeBron have to rush the biggest decision of his career? there are plenty of FA who haven't signed and they are making 10% of the scale of the decision LeBron is. give him a break, jesus.. guy hasn't said a word, he's been out of the limelight not padding his ego at all. If you had 3 weeks to make the biggest 50/50 career decision of your life would you rush and make it in 3 days? this is completely normal.

But do you really think he's still deciding? I'm sure he already knows exactly where he's going.
But do you really think he's still deciding? I'm sure he already knows exactly where he's going.

yes. he may be 95% or he may be 50/50, but I really really doubt he is 100% sure and just drawing it out just to be a dick and feed his ego. he wants people to like him. people are ready and willing to like him. he's making sure everything is right for him and his family. it's more than just what team to you wanna play for. it's a very big life decision, family-wise, basketball-wise, money-wise, friendship-wise, legacy-wise... everything. this is the biggest FA we've ever seen. shit if you offered me a job in Michigan or Texas right now it would take me awhile to decide, and I have a lot less on the line and a lot less fan/media pressure and fallout to deal with. a lot less.
the man hasn't said a word! you people are crazies. the ones that bitch when athletes take a big contract with a shitty team saying it's only for the money and bitch again when they take a pay cut to play for a winner and team up with other stars.
back to 23?

James now teams up with career losers. Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love. Who in 10 seasons combined have played in 0 playoff games.

At least the Heat had championship pedigree.

Obviously LJ is amazing but this team has little championship build outside of him. Irving can't play without the ball and the lineup is filled with underachieving, overrated prospects who have never panned out.

Favorites to win the east? Sure. But they won't.
the media is so fuckign retarded...these idiots confirming with sources...lebron did it himself on his instagram dumbasses...u aren't as important as u think u are
James now teams up with career losers. Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love. Who in 10 seasons combined have played in 0 playoff games.

At least the Heat had championship pedigree.

Obviously LJ is amazing but this team has little championship build outside of him. Irving can't play without the ball and the lineup is filled with underachieving, overrated prospects who have never panned out.

Favorites to win the east? Sure. But they won't.

While your stats may be correct, he wasn't going to win another title in Miami. He needed/wanted out, and the next best option financially and personally was going Home.