Spurs @ Hornets Games/Series Play

reNew Orleans

Clubbin' with Rasual Butler
Just going to keep a thread going for this one and add plays if I do play a game.

I'll try to break it down for yas... as objective as possible. This may not be completely organized, just going to ramble about thoughts. And I haven't really watched much of the Spurs all year, even during this post season so you can take that into account but you'll probably pick up a lot on the Hornets, I've seen them in basically every game this year except about 6 or so I know this team inside and out. If you want to use my last post as a sign as I dont know em, fine... Hornets choked at the end, Mavs just caught fire suddenly, that happens from time to time. But I feel like I capped Hornets games pretty well.

The Spurs are the team to beat obviously. You see it on ESPN, all the analysts are saying SAS except Stephen A i think which pisses me off that he would be on the Hornets because hes a idiot. Anyways the Spurs know that CP3 is going to be they key for my Hornets. The Spurs probably have some extra motivation heading into this series as well. Two of their three largest deficits this year? given to them by the Hornets of course. But still you know what to expect in general from the Spurs. Bowen should be manning up Peja or CP3. Peja of course caught fire as the Mavs series went on, I don't know his overall 3PT% but it was 62.5% going into game 5 so thats not too shabby. Anyways Manu is still recovering, as so he says, from his ankle injury that obviously hindered him in the last couple of games in Round 1. He can be a mismatch that needs to be taken advantage of if healthy. Parker is certainly able to do nearly anything he wants. He'll have to slash to the basket, but it depends on how the Hornets defense ends up playing (as a team) as to whether he can get inside and create. Thats what these guys do and we know they want to slash and kick out to shooters or go to Timmy inside and that'll certainly a target for them. They know we have a thin front court, they'll try to attack it to get Tyson in foul trouble. Pop was asked whether or not he'd use a hack-a-??? and he just responded saying whatever is legal within the rules is fair basically. Well I can see him wanting to hack Tyson all game long, it's probably not been mentioned but I suppose if we are down and we ever throw the ball inside that they'll do that. Luckily we don't give the ball to him much. The Spurs have also said they need to shut down everyone else besides CP3. That'll be tough to accomplish but our starters haven't exactly played as well as I would have liked to see them play in the 1st round, of course Peja is first in mind because we thrive on 3's. When we are at home there is nothing like a PEJA 3, you've seen the big PEJA-ON-A-STICKS during the 1st round. Like I said before Bowen has shut him down time and time again. Timmy/Fabricio/Kurt are going to have to defend that pick and roll well to start things off, I don't know how well either can step out on the perimeter to defend the mid range shot of D. West or to slow Paul down. Im not very familiar with the defenses the Spurs use either but I imagine they like to play man with Bowen on the floor. Tony Parker did rest up on Thursday during practice. He complained of being sore but you know the guy just blocks it out of his head, and he has to stay with CP3 and Pargo when he's defending either. Anyways you know the Spurs need Timmy/Parker/Ginobili to win this series and Ginobili has to get healthy in a hurry. Finley really struggled vs us this year so its crucial that they find another option for the Hornets to atleast respect.

Now to my Hornets. We lack all the experience in the world right? THIS is what counters it and it's the fact that we play some of the best TEAM ball in the league. I think it makes a significant difference actually... Sure we count on CP3 to carry the load but he is a distributor first/scorer second. That makes trouble for defenses all day because that allows him to get inside and make the little floaters or jumpers in the lane because everyone thinks hell pass. The playoff experience we do have, well its important but Pargo and Bonzi... both bench players are the ones with it. It pails in comparison to the Spurs but they have it, they know what has to be done. Pargo does take some terrible shots, but I've learned to accept it and its part of his game. Defenders have to be ready when guarding him because hell either try to blow right by you or pull up immediately, you don't know what to expect when guarding him. D-West will have to calm down, last series he looked as if he was forcing too many shots inside at times and he has to be confident in his jump shot and take it when its there instead of his pump fakes. CP3 has told him before, time and time again to take it so I'm sure hes been reminded. We play a good team defense, we like to trap and rotate one man to make you try and shoot an outside jumper. When we get our offense going, we often do this to frustrate you and we have one of the best team defenses in the league in my opinion. It's also important for us to make the Spurs turn the ball over. If I've learned anything all year is that we struggle if we dont do 2 or 3 of the following: Make 3 pt shots, rotate on defense, get fast break/transition baksets, get O-rebounds. Those are our keys. Anyways our bench was a HUGE reason why we went 4-1 vs the Mavs. The Spurs bench is definitely deeper but Bonzi and Juju both provide defensive options and Bonzi can play down low. Jujus long arms, If we decide to do this, he can disrupt manu or tony parker, and I feel like that could be huge. otherwise he'll have to try and make guys who aren't used to handling the ball turn it over. These guys can score off the bench but we'll definitely need 1 of the 3 to step up, but if they continue to contribute on defense like they have lately then offensively we should be alright. Pargo has stepped it up big time, and appears to be able to run the offense for an extended period of time, giving Paul important rest. The team chemistry is great, you can't deny that. Mo Pete, dont' know what his stats were in round 1 but he was making some shots for us and thats nice to see because he really became a waste of space. We just have to stay within ourselves, the players have to stay in their roles and I believe we can take this series. We know they Spurs aren't going to beat themselves, but we are actually very similar to the Spurs in the fact that we play team ball and are a team that relies on executing offensive sets, whether you're offense relies on the pick and roll or driving and creating. I know the Spurs will make it tough for us and probably will come out in the 1st quarter and knock us right out. We better be prepared because I can completely see being torched early like the Spurs did to the Suns a couple of these games. Pargo is the x-factor, bonzi's played well vs the Spurs before.

you can make the argument that the Hornets didnt play a very good team, but you also know the Suns don't play Defense and the Hornets do, with a better PG than the suns

this is going to be a very physical series, and I know as soon as the bad calls start coming the fans are going to be raucous in the Hive. The organization has done a GREAT job in getting fans to the games and keeping them involved. A lot of the fans may not understand when you should cheer/etc and are just hoping on the bandwagon but they make sure to keep them involved. Some of the sound board operators are pretty dumb though, they dont seem to know when to get the fans involved like starting chants when we are about to shoot FTs, still they are keeping fans involved and the team feeds off it.

Of and don't forget the fact that both teams are in the same division, they know each other inside and out, this will be a chippy series, bad calls will ignite both home courts, we were one of the best road teams this year, we can handle the pressure even if we haven't been in the playoffs, Byron Scott is a great coach and has informed the troops plenty of times. You won't see a 4-0 or 5-1 series... it's going to be long and intense for both teams.

Fans are just pumped about this game, we know we have to defend homecourt. Thats all I have to say.

This extra home game is very important. I really don't think the Spurs can take 2 from us at home. I also believe we can take one from the Spurs. With that being said... I think this goes 7 games, 4-3 Hornets. I don't see it going less than 7 either so 4-3 Hornets or Spurs, I just don't think it'll go less and should make up to be one of the BEST series this year.

Series - New Orleans Hornets +120 (waiting to see if I can catch +125)
New Orleans Hornets -3 (waiting to see if I can catch -2.5)
thanks GW

Locked in:

Hornets -2.5 (1.5 Units)
Series play at +120 (1 Unit) ... looking to add more, if hornets split 1-1 then I'm guessing i might get some nice odds heading back to SA, assuming that people think SA sweep those first two in SA.
Hells Fucking Yeaaaaaaaaaa

thanks marlo - i wouldn't be surprised at all if the Spurs killed us game 2 the way they looked in the 2H... Timmy is gonna have a chip on his shoulder
might as well hop on Brewer

Recap Game 1 (need some feedback) - of course I don't get replays and shit being there so I need a few questions answered.

Did anyone find these refs to suck? I can understand how people might not think this was a legit win with that stop in play after the 1st quarter. That ring of fire stunt was a disaster, threw everyone off and it was even... the fans, the sound operator, it seemed like no one knew what they were doing except the Spurs at the beginning of the 2Q. we made the half time adjustments to come back in the 2H, like we do so many times, and blow teams out like we often do. this is why our home games are so important for us now as opposed to early on in the year. We won on the road, home was trouble for us. The fans started showing up and we owned home court for the majority of the 2H.

West look way too hesitant in the 1st half - I was not happy with the way he played. Our defense was AWFUL yet we were only down 4 or so. Either we were fortunate or i dont know. The Spurs were ridiculous from 3 pt range and seemed to look much smoother on offense yet were only up a few. I don't know if thats a good sign or a bad sign...

I'm not sure if I agree with Bowen on Paul. you let Peja get into a rhythm.

WTF is with Bowen holding his face for however long? what a little bitch.

I'm assuming they stopped play again to reclean the court after timmy was on the ground. Looked like Ely just trucked Parker on the same play but no foul.

What did Bowen do to warrant the fans asking for a technical? I didnt see but fans went off at that moment.

were the refs just really bad? they seemed to favor the spurs early on, and in the 4th. hornets in the 3q. either way we weren't agressive enough in the 1st H and got very aggressive in the 3Q so there is a correlation. Spurs were more aggressive i suppose but they got a lot of BS calls in my opinion.
team that dictates tempo won each half. funny how that works.

for the life of me i couldnt understand why the jazz weren't controlling tempo vs houston all series. rockets where in every game up until game 6 cuz they got their tempo and were able to dictate the flow.

game 6 jazz came running and rockets had no chance.

aggressors always win.
I did not think that the officiating was bad....The fans got mad at Bowen after him & Paul ran into each other, but CP3 overreacted, Ginobili like if you will, so there should not have been a tech....Ring Of Fire was actually pretty funny to me....Are you kidding me with West? West was on fire and it seemed like he hit every shot. West ended up as the leading scorer in the game with 30 points and played great D.....only thing you can get mad at West is for 4 turnovers....hornets looked great, I think they win game 2 as well. The combo of West/Chandler seem to bother Duncan with their length.

Recap Game 1 (need some feedback) - of course I don't get replays and shit being there so I need a few questions answered.

Did anyone find these refs to suck? I can understand how people might not think this was a legit win with that stop in play after the 1st quarter. That ring of fire stunt was a disaster, threw everyone off and it was even... the fans, the sound operator, it seemed like no one knew what they were doing except the Spurs at the beginning of the 2Q. we made the half time adjustments to come back in the 2H, like we do so many times, and blow teams out like we often do. this is why our home games are so important for us now as opposed to early on in the year. We won on the road, home was trouble for us. The fans started showing up and we owned home court for the majority of the 2H.

West look way too hesitant in the 1st half - I was not happy with the way he played. Our defense was AWFUL yet we were only down 4 or so. Either we were fortunate or i dont know. The Spurs were ridiculous from 3 pt range and seemed to look much smoother on offense yet were only up a few. I don't know if thats a good sign or a bad sign...

I'm not sure if I agree with Bowen on Paul. you let Peja get into a rhythm.

WTF is with Bowen holding his face for however long? what a little bitch.

I'm assuming they stopped play again to reclean the court after timmy was on the ground. Looked like Ely just trucked Parker on the same play but no foul.

What did Bowen do to warrant the fans asking for a technical? I didnt see but fans went off at that moment.

were the refs just really bad? they seemed to favor the spurs early on, and in the 4th. hornets in the 3q. either way we weren't agressive enough in the 1st H and got very aggressive in the 3Q so there is a correlation. Spurs were more aggressive i suppose but they got a lot of BS calls in my opinion.
thanks for the replies fellas.

GAME 2 Outlook/thoughts/random info:

We all know what happened in Game 1 and a battle is already brewing... between Bowen and Paul and definitely think we will see Manu do his fair share of flopping to try and aggravate the Hornets soon enough. Im guessing Byron has talked to the troops like Tyson and Bonzi to stay out of the action and not get involved in any altercations. But I like what Chris Paul said after the game yesterday... saying they took a page out of the Spurs playbook by keeping to their guns, and executing the offense they know they can, and not veering from the game plan. Spurs-esq, but the Hornets provide a huge mismatch with D. West - I mentioned it before, with their bigs... no one is quick enough to guard West out on the perimeter, if the adjustments are made to step out on the perimeter you could end up seeing a lot of pick and roll with Tyson trying to get the easy bucket. Paul is just too smart of a player, he knows when to pass, when to put it up, when to back out and even though they clogged the lane, he kept to the game plan and frustrated the Spurs themselves when they tried to take Paul away. It'll be impossible to stop Timmy like we did again but I don't see the same 3 pt shooting performance... we shut that out in the 2H and didnt let them get into that rhythm. Ginobili and Parker are going to have to dictate the offense.

Anyways... looks like everyone thinks the Spurs will win and cover this time around. But that seems all too easy, its like a script, you expect it to happen but does it necessarily mean it will? The only thing I keep reading from San Antonio paper is Experience... I still can't find anything else but I guess thats all you need since we've seen them win championships...

We've got a lot of speed/athleticism throughout the roster and that's not favorable for this Spurs. When Vaughn came in we just attacked him, Parker has to guard CP3 and Bowen has to guard Peja (when Peja is in) for the Spurs to stand a chance in my opinion.

Spurs - canceled practice today, im guessing to stay as fresh as possible
Hornets - limited practiced and watched tape, Scott said he wants to keep us fresh and use our athleticism and energy to our advantage.

Parker has said that they need to focus on D. West better and not just CP3 - but I said earlier if thats the case D. West will be staying outside, bringing the defender out with him and Tyson may have the room to operate for the alley-oop. I should add thats the tactic that Scott plans to employ if TIMMY is guarding D. West. Basically you end up with the tyson/paul option - who do you guard and how? And you don't want to leave Peja open.

Im seeing -2/182.5 right now on Bookmaker... don't know if it continues to drop but I doubt it gets to -1.5.

You can disagree with me but the Hornets are more talented than the Spurs... you can't tell me what the Spurs have after Manu on the bench out classes the Hornets bench. Juju/Bonzi/Pargo all provide sparks off the bench and you just don't get the same spark from Vaughn/Horry/Oberto lol. Ely came in and did what he was supposed to do and just play D on whoever is at the 5 when Tyson was out. Byron obviously has this team well coached and he showed the team his rings for a few seconds and said told the team they won't be seeing those again for a while. He's pulling out all the stops to keep this team motivated.

still not sure who I will be playing but I think it stays under for sure - this series is going to build up into a very nasty series by the end of it all.
I agree with you reNew that the Hornets right now are a better team. They might not definitely win the series... but they are overall a better and deeper team.

Parker does not have an advantage on Paul like he has with every other PG over the past few years. West is the worst possible guard for Duncan because of his range... and Chandler did phenominal against him defensively.

I think both the first game line was begging for Spurs action and this line is begging for even more Spurs action... only an opening 1/2 point adjustment for the defending champs to not fall behind 2-0? Wow.

Hornets won't take this challenge lightly.

Liking them tomorrow along with the Magic initially.
Id probably risk about that if I watched the spurs more often. I was just trying to provide as much info on the game from a person who's watched the Hornets all year. The home court advantage the Hornets have at home is the big concern because theyll put together a lot of quick scores... BC talked about the home/over and away/under trend in his thread. Im just thinking that the spurs will do everything possible tomorrow to disrupt both Paul and D. West, whether its cheap or not.

Pop also went to hack-a-tyson at the end of the 2Q. I would not be surprised to see him pull out that garbage if they build a significant lead early.

Completely agree spek - I'm not too sure what to expect. we could be looking back tomorrow night as have a spurs W and west and paul completely shut down, its just so difficult to do it to the Hornets @ the Hive though. That line does wreak as well... tricky game but I can see another one of those 20+ pt victories tomorrow like we had earlier in the year. Thats what my guy tells me right now... my head says the spurs have to win and keep it low scoring.
Series Play - Hornets +120 (1-0)

Game 2 Play:

New Orleans Hornets -2.5 (2 Units)

may add a play going against the forum here on the UNDER 182.5
- I don't think the Spurs will explode tonight for more points and probalby are going to try and dictate their game and shoot less 3's. Hornets also probably will give them less 3 pt attempts but I think they'll keep up the defensive intensity. I know we have a tendency to try and score in transition but something tells me the Spurs will try and get the Hornets out of the game mentally with their dirty play and getting out of rhythm offensively. Can't do it forever though and Hornets dominate late. Atleast my view. The Spurs had no business scoring 48 in the 1H is what Im trying to say
Will the Nature Boy announce the starting lineups? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Hornets LARGE, let's cash, first game jitters done and now they stomp the Champs
Will the Nature Boy announce the starting lineups? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Hornets LARGE, let's cash, first game jitters done and now they stomp the Champs

lol. that was so random. Even though the hornets used to be in NC etc, still... random. Biggest game of the year for both teams, I can't wait to watch, I have a final @ 6 central then heading straight to the game.

Just read a couple more articles from the SA paper. Pop doesn't plan on changing the game plan at all, he just wants more HUSTLE from his squard. I don't know if hustle is enough... im sure he's hiding his adjustments he plans on making still they don't have a defensive answer for D. West

all the experts/sports writers on ESPN still loving the spurs... gotta add more.

Adding 2 more units:


Hornets -2.5 (4 Units)
thanks P&G - i love having playoffs man, so much fun and great team to cheer for.

I hope you heard the "Stop The Flop" Chants for Dirk. hopefully we can start that up when manu and Co start flopping.



We are closers... lets do it.

gotta run to the game!
San Antonio Fans about to pull it out

Stern rigged the series? Nah I'm closer to think that you guys will be singing that should SA go through :D

Anyways great job so far, it's a challenge for your boys now to close them down now. Won't be easy.
Time to give this team the respect they deserve, I have lost 4 games in the playoffs betting against this team at home.

This team could seriously win it all. It's rare to watch an NBA team hustle like they did yesterday, and have throughout the season. That pick n roll is absolutely sick.
Time to give this team the respect they deserve, I have lost 4 games in the playoffs betting against this team at home.

This team could seriously win it all. It's rare to watch an NBA team hustle like they did yesterday, and have throughout the season. That pick n roll is absolutely sick.

Apology accepted.

We had the unfair advantage of watching these "KIDS" night in and night out. The bench is ready to absolutely explode. Peja is scary and when he is off West wont miss and all of that is without mentioning OUR MVP.
Kobe can have the MVP this year we just want the championship.

Oh yeah and the Hornets can play a little D too.
ease up kids....Hornets have played too great ballgames....but all they've done is hold court..

Most likely SA gets both @ home...

Game 5 the nerves will be there..lets see how they respond..

I hope they respond favorably..
ease up kids....Hornets have played too great ballgames....but all they've done is hold court..

Most likely SA gets both @ home...

Game 5 the nerves will be there..lets see how they respond..

I hope they respond favorably..

I said earlier in my writeup I think we could take one on the road vs the Spurs. Dont know if I specified but I meant game 4. we shall see.

Honestly going into the series I thought the victories would come in this order. Hornets, Spurs, Spurs, Hornets, Hornets, Spurs, Hornets. Changed my mind afterwards obviously but I still stand pat on my belief we take Game 4. I'm just going to keep saying that we make up for the lack of experience with our great team play/chemistry, you just dont see this kind of chemistry from teams in the NBA. We had the 4th best road record in the NBA this year, and we did go into the Spurs house before and put a beating on them. I understand they're a great home team and its the playoffs but our defense so much has improved since Juju and Bonzi started playing for us regularly and they've only seen those two with our team once prior to the postseason. I'm wondering what Pop kind of adjustments pop is going to make but I'll be scouring the San Antonio/NO papers to provide another write up this week.

but like the rest of the forum i'll probably be on the Spurs BIG.
Time to give this team the respect they deserve, I have lost 4 games in the playoffs betting against this team at home.

This team could seriously win it all. It's rare to watch an NBA team hustle like they did yesterday, and have throughout the season. That pick n roll is absolutely sick.

I thought the same thing the other day... I just dont want to run into the Jazz.

Sorry to hear about the loses, but P&G is right, we basically saw these guys play everynight while the rest of the country saw something like 2 or 3 nationally televised games.
thanks tazz. definitely a fun team to watch, reminds me a little of college ball in the fact they play team ball, like basketball should be played.

I just had to post this.

Jay Mariotti guaranteed the SPURS would win the next two games and win the series. thank you Jay Mariotti.
Spurs show signs of doubt about pulling this one out

Wednesday, May 07, 2008Peter Finney

His face said it all.

Gregg Popovich didn't have to speak.

After losing Game 2 to the Hornets on Monday by 18 points, the coach of the San Antonio Spurs didn't have to say, "They found a way to sustain the energy and the physical toughness in the second half, something we have been unable to do."

<script style="display: none;" src="http://ads.nola.com/RealMedia/ads/adstream_jx.ads/www.nola.com/xml/story/S/SHORN/@StoryAd" language="JavaScript1.1"></script><script language="JavaScript"> <!-- if (parseFloat(navigator.appVersion) == 0) { document.write('<IFRAME WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0 HSPACE=0 VSPACE=0 FRAMEBORDER=0 SCROLLING=no BORDERCOLOR="#000000" SRC="http://ads.nola.com/RealMedia/ads/adstream_sx.ads/www.nola.com/xml/story/S/SHORN/@StoryAd"></IFRAME>'); } --></script> <noscript>
</noscript> He said it wearing the hangdog expression of a guy asking himself, "I don't know if we have an answer for those people."

It seemed as if nothing in the body language of someone who has coached the Spurs to four NBA championships suggested Popovich felt his defending champions have what it will take to overcome a 2-0 deficit against an opponent playing like a bunch of wild and crazy guys enjoying themselves running up and down the court, but doing it in the manner of troops on a mission to convert a world of nonbelievers.

After losing Game 1 by 19 points, Pop's post-mortem was, "They just kicked our butts," but he said it as if he considered it little more than a throwaway moment in a best-of-seven series.

Now it was a look reflecting a coach's inner thoughts: "Are we good enough?"

Popovich had watched his defense hound David West, who had 30 points in the opener, into 2-of-11 shooting.

He watched Tyson Chandler score five points. He watched the Hornets miss six layups. And he watched his bench outscore Byron Scott's subs 38-20.
So what was the bad news?

The bad news was he also got to watch what Chris Paul later described as, "I just tried to pick my spots," almost from the opening tip, which turned into 30 points on 11-of-20 shooting, along with 12 assists, as he diced and sliced the Spurs, with penetrating dribbles, with the quick pass and the lob pass.

He watched the Hornets go 10-of-17 from 3-point land, including Peja Stojakovic's 5-of-7, and he watched Morris Peterson finish 5-of-5 as Paul kept finding him for perimeter jumpers.

The longer the game went on, it seemed, the Hornets' legs got younger while the Spurs' arteries were hardening.

<script style="display: none;" src="http://ads.nola.com/RealMedia/ads/adstream_jx.ads/www.nola.com/xml/story/S/SHORN/@StoryAd" language="JavaScript1.1"></script><script language="JavaScript"> <!-- if (parseFloat(navigator.appVersion) == 0) { document.write('<IFRAME WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0 HSPACE=0 VSPACE=0 FRAMEBORDER=0 SCROLLING=no BORDERCOLOR="#000000" SRC="http://ads.nola.com/RealMedia/ads/adstream_sx.ads/www.nola.com/xml/story/S/SHORN/@StoryAd"></IFRAME>'); } --></script> <noscript>
</noscript> Peterson began an 18-7 third-quarter run with a 20-footer, and it wasn't long, with the quarter winding down, that a Spur saved a ball headed out of bounds. However, the ball wound up in the hands of Paul, who whipped it to West, who found Peja in daylight behind the 3-point line, resulting in a 26-foot strike and a 76-70 lead, triggering the loudest roar of the night.

"We did a good job turning long rebounds into transition baskets," said Peja, who made a leaping save of another ball headed out of bounds in the fourth quarter during a 12-0 "energy" run that widened the lead from nine to 21 points, a stretch, Peja said, when the Hornets were "running the floor to set up transition baskets," a stretch Chandler remembered as a time the younger Hornets "played like a team that smelled blood."

Think about Chandler for a moment. Occupied making life as miserable as possible for Tim Duncan, he did not take a shot until the fourth quarter when he went 2-of-2, on a layup and an alley-oop dunk.

What Peja saw was Chandler make Duncan work, who pulled down a game-high 11 rebounds, who came up with two layup-denying blocks.

What Peja saw in the Hornets defensively was a group that didn't allow the Spurs to peck away at any individual deficiencies by "covering up" with "help."

From his seat in the stands, what General Manager Jeff Bower saw was a defense whose "focus and efficiency has become more and more consistent" in the playoffs.

What Bower saw in Paul was a point guard who made one turnover in almost 41 minutes of playing time. "When you consider the amount of time Chris has the ball in his hands, the decisions he's making," Bower said, "his ratio of turnovers to assists over a very long season has been utterly amazing."

What Scott has seen in two games was "a young bunch of guys playing hungry and, maybe more than anything, playing for respect. There are still a lot of doubters out there."
[SIZE=+2]NBA: Manu laments Spurs' Game 2 letdowns

[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]Web Posted: 05/07/2008 02:10 AM CDT

[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]Mike Monroe
Express-News Staff Writer

It was the high-water mark for the Spurs in Game 2 of their Western Conference semifinal series against the New Orleans Hornets, and no surprise, it had been fueled by Manu Ginobili.

Back-to-back baskets by the Spurs’ sixth man extraordinaire preceded his slick pass to Ime Udoka for a rare fast-break basket. Just one minute and 19 seconds into the second quarter, the 6-0 run in little more than a minute gave the Spurs a seven-point lead and a momentary reason to believe they had solved the riddle of New Orleans’ swarming defense.

Moments later, however, Ginobili committed his fourth turnover of the first half, a bad pass picked off by Jannero Pargo. That led to a Bonzi Wells dunk.

Spurs coach Gregg Popovich sent Tony Parker to the scorer’s table to replace Ginobili, and the ultracompetitive guard walked slowly to the bench, muttering to himself. Those within earshot who were fluent in Spanish likely blushed.

Just past the midpoint of the period, Hornets rookie Julian Wright’s second 3-pointer of the game erased the final three points of the Spurs’ largest lead of the game.

Afterwards, Ginobili lamented the lost opportunity that the Hornets’ 9-2 run represented. Though the Spurs got five points from Parker in the final 10 seconds of the first half to take a one-point lead to the locker room, it afforded no cushion to absorb another offensive surge by the Hornets in the third period.

“It was 29-22,” he said, “and then it was tied at 31 a minute later. So that was a big letdown.

“But again, the difference was in the third quarter. We can’t allow them to score 36 points. Way too many for a team like us. We’re not going to score 120 points in a game, so when a team scores like that in a quarter, it really hurts us.”

Ginobili is uncertain why the Spurs seem to lose their focus during the third quarters that have doomed them to the 0-2 hole in which they now find themselves.

“I think (Monday) it was more that we got impatient,” he said. “We stopped moving the ball. We had some great shots in the first half from moving the ball. The third quarter, (we had) turnovers and some quick shots. They got away with a couple of transition points and fast breaks, and that really is huge for them. Then they all get excited and play better.

“We looked very frustrated at times, because for a moment we were having good looks and couldn’t make a shot.

“Then we saw the game slipping away, sort of the same way as Game 1 in that third quarter, and we changed the way we played. We were not as patient.

“We took too many shots after one pass, and that’s not who we are. They made us pay again.”

The Hornets won’t be getting an energizing boost from the crowd when Game 3 tips off at the AT&T Center, but the Spurs know it will take more than a few boos to alter the competitive dynamics of the series.

“We can’t think that just because we’re going home, suddenly we’re going to beat them,” Parker said. “We have to play better for 48 minutes. Right now, every time we do a good first half, in the second half, for whatever reason, we’re not playing well.”
[SIZE=+2]NBA: Hornets find groove that seems unstoppable

[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]Web Posted: 05/07/2008 02:11 AM CDT

[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]Mike Finger
Express-News Staff Writer
[/SIZE] NEW ORLEANS — Chris Paul turned 23 on Tuesday, but the birthday presents he received were irrelevant. As Paul has shown over and over again, if someone doesn’t give him what he wants, he simply takes it.

The Spurs are learning this the hard way.

Through two games of this Western Conference semifinal, Paul and the New Orleans Hornets have consistently imposed their will on the Spurs, forcing them to play their style, under their rules.

Thanks in large part to Paul’s relentlessness, the Hornets have forced the Spurs to sprint when they’ve wanted to trot, to backpedal when they’ve wanted to stay put, to give way when they’ve wanted to hold firm.
And through it all, Paul is forcing people to take notice whether they want to or not.

“Words can’t describe it,” Paul said, marveling at the way the past few weeks have unfolded. “These are some of the best moments of my life.”

It hardly matters that Paul finished second to Kobe Bryant in the NBA Most Valuable Player award balloting announced Tuesday. Those votes were cast weeks ago, and Paul appears far more interested in what is going on now.
He didn’t speak to the media after Tuesday’s practice, but he said Monday that Bryant “absolutely deserves” the MVP award.

As for what he and the Hornets deserve? After two blowout victories over the defending champions, it’s obvious they are due some credit for flustering the Spurs like no team has in the past six postseasons.

The Hornets are making the Spurs play at their pace. They’re taking away Tim Duncan and giving the Spurs no choice but to get their points from other spots on the floor. They’re forcing turnovers, and taking advantage of them when they do.

And it’s not as though New Orleans has had to resort to deception to pull it off.

“I think everyone knows our game plan,” Paul said.

“We know we can’t play their style,” Hornets coach Byron Scott said. “We can’t come down and throw it into David (West) like they do with Tim, and try to lull you into that type of game. We have to get up and down the floor.”

That’s exactly what they’ve done.

Paul, the dynamic second-year point guard, had 47 points and 25 assists in the first two games combined. New Orleans has outscored the Spurs 22-14 in fast-break points and 44-17 off turnovers.

“We’re in the groove right now,” Hornets center Tyson Chandler said. “I don’t know if there’s been a time this year when we’ve been really clicking like we are now.”

Said Scott: “The fact that we’re younger and a bit more hungry probably serves us well. And when you have athletic guys, you want to try to use that to the best of your ability.”

Maybe that will change in Game 3 at the AT&T Center on Thursday.
But as for now?

It’s not difficult to understand how Paul and the Hornets have gotten what they wanted.

“We’re executing our game plan a little better than San Antonio is,” Scott said. “That’s the bottom line.”
:4_6_202v: no need to bring that up in here

Game 3:

Spurs outlook:
It still appears that Pop is going to keep going with the same strategy as he previously went with in the first two games of this series. The adjustments that could possibly be made are:
1) Starting Manu over Finley
2) Giving Brent Barry more playing time
The Spurs are going to stick with their shoot or go home strategy it seems, ive seen little or no talk of Parker/Manu driving. Manu still doesnt appear to be 100 percent to me though and even though he got these couple days of rest, ankles are a tough thing to rest in just a couple of days. He claims he is getting better with each game but it certainly didnt look that way in Game 2. He was already talking about Game 4, saying he is glad there are two days of rest between Game 3 and Game 4 so is that makes me question if they've already thought about giving up... Tony Parker has said don't be surprised if he's guarding CP3, he spent a lot of time guarding Mo Pete and we ran very little through Mo Pete.
If this isn't obvious already the Spurs want to limit turnovers and make their outside shots. They feel they've been getting the looks, they just need to convert them.
The Spurs know they have to be more physical, I dont know if they try to knock Paul off his feet outside of Paul trying to draw a call on layups.
Im guessing I imagined Tony Parker also hurting his finger or fingers on his shooting hand. The block in Game 2 seemed to affect him a lot as he played with his hand an awful lot afterwards but haven't seen a mention of it.

Hornets outlook:
CP3 wore a protective sleeve on his left knee during the shoot around this morning, but Byron Scott said he limited physical activities for him basically saying he wants to keep him rested and ready to go for Game 3. He didn't like CP3 talk to the media so no idea when the injury came but it's probably not too serious with the way he's played.
Byron Scott is stressing one thing, and one thing only. DEFENSE. As many of you know, play defense and everything else will come. The Hornets have all bought into it and are known for their ability to run the floor and thats how they are viewed. In reality we finished as the 5th best defense in the league because of our team play and there's nothing to change. The chemistry is perfect at the moment, I dont think I've seen our players confidence any high, Mo Pete has settled into a nice roll and is becoming a dependable option. Tyson took all of 2 shots last game, focusing on rebounding and defending Timmy/inside, Pargo has cut down on his random jacking up of shots. Probably among the best team chemistry on and off the court because these guys spent so much time together the last couple of years when in OKC. The new additions have fit right in and fit into their roles perfectly off the bench. We have more depth that people know.

Byron has simply stated that the Hornets are still playing for respect. They've played the underdog roll all year, and know its vital to go into San Antonio and get a win and I believe they can do just that.
I just need to decide whether or not I want to take Hornets in Game 3 and then chase or stick to my gut feeling and take the Spurs.

CP3 is going to be writing the name of a kid on his shoes tonight before the game. Paul had provided tickets for him and his family to attend the Hornets game this past monday. The boy had some type of cancer and that was a wish of his before he passed away, was to attend a hornets game. Unfortunately he passed away before the game at the Hospital. Interesting side note but it in dedication to this kid I wouldnt be surprised if we lost... the world is an unfair place. sorry for being cynical

Well im certainly considering the Spurs 1Q/2Q/1H. We are slow starters, weve done much better lately, playing with great confidence.
Spurs 1Q -2.5 -130
Spurs 2Q -2 -115
Spurs 1H -4 -115

Those are the current lines. I wouldn't be surprised to see Manu start since theres been some mention of it in the SA PAPERS, or even come in very early into the game and I hate paying juice and the line in the 1Q is -2.5 but its tempting. Im afraid of the 2Q spurt the Hornets can get from the bench and IF manu does start there could be an offensive lull in the 2Q if hes not providing the spark off the bench.

Also the UNDER 182.5 here, I always mention the home crowd advantage the Hornets have but we really do. I think guys Tyson feed off it and he's a huge factor in today's game because he gets a lot of boards and has played terrific defense in this series. If hes not there disrupting timmy or layups then the Spurs may have a shot at getting layups/inside shots and more opportunities on for 2nd shots. I know this might make more sense if I said I'd be playing the Spurs but we also thrive off of fast breaks, and Tyson has to start those up with great defense. If we get forced into their style of play, which Pop still believes he can force on us, then it goes under. It's barely went over in Game 2 and only because of the outside shooting assault at the end of Barry. 7 is a tough # to pass up on the Hornets but I've learned that when we lose, we lose by more than 7 for sure.

Maybe see some sort of play on adjusted spreads Spurs -12.5 +190 or Hornets -3.5 +400 but I see some value in Hornets -3.5 +400. ML is +280

I'll add plays later.