Should Texas Fire Charlie Strong?

But you can't look and listen to Strong at his pressers and not question whether he's in over his head. After TCU last season, and Arkansas, and Notre Dame, and TCU again, it's been the same message, a hollow "we've just got to get better", and each time delivered in the same voice, one that sounds lost and delivered by someone that looks like a deer in headlights. Who knows how much of this is due to the Patterson clusterfuck, or the Bianco firing or any # of things on the periphery.

Charlie told us last November that "a five-loss season will never happen in this program again". Well, it's going to happen, and it may be an 8 or 9 loss season. I hope to god that we don't get to that depths. If so, Perrin and Fenves are really going to have to be steadfast in their support, because Strong won't have much left in that department.

We'll see how things pan out.
Maybe we watched a different presser on Monday but nothing about what he said looked like he was lost or a deer in the headlights. He answered questions upbeat and with confidence and even stated he would get it turned around. He took responsibility and blame.

That being's a press conference. Exactly what is it he could say at this point that would please you or anyone else?

Find me a team that's played a schedule like this with this talent level and this many young players. Had we played Baylor's schedule we'd be, at worse, 4-1 and talking about how great we are...and would have the same players and woes waiting for the first opponent with a pulse to expose.

Folks used to complain nonstop when I was there about our out of conference schedule. Now it's beefed up and we are seeing some results no one likes. Can't have it both ways with the youth and culture he's having to deal with.
The strained HS coaches relationship narrative is flat out not true.

So not true that the head of the HSCA came out and refuted the Sports Illustrated report that initially made the claim.

Anyone with a computer can report whatever it is that they want these days and unfortunately, it doesn't have to be factual before it gains traction.

Agree with the rest of your post but it literally would not have mattered who came here. What was on campus would've still existed. In his later years Brown paid more attention to recruiting rankings than he did fit for the program.

Strong's job is no doubt to turn it around but to be shocked to the point where some think it's even realistic to call for his job is asinine.

Good luck trying to convince any top flight coach that he'd have time to turn things around if you fire Strong 2 years in. Even better luck trying to convince a kid the same thing won't happen to the next coach.

Strong is the guy...and the right'll just happen in a different way than we've seen at Texas.
I didn't get that from an article, I got it from a couple boosters that are close to the Texas program. I know Strong is kind of a last minute type of recruiter with his signings if you go by his Louisville days. So I guess we'll find out how close of a relationship he has with the HS coaches/players in this next recruiting class...
The "strained relationship" with Texas high school coaches is a fallacy. Everyone wants to compare Strong and Brown in this category, but they shouldn't. Brown was unparalleled, so much so that one of the first things he did when on the podium at the Rose Bowl after the USC win was to thank the high school coaches in Texas. Strong goes about things differently, and won't ever be as effective as Brown. But to say there's an issue with the state's coaches isn't true.

To be clear, at this point it's ridiculous to be talking about Strong being fired. At a minimum, there's too much going on upstream with a new president and AD for Texas to cross that bridge. Even if you thought / think he deserves to get canned, it's not going to happen. He's going to be back in '16. You can pretty much bank on it.
Maybe we watched a different presser on Monday but nothing about what he said looked like he was lost or a deer in the headlights. He answered questions upbeat and with confidence and even stated he would get it turned around. He took responsibility and blame.

That being's a press conference. Exactly what is it he could say at this point that would please you or anyone else?

Find me a team that's played a schedule like this with this talent level and this many young players. Had we played Baylor's schedule we'd be, at worse, 4-1 and talking about how great we are...and would have the same players and woes waiting for the first opponent with a pulse to expose.

Folks used to complain nonstop when I was there about our out of conference schedule. Now it's beefed up and we are seeing some results no one likes. Can't have it both ways with the youth and culture he's having to deal with.

They are 1-4 though. The four losses have come at an average of over 20 points. They are in the bottom 15 for points allowed, and defense is supposed to be Strong's strength. He just lost by 43 against an instate rival. The other instate rival will do similar, as their other rival will probably do this weekend. If Texas Tech beat them also then he is in real trouble. You cannot lose to your three biggest rivals (on the field, recruiting, etc) by what will probably be over a combined 100 points and convince fans, boosters and potential recruits that things are heading in the right direction. If TCU, Baylor and A&M keep winning, then the school has no other option

The number of young players he is playing and no AD will buy him a year
I didn't get that from an article, I got it from a couple boosters that are close to the Texas program. I know Strong is kind of a last minute type of recruiter with his signings if you go by his Louisville days. So I guess we'll find out how close of a relationship he has with the HS coaches/players in this next recruiting class...
By no means was I insinuating you got it from the article...just saying that's where all the national noise on it came from. And not to be disparaging in any way but unless one of those boosters is part of the Dallas big 3, they're wrong too.

Malik Jefferson doesn't sign with Texas if Strong's relationship is poor with HS coaches and he doesn't pull the haul he did last year (take out the out of staters) after going 5-7. As another poster said, he's just not Mack Brown. And to that point, no one is. He was the ultimate CEO/politician of a coach and there's literally no one else in the game today that does it the way he did.
They are 1-4 though. The four losses have come at an average of over 20 points. They are in the bottom 15 for points allowed, and defense is supposed to be Strong's strength. He just lost by 43 against an instate rival. The other instate rival will do similar, as their other rival will probably do this weekend. If Texas Tech beat them also then he is in real trouble. You cannot lose to your three biggest rivals (on the field, recruiting, etc) by what will probably be over a combined 100 points and convince fans, boosters and potential recruits that things are heading in the right direction. If TCU, Baylor and A&M keep winning, then the school has no other option

The number of young players he is playing and no AD will buy him a year
I hear you. I still contend that any team in a similar predicament facing ND and TCU would've lost those games in similar fashion. You can be a defensive guru all you want but until you have the parts, you're doing the best to tred water. It looks bad to read, and it is, but it's the state of things.

When you kick your feet up like Brown did in his twilight at Texas you leave a wasteland behind that's unlike any we've seen. Look no further than the NFL draft the last 5 years or so and find me the olinemen that have been drafted coming out of Texas.
I know this sounds strange coming from a Sooners fan, but I do hope you guys get better and come back as a national power again. I mainly wish it because if this conference is going to stay together and survive we need both OU and Texas to be good. The Big 12 isn't going to survive with just Baylor and TCU being the powers in this conference. And Briles and Baylor are already starting to wear thin with me. Right now my feeling is Strong is one of the best defensive coordinators in the country, but the book is still out on how good of a coach he is at a bigtime Power 5 program. It was a big leap from coaching at Louisville in a conference that was much easier to win in than the Big 12. This reminds me of the Rich Rod situation when he went to Michigan. He was never a good fit in that culture from day one. But like I said, if they give Strong another year and he starts winning, that tends to cure many things..
Little has changed, he is surviving this year. At this moment he will struggle to get to 6. Next year will be like Muschamp was last year.
It was a hell of an effort Saturday. I've been to every OU game in Dallas since '91. Never seen any post-game player (and coach) reaction like that, ever. And it's not even close.
It was a hell of an effort Saturday. I've been to every OU game in Dallas since '91. Never seen any post-game player (and coach) reaction like that, ever. And it's not even close.

As i have said all year (and for most UT sharpies around here to have semi-confirmed), give this fuckin guy time and he'll start to get the state back. Will have fight Ayyunem for recruits but should never take a back seat to anyone. Program was in shambles when he took it over. Just hope with the new AD and the relative strength of teams he has to play the rest of the year (and maybe next) that he gets the 2017 season to prove that UT football is back to where it "should" be.

Weird that I ever commented in here as I basically don't like or have no feelings toward Texas other than some very respected posters here that I want to interact with. TexasFight coming back to chime in was the last straw; he's as sharp as they come. Put me in the Strong corner and with strong feelings that he can get it done there.

Also let it be known I thought Hoke would be the answer at Mishitgan :(
By no means was I insinuating you got it from the article...just saying that's where all the national noise on it came from. And not to be disparaging in any way but unless one of those boosters is part of the Dallas big 3, they're wrong too.

Malik Jefferson doesn't sign with Texas if Strong's relationship is poor with HS coaches and he doesn't pull the haul he did last year (take out the out of staters) after going 5-7. As another poster said, he's just not Mack Brown. And to that point, no one is. He was the ultimate CEO/politician of a coach and there's literally no one else in the game today that does it the way he did.

who is that?
lol at the little has changed and bandaid crew. It's ok to eat a little crow every now and then. We all have to at one time or another.

it is a great win, no doubt

but what?

Hell, I think Strong is a better coach than Stoops......but what does that say?
i hope he is. everything hinges on next year. if he gets results in his 3rd year, he'll get an extension.
His seat wasn't as "hot" as the masses were led to believe. Reports of him not getting it and being in over his head were wrong too. Patterson being removed was actually beneficial. Even prior to this game he was already set for 2016. This game just provided some good momentum at a time where a lot of negativity was hanging around. If he can build on it, which I think he can, I feel pretty confident in saying everyone will be looking back and laughing at threads like this 5 years from now.
I like Charlie, always have. But that was a JV team we played tonight, and we put up zero points. Zero. Granted, we're only an average team, but there's not a player on ISU's team that would have drawn a sniff from Texas. First time in 54 years we've been shut out by an unranked team, and that's abysmal. Can't paint it any other way.

I really, really hope we get better but this is worse than that disembowelment by TCU.
I like Charlie, always have. But that was a JV team we played tonight, and we put up zero points. Zero. Granted, we're only an average team, but there's not a player on ISU's team that would have drawn a sniff from Texas. First time in 54 years we've been shut out by an unranked team, and that's abysmal. Can't paint it any other way.

I really, really hope we get better but this is worse than that disembowelment by TCU.

you said it. does a win vs OK really buy him time?
The goodwill from the OU win evaporated in the Ames air last night.

That was just abysmal. I expected it to be a close game, neither team is good. But to see us so woefully unprepared is just jaw dropping.

Charlie said last November that "five losses will never happen within this program again". It has, unfortunately.
It's rock bottom and I am now ready to say that I was completely wrong. I thought Strong would be a good fit because I thought he could change the attitude. work ethic and get rid of the pot smoking, "get weird" culture surrounding our football program. I thought that was a nice formula for getting the team back on track. I was wrong. It isn't enough.

We (Yes, I said We...) just played a team almost devoid of talent, who was giving up huge pts to every single team they have played this year in FBS, on a week where they benched their starting QB who absolutely lit us up last year, on a week where they fired their offensive coordinator, on a week where some of the players were questioning both decisions publicly, in a game that was an absolute must win to have any chance at a bowl game this season..... and we got shut out.

I am sorry. This is rock bottom. Whether he will go is one thing, but he absolutely deserves to be fired at this point. This is a disgrace.
Last four recruiting classes, # of 4-stars signed:

Texas - 63
Iowa State - 2

And it was a complete mismatch Saturday.
That might be it. Hoke recruited well but was a buffoon on the sideline and development.
It's rock bottom and I am now ready to say that I was completely wrong. I thought Strong would be a good fit because I thought he could change the attitude. work ethic and get rid of the pot smoking, "get weird" culture surrounding our football program. I thought that was a nice formula for getting the team back on track. I was wrong. It isn't enough.

We (Yes, I said We...) just played a team almost devoid of talent, who was giving up huge pts to every single team they have played this year in FBS, on a week where they benched their starting QB who absolutely lit us up last year, on a week where they fired their offensive coordinator, on a week where some of the players were questioning both decisions publicly, in a game that was an absolute must win to have any chance at a bowl game this season..... and we got shut out.

I am sorry. This is rock bottom. Whether he will go is one thing, but he absolutely deserves to be fired at this point. This is a disgrace.

the real question now is who the fuck could he even hire as an OC? it's not like you can keep norvell after the last couple games. specifically, getting shut out in ames. and what hot shot OC is gonna hitch his wagon to a coach already on the hot seat? this is bad all around, but it's getting harder to see how charlie makes it better.

i think the only thing he deserves to be fired for is bringing shawn watson with him to be the offensive coordinator. that decision alone is one that questions his understanding of how big the job at texas is.

he was given a blank check to find an OC, and he brought shawn fucking watson.
He's making a mistake right now even allowing Norvell to call plays. Traylor should be in charge of the offense.

But Heard has no clue when it comes to reading defenses and he isn't a passing threat. One dimensional offenses are pretty easy to scheme against.
traylor is gonna be his only choice. smash-mouth spread that gilmer used is gonna be a focal point i suppose. might help recruit the east, but jesus christ i don't know if traylor is ready for this.
Yeah, I doubt Traylor envisioned anything like this.

Yet, we'll cover this Saturday. KU it that bad. Historically bad.
gotdamn, it rains so much that the team can't even leave the airport for several hours. You don't think mental aspect of, oh, you know, LIFE, played into their effort Saturday? Not the coach's fault that the team never got on the plane (only physically) considering what was happening back at home.

You guys are fucking brutal. Let the man work.
Didn't see the result from Iowa St coming at all. Really don't know what to say right now with respect to it all. That was flat out ugly. I expected it to be close and didn't chalk it up as a flat out win but good grief. I think I even read a quote where Rhodes said something like "we probably shouldn't beat Texas." That's where we are.
it's amazing. The guy has been employed for about 22 months. You don't have that much turnover and win anywhere, not even at Texas. It takes time to build things the right way. Let the man figure things out. If you're that impatient, you'll never win. Firing a coach and lucking into hiring a replacement that has a similar vision in how he runs the program and recruits would be the only way.
Yep. Enjoy firing him then falling into that cycle of doing it every 2-3 years and wondering why you are who you are 20 years from now. Ask Nebraska.
it's amazing. The guy has been employed for about 22 months. You don't have that much turnover and win anywhere, not even at Texas. It takes time to build things the right way. Let the man figure things out. If you're that impatient, you'll never win. Firing a coach and lucking into hiring a replacement that has a similar vision in how he runs the program and recruits would be the only way.

the problem is florida and michigan's turn around. folks are pointing there and screaming loud enough to drown out any nuance.
Michigan hasn't turned it around. They can't beat the best teams on their schedule yet.
it's amazing. The guy has been employed for about 22 months. You don't have that much turnover and win anywhere, not even at Texas. It takes time to build things the right way. Let the man figure things out. If you're that impatient, you'll never win. Firing a coach and lucking into hiring a replacement that has a similar vision in how he runs the program and recruits would be the only way.

sorry, see FLA

see Mich

you are wrong rexy