Richard Sherman

lol cds, just hating on sherman.

respect for Williams though

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Respect for Williams. You want to talk shit and trash thats what should happen.
I have no problem celebrating or anything. But when you go to rub it in to the other player thats when you deserve to knocked out. Thats why Lagarette Blount knocked the fuck out of the Boise dude.

In the real world you end up in jail for this
so your whole point is that you don't think he's smart because someone else COULD be writing the column for him? got it...

Clearly you did not see the point.

Ok Sammy Dawson...let me explain this one.

People are assuming this guy is a genius based on two facts: he went to Stanford University and writes articles online. My argument is, sometimes people who are not smart get accepted to universities that they do not deserve to get into. My examples were Allen Iverson and Patrick Ewing attending Georgetown University. My second argument was, just because he writes articles online does not mean he is not receiving assistance from someone.
Did anyone question whether any white players who wrote articles actually wrote them?

Or is it the dreads that make him look questionable?
I got no beef with his interview save one line...Crabtree is mediocre...he's clearly not...

I get they were pissed at each other and he was trying to kick him while he was down but there are probably better insults out there then the blatantly untrue. Just like Crabtree's retort that "Film don't lie" and " That's probably the only play he made all game"...

Cmon guys i expect better lol
Did anyone question whether any white players who wrote articles actually wrote them?

Or is it the dreads that make him look questionable?

This has nothing to do with race, but I'm guessing your an African American liberal?

If I had to guess, I would assume that most athletes, black or white, have some sort of assistance when they write articles or prepared statements. There are certainly players who write their own shit, but I'm sure a lot of these guys get some help.
Did anyone question whether any white players who wrote articles actually wrote them?

Or is it the dreads that make him look questionable?

Those questions you bring up might all be true

Yet they are 99% only ever asked about certain groups of people

It can work both ways though. How many white guys do you see jumping around like idiots after every tackle they make? How many white guys grab a ball that clearly wasn't fumbled, with every official blowing their whistle 10 times, and run all the way to the other endzone time and time again?
The people that are so up in arms about Sherman, do/did you feel the same about Jordan?

Somebody that isn't on mobile want to post the Jordan gif wagging his finger at Mutombo.

He was mocking Mutombo and you know that. Jordan never gave an interview the way Sherman did. That was a very bad example.
Lol Jordan told everyone off basically during his HOF acceptance speech...the dude is a total asshole...there's no debating that..
Lol Jordan told everyone off basically during his HOF acceptance speech...the dude is a total asshole...there's no debating that..

That wasn't the example that was brought up. He was the best ever in the game. Comparing Sherman to Jordan is not a good comparison anyway you look at it. Why not compare him to A Rod? A Rod is an asshole, and they both share being suspended for PEDs. Sherman doesn't ever catch any slack for that though....why is that?
at the time I think PM was 28 with 0 SB titles

the point stands though, if Sherman called out his teammate after something he would get ripped 6 ways from sunday, people laughed with manning at the 'idiot kicker'

Bro, EVERYONE talks crap about kickers. They get zero respect. Also, if Sherman wanted to call out some of his teammates I don't think there would be one problem with it. Is he not one of if not the most respected guy on the team?
The finger wag was an example of a celebration done to belittle an opponent, like Sherman did to Crabtree after the play....had nothing to do with interview...born and bred linked the incorrectly...not shocking
Lol Jordan told everyone off basically during his HOF acceptance speech...the dude is a total asshole...there's no debating that..

Thats not what you said. Your changing your story now to an acceptance speech in the HOF. No question he's a prick, though. But there are zero examples of what you were talking about in your OP concerning Jordan going ape shit after a game or during it.
The finger wag was an example of a celebration done to belittle an opponent, like Sherman did to Crabtree after the play....had nothing to do with interview...born and bred linked the incorrectly...not shocking

Mutombo did the finger wag thing though, so Jordan doing it back to him was kinda funny and done in jest. If Sherman was doing something that Crabtree did all the time as a means to "belittle" him, then the comparison would make sense.

And I didn't have a problem with what Sherman did, as I pointed out earlier. I truly think he was just having some fun at the end of the game there, and even stuck his hand out to kinda squash the whole thing....obviously Crabtree wasn't in the mood right after the play happened, and then pushed him in the then all hell broke loose in the interview.
The finger wag was an example of a celebration done to belittle an opponent, like Sherman did to Crabtree after the play....had nothing to do with interview...born and bred linked the incorrectly...not shocking

Whats not shocking is you changing your story around. Jordan didn't go around wagging his finger at everybody. It was Mutombo that wagged his finger at people. Jordan merely mocked him one time with a finger wag. I can't believe this is even debatable. You brought up an awful and incorrect example bc Sherman wasn't mocking something Crabtree does on a regular basis.
"It's so great to finally be here tonight, fulfilling my lifelong dream. Ever since I was little, I dreamt of humiliating Michael Crabtree."

Hahahahaha. Good read, Jump.
Clearly you did not see the point.

Ok Sammy Dawson...let me explain this one.

People are assuming this guy is a genius based on two facts: he went to Stanford University and writes articles online. My argument is, sometimes people who are not smart get accepted to universities that they do not deserve to get into. My examples were Allen Iverson and Patrick Ewing attending Georgetown University. My second argument was, just because he writes articles online does not mean he is not receiving assistance from someone.

I'm surprised Crabtree didn't bring it up. He could really get under Sherm's skin by bringing up PEDs.
Clearly you did not see the point.

Ok Sammy Dawson...let me explain this one.

People are assuming this guy is a genius based on two facts: he went to Stanford University and writes articles online. My argument is, sometimes people who are not smart get accepted to universities that they do not deserve to get into. My examples were Allen Iverson and Patrick Ewing attending Georgetown University. My second argument was, just because he writes articles online does not mean he is not receiving assistance from someone.

He took advanced placement classes in HS also. AND he got into stanford. Much like Notre Dame or any other prestigious university, they have academic standards that are higher then most schools for entry. You can keep making the argument that you don't think he's very smart, but the easy solution might be to look at everything and accept the fact that they guy, despite being gruff, abrasive, and a constant prick on the field, might actually in fact be pretty intelligent and able to articulate his message in writing on his own. Nobody is calling him a genius.
The finger wag was an example of a celebration done to belittle an opponent, like Sherman did to Crabtree after the play....had nothing to do with interview...born and bred linked the incorrectly...not shocking

It's like Kaep mocking Cam Newton's superman dance last week. Nobody talking about that though...
"I'm better at life than you."
"But do you think you are better than Darrelle Revis?"

Love that whole interview. Thanks for posting.

[video=youtube;j6x-O3kb1sI] 6v%3Dj6x-O3kb1sI&app=desktop[/video]
i think it's funny that he says it's not personal, but right after says "i'm better than you"
His failed drug year was for a derail and the suspension was overturned on appeal

It was overturned on a bogus appeal, just like Ryan Braun's suspension. He still failed a drug test. I know they say it was for "adderall," but that's a whole bunch of guys on their team taking adderall then huh? Why would they if it isn't enhancing their performance.

A-Rod hasn't failed a drug test though (or it wasn't used as reasoning for his suspension), but everyone calls him a cheater. See the hypocrisy?

Just so we're clear about the overturned suspension as well....he claimed that the cup he peed into had a leak in it, so the guy taking the sample used a 2nd cup to move the sample into. It was overturned because that was deemed a "breach of protocol." He failed a fucking drug test. Period.
It's like Kaep mocking Cam Newton's superman dance last week. Nobody talking about that though...

This was more on par with what Jordan did with the finger wag though, really no need to talk about it. Sherman wasn't using something Crabtree does often and using it on him, that's the difference. It's also being talked about mostly because of the interview, not what he did to Crabtree after the game (which again I didn't have too much of an issue with, just thought he was having some fun and trying to squash it all with the offered hand shake).
Richard Sherman is a piece of shit and is all that is wrong with sports. It's that me first bullshit that makes me pretty much hate the NBA. I'm guessing someone would say that those thoughts make me a racist.
I guess I also belong on the Deadspin list as my post after the comments, "Someone please release Aaron Hernandez so he can take out that piece of shit Richard Sherman. Sherman belongs either in jail or the NBA."
It's a football game! He just played his nemesis...he was all praise for the team 10 minutes later... Erin got him at the right time..I've lol'd all day at this video.

I also don't understand the analogy of betting against the seahawks because of Richard Sherman..what does this have to do with anything?
This has nothing to do with race, but I'm guessing your an African American liberal?

If I had to guess, I would assume that most athletes, black or white, have some sort of assistance when they write articles or prepared statements. There are certainly players who write their own shit, but I'm sure a lot of these guys get some help.

0 for 3
Richard Sherman is a piece of shit and is all that is wrong with sports. It's that me first bullshit that makes me pretty much hate the NBA. I'm guessing someone would say that those thoughts make me a racist.

why are you so angry. This is a football game.
There have been 6 Seahawks suspended since 2011. It's never brought up though, which seems odd.

Pete Carroll just gon' do what he do, baby.
Is he smart enough to think that we are dumb enough to believe that he was running over to Crabtree to say "good game?"