***NCAAB/NCAAF/NFL/NBA 11/17-11/24 Sippin on Tea In-game***

VK...I found it!!

It was called The Video Game, and was only around for one year it looks like...1984.
At least, I think that's it VK. This was on the Wiki page about the show...

Mini-games played on the show included:

  • "The Maze" – The game was played on a 5X5 grid on the floor. The contestant could start on any square on the grid. The contestant went across the board, one step in any direction, and could not go back to a space they had already stepped on. (Stepped-on spaces turned white.) The object was to find the one square on the board that would turn green, the "Treasure". They had to avoid the space that would turn red, the "Monster", which was always placed one space away from the Treasure. If they found the Treasure, they had to make it safely out of the Maze to win a prize. If the Monster was hit at any time, the contestant lost the game.
<dl><dd>Christopher provided the voice of the monster; he growled and snarled as the contestants made their moves, and he also gave periodic taunts.
At least, I think that's it VK. This was on the Wiki page about the show...

Mini-games played on the show included:

  • "The Maze" – The game was played on a 5X5 grid on the floor. The contestant could start on any square on the grid. The contestant went across the board, one step in any direction, and could not go back to a space they had already stepped on. (Stepped-on spaces turned white.) The object was to find the one square on the board that would turn green, the "Treasure". They had to avoid the space that would turn red, the "Monster", which was always placed one space away from the Treasure. If they found the Treasure, they had to make it safely out of the Maze to win a prize. If the Monster was hit at any time, the contestant lost the game.
<dl><dd>Christopher provided the voice of the monster; he growled and snarled as the contestants made their moves, and he also gave periodic taunts.

Also from The Video Game...


After three mini-games were played, the three contestants played the Res-Off round. This game was played on the same 5X5 grid as The Maze. This time, ten of the spaces had lights that turned red, and the other fifteen turned white.
To start, nine boxes were placed on a board, each with a number between 1-9. Each contestant picked a box. The one who picked the lowest number would go first, the middle second, and the highest last. As shown below, it was advantageous to go last; in fact, Kriesa often told the contestants to hope they do get the last turn in each round.

To begin, model Karen stood in the middle of the grid. The contestant told Karen to move one or two spaces in any direction (a diagonal move would require calling two spaces, as the contestant could not directly make a diagonal move.) If the space Karen landed turned white, that contestant was safe, and the next contestant took their turn. But if it turned red, that contestant was "de-resed" (computer graphics would make it look like they were disappearing) and out of the game. This game continued until one contestant was left standing; that contestant advanced to the Grand Prize Round.

NOTE: After the Res-Off round was played, Kriesa often challenged Greg Winfield to make one move just for fun. However, even if he made a bad move and was "de-resed," he would still return to host the Grand Prize Round.
Holy shit are you fucking kidding Cornell??? Up 4 with 4 seconds and you lose!!! Gave up a 3 then a TO and a layup, unreal.
Long Beach and Kansas State would be the equivalent of a 7/10 matchup in the dance, no reason KSU was laying 3 on the road, they are about equal and wish I had bet on the Beach

This Maui Invitational next week might be the weakest I've ever seen it

SDSU might win the thing scoring < 50 per game
To hell with this, shoulda just bet over in all the Germany futbol games today, each game had at least 4 goals
That's how it will probably be but I'd rather see either TCU or Baylor play Bama, only offense I saw make Bama look uncomfortable on D was the WVU hurry up, TCU would be an entertaining match
Before or after his liver?
He's been talking about Nebraska laying a whooping on my team since last year's game. Seriously. I think he does something drastic if Nebby loses today. It will be ugly.

That ass kicking last year really struck a nerve.