Richard Sherman

Sherman was celebrating tackles in the NO game after 12 yard gains by NO...he's always been and will always be that "look at me" guy. What he did yesterday though, wasn't so bad imo. He went over and, if you watch the video, actually reached out his hand to Crabtree after saying what he said to him (which wasn't that bad since we now know what was said). He was almost having fun with it at that point,and then showing respect by reaching his hand out to shake hands with Crabtree. Obviously, Crabtree wasn't in the mood for that, but I don't think Sherman's intention was to start shit right there...and I really can't stand that way he dances and jumps around after seemingly every single play he makes, even if it wasn't a great play.
1. he did not swear
2. he made a heckuva play to win the game
3. he is the best corner in the game
4. he has a degree from stanford
5. he was disrespected by jim harbaugh at stanford repeatedly
6. he plans out what he does and gets publicity for his team in seattle
7. he writes very insightful and educated articles on mmqb
8. he made erin andrews look ugly
9. he showed us what a chicks face looks like when she is very unattracted to a man
10. he's not boring like russell wilson


Well, nobody's perfect. Graded out @ a 90, missed one
Sherman was celebrating tackles in the NO game after 12 yard gains by NO...he's always been and will always be that "look at me" guy. What he did yesterday though, wasn't so bad imo. He went over and, if you watch the video, actually reached out his hand to Crabtree after saying what he said to him (which wasn't that bad since we now know what was said). He was almost having fun with it at that point,and then showing respect by reaching his hand out to shake hands with Crabtree. Obviously, Crabtree wasn't in the mood for that, but I don't think Sherman's intention was to start shit right there...and I really can't stand that way he dances and jumps around after seemingly every single play he makes, even if it wasn't a great play.

The shaking hand thing was probably to be an asshole.
Clearly he has deep issues centered around how ugly he is and he feels the need to over compensate in other areas to take the attention away from his face. I feel bad for the guy

Also, he isn't very smart. Like someone else said if Crabtree is so mediocre why is he making such a big deal about this
lol don't nobody don't ....

In Winston's defense ... he doesn't know what the word "don't" means !
1. he did not swear
2. he made a heckuva play to win the game
3. he is the best corner in the game
4. he has a degree from stanford
5. he was disrespected by jim harbaugh at stanford repeatedly
6. he plans out what he does and gets publicity for his team in seattle
7. he writes very insightful and educated articles on mmqb
8. he made erin andrews look ugly
9. he showed us what a chicks face looks like when she is very unattracted to a man
10. he's not boring like russell wilson

do i like him, not really except when he was part of my fantasy team, but he can ball.
i agree with all 10 points...
What a night, and what a finish.
Near midnight I still had about 70 unread text messages from friends and family, most of which read, “Best interview ever!” Many of my Twitter mentions were less supportive. My body ached. I was thrilled and proud and upset, all at once.
Here’s what happened …
I spent most of the game on an island: I was targeted only twice during the entire NFC Championship. The first produced a BS holding call against me; the second ended the game. Michael Crabtree stutter-stepped out of his break on first down and sprinted toward the end zone. I was in good position for a pick until he pushed me in the back. My interception became a tip and an interception for Malcolm Smith in the end zone.
Game over. The Seahawks are in the Super Bowl.
I ran over to Crabtree to shake his hand but he ignored me. I patted him, stuck out my hand and said, “Good game, good game.” That’s when he shoved my face, and that’s when I went off.
I threw a choking sign at 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Why? Because he decided he was going to try the guy he was avoiding all game, because, I don’t know, he’s probably not paying attention for the game-winning play. C’mon, you’re better than that.
<figure class="wide blockquote" style="-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); margin: 0px 0px 25px; overflow: hidden; zoom: 1; width: 800px; height: auto; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; line-height: 25px; background-color: rgb(229, 229, 229);">
“It was loud, it was in the moment, and it was just a small part of the person I am.”
</figure>Erin Andrews interviewed me after the game and I yelled what was obvious: If you put a subpar player across from a great one, most of the time you’re going to get one result. As far as Crabtree being a top-20 NFL receiver, you’d have a hard time making that argument to me. There are a lot of receivers playing good ball out there, and Josh Gordon needed 14 games to produce almost double what Crabtree can do in a full season. And Gordon had Brandon Weeden, Brian Hoyer and Jason Campbell playing quarterback.
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But that’s not why I don’t like the man. It goes back to something he said to me this offseason in Arizona, but you’d have to ask him about that. A lot of what I said to Andrews was adrenaline talking, and some of that was Crabtree. I just don’t like him.
It was loud, it was in the moment, and it was just a small part of the person I am. I don’t want to be a villain, because I’m not a villainous person. When I say I’m the best cornerback in football, it’s with a caveat: There isn’t a great defensive backfield in the NFL that doesn’t have a great front seven. Everything begins with pressure up front, and that’s what we get from our pass rushers every Sunday. To those who would call me a thug or worse because I show passion on a football field—don’t judge a person’s character by what they do between the lines. Judge a man by what he does off the field, what he does for his community, what he does for his family.
But people find it easy to take shots on Twitter, and to use racial slurs and bullying language far worse than what you’ll see from me. It’s sad and somewhat unbelievable to me that the world is still this way, but it is. I can handle it.
One thing I can’t accept is what I read after the game about Seahawks fans throwing food at 49ers linebacker Navorro Bowman as he was being carted off the field with his knee injury. If it’s true, it’s beyond terrible. That’s as low as it gets. I’m sure whoever did this is in a small minority of fans, because I don’t think that kind of action is an accurate representation of the character of the 12th man. Navorro Bowman is a great player who plays the game the right way. When he went down, I dropped to a knee and prayed for him. He deserves better than having food thrown at him as he’s carted off a field. All players deserve better than that.
So here we are, in the Super Bowl. New York-bound. There will be a lot of talking, but at this point, after 18 games, there’s nothing left to say. We have the right mindset, and nothing can change that. We’ve treated every week like a championship opportunity and we’ll obviously continue to think that way. We deserve to be here. We didn’t sneak into the Super Bowl; we earned our way. Now every goal we set forth at the beginning of the season is in front of us.
The Broncos stand in our way, and it’s a large obstacle. They’ve got the smartest quarterback in football and receivers who are large (mostly), explosive with the football and run great routes. Wes Welker is quick and elusive, Eric Decker is a great receiver with hands and speed, and Demaryius Thomas is as strong as they come. And Peyton knows how to get each of them in spots.
It’s the No. 1 offense vs. the No. 1 defense. It’s a match made in heaven, and we couldn’t be more excited. If you’re any kind of competitor and you have any kind of dog about you, you want to play against the best. Finally, we get the opportunity.
its pretty funny that he's trying to play off the handshake as just a good moment of sportsmanship, but good article written by him
Jay Washington@MrJayWashington<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">13h</small>
If Richard Sherman woulda snapped out like that with Pam Oliver that German Shepherd on her head woulda jumped up and started barking
Can't wait until Richard Sherman is 50, has chronic knee issues, can't remember who his children are, and can no longer act like an obnoxious prick.
Imagine if Sherman was 37 years old with a SB title and arguably top 3 at his position all time?

at the time I think PM was 28 with 0 SB titles

the point stands though, if Sherman called out his teammate after something he would get ripped 6 ways from sunday, people laughed with manning at the 'idiot kicker'
Shouldn't Sherman have gone and talked shit to Kaep? Wasn't it his bad decision and underthrown ball that he made the play on? From that pic on pg 3 you can see that if the ball were put out farther either Crabtree makes an amazing catch or it's incomplete, not a game ending INT. I'm not sure how that was on Crabtree.
well considering Crabtree pulling out of 1 catch like a bitch, then being too stupid to go out of bounds on another that would have meant seattle punts after the int rather than kneels it out...
So "the best corner in the game" barely makes a game saving play against "a mediocre and average WR" and he has this kinda reaction? He could have made himself look better by saying how good Crabtree is and yet he still was able to shut him down.

He may be smart and a Stanford grad but he has no class.
he also talks in the video Jump posted about baiting QBs

if he was closer to Crabtree he couldn't have sucked Kaep in to throwing the ball
the biggest fan of all this is Kaep by the way

3 turnovers in the final 10 minutes and everyone is talking about an interview
lol cds, just hating on sherman.

respect for Williams though

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I have more respect for Sherman today than I did yesterday. To be able to make that play in that moment after not being involved the entire game (because he's so good) is unbelievable. Even the greats of any sport could be excused if they failed there after being lulled to sleep, he actually still made the play. Kudos to him.
It's all an act and now he has to live up to it and we as fans have to be annoyed by him for two weeks..
looks like full palm to me, not a fingertip


I never said anything about a fingertip and I'm not hating on the guy. I played his position in football so I know how hard it is and I will with no qualms say he is the best corner in the league. I just don't understand what he is trying to do with all this shit. His play is what made him the best in the league, not his mouth. My point is he was very close to giving up a game winning TD to what he calls a mediocre wide receiver. If Kaepernick makes a slightly better throw there the niners are going to the Super Bowl.
This is still going on? You'd think it was a thread about grilled cheese sandwiches.
The choking motion was at Kaep.

That makes more sense. Somehow I missed that. Talking to Crab and choke at it. I had no problem with the interview but it was a little too much WWE for me. I think the NFL has higher standards than Vince McMahon too.
Guy acted like an ass, EA seemed scared, non-story. Asswipe scares woman. Film at 11.
Yea, I wrote good papers in college, but I had people doing them for me.

Wouldn't be surprised if Sherman has his Auntie writing these.

so your whole point is that you don't think he's smart because someone else COULD be writing the column for him? got it...
I have no problem celebrating or anything. But when you go to rub it in to the other player thats when you deserve to knocked out. Thats why Lagarette Blount knocked the fuck out of the Boise dude.