NBA Rumor Mill

Yup, the best point guard to come into the league since 1981 is gonna be traded.

Bank it.

Always thought that there were some drugs that I wasn't trying that would blow me away. You got a link for that Blazers fan board? :bong:
i gotta say that i end up at some random sites, but how the hell did you end up here?

Well, I use everyday.

A lot of states have these I guess. I trolled around the Cleveland one the other day. Seen the Nets one as well and figured I would try the Oregon one tonight.
D Will and DR both better

last year you'd hear me say the Dwill is in the same class as Paul, but since then I gotta say that Paul is a step above. I don't think it's as wide of a gap as many, but Paul still has an advantage.
How many skills contest has CP3 won?

I love Rose but c'mon. Nobody even tried in that event. I thought it was embarrassing that the league even staged it. Not one of those guys cared to even be there doing it.
What's Deron's record against CP3? What's Rose's record against CP3?


Chicago played New Orleans this year and CP3 was out the last meeting. Not sure if they played before.

Talking in terms of the better "player".

I am a big Deron Williams fan, but he is just a step below, and thats okay. Paul is one of the special talents that comes along every 25 years.
I knew Rose could throw down with anyone in NBA but didn't know he could pass like he did. Missed just 1 pass. Impressed me.
Their rookie numbers (boxscore) are almost identical and Rose is doing it under a 1st time coach 1 year outta college. I hope he continues to improve but who knows if he's about money or rings.
I knew Rose could throw down with anyone in NBA but didn't know he could pass like he did. Missed just 1 pass. Impressed me.

Come on man. Rose could have thrown the ball off the tire 20 times in a row and he would have impressed you. He's going to be an amazing player more than likely, but the odds of you sounding neutral with a Bulls player is equal to Throwback telling me that Kobe should get the MVP.
You're being a homer, Brewer. Which is totally fine. But right now there's just no way to compare Rose and CP, he hasn't been in the league long enough and he's still so young. You've got to give it some time.

Just my opinion, though. And as good as D-Will is, no GM in the league takes him over CP right now, and rightly so. Doesn't make him anything less than one of the best in the league, he's just not going to do what CP will for ya.
Rose could have thrown the ball off the tire 20 times in a row and he would have impressed you.

They have them throwing the ball through tires. Oh, David Stern, you genius, you.
I thought in HS and college he was more of a scorer than a distributor of offense. I thought he would finish last in that contest btw because i didn't think he could pass. Then he misses 1 pass. Go figure.
The Gm's of this league voted Rashard an AS and continue to leave Shane and other players who don't show up in NBA boxscores out. This is the same Rashard Lewis that hit 7 threes and got abused by any big he tried to guard vs the West tonight. He makes Dirk look like a man.
Players cannot control their GM's...

As far as the Hawks go, their season has been predicated on Horford. Look at their record with and without him. Simply amazing, he is the most important player on that team.
The big people down low erase mistakes the guards make. He is a good one. Shoulda been ROY last year. But nope give it to Kevin Durant who plays no d, shot a terrible %, didn't make playoffs but did score plenty of points. More reason why NBA awards outside of the NBA Title are meaningless.

Back to the rumors. Let's get Amare to Chicago so I can drink a shot everytime he gives up a bunny.
The big people down low erase mistakes the guards make. He is a good one. Shoulda been ROY last year. But nope give it to Kevin Durant who plays no d, shot a terrible %, didn't make playoffs but did score plenty of points. More reason why NBA awards outside of the NBA Title are meaningless.

Back to the rumors. Let's get Amare to Chicago so I can drink a shot everytime he gives up a bunny.

I'll give you that from last year absolutely. Although, KD will be a 10-12 year All-Star and challenge for MVP's from here on out. Kid is absolutely amazing. He might be the player I have enjoyed watching the most this year, granted the times have been limited to maybe 20 percent of his season.
portland fans are probably getting all nutty because J.A. Adande posted some ridiculous trade scenarios on yesterday, one included paul to the blazers... so stupid
How it could happen: The word around the league is the Hornets are already trying to shed salaries to get below the luxury tax next season. Perhaps they get so desperate they take the ultimate plunge, throwing Paul in the mix to entice someone to take on Peja Stojakovic's contract. The deep-pocketed Blazers bite and send LaMarcus Aldridge plus the expiring contracts of Raef LaFrentz, Channing Frye and Shavlik Randolph to the Big Easy for Paul.
Good chance RJ ends up in Portland as well. But that being said, the Blazers are trying many things on many fronts.
Well maybe Amare comes to Chicago and plays inspired :prayer

Addition by subtraction when Suns hopefully take Gordon in that deal. People talk about how he helps the offense but he is the biggest liability on defense I have ever seen. Gooden is an underrated quality post. That'll hurt. His crazy beard is what gets people. Tyrus is a solid defender but really no need having him and Noah on the same roster. They do too much of the same.


I'd like this lineup best but what do i know that Vinnie doesn't. I mean he's a NBA coach.
I have no "inside information" on what the Bulls hope to do before Thursday's NBA trade deadline, but one person who does have a couple strong NBA connections says don't be surprised if Amare Stoudemire heads to Toronto, Chris Bosh comes to the Bulls and a package featuring Drew Gooden and Tyrus Thomas heads to Phoenix.

THe more rumours that pop out, the more I think nothing gets done other than a couple of minor transactions.
This might be the biggest rumor week ever midseason. The economic climate is such(with this possibly being first drop in salary cap ever) that teams are trying anything right now. I just read 5 of the most ludicrous trades ever. Never ceases to amaze me.
Teams that are saving capspace for 2009 are going to find some great deals; it will be a buyers market. Teams looking for space in 2010 won't even use their MLE and the economic downturn has hit some teams in the wallet.

Guys like Boozer, Marion and AI are going to get a reality check. The young guys that want max type of money (Marvin Williams) will also get a reality check.

I think Dumars and Colangelo might be right in accumulating capspace this year and not next.
So Phx is apparently unhappy with the offers. Maybe they're just bluffing by leaking that he's gonna stay, and this is a way to find a team to step up with a really sweet offer.
I'd love to hear a GM of a team come out and talk openly about how the state of the economy is impacting their decisions right now. You know it is in MLB, you know it is here, it probably will in NFL free agency.

But I think it would be interesting to see how it's trickling into their individual businesses and impacting revenue.

Speaking of which, rumor is Lebron is thinking of changing his jersey number (to 6, his Olympic number).

Horrible time to do that from a marketing perspective.
I'd love to hear a GM of a team come out and talk openly about how the state of the economy is impacting their decisions right now. You know it is in MLB, you know it is here, it probably will in NFL free agency.

But I think it would be interesting to see how it's trickling into their individual businesses and impacting revenue.

Speaking of which, rumor is Lebron is thinking of changing his jersey number (to 6, his Olympic number).

Horrible time to do that from a marketing perspective.

Pulling a Kobe, wow
So Phx is apparently unhappy with the offers. Maybe they're just bluffing by leaking that he's gonna stay, and this is a way to find a team to step up with a really sweet offer.

Something is gonna happen. I bet they are trying to move Shaq now so they can get back to the run-n-fun offense. Either way, Sarver has to make some sort of move. I guess, at worst, by the draft.
If I were a contender, I would be on the horn with Phoenix right now getting together whatever offer I could for Amare. He's a game changer, and Phoenix is just dangling him out there for anyone to take and they can't even get a reasonable offer?
Pulling a Kobe, wow

Funny, when I heard this my first thought was, "don't do it, look what it did to Kobe." Not to say that Kobe kind of hasn't overcome it, but for the really casual fan (cough, Joe Public, cough) it's taken like three years to figure out what that guy's number is.

Besides, the greats rarely, if ever, change numbers. You chose 23, probably to continue its legacy, in that regard it was a good choice. Don't be stupid. Stick with it and if you have that great career people will argue forever about who was better, you or Jordan.

It's a dumb sports debate, who rep'd a number better but a lot of sports arguments are the things that go better with beer (what doesn't)--and from a marketing standpoint he's diluting his brand, not to mention asking kids to buy a new jersey while one or both of their parents might be looking for a job.
He's a game changer, and Phoenix is just dangling him out there for anyone to take and they can't even get a reasonable offer?

Problem is, Kerr's such a mess right now, who knows what constitutes 'reasonable' in that guy's mind.
He's a game changer, and Phoenix is just dangling him out there for anyone to take and they can't even get a reasonable offer?

Problem is, Kerr's such a mess right now, who knows what constitutes 'reasonable' in that guy's mind.

Tough to be in Kerr's shoes right now when you have an owner going into his own seperate trade talks. I mean, this franchise has been messed up and you can blame Kerr but it cannot solely fall on his shoulders.