Should Texas Fire Charlie Strong?

Alan, Miles is gone. They could stick with Orgeron and I would be happier than a pig in shit.
He isn't my first choice, but he is LA native so it could work if he has learned his lesson.
But make no mistake....I have full confidence in any choice LSU makes. And I like that they got a head start by axing him early.
I've said it a bunch and Herman is obv the hot guy, but I know if Texas opens up then that is where he goes.
I think ORE and USC have to be looking around like WTF. Those were both just awful hires....USC to me is on dangerous ground. I know people say it is a top 5 job, but is it? What do the stands look like out there.....Sneaky Pete seems like a lifetime ago.
Alan, Miles is gone. They could stick with Orgeron and I would be happier than a pig in shit.

And your rivals across the river would be laughing at you. And beating you. Every year.
They have been beating us every year(I assume you mean Bama) as it is.
I've made it very clear who I want and who I think will get the job over a few people listed.
This UT thing has caused a shit storm and put a dick in the mashed potatoes, so to speak. But there was always the Jimbo contingent too....LSU has made it clear they want a name. They will get one...Yaw Yaw would have to run the table and somehow get into the Ship...
I DO like O, and I want him's just a weird situation now. Very weird.
it's a roller coaster. I hated the hire initially then felt a little better after the OU win last year and then started to think he'll be here for sure next year after the ND win.

Is anyone not sold on Herman?
it's a roller coaster. I hated the hire initially then felt a little better after the OU win last year and then started to think he'll be here for sure next year after the ND win.

Is anyone not sold on Herman?

me, just because I want to see a coach don't with over a couple of classes. Other then that there is nothing not to like.
I've always despised the guy (fuk sc) but I'm rooting for orgeron to get the job. This is a good read

feels like its going to happen too. Herman will go to Texas jimbo stays at fsu and lsu balls out
He is right about Tom Herman....has any HC with this little experience ever been in this situation
can't think of one with this much sizzle, but the carousel of openings have really helped increase the hype.

kliff kingsbury and harsin come to mind, but nothing like what's going on with herman. but those dudes had never been a head coach at all. at least herman has some experience there.
i didn't want to say the race thing, but if you don't think for one second he is are just lying to yourself
I think Herman is probably a very good head coach, but it amazes me that some of these huge programs are willing to pay out the ass for "probably." I think the issue is that there are 15-20 programs, at least, that consider themselves elite and expect elite results, but there are not that many elite (at least in perception) coaches out there. And we are obsessed with finding or hiring the next big thing and overpay on hope. But, Saban has skewed what elite results are. What he is accomplishing is unprecedented and nobody should reasonably set that as the bar for expectations, even at places like Texas, USC, LSU etc. So a lot of good to great coaches don't get a fair shake because they aren't achieving what the school/boosters/fan expect. That's not to say that Miles/Strong/Helfrich/Helton/etc are doing a good job by any means, but I think it decreases the size of the pool of perceived great coaches. I applaud Miami for hiring Mark Richt. He is a proven great coach. Did he underachieve at UGA? Maybe. But averaging 10 wins a season in a strong conference is by no means a failure. I understand why he was let go, and it was probably the right move, but it didn't mean that Richt was a bad coach. Sometimes a coach and a program need a change. I think someone like Mark Richt is a safer pick than Tom Herman at this point. Herman probably has a higher ceiling, but a lower floor. Guys like Richt and Miles have had high levels of success at the highest possible level in college football. Herman hasn't yet, at least as a HC. Maybe he thrives in the crucible, or maybe the pressure is too great. I get why he is the hot name, and he deserves it and I hope he gets paid and gets to pick exactly where he wants to coach, but he is by no means a sure thing. But he's going to get paid like he is wherever he goes
I think Herman is probably a very good head coach, but it amazes me that some of these huge programs are willing to pay out the ass for "probably." I think the issue is that there are 15-20 programs, at least, that consider themselves elite and expect elite results, but there are not that many elite (at least in perception) coaches out there. And we are obsessed with finding or hiring the next big thing and overpay on hope. But, Saban has skewed what elite results are. What he is accomplishing is unprecedented and nobody should reasonably set that as the bar for expectations, even at places like Texas, USC, LSU etc. So a lot of good to great coaches don't get a fair shake because they aren't achieving what the school/boosters/fan expect. That's not to say that Miles/Strong/Helfrich/Helton/etc are doing a good job by any means, but I think it decreases the size of the pool of perceived great coaches. I applaud Miami for hiring Mark Richt. He is a proven great coach. Did he underachieve at UGA? Maybe. But averaging 10 wins a season in a strong conference is by no means a failure. I understand why he was let go, and it was probably the right move, but it didn't mean that Richt was a bad coach. Sometimes a coach and a program need a change. I think someone like Mark Richt is a safer pick than Tom Herman at this point. Herman probably has a higher ceiling, but a lower floor. Guys like Richt and Miles have had high levels of success at the highest possible level in college football. Herman hasn't yet, at least as a HC. Maybe he thrives in the crucible, or maybe the pressure is too great. I get why he is the hot name, and he deserves it and I hope he gets paid and gets to pick exactly where he wants to coach, but he is by no means a sure thing. But he's going to get paid like he is wherever he goes

i think part of the obsession is to find a nick saban before he's nick saban so you get a good couple decades out of him.
i didn't want to say the race thing, but if you don't think for one second he is are just lying to yourself

didn't listen to it but don't think race is as big of a factor. He took over a tough job from a guy who won a national championship and speaks with the charisma of a politician and Mack did him no favors with talent. So Charlie comes in from a basketball school where he overachieved and all of a sudden has to worry about a TV network in addition to pressure he's never had. Doesn't help that he can't speak into a microphone after Mack lived for the TV screen, but he can't even figure out when to call timeout so it's evident to me he is in over his head. I think it was too big of a rebuild for him and feel bad for thinking the SEC schools he interviewed with previously didn't hire him because he was black and has a white wife. Think that may have been part of it, but they may have known what they were doing a little, too

i think part of the obsession is to find a nick saban before he's nick saban so you get a good couple decades out of him.

problem is there's one Saban and he didn't exactly stay for a couple decades so to me it's like searching for something that doesn't exist
GW- While I agree with you it isn't a BIG is a factor. Being disingenious if you think they aren't egg-shelling this because he is the first black coach ever at UT and is about to get fired after 3 sucks that it is that way, but it is
didn't listen to it but don't think race is as big of a factor. He took over a tough job from a guy who won a national championship and speaks with the charisma of a politician and Mack did him no favors with talent. So Charlie comes in from a basketball school where he overachieved and all of a sudden has to worry about a TV network in addition to pressure he's never had. Doesn't help that he can't speak into a microphone after Mack lived for the TV screen, but he can't even figure out when to call timeout so it's evident to me he is in over his head. I think it was too big of a rebuild for him and feel bad for thinking the SEC schools he interviewed with previously didn't hire him because he was black and has a white wife. Think that may have been part of it, but they may have known what they were doing a little, too

problem is there's one Saban and he didn't exactly stay for a couple decades so to me it's like searching for something that doesn't exist

it's not a big factor, but it's definitely a factor. the fear is how the school perceived by recruits, certain alums, and the college football landscape in general. to be fair, they've also got shaka smart and are supporting the hell out of him, so there's some cover there regardless.

you gotta figure that rebuilding some sec east school sure as hell ain't the same job as rebuilding texas. i agree that he might be in over his head, and it pains me to say that, but he hasn't been able to teach a defense for years. that alone is enough to get fired, justifiably.

i hear you on the saban thing.
GW- While I agree with you it isn't a BIG is a factor. Being disingenious if you think they aren't egg-shelling this because he is the first black coach ever at UT and is about to get fired after 3 sucks that it is that way, but it is

i agree with you, but they aren't exactly egg shelling it with these leaks and what not. they're talking about shit canning him at the end of the year regardless.

egg shelling it wouldn't have had the AD saying that he's getting evaluated right after the okie state loss
If Auburn takes on Charlie Strong it will be a huge victory for that program imo
i agree with you, but they aren't exactly egg shelling it with these leaks and what not. they're talking about shit canning him at the end of the year regardless.

egg shelling it wouldn't have had the AD saying that he's getting evaluated right after the okie state loss

yea, they obv are leaking things, but that is egg-shells to me and I think it would be handled differently given the situation was different.....(just my .2, but things are different at the school i follow and UT, so you would know better than me) we both said
GW- While I agree with you it isn't a BIG is a factor. Being disingenious if you think they aren't egg-shelling this because he is the first black coach ever at UT and is about to get fired after 3 sucks that it is that way, but it is

One of the reasons I was worried about Alabama hiring Sylvester Croom was that it was going to be next to impossible to fire him without scandal or sanctions
yea, they obv are leaking things, but that is egg-shells to me and I think it would be handled differently given the situation was different.....(just my .2, but things are different at the school i follow and UT, so you would know better than me) we both said

well, they don't exactly have a lot of experience with letting a coach go. the mack brown ending was a goddamn fiasco, leaks everywhere, mack holding everyone hostage, deloss refusing to breath a sober breath. that was a shit show.

it should be handled differently, but i don't know if they even know how to do that.
well, they don't exactly have a lot of experience with letting a coach go. the mack brown ending was a goddamn fiasco, leaks everywhere, mack holding everyone hostage, deloss refusing to breath a sober breath. that was a shit show.

it should be handled differently, but i don't know if they even know how to do that.

Indeed, the Brown thing was a fiasco. Patterson butchered it and the Barnes firing. And he's the one that was supposed to have had some hands-on AD experience. Now we've got a guy running the department who's a good lawyer and nice guy but doesn't have a lot of business being in the AD position. We saw how he bungled the baseball coach hire. I don't think we should have much confidence in this Strong thing going very well.
Do y'all have a statue of Gustafsen on campus?
I don't think he won a natty tho did he?
Maybe with Clemons?
Don't want to google, demanding my brain to remember.....grrrr.
Indeed, the Brown thing was a fiasco. Patterson butchered it and the Barnes firing. And he's the one that was supposed to have had some hands-on AD experience. Now we've got a guy running the department who's a good lawyer and nice guy but doesn't have a lot of business being in the AD position. We saw how he bungled the baseball coach hire. I don't think we should have much confidence in this Strong thing going very well.

jesus christ i totally forgot about the barnes shit.
That Tom Herman star lost a little shine. Has losses to uconn and navy last 2 seasons
First Navy win vs a top ten school since 1984 .. before most of you jackasses were born.

Horrific loss considering this is the worst navy team in a long time. You have the better players all over the field and you are up against a moron in the form of Niumatalolo and you can't get it done? And you had a perfect schedule set up with the extra few days to prepare for the option. This was a bad, bad, bad loss and the kind that gets you in trouble at major programs. He had great players at Ohio State and this Houston team is loaded with a special player at qb ... sometimes it is the kids. I do think he is a good coach but that was just an awful job of getting his kids ready this week.

Nice effort by the longhorns. They forced four times as many turnovers today as they had all year and still lost. Same old problems.
First Navy win vs a top ten school since 1984 .. before most of you jackasses were born.

Horrific loss considering this is the worst navy team in a long time. You have the better players all over the field and you are up against a moron in the form of Niumatalolo and you can't get it done? And you had a perfect schedule set up with the extra few days to prepare for the option. This was a bad, bad, bad loss and the kind that gets you in trouble at major programs. He had great players at Ohio State and this Houston team is loaded with a special player at qb ... sometimes it is the kids. I do think he is a good coach but that was just an awful job of getting his kids ready this week.

Nice effort by the longhorns. They forced four times as many turnovers today as they had all year and still lost. Same old problems.

this is the first time I watched the tackling all game.......holy shit
I mean, this is such an interesting dynamic

Tom Herman was scalding hot....LSU wanted him. Texas gets scared they might LOSE him by keeping Strong and staying quiet....

NOW Coach Oeaux, the Bayou Boy has LSU fans in a frenzy and might be on pace to lose the dreaded 'interim' tag and the Larose, LA native might be the LSU HC....

FSU is fading this year and there is a faction of money LSU men that want what they wanted a few years back....

interesting.....College fucking football
I would also like to hear the talking heads(not HCs...they obviously defend their own) that defended the grass eating moron
Also, Texas high school football is extremely over rated right now.

Just sad that the Texas flagship school loses to Kstate on the regular. K Fucking State. It is shameful.

No seriously .... Texas loses to Kansas fucking Gawd Damn State on the regular now. A team usually consisting of quality JUCO transfers who just try harder and are better coached than Texas. They have to recruit to Manhattan vs Austin ..Kansas instead of Texas .... and somehow they beat us.

Kansas state .... no really ... kansas state.

Embarrassing ... humiliating and not excusable.

He should be fired today. Don't wait another minute. Just fire him.
Has to be. That is an incredible loss and it was not a fluke. SMU beat their ass

It was VK....I was around some Southern Millionaire University alums and we had one TV with it going

they got their shit pushed in

couple that, with it was a loss after a Navy loss....Houston, we have a problem
Also, Texas high school football is extremely over rated right now.

Just sad that the Texas flagship school loses to Kstate on the regular. K Fucking State. It is shameful.

No seriously .... Texas loses to Kansas fucking Gawd Damn State on the regular now. A team usually consisting of quality JUCO transfers who just try harder and are better coached than Texas. They have to recruit to Manhattan vs Austin ..Kansas instead of Texas .... and somehow they beat us.

Kansas state .... no really ... kansas state.

Embarrassing ... humiliating and not excusable.

He should be fired today. Don't wait another minute. Just fire him.

Early in the day I was at a bar that had UT people in the back part....must be a place where they all gather in NO. Anyway, even the fans looked as uninspired as the seriously lol.

I asked a few....Man, WTF is wrong here? You all play in the shittiest conference in football....yall essentially ARE the conference, and given how bad the shit is, should be MOONWALKING into the final 4 playoffs...they just sat there with a dumb look. Why is this guy still the HC?

Bill Snyder is as good as they come, but you are TEXAS!!!!!

It is an utter shame....

There were a few defenders and thread bumpers in here, too

I said it was a shitty hire day 1 and I never saw Strong as a fit
He did some good things. Team was lazy before and we had some cancers that needed to get surgically removed. He did that. We got physically stronger. But we are just not well coached when it comes to the game itself.

I liked the hire at the time and I think it would be wrong to not keep in mind that he was fighting against a contingent of people against him within the program itself. That just makes it harder. Had he just recruited a kicker he might have even survived longer.... or someone who could block for a kicker.

The real problem is ... when you are a defensive coach and your kids have no idea where they are supposed to be and cannot make a play when they are where they are supposed to be .. well, you are sucking.