Silky's Bowl Diamonds


Imma sip this tea
Well well well, the Bowl season is upon us. Hopefully everyone has made it here in good health & preferably with some profit.

Last week:

Oklahoma +10.5 WIN
UCF -12
Memph -1
Rice +6.5 WIN

Mizzou -1 LOSS
Bay -16.5 WIN
Mich St +5.5
FSU -29.5

5-4 | 55.5% | +.6u

Overall: 87-84 | 50.8% | -2.76u

So personally, I'm down 2 & 3/4u on the season. Bad to me, but considering its my worst season ever & Im down just 2 & 3/4u I'll take it. The time now is for this bowl game money. Soooo.......... lets hit it hard, hit it good & hit it right.

The bowl rules only change slightly. 1 bowl game unit is = to 3 Reg season units.

Lets begin:


Col St +4
Fresno +6.5
Buff Pk


Boise +3


BG -5.5
NoIll -1.5

More to come in the coming days. Goodluck folks
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Oh yeah, shout out to the Noles..............

This goes out to Auburn & by proxy the SEC.

This is your time Silk. Do your thing.

Mind sharing your thoughts on Fresno when you get some time? SC's secondary is better than what the Bulldogs have seen all year, and I gotta think the Trojans get theirs against that defense..
GL Silk. Why bigger bets in bowls? You usually do better in bowls than reg season? Or is this new this year? Just curious why you tripling up. Have a great bowl season.
hmmm tough to wish you luck on the early stuff... cause I would lose a fortune. But have a good bowl season
Steak and Twinkie - I can tell you both from past history that Silky is smart to increase the units this time of year, as he has stacked chips over the Holiday season in years past.

I personally have never been able to figure these games out and should probably end my NCAA betting when the regular season ends.
U doing breakdowns like last year? Always enjoy your bowl breakdowns.

Well actually..........
Steak and Twinkie - I can tell you both from past history that Silky is smart to increase the units this time of year, as he has stacked chips over the Holiday season in years past.

I personally have never been able to figure these games out and should probably end my NCAA betting when the regular season ends.

Better than I coulda said it, thanks bro!
Tell me what you see in CSU -- I like WSU myself.

got that coming shortly, GL!

hmmm tough to wish you luck on the early stuff... cause I would lose a fortune. But have a good bowl season

ehh, I just look at losing as expensive lessons lol. Hopefully we'll ride together on some future games

GL Silk

was gonna ask the same as streak

Sane as below

GL Silk. Why bigger bets in bowls? You usually do better in bowls than reg season? Or is this new this year? Just curious why you tripling up. Have a great bowl season.

Doggy beat me to it lol

one in common on day one. ;)

seriously though...BOL, Silk.

to you as well bro! Keep kicking ass!

This is your time Silk. Do your thing.

Mind sharing your thoughts on Fresno when you get some time? SC's secondary is better than what the Bulldogs have seen all year, and I gotta think the Trojans get theirs against that defense..

absolutely, gonna try to make that my second write up later today

Agree Fresno, lean Buff and BGSU. BOL on the Bowls, Silk.
Well let's get this money Play, you know how we do

haha. good luck in the bowls, silk.

my man, thank you! Gotta say your twitter followers are the BEST! Engaged & active and y'all have a great time. I'm a bit jealous lol

Bowl heater forthcoming...
i certainly hope so, my ego can't take much more losing lol


Hope you crush 'em, Silky :cheers:

My man, I'm gonna try as many as time and lil silky allow lol. Good luck Grind. Year in year out every sport you are 1 of the best.
Stat That Stands Out


That’s the difference in net combined rushing yds ({Colst Rush – Opp rush} +{ Wazzu Rush yds – Opp rush yds}) between Col St & Wazzu . For a comparison, that Difference if it were a rushing offense itself would rank above: UGA, USC, Penn St, Clemson, Ok st, Miami, & Cincy among others. Inhale all that for just a moment………..

Jim McElwain is a smart guy & really knows offense as a component of a greater whole, rather than just some disparate piece. Meaning he understands every second holding the ball puts Wazzu in a position to have to score efficiently & fast. That means running ball, then forcing Wazzu to bring an extra guy up to stop the run. Pretty much the same recipe McElwain used at Bama to bring opponents to their knees. When opponents got tired of being gashed by the run & Bama holding the ball, they eventually caved and brought an 8th man in the box. At which point McElwain & by extension McCarron dropped death shots over the heads of defenses off play action.

On The Ground
I just explained the crux of this above. But will delve a little further in.

Col St has played 2 defenses worth a shit this year (Bama & Utah St) & as should be expected Col St lost both & failed to reach 150yds rushing. Fortunately for Col st, Wazzu’s defense is much more like Tulsa, San Jose St, Hawaii, Wyoming & New Mexico than Bama & Utah St. Meaning Col st should be able ot establish the run enough to force Wazzu to make some big choices.

Its about time we get familiar with Kapri Bibbs, Colo St’s stud RB. Just a Soph, Bibbs is #13 in the nation in ypg at 120.9yds/gm, #8th in total rush yds with 1572, 3rd in the nation in ypc for runners with >200att at 6.18ypc & most importantly 2nd in the nation only to Keenan Reynolds of Navy in rush TDs with 28. He’s one of the best running backs YOU have never heard of. He’s amassed 800 of his 1572yds & 13 of his rushing TDs against shitty defenses though (Nevada, New Mex & Wyoming). So some of that is skewed, but then again Bibb didn’t even become the primary ballcarrier until the 6th game.
Defensively Col St is solid if unspectacular against the run (151.9yds/gm), but then again why run when you could pass effectively & efficiently vs Col St? But in a matchup where Wazzu only runs because their WRs are tired or their QB’s arm is tired (18.6att/gm), the Col st run Def is more than equipped to handle whatever may come.

Wazzu doesn’t run the ball, period.

Wazzu doesn’t stop the run, period.

Well wasn’t that easy? Lol

Through The Air

We already know who holds the big advantage here. Mike Leach even with pretty shitty WRs has made this Wazzu team a passing machine. Connor Halliday is GOOD! Throws too many Ints for my liking, but gets the ball out quick & passes for a healthy comp % even though he’s throwing it 55att/gm. Put it this way, he’s MORE than good enough to light the Col St DBs up. 1 thing that does bother me is that Wazzu is getting 6.3ypa, that not a long term effective way of winning, much less dominating. You need to be above 7ypz & frankly above 7.5ypa to start being the kind of team that 1 would feel comfortable laying points with. Though I will admit that YPA has a lot to do with Wazzu eschewing the run. The pass has in effect become their running game. But still, warning flag. Another warning flag is the 1.33/1 TD/Int ratio, its something that concerns me for a team that cant run. Turn that thing over enough to an effective ball control team and you find yourself down 10 pts with only a couple minutes left in the game to score.

If you’ve read my threads in year’s past you’ll both be familiar with my adoration of the Air Raid & its basic system. It’s a ball control passing offense, call it West Coast Offense out of the gun. But I hate calling it that because its not truly accurate & doesn’t encompass the offense fully. The Air Raid offense is built on some principle concepts, that within each has an built in answer to the adjustments Defense may make. The same play can be called from the few formations Air Raid teams use but look completely different each time its run. The Shallow cross could be to the slot, the FL, the TE/IR or the SE. A great primer on the Air Raid & specifically how it is implemented in Wazzu is here: Highly suggest taking a read on it.

Wazzu WILL pass on Col St, period

Defensively though Wazzu is just as bad at defending the pass as they are good at doing it on offense. Teams complete over 62% of their passes at almost 8yds/att for 261yds/gm, AND thats on top of Wazzu giving up almost 2 bills a game rushing. In other words Wazzu HAS to be effective & efficient passing because if not the other teams would simply blow them out.

Col St aint so damn shabby passing the ball either, but just being in a game with a team who’s identity is so tied to being a passing juggernaut will outshine Col St’s efforts. They get all the positive checkmarks in my book:
- >60% completions CHECK
- >250yds/gm CHECK
- 7.5ypa CHECK
- 2/1 or better TD/Int CHECK

Again, this is all built on the back of the effectiveness of the Colly St ground game. McElwain aint trying to reinvent the wheel here, he’s going to play the Bama style offense albeit with much lesser athletes. He’s going to commit to winning at the LOS and making you adjust. Just when you do, he’s going to rain over your head across the middle with Play Action. Then when you adjust there he’s going outside to 1 on 1 WRs.

I spoke a little earlier about Colly St not being a very good pass defense & they aren’t. In fact they are 1 of the absolute worst. But I must also say they are barely worse than Wazzu is. My biggest issue with the Coly St pass D is the 3/1 Td/Int ratio, that in effect negates Wazzu’s shitty offensive ratio. Just 9ints on the entire season isn’t just bad, it hampers your team’s chances to win. Colly St MUST get its hands on some Halliday passes and get the ball back to its offense to control.

What I see
I actually see Col St pulling an upset here. Maybe I should have went ML, but I do see Col St actually winning.I think Halliday makes a couple mistakes near the RZ turning TDs into FGs & turnovers. Meanwhile Col St unspectacularly chugs up and down the field, slowly eating some clock & making the most of explosive play opportunities. A couple goofy crazy things by both teams 7 plenty of college kicker facetime.

Col St 33 Wazzu 29
I heard Jim McElwain on the radio last night. Had no idea Col St has a 3000 yard passer and a 1500 yard runner. I lean Rams too.

GL Silky. Please beat AU. Worst fans in the SEC, and I live around a million of them
Good stuff, brutha Silk!! Wazzou played a brutal schedule with 4 losses to top-10 teams but I agree with your analysis. Would like to see my man, Mike Leach, get a bowl win but this should be a great start to Bowl Week. BOL with your bowl card!!
great write-up, Silk. :cheers:

i enjoy reading thoughtful (thought provoking) write-ups for the opposite side, meaning Colly St in this case. totally respect your opinion...and tbh, i'd be just as concerned if the entire forum agreed on a play/Wazzou.
McElwain vs Leach is gonna make this a solid bowl game on coaching/schemes alone. but i do get why Colly St is attractive here...why it's Lawrence's upset play of the week, for example. by the #s alone, the Rams have the "better" offense and defense coming into the game. just like Wazzou should be able to chuck it at will, there's the flip side that you point out regarding the ground game(s).
but where i agree that Wazzou isn't a good defense, nor do they have a good running game...and that i can understand the view Colly St backers are taking here...i still have to respectfully disagree with the side.
i may turn out flat wrong. who knows? and i'm not going to change anyone's mind regarding their play in the game. just providing a counter argument to what i feel are misleading numbers/stats...a faulty basis for the play.

ok, first off, lets disregard Colly St's historical #s vs the that's the past, even if it's not in favor of the Rams. so since i'm leaving out something not in their favor, i'm also gonna leave out something in Colly St's favor...that win over the FCS team. so for this purpose, Colly St went 6-6 TY vs FCS teams.

W over Air Force (2-10)
W over New Mexico (3-9)
W over Nevada (4-8)
W over Hawaii (1-11)
W over Wyoming (5-7)
W over UTEP (2-10)

So of the 6 wins, none of these teams are bowl those opponents went 17-55 this season. First off, that's why Colly St was decent down the they played a bunch of garbage. Secondly, that's obviously why SOS Colly St's offensive and defensive numbers obviously benefited by facing such poor competition, especially down the stretch. And third, these 6 teams they beat (despite all facing cupcake schedules compared to what Wazzou faced) all have something in common...they are worse run defenses than Washington St...who had to face Mariota & company, Gaffney & that o-line, Mannion/Cooks/Woods, Sankey/Price, the USC crew of RBs, Kelly/Grice, Kadeem Carey, not to mention Auburn's insane offense...even if they weren't operating on all cylinders yet. Anyhow, bottom line, there's no comparison...which is how team #s/stats can get skewed.
Yet even though those 6 teams Colly St faced played a fraction of the competition that Wazzou did this season, here's how they fared in run defense...since ground game is the main argument for Colly St in this bowl:

AF = #119, New Mex = #120, Nevada = #122, Hawaii = #104, Wyoming = #107, and UTEP = #117 in rushing defense. Fwiw, Wazzou was #84 in this category. But again, when comparing schedules, it's like comparing MLB competition to AAA competition in so many of these instances.

Let's also look at Colly St's 6 losses.

L to Utah St (8-5)...38 RY in game, 54 from Bibbs.
L to Boise St (8-4)...229 RY in game, 69 from Bibbs.
L to SJSJ (6-6)...137 RY in game, 69 from Bibbs.
L to Alabama (11-1)...51 RY in game, 12 from Bibbs.
L to Tulsa (3-9)...167 RY in game, 83 from Bibbs.
L to Colorado (4-8)...94 RY in game, 70 from Bibbs.

Of course we all forgive the Bama loss. But remember, Bama took it very easy on Colly St for the obvious reason. Anyhow, can also forgive the losses to Utah St and Boise St...both bowl teams. But what about the 3 losses to teams that didn't make a bowl game (even though SJST was bowl eligible)? No bowl for those three...yet they all have something in common, as they're also all worse run defenses than Wazzou...while again, except in maybe the Buff's case, not having to face anywhere near the same level of competition. Tulsa = #97, Colroado = #101, and SJST = #102 in rushing defense.

Anyhow, i've already wrote too much in my counter argument. And please don't take it the wrong way, Silk. I understand the play, like I said. You wrote such a great opinion/write-up on the game that it inspired the debate, i guess.

The last thing I'll say here is this...
Check out the "2013 toughest opponent unit's faced" in one of those NC publications...forget the one. That's basically my counter that Wazzou played such a vastly tougher schedule than Colly St, that much of these #s/stats in the Rams favor are skewed, at best, for this bowl match-up.

Who knows...maybe a 4 pt win, and we ALL cover. :shake:
That's is the type of counterpoint I miss! Our 2 posts alone should be enough food for thought to inform someone enough to make a good decision. Yanks whenever you can, please continue this type of exchange with me. Steel sharpens steel. Trust me a ton of what you lay out weighed heavily when I came up with my thoughts in this game & Wazzu could blow them out. My play ain't a "safe" one, so that should be noted. But I feel it's the right one.

Folks, let's do MORE like this! It's prolly why I sucked this year lol we used to have good back & forth. Steel sharpens steel!
I know the other kid has been starting since Southwick got hurt, but was under the impression Southwick would play a significant role here. Suspensions, interim coaches etc. I'm out of it
That's is the type of counterpoint I miss! Our 2 posts alone should be enough food for thought to inform someone enough to make a good decision. Yanks whenever you can, please continue this type of exchange with me. Steel sharpens steel. Trust me a ton of what you lay out weighed heavily when I came up with my thoughts in this game & Wazzu could blow them out. My play ain't a "safe" one, so that should be noted. But I feel it's the right one.

Folks, let's do MORE like this! It's prolly why I sucked this year lol we used to have good back & forth. Steel sharpens steel!

agreed :shake:

I know the other kid has been starting since Southwick got hurt, but was under the impression Southwick would play a significant role here. Suspensions, interim coaches etc. I'm out of it

i was counting on him playing a role as well for the over. :(
Stat That Stands Out


That’s ECU’s 3rd down conversion rate. It’s #6 in the nation . Of the 4 games played this weekend every game was won by the team with the better 3rd down conv rate for the season except for Fresno/USC. There are few better measures of potential success than 3rd down conversion. Converting 3rds keeps the ball in your hands & presumably means you will score. Of course there are some exceptions, like an explosive team that doesn’t even get to many 3rd downs and scores on 1st & 2nds. Or maybe the successful 3rd down team that is awful in the turnover dept. But way more often than not, the successful 3rd down conversion team is the victorious team.

Here’s the get with ECU, they’ve attempted 180 of these events . So it’s not like they have a small sample size, ECU has seen a little bit more than the national avg of 3rd down events. They convert them at a rate MUCH above the national average. In otherwords………They’re pretty damned good at keeping the ball.

On the Ground

These are 2 of the worst rushing teams in the nation, surprising for Ohio but not for ECU. The saving grace though for both is they at least ATTEMPT to run the ball. If you want to know how important attempting to run the ball is regardless of success , go rewatch the Wazzu/Col St game. Even if you suck at it attempting the run has the baseline benefit of moving the clock while you have the ball. So while you may pass to get up, you still need to run to win. Pass to score, run to win.

The big difference here is Ohio has allowed 150+yds/gm in 6 of its last 7, while ECU has allowed 150+yds rushing 2x the WHOLE season. Coincidentally Ohio is 3-4 over that time period with wins over mighty Massachusetts , Monstrous Miami (Oh) & Earnest Eastern Michigan. ECU has put up 150+yds on the ground in 2 of its last 3. Marshall jumped out so fast & so hard on ECU in the last game that running was no longer feasible by the 2nd qtr, still ECU was just 1yd shy of 150.

A lot of hullaballoo about 2 teams who really can’t run & 1 that can stop the run. Problem for Ohio is they have Tyler Tettleton passing & ECU has Shane Carden. So 1 team NEEDS the run to be successful, the other needs the run to hold the ball & run clock when they have a lead. Don’t think for a moment Ruffin McNeil l didn’t see his old boss humbled because he couldn’t run the ball Saturday. When ECU gets up I expect Ruffin to start shortening the game with the run.

Through The Air

Ruffin runs the Air Raid he learned from his old boss Leach. I love the Air Raid. Shane Carden is 1 helluva a QB & I suspect after next season will be 1 of the top 6 QBs taken. Completes over 70% of his passes, close to 325yds/gm, 3/1 TD/Int ratio, & 7.7ypa. That’s winning quarterbacking right there, that’s winning by more than a TD quarterbacking in fact. In ECU’s 3 losses Carden had a 2/7 TD/Int Ratio, in their 9wins it was 31/3. So obviously this game will come down to whether Carden is his normal self or the guy with the 2/7 TD/Int ratio.

When Carden throws the ball it’s a good chance its going to Justin Hardy (105 catches 1218yds 8tds 11.6ypc). Personally I think this is Hardy’s last game as a Pirate, he’s a Jr & may declare after the bowl. So I suspect they feed him a lot. And by looking at past results, they should be very successful doing so. When Ohio devotes too much attention to Hardy, Frosh Isaiah Jones or RB Vintavious Cooper will make them pay. That’s a very difficult situation to be in as Defense, devoting any additional resources vs an Air Raid team with a superstar WR a really good #2 & a RB with good hands is a pick your poison kinda deal.

Tettleton’s production for Ohio has been consistent with previous years. The problem has been Ohio is under 150yds/gm rushing for the 1st time since 2009.Tettleton with the threat of a running game is dangerous. Tettleton having to carry the team is unsuccessful. Tyler has had 3 monster games this year but they were against CMU, EMU & Miami (Oh). But his main target Donte Foster is legit, dude can ball!

Look 1 team can pass with the best in the nation & has multiple targets , the other team is just ok at passing with 1 legit target. The passing game is clearly a mismatch in favor of ECU.

Defensively Ohio has seen 2 good ”true” passing teams (Louisville & Marshall). Obviously Ville was out of Ohio’s league but Ohio DID take down Marshall. (Helps that Marshall was -4 in TO margin in a game they lost by 3). But both teams did whatever they wanted to vs Ohio’s secondary. I expect ECU will do the same.

ECU’s pass defense tells the story of a team that’s faced some really good passing offenses & won 3 of those 4gms. Ohio neither has the scheme of an ODU, nor the talent of a UNC to do damage to ECU’s secondary. ECU should hold Tettleton to under 260yds get a pick & keep him under 60% completions.

What I See

If I know anything about Frank Solich, I know he’s got some trick plays for this game. I know Tettleton’s a warrior and wants to go out guns blazing. I also know ECU is vastly better than Ohio in most every phase. I think Carden puts on a show, Justin Hardy puts the final touches on his NFL resume & we see some points. ECU has given up more than 28pts just 4 times & 2 of those to UNC & NcSt. The ECU defense is better than you think .

ECU 45 Ohio 20
Player to watch on defense for EDU, Derrell Johnson. Led C_USA with 7.5 sacks and added 13.5 tackles for loss.

Im not touching sides. Ohio defense is not good; ECU has a very explosive offense. While their running game is not good, anytime Cooper has the ball, he's a threat. tto38.5 for me.
Player to watch on defense for EDU, Derrell Johnson. Led C_USA with 7.5 sacks and added 13.5 tackles for loss.

Im not touching sides. Ohio defense is not good; ECU has a very explosive offense. While their running game is not good, anytime Cooper has the ball, he's a threat. tto38.5 for me.

GREAT observation on Cooper bro!

Agree as well. Get paid Silk..
We got that bread baby :D
Stat that Stands Out

15.7 & 5.72

First off I had to dig deep to find a good Stat to use. Secondly those are Boise’s & Oregon St’s punt return averages respectively. Boise is #2 in the nation in punt return avg, Oregon St is #98. To some this may just be some inane useless stat. I beg to differ. In a game that is lined at a FG, gaining a hidden 10yds per return on let’s say 3 return sets is the difference between having a 35yd FG try to win at the end or trying a hail mary from the 48yd line. Those are 30yds that presumably Oregon St has to account for that they wont get. In essence it’s a handicap, they start 30yds in the hole before the game starts. Now quite possibly Oregon St could only punt 1 time and it be unreturnable rendering this stat null & void. Or……. Oregon st could be punting late in the 4th tied & the net difference from Boise punting previously could be the ball at the Ore St 45 instead of the Boise 45. That’s presumably 1 less play needed to get into FG range, and that much more clock to utilize.

On The Ground

Oregon St profiles a lot like Wazzu, they run only if they absolutely have to, it seems to be a hinderance to them. Though I will grant that they at least run close to 27x/gm vs Wazzu 19x/gm. By running so little & so ineffectively (86ypg), Oregon St intentionally or not places a great burden on their passing game. They simply cannot afford to have an “off” game from Mannion. And it’s a credit to Mannion that he hasn’t really had an “off” game, well at least his off games are better than most people’s “on” games.

Back to the run, (I had to veer off some because there is very little to talk about for Or St in this regard) If you add ALL Oregon state’s rushers & rushes together Braxton Miller would still outrush them by 1yd. Just let that sit on your noodle for a minute…….. And that’s on 169 FEWER carries. The word we’re searching for here is INEPT, or maybe IMPOTENT or any of the other words they use in Cialis or Viagra commercials to describe men who’s dong don’t respond anymore. Oregon St is in need of ED drugs for the run game.

Defensively, Oregon St is as bad stopping the run as they are bad running it. The last 5gms (also a 5gm losing streak) The Beavers have allowed on avg 279yds/gm rushing. What in the entire fuck is that? You don’t remove a foot that large from your ass in 3.5wks. You may reduce the swelling some, tighten up the gape, but that butthole still big. Pair this with the high pace both teams look set to play at and you will see the Beaver dam begin to break in the 3rd, then a deluge in the 4th. Simply stated this is an awful unit, unless Mike Reilly haves some type of Ndamukong Suh cloning device in Corvallis, I don’t expect it to change much.

Boise on the other side has put up eyepopping rushing numbers against a slate of teams that would barely beat the Top Texas HS or Florida HS teams. So no need to get super excited about them. But… even when beating on the deaf dumb & blind has a benefit. This allows a team to get good at something, make the adjustments it needs to make to fine tune without fear of losing. Basically making the entire season a big LONG practice for a bowl game. While other teams have to worry about each game & defeating the opponent, most of the season Boise can work to fine tune & coach up its players to peak for certain games. I think you’ll see that in the running game tonight.

The star here is Jay Ajayi , 1328yds, 110.6/gm, 17tds, 5.88ypc. Ajayi is more of the big bull that wears you down late type of back than the hand it to him & watch him create magic kind of guy. He keeps the team balanced & on schedule, but aint the strike fear into your heart guy. Make no mistake though, slip up at all and he’ll dust you, he’s just more Shonn Greene than Giovani Bernard. (Tried to get a lil obscure J ).

Defensively The Broncos have been a disappointment on the ground. Petersen & before him Hawkins built this Boise group offensively, but as the success occurred Petersen had been able to develop some really good defenses, especially Dlines. That appears to have stunted this year and went in reverse. Folks are running through the Broncos like Taco Bell through a stoner. The joy Boise can feel today though is, Oregon St cant & wont take advantage of this.

Through The Air

Mannion is a Monster, say it with me MANNION is a MONSTER. #2 in the Nation in yds/gm, #4 in Att/gm, #3 in TDs, #19 in comp% & #3 in Att. But I want you to notice the 2 names above Mannion in Att & the 1 below . Halliday, Carr & Carden. They all played bowl games this week, 2 of em lost and just 1 of em had a game better than their regular season avg (Halliday). Point being, teams that place such a heavy load on the QB passing attempts suffer when there is a break. We’re talking about 63%+ of your offense sitting on the shelf for almost a month gaining no rhythm. Couple that with 0 running game and its easy to see how those type of teams take about a half to get rhythm. Usually by then the game (or bet is lost). Just something to watch out for, Ore St depends heavily on passing attempts & they haven’t seen enemy fire in almost a month.

When talking about the Beavers’ passing game you talk about Mannion & you talk about Brandin Cooks. 120rec, 1670yds, 15Tds. YOU CANNOT STOP BRANDIN COOKS. He’s a smaller guy, reminds me a lot of Derrick Mason. Just an absolute route technician with great speed in and out of breaks. He seems to understand the art of playing WR, how to set up his man for the route. This is a trait very few college WRs have. He’ll get his tonight, & Boise would be smart ot pay extra attention to him.

Guess what? Boise is again efficient in the passing game. Its just their DNA, how the program was built. Have a smart heady QB that can efficiently run the offense and avoid putting the team in negative situations. Its like what Bama does with its QBs, nothing fancy just make the right play. IF the NFL ever wanted to learn how to develop future backup QBs they’d just do what Boise or Bama does. Voila instant NFL clipboard holders who can occasionally come in and win a game at that level. On the College level guys like that give you a chance at being undefeated.

As everyone knows by now Joe Southwick decided to pee on someone’s head & tell its raining in Hawaii. No Really he did. So he’s been sent back to the potato capital of the world, leaving Grant Hedrick to start & the possibility of the backup not playing because it appears the was involved too. Very scary situation to be 1 play away from having no QB. Hedrick has good game experience starting 4 of the last 6 and playing all but 2 drives in the last 6. He’s the starter, he’s the guy everyone has rhythm with now anyways. The kid aint half bad, he’s a JR so he’s been in the program long enough to know whats going on. The more I study the more I like about him. He’s a “Boise” QB. Makes very few mistakes keeps the offense moving. He got basically 6 practice games to get ready for Oregon St & I think he’ll do fine.

The men at the other end of the passes are fine Receivers: Matt Miller & Shane Williams-Rhodes. Both have 77rec, again showing that Boise balance. There is no keying on 1 or the other they will both beat you. Miller may be the more explosive of the 2, Williams-Rhodes is the lil Wes Welker always open and reliable guy. Seriously think he’s 1 of the smallest D-1 guys I ever seen (5’6, 157). So you know all the normal words associated with that type of WR apply(scrappy, full of heart, hustles, heady, quicker than fast, etc etc).

Defensively, Boise has been lit by just about an team with a good passing offense. So I expect Oregon St to do the same. I think this is again due to Boise DL just not being what it was. Fortunately Boise does pick off passes & does sort of nut up near the RZ. But Oregon St is going to throw for over 330 on Boise.

What I See

I think Boise because of balance is a better team. They both are a wash in Pass D, the big difference is in the running game. Boise should own that. So I see some back and forth type of stuff. I think because of Oregon St’s overreliance on the pass you’ll see a couple of key downs not converted, sending the ball back to Boise and its +10per return advantage. Boise holds the ball a bit more in the 2nd half, Ore St gets impatient and Boise wins

Boise 35 Oregon St 28

Boise ML +135 1u
Bought off Boise +3 from 1u to 1/3u. Which is basically 1 reg season Unit
I think the total is spot on and don’t see an advantage either way.
All these comments at the end are because someone PMed me saying I didn’t put what I played for ECU in the write. True statement L, it was ECU -14 not a total
Just to add a little bit, how bad Oregon States run defense is. They gave up 193 yards per game on 5.2 yards per carry. The last 3 games they gave up 6.8 yards per carry. Washington ran for over 500 yards and almost 10 yards per carry.

I don't even care how Stanford and Oregon did running the ball vs. them, I look, at Utah, Colorado, Washington, Ariz State. Ewwwwwww
On the same side again Silk. Boise should win this game. Their run game should allow them to dictate the pace and keep Mannion on the sidelines. You make a good point with the layoff having an effect on an offenses rhythm, especially one that is so heavily reliant on the pass. I've never been good at predicting how layoffs will impact a team, but your logic here makes sense.

Mannion has also been overhyped a bit this year. I did well betting against him when they played some real times, and got past their early slate of cupcakes. He's certainly a talented player, but facing decent defenses he came down to Earth. They finished the season with 5 straight losses, and they were favored in two of these games.

Hard to say how this Boise team will react to the Southwick situation, but the line being what it is tells me Boise keeps this close. Mostly a +3 bet for me, but I'll also take a swipe at the ML.

Good luck tonight and continued success the rest of the way.
Good stuff Silk. I really enjoy reading your write ups, good good stuff. Even though we have been on the opposite side early on on almost every game.

Im against you again on this game, and part of the reason is bc I think you will see a better run game than expected from Oregon St. I think they have capable RB's, but just haven't called enough plays.....and think that will continue to change after all the success they had against Oregon. Could be another wrinkle that Boise hasn't seen, with OSU having 3.5 weeks to build more run plays.

Ill also throw in that Boise has said Williams-Rhodes is ruled out for this game with his ankle injury....that was as of Monday night when I read it.

Keep up the good work Silk. Look forward to reading more of your write-ups. I know personally they take a lot of time and effort, so it certainly doesn't go unnoticed
Best wishes for Happy Holiday, Silky, and best wishes on your bowl plays.
And congrats on a terrrific thread. :shake:

And DOGGY , if you come in here - do what I do.

Coattail a winner , whomever.
And just sit back and watch.
Pair this with the high pace both teams look set to play at and you will see the Beaver dam begin to break in the 3rd, then a deluge in the 4th

This could definitely be a problem for the beavers... Ajayi a beast.
FWIW, Shane Williams Rhodes is out for this game. Big blow to BSU, IMO. Second leading receiver and Hedrick's favorite receiver. Comparing BSU receivers, Matt Miller is the downfield guy who Southwick relied on heavily. SWR is the check down guy, speedster who BSU developed some plays for once Hedrick got the nod over an injured Southwick. Hedrick is not a good downfield passer and the loss of SWR makes them very one dimensional IMO.

I don't know much about Oregon State other than they air it out a ton and that BSU's secondary isn't great. With all that's going on, even as a BSU homer, I don't see how with all the distractions as well as personnel issues, they handle OSU.
I don't see Boise at all in this matchup but good luck anyway! I also think Boise's HC leaving has taken the steam out of TD season. Big big loss for them.
On the same side again Silk. Boise should win this game. Their run game should allow them to dictate the pace and keep Mannion on the sidelines. You make a good point with the layoff having an effect on an offenses rhythm, especially one that is so heavily reliant on the pass. I've never been good at predicting how layoffs will impact a team, but your logic here makes sense.

Mannion has also been overhyped a bit this year. I did well betting against him when they played some real times, and got past their early slate of cupcakes. He's certainly a talented player, but facing decent defenses he came down to Earth. They finished the season with 5 straight losses, and they were favored in two of these games.

Hard to say how this Boise team will react to the Southwick situation, but the line being what it is tells me Boise keeps this close. Mostly a +3 bet for me, but I'll also take a swipe at the ML.

Good luck tonight and continued success the rest of the way.

Well hopefully us riding tandem again pays off. Good luck tonight and throughout bowl season bro. You been slinging some good fire here lately! :shake:

Good stuff Silk. I really enjoy reading your write ups, good good stuff. Even though we have been on the opposite side early on on almost every game.

Im against you again on this game, and part of the reason is bc I think you will see a better run game than expected from Oregon St. I think they have capable RB's, but just haven't called enough plays.....and think that will continue to change after all the success they had against Oregon. Could be another wrinkle that Boise hasn't seen, with OSU having 3.5 weeks to build more run plays.

Ill also throw in that Boise has said Williams-Rhodes is ruled out for this game with his ankle injury....that was as of Monday night when I read it.

Keep up the good work Silk. Look forward to reading more of your write-ups. I know personally they take a lot of time and effort, so it certainly doesn't go unnoticed

Thanks for popping in bro, you bring much heat in your threads. Very sharp dude & you know your stuff. Hope to speak more with you in the coming days/months etc.

As far as Williams-Rhodes, yup that ship has sailed. There was encouraging news a couple days ago but not anymore. Geraldo gets a chance to step up and show his name change off :D

Best wishes for Happy Holiday, Silky, and best wishes on your bowl plays.
And congrats on a terrrific thread. :shake:

And DOGGY , if you come in here - do what I do.

Coattail a winner , whomever.
And just sit back and watch.

You're far too kind lol.

This could definitely be a problem for the beavers... Ajayi a beast.

Think thats going to be the crux of Boise's plan tonight, just run until you have to pass or when opportunities present themselves.

FWIW, Shane Williams Rhodes is out for this game. Big blow to BSU, IMO. Second leading receiver and Hedrick's favorite receiver. Comparing BSU receivers, Matt Miller is the downfield guy who Southwick relied on heavily. SWR is the check down guy, speedster who BSU developed some plays for once Hedrick got the nod over an injured Southwick. Hedrick is not a good downfield passer and the loss of SWR makes them very one dimensional IMO.

I don't know much about Oregon State other than they air it out a ton and that BSU's secondary isn't great. With all that's going on, even as a BSU homer, I don't see how with all the distractions as well as personnel issues, they handle OSU.

Im at once mad as hell Ive never gotten a chance to pick your brain Boise before & happy as hell to see you come in and make a strong contribution. Look forward to more from you.

I don't see Boise at all in this matchup but good luck anyway! I also think Boise's HC leaving has taken the steam out of TD season. Big big loss for them.

Thanks for the well wishes, many of the same things you said I said earlier in the thread when I was buying out/down on Boise. I got spooked some butcame back to it.