NBA Rumor Mill

Stephen A. Smith (insert your personal feelings about him here) was on ESPN this afternoon screaming to anyone who'd listen that Bosh wants out of Toronto, bad.

He was saying Dallas, Chicago (I think), and someone else. Of course, that's all not until 2010.

I talked about this in Mondays discussion.

S.A.Smiths source is Jalen Rose. Jalen said on TV a week ago that he THINKS Bosh will leave in 2010. basically, his source is Jalens opinion.
I talked about this in Mondays discussion.

S.A.Smiths source is Jalen Rose. Jalen said on TV a week ago that he THINKS Bosh will leave in 2010. basically, his source is Jalens opinion.

You know you learn to kind of take these TV personalities with a grain of salt
Classic S.A. Smith. Yeah, he was damn near hopping up and down about it today.

I'm not sure what happened, but it seems like he got called out on it and instead of trying to back track even a little bit, he went the other way.

He's pretty much a blowhard, no matter how reliable (or not) his source.

I feel for Toronto right now, and really any Canadian sports team. I'd love to see them not only be good, but build around Bosh. I really like him and think he could really anchor that franchise.

Sadly, they may end up like Minny did with KG.

That said, if it doesn't work out, Bosh can come to NYC, I'm completely 100% fine with that.
ya know what though...say what you want about Stephen A...he does know his basketball and hes usually pretty plugged in
Bosh is a great player, but you can see what type of player a person is when your team is struggling.

Bosh cant make the players around him better, he's been spouting off about the fans again the last few days.

i like Bosh and think he's an excellent player, but I would trade him for the right deal.

IMO Bosh wont leave, he would leave too much money on the table in Toronto and with a recession that will impact the salary cap in 2010, I doubt any of the big stars leave (except maybe Amare).
The problem with Smith is that he used to be a decent reporter, but for some reason he felt he had to develop this persona to succeed on TV. It's like he took lessons from Stewart Scott or Jim Rome.

Why he couldn't just stay somewhat normal, I'll never know. And maybe it's worked for him, but I just keep wishing someone would slap him across the grill with a dead halibut.
But, T., if you let Bosh go, what do you have left on that team? Who's your draw night in and night out? Who do you build around?
Well, for some reason SAS has had a hate on for the Raptors for the past few years.

Anyone remember the crap he spouted off when the Raptors selecyed Bargs no.1? Comical.
But, T., if you let Bosh go, what do you have left on that team? Who's your draw night in and night out? Who do you build around?

For years past you normally built teams from the inside out, but these days you HAVE to have an elite sg to win games. Duncan, KG, etc would not win championships on their own.

BTW, I would build around Bargs. He is a mismatch nightmare. Last game Bargs gave a quick step, fade back and then leaned on Howard for the foul. Dwight just shook his head at that move, there's nothing for opposing centres to do.

Bargs has a better demeanor on the court and has a knack of changing the flow of the game (stop the opposing teams run with a basket or closing the game with one). Bosh just cant do that.
Problem is, Bargnani isn't a draw. I hate to say that because somebody so skilled shouldn't have to have a personality, but you look at Tim Duncan who is probably the single best power forward to ever play the game and he basically couldn't draw until they got parts around him and made them a contender.

And obviously that's what you build for, but Toronto's grown up on Vince Carter and now Bosh, if you tell them to get excited about Bargs is that really going to fill an arena?

I agree with you, by the way, you don't win championships any more unless you have two very good-to-great players, one inside and one out. I think that's why Orlando will struggle until their outside guys prove they can do it in the playoffs and why Cleveland has a long way to go because none of their outside guys seem to even fathom the concept of basketball away from home.

And, of course, it's why Kobe was f**ked without Shaq.
Toronto hasnt had a draw since VC left. IMO Bosh isnt a draw either, nobody goes to a Raptor game to watch Bosh.
nobody goes to a Raptor game to watch Bosh.

Do they go to watch the cheerleaders?

Lol, I remember that chick. She created a bit of a stir when the pictures hit the net.
IMO Bosh wont leave, he would leave too much money on the table in Toronto and with a recession that will impact the salary cap in 2010, I doubt any of the big stars leave (except maybe Amare).

what about lebron? :seeya:

every great player the raps have had, always ends up leaving. i've followed the team every since it was an expansion team. VC, Tmac, billups, just to name a few. if raps dont make a move, i just dont see how bosh will be motivated to stay. dont want another VC stunt
agree and disagree with some stuff said about the raps but not a debate here.

bargnani has played well lately, his potential is finally coming out. but i wanna see if he can keep this up and improve over a complete season. he lacks toughness, smth that dirk has gained over the years. he needs that or else he will never be a franchise player. think about what his numbers were at the end of last season and beginning of this season. so to say you would build the raps around him is crazy. unless he brings it on a daily basis for at least a complete season, i would never build a team around him.

about bosh, i think he's a great player with a great personality, except lately, he's been blasting in front of the media out of frustration. he's a competitive guy but i dont think he's a player you build around either. its true, without a dominate sg, sf or pg, its hard to win in this league.

however, i just dont think bosh has been given the opportunity to completely live up to his full potential. if we had a consistent, somewhat dominate wing player who can penetrate and drive and kick, bosh would tear it up. it would give him more mobility and let him not be stuck posting up or at the top of the key like how he is now. its always him iso.

as a season ticket holder, im pretty sure fans go watch raps game for bosh and calderon and hope for dizzling moments of potential from bargs.
to be honest, the only draw players in the league are the ones that explode to the rim. no one on the raps even drive consistently lol
what about lebron? :seeya:

every great player the raps have had, always ends up leaving. i've followed the team every since it was an expansion team. VC, Tmac, billups, just to name a few. if raps dont make a move, i just dont see how bosh will be motivated to stay. dont want another VC stunt

Being from Toronto you should, fans LOVE to drive out our heroes.
Delgado, VC, , Sundin etc...Toronto has some of the moost passionate, but bi-polar fans on this green earth.

I felt good that VC had a chance to leave this Mickey mouse organization run by a bunch of puckheads.
VC was betrayed by management, he has said repeatedly Toronto is a fantastic city. He wanted out of management for their betrayal. I still dont get this VC stunt people are talking about.
He never tanked, he never gave away plays, never bad mouthed the city, and still doesnt to this day. Management failed him. The net is full of kids that felt betryaed and blow stuff up to make the departure more manageable.
IMO, Raps will be dumb enough to give Bosh a max contract, so there is no way he signs with another team for a 20 mill. dollar pay cut. Whne he signs, it will virtually guarantee that we will be atreadmill team for the next decade.
VC tanked the last 2 seasons before he was traded. "injury" was the reason i assume. he was a cry baby, everybody knew that. after the dunk contest (which was one of the best dunk contests in history) he decided that he was going to take jump shots and be soft and not drive. there's a reason why the whole entire city hates him. he was a great player but he would show up one game and tank the next. anyone that was a VC fan can vouch.
i dont doubt management betrayed him and yes canadian teams are managed by puckheads.

but at the same time, any NBA superstar would never wanna play in Canada. Market exposure is not large enough and canada is "soft" compared to the states for ball. even if the raps could offer lebron 100mil contract, i dont know if he would play in canada over a 90mil contract from the knicks per say.
i dont doubt management betrayed him and yes canadian teams are managed by puckheads.

but at the same time, any NBA superstar would never wanna play in Canada. Market exposure is not large enough and canada is "soft" compared to the states for ball. even if the raps could offer lebron 100mil contract, i dont know if he would play in canada over a 90mil contract from the knicks per say.

Market exposure?

Vince was one of the more marketble players in the NBA. Yes, management betrayed him, its pretty well known actually.

For Bron that extra 10 mill can be made up easily in endorsements, cant say that about Bosh.
bargnani barely had a double double of 10/10 against cle. no way he's a player you build around. not consistent at all especially against solid teams
bargnani barely had a double double of 10/10 against cle. no way he's a player you build around. not consistent at all especially against solid teams

1. He got his double double in 3 quarters, he barely played in the 4th
2. Quality of shot selection has gone down since Calderones arrival
3. he got Z and Varejo into foul trouble, then got benched.
4. Bosh is the guy that lost it for us in the 4th, not Bargs.
1. Really good Raps discussion, you two, good posts.

2. Joe liked Mats Sundin.

2a. The problems in the Leafs organization might take up too many pages of this site to accurately delineate.

3. I think Toronto could actually be a good basketball town, mostly because I think it's a good sports town, but like anything I think they need some consistency and some hope.

As you guys accurately point out, given their track record of letting good players go, if fans are conditioned that this is really just a minor league farm club for the real teams (cough, the Montreal Expos, cough), fans won't come out. Say what you want about Toronto fans, but they're generally not stupid. They're not like fans in those cities who can get suckered in repeatedly by franchises who you know will simply, eventually, ship off its heart or its talent or both.

That's why I wonder who they want to build around. I truly think that if they wanted to they could build something pretty interesting around Bosh and Bargs--but, as pointed out, they would need an interesting talented PG or SG.
It is very hard to be the face of a franchise and succeed as a PF or C, as we see in Bosh, even more so undersized. only guy I can think of is CB and he had a much better cast

furthermore, barg has a long way to go

Eyeing a lot of PG's. Felton, Livingston (FA) and Earl Watson


Bosh isnt going anywhere. Bosh denied all of the ESPN report. It sure looks like ESPN just kind of made it up

Vince Carter will more then likely stay with the Nets


The Thunder have offered Joe smith for the Kings John Salmons
ESPN: Rasheed Wallace wants to play in San Antonio

Posted by [URL=""]Dave Dial[/URL] February 06, 2009 13:35PM

Marc Stein has included in his "trade talk" article some confirmation that Rasheed Wallace isn't happy with Joe's choice to restructure the Detroit Pistons.
February 6, ESPN: San Antonio's desire to acquire one more big man (preferably a floor-stretching big man) to counter the Lakers and Boston is no secret. The surprise stems from the rumbles I've heard about Detroit free-agent-to-be Rasheed Wallace, he who is chief among the Pistons unsettled by the realization that big changes are undoubtedly coming in that locker room, having legit interest in joining the Spurs to team up with his 2005 NBA Finals nemesis Tim Duncan.
Don't see a real trade possibility here -- given that the Pistons are unlikely to take back anything other than expiring contracts for the expiring deals possessed by Wallace and Allen Iverson unless they have a chance to trade for someone like Stoudemire or Chris Bosh -- but it's something to file away for free agency. Another note for the future on Iverson: Detroit is far more unlikely than likely to find a workable trade home for Iverson after the Pistons' struggles since acquiring A.I. from Denver in the first week of the season, but I've heard multiple executives say there might be a better-than-expected market for the 33-year-old in free agency this summer as long as his demands are not exorbitant.
"There's never been a time where we're all touched by the economy at the same time," said one exec, suggesting that Iverson will appeal to a few teams just because of his ability to sell tickets.
Looking at the Spurs roster, I don't see a real trade possibility either. The Spurs aren't trading Duncan, Ginobili or Parker for Rasheed Wallace, and the rest of their roster doesn't offer a player that would entice Joe Dumars to forgo Rasheed's cap space use this coming summer.
What the real news in this piece is, is that it's confirming Rasheed's unhappiness in Detroit and the fact that Wallace is looking to leave the Pistons next season. Which is something Joe should keep in mind during the next couple weeks before the trade deadline.
Most likely, his 13 or 14 million comes off cap but if Joe D. makes moves now instead of following summer perhaps get him at a discount to stay for a ship. Thats all he wants, is another ring.

He would be a great fit in a SA or LA.
I'd actually love to see him in SA.

I think I'm coming around to the idea that the NBA's only way to be interesting is to have a handful of basically all-star teams and a bunch of also rans. Sort of like baseball except not as bought and paid for.

I wish it wasn't this way, and places like Milwaukee could be good can compete again, and maybe on a rotating basis if they can draft a guy like LeBron once every 15 years they can spend the money and make the trades and get into that elite for a run, but as the NBA is the basketball's so bad that unless you have teams of virtual all-stars what they put on the floor isn't really watchable for even 30 minutes let alone 48.

So bringing someone like Wallace to SA would be fantastic given the players they already have.

It's also why blowing up teams like the Suns and Mavs makes sense right now. Those two or three teams at the top of the conference are going to realistically compete and unless you can re-tool to be one of them playing that 'anything can happen in a seven game series' card just doesn't fly.

Apparently Stoudmire is on the trading block. Rumors of him going to either Pistons or the Bulls. How about a Wallace for Stoudmire trade. Contracts are similiar so that would take away the whole "Pistons are dumping salary thing"
I wish the Warriors would pursue Amare. We need one more big guy to complement Biedrens and Turiaf. We have a shitload of 2's and 3 guys but not sure if the Suns are looking for that.
The Warriors are actively pursuing Amare Stoudemire, according to multiple sources, though there are no specific offers on the table.
Any trade would likely involve Andris Biedrins or Monta Ellis, but not both. The Bulls (like every team in the NBA) are also interested -- in addition to the expiring contracts of Drew Gooden ($7.1 million) and Ben Gordon (roughly $7 million), the Suns are said to be interested in Tyrus Thomas.

Source: Mercury News
This thread will start heating


They like Vince Carter. But the Nets want Roger Mason, which probably wont happen


Just about everyone including the Duke Blue Devils want Amare Stoudemire

Apparently the Suns have opened discussion with the Nets

Golden St

Only posting this cuz there seems to be a bunch of fans...its pretty unlikely they get Stoudemire


Bosh isnt going anywhere


Tinsley for Felton?


Probably wont make any moves


The new mascot is a


Offered the Mav's Baron Davis and Chris Kaman for Jason Kidd, Mav's declined

Amare Stoudemire list of teams that are in the running and are rumored to want him

- Pistons
- Bulls
- Nets
- Cavs
- Golden St
You can officially rule out Toronto for the Ammare sweepstakes.

Amare was GSW's second choice.

League sources say the Warriors offered rookie Anthony Randolph and veteran Andris Biedrins to the Toronto Raptors for Chris Bosh and while the Raptors were not interested, other sources say the Warriors are also taking a run at the Phoenix Suns' Amare Stoudemire, presumably with a similar offer.
ALL the talk radio in cleveland has been talking about is amare, but i would be absolutely shocked if we got tough to make a deal with our guard situation. also, it'd be awfully tough to sign him again in 2010, so we'd probably be renting him and who knows if he buys in defensively. also, he said he wants to be the guy wherever he goes, and clearly that wouldn't happen here. highly doubt they will end up making a deal, and as crazy as it sounds i'm not even sure it would be the right thing to do. sure would look amazing on paper, but you never know how these things work out, and this situation seems to have several potential problems.
Stoudamire would be a bust if he goes on any team that doesn't have a decent PG, he scores a lot of easy 2s thanks to Steve Nash.
ALL the talk radio in cleveland has been talking about is amare, but i would be absolutely shocked if we got tough to make a deal with our guard situation. also, it'd be awfully tough to sign him again in 2010, so we'd probably be renting him and who knows if he buys in defensively. also, he said he wants to be the guy wherever he goes, and clearly that wouldn't happen here. highly doubt they will end up making a deal, and as crazy as it sounds i'm not even sure it would be the right thing to do. sure would look amazing on paper, but you never know how these things work out, and this situation seems to have several potential problems.

Fuck the problems. If Amare goes to Cleveland, it's a wrap. All the other teams should meet on the golf course, bc it's OVER.
^how would we make that deal though killa? and how much would it affect us defensively because we'd not only be getting less defense with amare but have to give up defense, don't you think? with lebron mo and amare we'd be virtually unstoppable offensively though you're right---might just be that nothing else would even matter and you could play a pickup game and win with that offense
Cavs dont have any trading pieces other than Wallys contract. They have no young talent (other than bron) and no other starting pieces.
^i is we'll try to put a deal together with hickson, boobie, wally, draft picks and cash with wallace (contract) and andy as interchangeable parts but i just don't see that happening. if ferry can put that together for camby or amare---that's pretty much 3 steals in a row.
prob is with sasha and kinsey out we can't really afford to give up wally (can't believe i just wrote that) unless there's another 2 involved. really hampers our ability to trade right now....doubt we end up doing anything
Honestly, I would pull out all the stops if I'm Cleveland. Wally's contract plus whatever the hell else Phoenix wants. Boston showed last year the value of saying fuck the future, let's pull out all the stops and win right now. But if you do it, you have to do it right, if you half-ass it and don't win a title, then you've fucked both your present and your future. If they get Amare, and they have 2 chances at a title with he and James, there's just no chance they go 0-2 IMO. None whatsoever.
BTW, we're not seeing the real Amare Stoudemire right now. If he came to Cleveland, the man would be energized like crazy. His production would immediately sky-rocket. We know what he's capable of. He's capable of being bar none the most dominant offensive power forward in the NBA.
I am almost positive Richard Jefferson gets dealt before the deadline. Have been hearing rumors non stop and its makes so much sense (thus probably meaning it wont happen). Bucks need to rid themselves of the huge contract so they can sign now future PG in Sessions and try to get Villanueva both who are RFA. So Jefferson for a scrub expiring liek Wally would be perfect. Think it works out for both teams as it gives Cleveland that one more piece they need. Wally expires after the year, Bucks get their wish. Even if it is not the Cavs, RJ will be gone in a few weeks