Spring/Summer arrest thread


Head of Alabama Department of Decision-Making
Figure there will be some prominent names displayed here. I'll start:

Cam Robinson and Hootie Jones of Alabama arrested this morning. Both charged with possession of narcotics and illegally carrying a firearm. Cam also charged with being in possession of a stolen weapon. I imagine Nick is a little unhappy at the moment. Cam had potential to be a top 10 pick, we'll see where this goes. Happened in Louisiana so no hope of Tuscaloosa Police making this all go away
Thorough in house investigation that concludes after Labor Day

Suspended for Western KY

You have us confused with the program across the state. Saban may be somewhat lenient on the overall punishment, but if it is games to be missed, he doesn't cherry pick. At least not recently
You have us confused with the program across the state. Saban may be somewhat lenient on the overall punishment, but if it is games to be missed, he doesn't cherry pick. At least not recently

lol I'm just messing around

Saban is pretty good with punishment

But not really wow with kids nowadays.

Like you said though, potential top 10 pick. Jeez.
Baylor might take it down for the Big 12 on their own

They are a candidate for the individual program award this year, but even with Oklahoma and some likely West Virginia delinquents, the SEC just has too much depth. TCU will have less problems this year. Strong has Texas really clean, Synder has KSU clean, Gundy usually handles off the field stuff well, ISU/KU/TT don't have good enough players for them to be popular around campus and go looking for trouble or partying.
They are a candidate for the individual program award this year, but even with Oklahoma and some likely West Virginia delinquents, the SEC just has too much depth. TCU will have less problems this year. Strong has Texas really clean, Synder has KSU clean, Gundy usually handles off the field stuff well, ISU/KU/TT don't have good enough players for them to be popular around campus and go looking for trouble or partying.

Good points. Though with Urban out at Florida, and now Richt gone from UGA, the SEC has lost some of it's firepower. Ole Miss, AU, and Tennessee will probably carry the day with Alabama, aTm, and others chipping in. Of course, if LSU's season goes south, they could take the league to whole new level
No charges will be prosecuted against Cam Robinson and Hootie Jones due to lack of evidence. Good news for Alabama
Figure there will be some prominent names displayed here. I'll start:

Cam Robinson and Hootie Jones of Alabama arrested this morning. Both charged with possession of narcotics and illegally carrying a firearm. Cam also charged with being in possession of a stolen weapon. I imagine Nick is a little unhappy at the moment. Cam had potential to be a top 10 pick, we'll see where this goes. Happened in Louisiana so no hope of Tuscaloosa Police making this all go away

No charges will be prosecuted against Cam Robinson and Hootie Jones due to lack of evidence. Good news for Alabama

Seemed like these could have been some serious charges. What exactly happened here?
Wait, what?? This can't be a real quote? Can it?


MONROE, La (KNOE 8 News) - District Attorney Jerry Jones confirms that the charges against Alabama athletes Cam Robinson and Laurence 'Hootie' Jones have been dropped.


[h=6]Arrested: Cameron Robinson, Laurence Jones (courtesy: OPSO)[/h]

Jerry Jones cited insufficient evidence in proving who was in possession of the gun and the drugs, thus, he is dropping the charges.
Jones says, "I want to emphasize once again that the main reason I'm doing this is that I refuse to ruin the lives of two young men who have spent their adolescence and teenage years, working and sweating, while we were all in the air conditioning."
I don't know the ins and outs of the case, so I don't know what all went into the decision. I'm happy as a fan though. And also glad this was in Louisiana. If it had been in this state, and the DA siad what he did, it would probably bump Lebron and DJ to page two on ESPN.com
I don't know the ins and outs of the case, so I don't know what all went into the decision. I'm happy as a fan though. And also glad this was in Louisiana. If it had been in this state, and the DA siad what he did, it would probably bump Lebron and DJ to page two on ESPN.com

Oh, for sure.

AirConditioning FTW!
Sounds like there was a question as to the legality of the search conducted of the car. That could be the reason there was a lack of evidence. The DA just said what he did to sound magnanimous and also divert attention away from a mistake by the PD
Sounds like there was a question as to the legality of the search conducted of the car. That could be the reason there was a lack of evidence. The DA just said what he did to sound magnanimous and also divert attention away from a mistake by the PD

Oh comeon...
It is all good in the dirty souf...:shake:

Get these kids cooled off...

Wonder if some random kid who is doing roofing/construction this summer down there gets the same treatment? We can't be ruining lives, right?
It is all good in the dirty souf...:shake:

Get these kids cooled off...

Wonder if some random kid who is doing roofing/construction this summer down there gets the same treatment? We can't be ruining lives, right?

I doubt the police in Louisiana were looking to do any favors for the Alabama football program. Maybe they hope Cam gets drafted by the Saints

MONROE, La (KNOE 8 News) - District Attorney Jerry Jones confirms that the charges against Alabama athletes Cam Robinson and Laurence 'Hootie' Jones have been dropped.


Arrested: Cameron Robinson, Laurence Jones (courtesy: OPSO)

Jerry Jones cited insufficient evidence in proving who was in possession of the gun and the drugs, thus, he is dropping the charges.
Jones says, "I want to emphasize once again that the main reason I'm doing this is that I refuse to ruin the lives of two young men who have spent their adolescence and teenage years, working and sweating, while we were all in the air conditioning."

the driver is in possession if no one claims anything. I don't care to address the rest of his idiotic statement.

I was in a car underage on the way to Taco Bell in college and a bottle of f'n beer was found under the driver's seat and all three of us were detained and charged until the driver admitted it was his, then our charges were dropped
No doubt these guys hired this defense attorney ... :shake2:

GPS, it's nothing a out charges not being filed etc. It's about the fact this ole southern boy came out with the lamest excuse ever. That guy should be fired on the spot. That's why no one outside the SEC region doesn't just laugh at Sabans 'wild wild west' comments. It's a different life down there for sure. It's 30 years behind society but definitely different.
GPS, it's nothing a out charges not being filed etc. It's about the fact this ole southern boy came out with the lamest excuse ever. That guy should be fired on the spot. That's why no one outside the SEC region doesn't just laugh at Sabans 'wild wild west' comments. It's a different life down there for sure. It's 30 years behind society but definitely different.

Sigh. That last sentence spoken like someone who has no clue what it's really like down here. Sure that comment by the DA is stupid. I don't know why he said that. But the defense attorney stated that the search was illegal, and that there were two other people in the car that were let go. Maybe that's why it was dropped. I don't know and don't care. I hope Cam is all-American and goes #1 next draft
Might not have a clue but it's garbage. It's why so many of these kids get in legal trouble down the line. It's a free pass. Without that statement, personally I could care less. It's just very ignorant to say that.
Might not have a clue but it's garbage. It's why so many of these kids get in legal trouble down the line. It's a free pass. Without that statement, personally I could care less. It's just very ignorant to say that.

Ironic in this case that the two random, non-football players in the car were the ones let go. The DA's comments certainly make it appear that they were given preferential treatment, but it appears that the search was illegal, so would have been dismissed against anyone not just football players. The biggest favor they did was doing it now rather than wait for the judge to do it a few months from now
I'm confused how it was an illegal search. What little I have read on it states they were in a closed park at 2am and the officer smelled marijuana when he approached the car. Just the closed park would suffice I would think.
this part of LA was a Bama strong hold for a little bit......LSU has wrestled it back, but it was a Bama bug-a-boo for LSU for a while
I'm confused how it was an illegal search. What little I have read on it states they were in a closed park at 2am and the officer smelled marijuana when he approached the car. Just the closed park would suffice I would think.

Something I read in the paper said that the guys in the car did not give consent to a search. The amount of weed found and the other gun were apparently not arrestable offenses and did not warrant a search according to what I read. I don't claim to know the law very well, especially in Louisiana, but that's what their attorney said. Seems that some procedural error would have caused the case to have been dismissed anyway and the DA just went ahead and did it rather than wait for the judge to do it in October.
The Machine made a massive contribution to the area

The Machine is what rules campus politics. The Red Elephant Club is the booster organization that has more money and power than most foreign governments to hear rivals talk about it
Something I read in the paper said that the guys in the car did not give consent to a search. The amount of weed found and the other gun were apparently not arrestable offenses and did not warrant a search according to what I read. I don't claim to know the law very well, especially in Louisiana, but that's what their attorney said. Seems that some procedural error would have caused the case to have been dismissed anyway and the DA just went ahead and did it rather than wait for the judge to do it in October.

the latest article I read says due to insufficient evidence, which is even more baffling to me. Lucky guys regardless.
the latest article I read says due to insufficient evidence, which is even more baffling to me. Lucky guys regardless.

Extremely lucky. I guess there's a lack of admissable evidence? Wonder what their punishment in Tuscaloosa will be? I don't think their stupidity will be lost on them or Saban this summer. While a game suspension of some length wouldn't shock me, I'd be willing to bet they both play against USC
Case dismissed.....what is Saban supposed to do?
I hate Bama more than most of you could even dream, but wtf are they supposed to do
Agree with GPS here mostly
Case dismissed.....what is Saban supposed to do?
I hate Bama more than most of you could even dream, but wtf are they supposed to do
Agree with GPS here mostly

On the one hand, it would be easy to say there were no charges filed so everything's good. But in this case, it seems that a technicality got them out of legal trouble, but they were still doing something they shouldn't have been doing. I doubt there will ever be a public announcement of what their punishment from Saban will be. My guess is that at media days next month, he'll say that the two have been suspended and that there are things they need to do in order to get back in Saban's and the team's good graces, and that if they do that, they will be eligible to return to the team. Then when fall camp opens up, he'll say that they have both done what they needed to do and as long as they stay out of trouble, there will be no further punishment
Rumors that D'Shawn Hand and Tony Brown are being questioned in relation to a rape charge. Both 5 star recruits, Hand was #1 overall on one of the services. Brown has been a permanent resident of Saban's doghouse since day 1, have to imagine his days are numbered even if there's nothing to this. Never heard anyone have anything negative to say about Hand's character, so that is a shocker. Still in the rumor stage, but it does have legs
Hearing there is a really good chance that no charges will be filed. Not sure of the circumstances but I only hope that nobody got raped
Looks like I can continue to contribute to this thread. RG Alphonse Taylor arrested for DUI on Sunday morning. Taylor started every game last season, but has been rumored to have been passed this spring due to more talented younger players and a reduction in work ethic that coincides with an increase in weight. I'm sure this won't help. Not sure we'll see a suspension, but it may be a moot point because he might not start anyway