i love puig, i just think he is on peds......you can't get that big eating egg whites and drinking protein shakes...He prolly is 29 anyways, so you guys only have 3-4 years left of his prime anyways..
great...you you should be in first place when you buy a team....win a title since Reagan was president than I will care....

Clean up your ghetto ass fucking stadium ffs, jesus
great...you you should be in first place when you buy a team....win a title since Reagan was president than I will care....

Clean up your ghetto ass fucking stadium ffs, jesus

What's your liquor of choice you're mixing with that Haterade tonight?

When was the last time you visited Dodger Stadium?
ill be back when you win a title...gotta go to bed.....im 34, doubt i live another 50 years, so doubful i see another dodgers title :)
NL West be done by the end of August...

...World Series finishes up in November. See you then. Nighty night.
Dodgers trophy case since 90s

Lol dodger stadium had a huge renovation..

Hilarious how ignorant people are...
You should be thanking the Dodgers for helping extend the Pirates lead to 4 games in the Central with their 3-1 series win @ St Louis.
But I was mainly referring to KJ's premise that a team can just buy their way into contention. Not that the dodgers didn't do that, just that it's not that easy/simple. Angels Phil's and yanks have all broken the bank and look where it's gotten them.
<iframe class="vine-embed" src="https://vine.co/v/hhgw3jV3YIu/embed/simple" width="600" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe><script async src="//platform.vine.co/static/scripts/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Holy shites...fell asleep last night thinking our boys lost after Price dominated and up 6-0. This team is so damn good right now... Unreal!

And get back in that lineup Hanley! We need him in there. So much better with Hanley in his cleanup spot and Puig in his 2-spot...#66 can't run the bags the way he needs to when he's running behind A-Gonz (the slowest man on the basepaths in all of MLB).
@Buccigross: Dodgers: 1st team with 36 wins in 44-game stretch since the A's in 2005--1st NL team with such a stretch since 1953 Brooklyn Dodgers #elias
I typically hate futures unless I see a horrible horrible price or if a team is about to acquire gamechangers and the price hasn't adjusted-grabbed dodgers +550 to win the west about 2 weeks ago.

How great of a bet was/is this? (pg 10)