NBA Playoffs INGAME...

Can't say I've seen MCW do anything positive since I've been watching, just awful in all facets

Also have seen at least 3 lazy Celts passes make it through the lane that should have been turnovers. Bulls are just sleepwalking.
If Jimmy ain't the best player out there then no dice for the Bulls. Regardless if Rondo or Rondon't play.
Really thought Rondo injury would focus them a bit here, they just have no one handling the ball that can move the offense forward at all. Thought Grant would be able to do that.
This is more like the regular season Bulls...ole box of chocolates...

Celtics used a mini run from lil Zeke and otherwise all the role players won this game.
Really thought Rondo injury would focus them a bit here, they just have no one handling the ball that can move the offense forward at all. Thought Grant would be able to do that.

Tonight's game would of required Hoiberg to actually coach, something he can't do.
Obv different game but his philosophy in college was any possession in which the ball moved laterally in the offensive side of the court was a lost possession. But he always had great ball handlers who could keep the game going forward. This team is not that.

I'm quite sure he can coach lol, although I'd love nothing more than for him to fail here and come back home. He deserves better than this cluster fuck.
Which is why the Rondo injury sucks so bad for them, kinda had a feeling he'd excel on the big stage with Fred just letting him do his thing
I do think no matter the level that having ultimate trust in your primary ball handler is the difference between success and failure, need that floor general to coach himself at times

Took a piss, checked Tigers game and middled that shitty first NBA game by a half point.:cheers3:

Ginger Ales on me KJ:shake:

Took a piss, checked Tigers game and middled that shitty first NBA game by a half point.:cheers3:

Ginger Ales on me KJ:shake:

Played the Tigers fairly large tonight. To my recollection, Verlander has owned them pretty good.
Do they still sell ginger ale?

Summer drink this year is the vodka/soda with twist of orange or grapefruit...trying to change the flavor up slightly
Just hit Bruins live. Continuing the trend of being 2 goals down and winning the game.

Never seen anything like it....
Do they still sell ginger ale?

Summer drink this year is the vodka/soda with twist of orange or grapefruit...trying to change the flavor up slightly

They do sell Ginger Ale...its a Detroit thing;).

I took back 250 of them last month for a cool 25 bucks in returnables. It wasn't even worth it.
sorry Hugh. This NHL playoffs has been the wackiest I can ever remember. Making the uncomfortable bets has been wildly profitable.
Ginger Ale is a Detroit thing? Had no idea...

Thought it was a nursing home thing or something
Do they still sell ginger ale?

Summer drink this year is the vodka/soda with twist of orange or grapefruit...trying to change the flavor up slightly

This is what you do bud, but it will take ya 3-5 minutes per cocktail so you might want to pre-mix a bunch...

Get some fresh oranges and you can either juice them or slice them up...

More times than not, slice em up and put them in a shaker with the vodka and ice.

Shake the living shit out of it for at least 2-3 minutes.

Like I said, you can juice it but I prefer the other way for some reason.

Once done, strain into whatever type of glass your using packed with fresh ice. Then top with soda.


(do that with any fruit to be honest, soooo much better than squeezing a lice or two in at a bar etc)
Oh Michigan has that prepaid recyclable deal like Iowa eh? Haven't seen that in years, out here we actually just have to want to recycle and take extra effort, which is odd because it's not like the desert clay is built to handle a ton of garbage.
Oh Michigan has that prepaid recyclable deal like Iowa eh? Haven't seen that in years, out here we actually just have to want to recycle and take extra effort, which is odd because it's not like the desert clay is built to handle a ton of garbage.

10 cents yo.

Remember the Seinfeld episode with the mailtruck of empties they were gonna take to Michigan?
sorry Hugh. This NHL playoffs has been the wackiest I can ever remember. Making the uncomfortable bets has been wildly profitable.
That's alright. I'm not looking forward to getting steam rolled by Pittsburgh in the 2nd round anyways. Still can't believe the Hawks got bounced in 4 straight.
I drink virtually everything without a mixer but that does sound solid's just not practical to take whatever on the rocks and drink it in the sun, so I need a mixer. Hate sugar with a passion unless I get some random craving for it, so soda or seltzer is about the only option, and I don't even lime my Mexican beers, think it's an age thing...the lime kills my stomach. Lemon has been ok but just getting old so trying something a little different, and orange/grapefruit are plentiful here.
This is what you do bud, but it will take ya 3-5 minutes per cocktail so you might want to pre-mix a bunch...

Get some fresh oranges and you can either juice them or slice them up...

More times than not, slice em up and put them in a shaker with the vodka and ice.

Shake the living shit out of it for at least 2-3 minutes.

Like I said, you can juice it but I prefer the other way for some reason.

Once done, strain into whatever type of glass your using packed with fresh ice. Then top with soda.


(do that with any fruit to be honest, soooo much better than squeezing a lice or two in at a bar etc)

dammit I have everything but soda downstairs and now I'm thirsty AF.
Quite the MVP moment there, Russ airball from 13 feet and Harden saves it in the perfect spot for the OKC layup

Punctuation suggests some third world country where keyboards don't have shift buttons or apostrophes
Wait BAR you don't drink caffeine? That's a Mormon thing, I'm noticing a trend around here
Wait BAR you don't drink caffeine? That's a Mormon thing, I'm noticing a trend around here

I was a terrible caffeine addict as a teen through mid twenties.

If I do now, it is rare.

I used to do a 5 hr before drinking nights, boy did I hate myself.

Cup of coffee once in a great while. Maybe 6 times a year.