Desean Jackson got released

The fact people are constantly comparing him to Cooper makes the point. ....or garcon for that matter. The good news is that modern pussyball can get any bum receptions and td...especially in that sorry defensive division
Make fun of raiders all ya want ....but 1-0 vs deseans new team in super bowls and 1-0 against his old team in super bowls....#aldavis
Sources: DeSean Jackson Was A Problem For Kelly, Eagles In Locker Room

Joseph Santoliquito

Philadelphia, PA (CBS) — In the days following DeSean Jackson’s release by the Eagles, speculation ran rampant as to the reasons why. Everything was to blame from Jackson’s petulant, rambunctious sideline behavior, to his alleged gang ties, to Jackson’s character, to this being Chip Kelly’s fault.

But what a number of sources close to and around the team, including current and former players, as well as additional sources within the Eagles revealed was that Jackson was not very well liked by his teammates, was blatantly insubordinate, with temper tantrums cussing out Kelly several times in front of the team, pushed the NFL rookie coach the way “a child would test boundaries,” and was more concerned with his rap label than he was about winning football games.

Several other sources also suggested that Jeremy Maclin may have had an issue if Jackson returned to the Eagles in 2014. He wasn’t alone, if that’s true.

“The fact is, [Jackson] was a ‘me-guy’ with an attitude problem and [Maclin] is the complete opposite, a team guy, a great character guy you go to war with,” said one source. “Funny how [Jackson] has this anti-bully thing and he thought he could push [Kelly] around; he found out otherwise. His being cut had nothing to do with the gang stuff. The team knew it. Everyone knew he had ‘ties.’ Those were his guys. That’s okay. What put him out was his selfishness. He can try and spin it all he wants how he’s ‘a team player.’ He’s not. I’ll put it this way, when it came out last Friday that [Jackson] was released, more than a few guys were happy it happened. They said ‘good riddance.’ He had no real connection with anyone.

“Yes, you can say he was the type that could catch three TDs in a loss—everyone would be down, but you had the impression he was happy, because he got his. It was all about him. A lot of guys thought that way about him. [Kelly] came in here with a plan to get this thing right, and the one major [obstacle] standing in his way was [Jackson]. If we were going to move forward as a team, he had to go. Think about it—did anyone come right out and back him publicly? Not one.”

Why didn’t Andy Reid or Marty Mornhinweg, the Jets’ offensive coordinator, want any part of Jackson before he signed a three-year, $24-million contract with the Redskins on Wednesday?

They apparently knew the potential headache Jackson was.

Kelly received some culpability in the opinion of some. But numerous sources confirmed that “Big Balls” Chip should have been canonized St. Chip after putting up with the instigating Jackson in 2013.

“You see little kids and how they cry and whine when they don’t get their way, that was D-Jax,” another source said. “I don’t think [Jackson] gave [Kelly] the respect he deserved. Kelly tried to reach [Jackson] plenty of times and [Jackson] tuned him out. Then you look at team functions, when everyone is out together at charity things or social stuff. He was the one missing. It was like he was in ‘D-Jax world’ and we just happened to be there.

“With Reid, [Jackson] tried pushing boundaries there, too, but he looked at Reid, I think, much differently than he looked at [Kelly]. Reid came in with an NFL pedigree. He was the guy that drafted [Jackson]. He was the one that called him on draft day and laid the law down right then: [Reid] wouldn’t tolerate any outside interference from anyone. Now you get this college guy [Kelly] and he’s not going to tell [Jackson] what to do. [Kelly] has a vision for this team—and he is a very old-school coach in a lot of ways. But there’s only so much [a coach] can take.”

In 2012, under Reid, Eagles’ management did reward Jackson a new five-year deal worth $48 million. He did have some minor flare ups with the law. In 2009, Jackson was pulled over by police for having illegally tinted windows and it was discovered he had marijuana in the car.

Still, Jackson stayed.

“That was all [Reid’s] doing,” opined someone close to the situation that asked that his name not be used. “[Reid] thought he could control [Jackson]. He could, to a degree. Kelly put up with [Jackson] behind closed doors. A lot of guys didn’t like how he talked to [Kelly]. And a lot of guys just didn’t like him. They thought he was too into his rap label than he was about winning games. The guy performed, there’s no questioning that. But you had to keep a constant eye on him. Guys put in extra time. He didn’t. It’s like he never grew up.”

Asked why the Eagles have been reluctant to go public with how difficult Jackson was to deal with, sources said Kelly likes to keep in-house dirt in-house.

“That’s [Kelly’s] way,” said one source. “It pisses me off that [Kelly] comes off looking like the bad guy here. It wasn’t just [Kelly] that wanted him gone. [Kelly] got a lot of feedback from guys that felt we were better off without [Jackson], too. [Kelly] is very much a player’s coach. His office is open to anyone. Now [Jackson] is the Redskins’ problem. We have something good going here and it’s going to get better without [Jackson]. He had to go.”
I'm sure there is plenty of truth to him being selfish and generally a pain in the ass, but its still worth a shot. The Skins were 3-13 and need a receiver bad. They didn't overpay for him, and three years isn't that long. What's the worst that could happen? He comes in and is a cancer in the locker room and they slide to 2-14? Fuck it give him a shot.
I was waiting for Redskins fans to overreact to something in the offseason, this is when the fun begins 'round these parts

MeAngelo and MeSean in the same locker room? With RG3-13 and his daddy?!!?!

Who isn't excited about that?
Dollaz doesn't post much, but per post he should get consideration for Homer of the Year. Guy sweats him some Caps, Skins, and Spurs. Just sayin, Smoke has won too many years in a row
Well at least they have a nice established head coach whose long list of accomplishments theyll respect and admire and whom they wouldnt even think of testing his boundaries
Well at least they have a nice established head coach who theyll respect and admire and whom they wouldnt even think of testing his boundaries

Could be be a fun season. Mesean fucks up tha looker room of a rookie coach, and rookie coach has to bench starter rg3-13 midway through tha year because of lack of production. Then garbage ass cousins will get benched for colt.
Yeah, I'm loving this. It's not the same during football season if there isn't a clownshow going on out in Landover. I'll never forget the Albert Haynesworth year, that was premium entertainment
Yeah, I'm loving this. It's not the same during football season if there isn't a clownshow going on out in Landover. I'll never forget the Albert Haynesworth year, that was premium entertainment

Haha 100 milly fat Albert.

Sooo......DJax openly punked Chipper in front of the team a few occasions, Chipper still plays him every week & doesn't discipline him. The team watches their fearless leader get bitched out & dear leader does nothing. Then the anointed 1 pulls the ole CFB move of leaking gang related rumors as reason to cut him after the season.

That folks is LEADERSHIP!!!

Sends all all the right messages to the team there. Eff up in Philly, coach will do nothing until after the season. Then...... Spread rumors about you hanging with crackwhores & cut you. Go get em Chipper!

DJax is a diva who doesn't respect people in authority who act like bitches, also a bear shits in the woods. News at 11
Accountant: "Fuck you Chip, you bitch ass mofo"

Chipper: "I've decided to use Jackson Hewitt to do my taxes, H&R block is gang affiliated"
^If all that is true (not saying it is or isn't, certainly sounds plausible to me), is DJax the kind of player you want on your team/locker room? Especially with a new HC who has no HC experience? Be honest.
and a QB who has been called out in the past by teammates for lack of leadership too

DeSean probly ruins him before Cousins has a chance to take over
Dollaz doesn't post much, but per post he should get consideration for Homer of the Year. Guy sweats him some Caps, Skins, and Spurs. Just sayin, Smoke has won too many years in a row

Its not like i predicted good things from the Skins, just that MeSean is far better than Maclin, which is true. Maclin has never even had a 1k season.

Not a big homer on Caps.

Way too big a homer on Spurs/Nats/ODU.
^If all that is true (not saying it is or isn't, certainly sounds plausible to me), is DJax the kind of player you want on your team/locker room? Especially with a new HC who has no HC experience? Be honest.

MeSean has his issues. How many WRs aren't egomanical, self-centered prima donnas? If dude puts up 1200 yards and 7 tds, no one will care.

How did MeSean work out for Chip Kelly, who never worked in the NFL? They won the division, right? All of a sudden, its impossible to have success with him on team?
No one is saying MeSean is a bad player, hell I have defended him in the past to Skins fans who have told me he's overrated (will be interesting to hear what they have to say now). He's just not nearly as good as you are trying to make him out to be and he's definitely not the answer to the Skins' real problems (secondary and OL).
No one is saying MeSean is a bad player, hell I have defended him in the past to Skins fans who have told me he's overrated (will be interesting to hear what they have to say now). He's just not nearly as good as you are trying to make him out to be and he's definitely not the answer to the Skins' real problems (secondary and OL).

How good have I said he is?

WR, OL, and secondary were three biggest needs. They fixed WR.

Hopefully they get a starting OL in te draft.
Nice try

DeSean Jackson will be in town this week to join the team in workouts. He is on a pre planned vacation right now. #Redskins

— Dianna Marie Russini (@NBCdianna) April 7, 2014
Nice try? So did he not miss the start of OTA's with his new team and new coach because he wouldn't change his vacation plans?
This is going to be a fun year.

Since he just joined the team last week, the team cleared him to miss the first 3 days of OTAs (along with other players). These are voluntary workouts that were added only bc the Skins have a new coach this year.
This is going to be a fun year.

Since he just joined the team last week, the team cleared him to miss the first 3 days of OTAs (along with other players). These are voluntary workouts that were added only bc the Skins have a new coach this year.

almost think new players on the team should attend too

not like he doesn't have another 3 months to book a vacay
if I was starting for a new company and they had meetings to attend .... there is literally ZERO way I immediately take a vacation and miss what is presumably my first week of work. Would never happen. And unlike this little spoiled brat, drama queen, little girl job is year round and pays a tiny fraction of his ..... oh almost forgot .... Imagine if the company who hired me was doing so despite being told I was a little bitch at the office, selfish and like to hang out with the criminal element !!! Then I would definitely want my first move to be a selfish one. You need a unique brain to do what he did.
Just wondering when you start a new job do you have an agent or negotiate yourself? Could probably clear all this up, knowing this. If we're going to personalize this, let's do it correctly.

How about how his teammates feel:

@Realrclark25: @RossTuckerNFL @mikefreemanNFL I'm really close to those teammates that are working out & they aren't concerned about pictures. #VOLUNTARY !

@Realrclark25: I've played with all pros, pro bowlers & even a HOFamer that I never saw at off season workouts. Guess they were bad teammates too!!
And Twinkie so mad nobody's talking about the Saints breaking up and rebuilding haha. The NE is where it's at in this here United States my friend, stop bitching and fucking adapt!
Disagree on the folks using the analogy of missing meetings when starting a new job. I'm about to start a new job and the pending start date interfered with a vacation I planned before accepting the job. I pushed the start date back to accommodate my vacation, and I assume most others would too, no?
Of course you would Scdoggy. The Eagles workouts dont start till later this month so the vacation was planned to coincide with having time off before the workouts start. Also, if you happen to follow him on twitter, DeSean is posting a shit ton of videos of him working out. DeSean was excused as was, D-Hall, and I'm sure others.