I don't like Ethier in there...team was in a nice flow offensively with Skip.

Right from the start of the NLCS, 2 things went against the Dodgers - one controllable, the other not.

(1) With Ethier injured, Kemp out, and Puig a playoff rookie with lots to learn, Rameriz was always going to be 1 of 2 key ABs for LA (Gonzo the other). Hey presto, first AB of the series & he's done like a dinner (2-12 +3 BB from Game 2 onwards). STL might well have packed their bags for the WS right then & there. This just gets filed under shit that happens. The Cards know all about an injury to your best batter in an NLCS, and how it can cost you. Just go back 1 season.

(2) Donnie Loseball slotted Ethier into the starting lineup (I personally saw nothing prior to the day the series started that said that was going to happen). If that was his long term intention (as opposed to the more unlikely, on the spur of the moment decision), then he needed to give him at least a start in Game 4 vs Atlanta to get up to some kind of speed, when, at 3-0 up in that series, he could afford a performance like, say, I don't know, Ethier dropping a game winning catch, and not really pay for it. Blow a game up 3-0, no biggy. Blow a crucial Game 1, slighty more of a biggy. Just slightly. He PH'd him throughout that NLDS, so you know his decision to start him wasn't a spur of the moment thing, because what difference did 3 days really make (between Game 4 & Game 1)? No, Donnie Loseball fixes something that isn't broke, and it unarguably cost them Game 1 (and with it probably the series). As for his BS reasoning -

Mattingly steadfastly defended Ethier. Asked if Ethier might have felt rusty as a result of not having started in the outfield for nearly a month, Mattingly said, "Usually when a guy jumps at a ball at the wall and runs into it at the same time, you don't really call that rust. If he catches it, it's a great play. I don't think you can find any fault with him not catching it."

Well, if a guy is fit enough then he can run at full pace towards the ball's perceived landing area, meaning he's there to catch the ball early enough to avoid any heavy collison with the wall. By being a step slow - due to not being fully fit & an extended time off full-game play - he inevitably arrives at that area however much more slowly (i.e., late), thereby necessitating a collison with the wall. While that catch wasn't easy, an injured player made it harder than it really was (not only look harder, but made it actually harder). This quote is a classic case of rationalization: it's got little to do conveying reality, and everything to do with saving DM's own ego.

Besides that missed catch, Ethier did nothing at the plate (1-10 +1 BB) until his 'breakout' 2-3 +1 BB in Game 4. I personally don't think that was worth wasting 3 full NLCS games getting him up to speed for, not when your lineup was functioning fine with him only PH'ing. And considering he went 0-4 in Game 5 I'd still not have him starting, but at this point it's all about Donnie Loseball's ego & the possibility of losing face, so he won't bench him hence LA is odds on to lose the series because of it. It's one thing to have 1 passenger in a lineup, but 2?

LA has won 2 games: 1 because of a shutout by it's pitcher, the other due to hitting 4 HRs. Without either of those kind of irregular efforts, they've failed to win a game. Are they going to shut out the Cards twice @home? Are they going to total 4 HRs in both coming games? Are they going to manage 1 of each of those efforts again? Because at the moment they're the only benchmark for LA managing a W.... Yeah, I don't see it either. Maybe lightening strikes once more in either form, but not twice. LA will show some serious mettle to overcome these 2 offensive obstacles, when their very advantage over the Cards before the series began was offense (imo each pitching staff cancelled out the other). Frankly I'm struggling to see it, not when their best case scenario is facing Waino@home in a Game 7 without Greinke or Kershaw on the mound?
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Mattingly can be legit retarded but I don't think the dodgers are better off firing him....clubhouse chemistry and all that jazz....it's a weird situation.
The dodgers fired bench coach Trey Hillman who was Donnie's best buddy and was hand picked by him three years ago. It appears to me that the squeeze is on by the dodgers ownership. If Donnie quits they don't have to fire him. The press conference yesterday said it all. There is a major rift there between Don and ownership now.
(2) Donnie Loseball

haha...cute...looks like you're the 'sharp' one on the short bus, BC. :shake:

you're both missing the point, and misguided about the ethier situation.

Mattingly can be legit retarded but I don't think the dodgers are better off firing him....clubhouse chemistry and all that jazz....it's a weird situation.

every manager can seem retarded at times. name one with any history not heavily criticized @ some point. i know i thought torre couldn't manage a pitching staff w/out mel...and girardi's too dependent upon his fuckin binder.
but the fact is that they're all playing percentages. they are all great baseball minds. what separates managers is the extent the players buy in/sell out for them...in other words, chemistry...or personality...whatever you want to call it.
i didn't play for lasorda...but after talking baseball with him one time, i knew i'd run thru a brick wall for the guy. bobby v is one of the brightest baseball minds in the world...w/out question...yet he does the exact opposite of bringing people/players together with all the BS he pulls. it makes him cancerous, despite his baseball knowledge.

anyhow, you're only better off firing someone if you have someone you like better in mind. mattingly wasn't stan's guy, bottom line...and in any type of power play, money wins.
don deserves the job. but in all honesty...any solid baseball mind, that doesn't alienate players/people...will do just fine in that role. it's the exact same story for every team, and every manager. any player, coach, manager, etc...just like any employee or manager in the real world...is replaceable.

Yea Dodgers brass handling this with the grace of a bull in a china shop...

this is what i came here for...nail on head. it's the old shit or get off the pot thing.

by not already taking care of things...but already knowing the outcome...the dodgers are being pussies, forcing mattingly to quit.
if you're gonna fire don, you do it with the others being fired. but they know full well that what they did will force his hand to do it their way.
they got no balls to do it right.

as for mattingly, he'll be fine. he'd be a good fit for the cubbies, tigers, or any other midwest opening. he knows the game as well as anyone. but more importantly, he has the players respect around the league.
Ahhhhhhhh... My first taste of 2014 DODGER BASEBALL on MLB Network right now!

Looking forward to another great year...pretty dank sure us Doyers fans know we're takin' the whole damn thing this year!

A- Gonz with a leadoff double into the gap in the 2nd... :popcorn:
This dominant performance today is a clear cut indicator that the Dodgers will be overwhelming favorites to win the World Series this year.
Why? We can't keep it goin or what?

Hey, you get your Doyers seasons tickets yet, braves?

Sure you can keep it, but most times new threads are started for each season. I'd personally start a new one given the way last season ended.

They won't let me in Dodger games. I don't own a pair of dickie shorts or white tube socks
Sure you can keep it, but most times new threads are started for each season. I'd personally start a new one given the way last season ended.

They won't let me in Dodger games. I don't own a pair of dickie shorts or white tube socks

What about the Eagles thread? Hasn't that been going for years? Aren't there a couple others like that too?

Hahahaha... "Dickie shorts or tube socks" :rofl:

Coulda swore I saw you sitting in the left field pavilion for a bunch of games last year.
i don't know, thought they started a new eagles thread ever year. I don't care, there is no rule against keeping this one, lol
No but two of them had Puig getting deported by late May, one spit out the Greinke would tear his labia just after the all star break

That said, LAD didn't finish below Colorado in any of them and only was below SD in one. Actually won the division in one of them but a freak boating accident left them with only 6 players for the divisional playoffs, still trying to get to the bottom of that one.
Can we get a new, fresh thread title though? It can still be sarcastic or "funny", just somethin new.

It'll be changed multiple times during the year, so give the first title for this year's thread your best shot...
No but two of them had Puig getting deported by late May, one spit out the Greinke would tear his labia just after the all star break

That said, LAD didn't finish below Colorado in any of them and only was below SD in one. Actually won the division in one of them but a freak boating accident left them with only 6 players for the divisional playoffs, still trying to get to the bottom of that one.

I actually think the line on the deportation is mid July, so, you may have a solid wager with the under on that one.

Both my Lakers and Dodgers having problems fielding a full team this year. SMH
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The dog body slamming kid has a brighter future than this guy, lets not blur the lines.
Josh Beckett

Has apparently been very impressive and could be a pleasant surprise for the Dodgers in 2014. Reports say he's the leader for the 5th starter spot in the rotation. In listening to Charley Steiner during the Dodger broadcast on Friday, he says his velocity is up, much higher than expected, and Beckett's strong recovery has been quite a surprise. He'll start tomorrow's spring training game in his Cactus League debut versus a split-squad Padres team.
Josh Beckett sharp in first spring game for Dodgers since surgery

March 2, 2014, 4:06 p.m.

It was only Game 5 of their spring training schedule, but it was easily the Dodgers’ most encouraging day of 2014.

Right-hander Josh Beckett is coming back from a somewhat unusual surgery, one with a limited and uncertain history. He had a rib removed last summer to relieve pressure on a nerve that made his pitching arm and fingers feel numb.

Unsure how he would return this spring, in the off-season the Dodgers made an attempt to sign Japanese right-hander Masahiro Tanaka, made overtures to Bronson Arroyo and did sign left-hander Paul Maholm.

Sunday afternoon in a game called after nine innings with the scored tied 3-3 against the Padres at Camelback Ranch, Beckett made his first appearance of the spring. And if it was only two innings, it was nonetheless very hopeful, if not plain impressive.

Beckett, 33, allowed just a ground-ball single, showing remarkable control for a pitcher who last threw in a competitive game May 13. He struck out three and did not walk a batter. He threw not just fastballs, but also his breaking stuff for strikes.

For Beckett, who admitted to some unusual pregame nerves for a veteran pitcher, it had to be a significant relief. And keep him penciled in as the Dodgers’ fifth starter.

Maholm, now Beckett’s competition for the rotation spot, followed with two scoreless innings of his own. The left-hander allowed one hit, without a walk or strikeout.


You sleep like I do apparently, KK.

Haha...started drinking with buddies for the games at 1130am yesterday. Had to throw in the towel at halftime of the UCLA game and passed out. Woke up at 3am and my Dodgers were on, so, I guess that worked out quite well lol.
my god, yesterday was a prime example why he's a moron with no IQ. So many mistakes in the span of 9 innings. Read that Don is getting pissed off with his actions, can't blame him, at all!
Josh Beckett

Has apparently been very impressive and could be a pleasant surprise for the Dodgers in 2014. Reports say he's the leader for the 5th starter spot in the rotation. In listening to Charley Steiner during the Dodger broadcast on Friday, he says his velocity is up, much higher than expected, and Beckett's strong recovery has been quite a surprise. He'll start tomorrow's spring training game in his Cactus League debut versus a split-squad Padres team.

Puig so far in 2014:

45 games - .349 AVG (#2 in MLB), .438 OBP (#3 in MLB), .623 SLG (#2 in MLB), 1.061 OPS (#2 in MLB)

10 HR, 38 RBI, 5 SB, 27 R

.....not too damn shabby for "out of shape and overweight".