Should Texas Fire Charlie Strong?

I usually hate that shit but he deserved it

What I gather from it and the sellout performances the squad has given when Strong has been under immense heat is the team genuinely loves the guy. After 3 straight losses I thought he may have gotten canned last season if OU trounced them but they shocked me and won. Last game last season yea Baylor had some fluke injuries but Texas surprised me then as well.

wisconsin carried les miles off the field in week one.

i don't understand the hard on you got for texas, but it's goofy.

Bruh, you keep trying with the Wisky thing. I hope you realize that I would be in favor of Les being gone even if he reached the CFB playoff. I'd be curious to see season odds....the block is hot for him.

The perceived "hard on" I have is pretty soft. You as the fan should be disappointed as of late... Maybe a red river and opening week win at home gets you all giggly and great feeling. I know a lot of people that went to school there and friends that didn't attend that love the's a big deal there.

I respond often in here because it's a thread I started. I brought the question up because it is just as legit a question(was) as Should Les Be Fired. Time to "get it right" has changed in CFB.....even more now and especially for that program in that situation. These are things that don't need to be explained to you at all if you are really a UT fan.
first off, it's not a legit question. that's what i've been saying the whole time. before his third year you thought charlie being gone made sense--that is maniacal if you understand what mack brown left in the cupboards when he walked out the door.

to recruit during this tailspin hasn't been easy, but his last two classes were top 10. the knee jerk reaction to let him go is a fair idea to criticize, especially after beating a top 10 team a year after they thunder domed you.

this team is young and will fucking lose games they should win because of that. so they won a game against a talented team that they whoulda lost to last year or the year before and they enjoyed it. that fact in no way erases, or minimizes the goals that texas should be competing every year for the natty. as hunt said, shit is cyclical, and right now they are climbing out of the down cycle and enjoying it.

les miles has been at the helm for a much longer reign of terror, and him being gone makes much more sense considering the curse of saban and the lack of any kind of offensive identity or qb maturation.

and finally, you've caught me. i'm not a texas fan, just a gringo with a hard on for charlie.
What I gather from it and the sellout performances the squad has given when Strong has been under immense heat is the team genuinely loves the guy. After 3 straight losses I thought he may have gotten canned last season if OU trounced them but they shocked me and won. Last game last season yea Baylor had some fluke injuries but Texas surprised me then as well.

The team loves Strong tons - he's opened up the athletics complex to them, completely renovated and made it a home for the players. Hell, Strong has said the guys have an open invitation to come by his home whenever and for however long they want to stay. Strong is all in for the team, so they're all in for him.

My concern with Strong was whether the sheer magnitude of our job would overwhelm and prevent him from focusing on football. And he did look lost for part of last season and in '14. But for those of you who don't know / don't recall, in Steve Patterson, Strong had a putrid, lying, sack of shit snake in the grass as his AD who offered no support but specialized in resistance. Well thank god Patterson got canned last September and our new AD actually is an ally. Imagine that. And Strong also got back his trusted SID (that Patterson had initially canned) who now helps him run interference and navigate all the stuff that's involved with Texas football. So a few things have aligned off the field, plus just more experience on the job, that have allowed Strong to focus on his primary job responsibility. And we're seeing results.
his seat hot guys?

All my LSU peeps terrified he gets canned and goes to UT

Herman? You don't think LSU is in serious play for him?

I tell you what.....FSU keeps fuxkkng around this year and Jimbo be in play BIG time
Tongue.....Herman ain't going to USC bro. I can't see that....Texas, Hou, LSU.

Seriuosly doubt USC
I think y'all are both way wrong on that....he has been quoted about not wanting to be back out there.
Texas would be the number one threat.
But I keep hearing in here and the thread gets bumped that Charlie is alllllll good
Embarrassing. Pathetic. Comical. Ridiculous. What have I left out?

A coach whose career has been built around defense has a team that can't tackle, can't rush the passer, can't cover and can't create turnovers. It's year 3 - there needs to be signs of improvement. Unfortunately, there's been very little.

We deserve better than mediocrity. As this point, we're not even getting that.
Talk to me frank....everyone laughed at me in here cuz he won 2 games...

Is he gone or no? Need Texas to run table so we can get Herm
Next week will be telling. OU rolls, then he is definitely gone, especially with an opportunity at Herman.
Embarrassing. Pathetic. Comical. Ridiculous. What have I left out?

A coach whose career has been built around defense has a team that can't tackle, can't rush the passer, can't cover and can't create turnovers. It's year 3 - there needs to be signs of improvement. Unfortunately, there's been very little.

We deserve better than mediocrity. As this point, we're not even getting that.

Take it a step further .. they just look confused on defense too. It is one thing to not be able to tackle or not be able to cover or not be able to get off blocks but these assholes have no idea where they are supposed to be.

After Notre Dame game we still haven't figured out how to kick extra pts? At Texas? Gimme a break.

I have backed this guy for the last time as a fan. I supported him from the get go .. thought his tough love style was what we needed. I was wrong. We need someone who can coach. Maybe start recruiting somewhere other than Texas too. Talent there is so over rated at this point since we land star Texas recruit after star Texas recruit. I bet we look at a 3 star and as soon as we do the scouting services make him a 4 star because we are looking at him. But these dudes are just pathetic. it was like watching keystone cops. Two teams combined for almost 800 yards in the first half. If you are going to ruin the game, at least win while you do it.

This type of play just cannot be tolerated.
Take it a step further .. they just look confused on defense too. It is one thing to not be able to tackle or not be able to cover or not be able to get off blocks but these assholes have no idea where they are supposed to be.

After Notre Dame game we still haven't figured out how to kick extra pts? At Texas? Gimme a break.

I have backed this guy for the last time as a fan. I supported him from the get go .. thought his tough love style was what we needed. I was wrong. We need someone who can coach. Maybe start recruiting somewhere other than Texas too. Talent there is so over rated at this point since we land star Texas recruit after star Texas recruit. I bet we look at a 3 star and as soon as we do the scouting services make him a 4 star because we are looking at him. But these dudes are just pathetic. it was like watching keystone cops. Two teams combined for almost 800 yards in the first half. If you are going to ruin the game, at least win while you do it.

This type of play just cannot be tolerated.

most important factor in sports. Many teams/schools/owners/AD's refuse to realise this
Is he gone or no? Need Texas to run table so we can get Herm

It's a dicey situation right now with an interim AD. This from ESPN makes me queasy:

Despite Texas' early struggles, coach Charlie Strong will not be fired during the season, a source told ESPN's Brett McMurphy on Saturday.

This year's Oklahoma game is critical for Strong, but his future does not depend on the outcome, the source said. If the Longhorns continue to struggle, though, the most likely scenario is that the defensive staff would be sacrificed for Strong to return in 2017, the source said.
Embarrassing. Pathetic. Comical. Ridiculous. What have I left out?

A coach whose career has been built around defense has a team that can't tackle, can't rush the passer, can't cover and can't create turnovers. It's year 3 - there needs to be signs of improvement. Unfortunately, there's been very little.

We deserve better than mediocrity. As this point, we're not even getting that.

I don't know what you deserve, but I do know what you can afford. You can afford the best.
Agreed...SC is not entering a bidding war with Texas or LSU. Men vs boys.

Herman's coaching and recruiting roots are firmly in Texas.

I think y'all are both way wrong on that....he has been quoted about not wanting to be back out there.
Texas would be the number one threat.
But I keep hearing in here and the thread gets bumped that Charlie is alllllll good
Texas and USC are clear favorites, I don't know how you could deny it

I wouldn't lean either honestly
I mean Texas and USC are two of the top jobs in the land and I can make a case for LSU being just behind them, but come the fuck on

USC is private and will pay more than your state is worth
you sound like a closet USC fan dude

and it is cool.....but you are so offbase here it isnt funny

the only 2 people here in this forum that suggest Herman to USC are you and Alan......i think he went to Oregon St and you are a USC fan(kinda)

it just aint happening bro....and it is ok
I mean Texas and USC are two of the top jobs in the land and I can make a case for LSU being just behind them, but come the fuck on

USC is private and will pay more than your state is worth

this is where you are wrong

They CAN

but they won't
Be more forward thinking. They are just now coming off the Reggie Bush deal and reloading, the money will be spent sooner rather than later. Think this is their first year with full scholarships if I recall. Buncha freshmen and's going to reload and likely with a splash
tTake a look at SC's hiring history. They don't hire the cream of the crop. They got lucky and hit a grand slam with carrol who was something like their 3rd choice at the time.

I remember when SC fans were telling me that they were going to pull Saban from Bama. Just not living in reality.
tTake a look at SC's hiring history. They don't hire the cream of the crop. They got lucky and hit a grand slam with carrol who was something like their 3rd choice at the time.

I remember when SC fans were telling me that they were going to pull Saban from Bama. Just not living in reality.

i agree. it just is not where this guy is going.