NBA ML dogs 12.26


Pretty much a regular
record is in my last the math if you care to. 0-7 realy sucked tho.

I haven't really had time to do this properly, but I will enjoy fading the celtics until Pierce comes back. That offense flows through him, and they will have a helluva time without paul. Hell, I like the nuggets anyway....

I may do nothing else, but these popped out on me. Feel free to tell me the lines are better elsewhere, but I sell points, so the line is always better somewhere.


Grizzlies/Wizards Over 204.5 (+100)
Nuggets -6.5 (+114)
GL to US bout them Saints!

the only ML dogs I might play are the clippers who might just have some value.....maybe.

and the Bobkitties. did Knight AND felton both die in a bizarre christmas orgy?

wtf is with 13 pts with a quirky but dangerous charlotte team?

800? 900? anyone really think charlotte doesn't have a 20% chance to win? sheesh...
redbearde, I am on the Nuggets too!! BOL!!

And about the Bobcats, I liked this team somewhat but I went to the Bulls game against them and the Bobcats are just awful on the road it seems. They couldn't get ANYTHING going. I am not sure if I would take the points, Dallas could murder them.
I wouldn't take the points. I would take the ML on a value basis. The question is, does Charlotte have a reasonable (always relative) chance, or is there essentially no chance...?
yeah - that 0-for day blew but oh well

hope you had a good Christmas red!
griff, busy busy busy...

my MIL put marshmallows in a baggy and tucked in a note that went something like this:

Santa checked his list not once but twice,
and he found you had been naughty, not nice!
But coal's expensive so here's the scoop,
instead of presents, you get snowman poop!

....this among several presents and buried in the santa-filled stocking.

I like my wife's mom.

anyway, 0-fer days happen...they just better not happen often. Over the weekend, I had 8 MLs in the nfl and 6 cashed (the two losses were cinci and washington), so that was nice. The eagles at 282 were particularly helpful...

This can be a very up and down enterprise, nd we need long and short memories about the right things.

Hope you had a good christmas too!
yeah - i hit the the Eagles, Jets & Bucs ML over the weekend - improved my best ever NFL season and Christmas was alright....

Still have family coming over for brunch today and have to go to the evil side for dinner tonight - Boxing Day in Canada today so we're all on a holiday still
only thought is the you're betting Chris Paul vs any NBA team.

you'll have to make your call on value, but I'm not a's not even like betting kobe vs an NBA team cus you can reasonably think you'll win that occsionally. IF you're going to be the hornets, then the ML is the only way to go....blown out or surprise win.

thoughts about the Bucks/Spurs? Buck +409. Always gotta think they have a shot with the high scoring offense they got.
Besides, Ray Allen is back, healthy and shot for shot at least as good as Paul.

IMO, usual, I could be completely wrong.

At Family's and missed the Baltimore ML. I wish I would've placed it early, but wanted a higher ML. Knew my Steelers were overrated after winning 3 against lowly teams (Cle,Car, TB). and to boot went to the game to see them get crushed. :(
bulls may well win, but they lost their last on the road, and more importantly, twolves games are the bane of my existence...I always lose them, so I don't bet them anymore.

for the bucks, that's a thought, but the spurs are pretty reliable, and what's scary is they can run too...and just as well. At 4:1, I can't say it's bad value...but I can't join you either. GL with it.
I'm at another set of in-laws today, so posting is still limited...if I don't respond to a post it's because I can't.

okay, home now. Record is

ML dogs: 46-71, 39.32%, +7.105 units
spreads: 47-43-5, 49.47%, +14.364 units

ML dog record: 43-57 +22.92 units
Spread record: 6-5 +0.62 units

Well hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Time to get back to a normal NBA card.

Tonight, just one play:

New Orleans +198

Mainly I'm still fading the Sonics here. I know Allen is coming back but he may be a bit rusty and I said it last time but I think they'll sorely miss Rashard Lewis. So we'll see. New Orleans is hurting until they get Peja back but this is once game I think they actually have a legit shot.

I really thought about taking Charlotte and Portland for value plays but I just can't do it in this spot. Charlotte I think will be without May and Brevin so they'll really struggle here. And I'll be looking to play Portland a lot more now that Roy is back but probably not on the road very often and especially not against the Suns who have absolutely dominated the Blazers in recent history, including covering some huge spreads.

Good luck on your plays redbearde.
BeLIEve811 said:
Houston is a strong ML dog, redbeard. No O'Neal.

GL loooooooove GS against my hometown Sixers.

Thanks bro. Isn't Yao out too? Call me a crack smoker, but I think that's a bigger loss than O'Neal. TMac would have to come back and have a HUGE game...which he hasn't been doing regularly this year. I think he's been playing somewhat timid - perhaps in part to keep from re-injuring his back.

GL to us on GSW.
GOLD STAR goes to lfhlaw for picking the one ML dog winner today.

MILK managed to get it done at San Antone.....the spurs don't seem to be the juggernaut at home they've been in years past. Odd thing...they have a better record AWAY (11-3 compared to Home's 10-5). What's up with that? Hope you had the balls to take that one...wasn't my cup o tea today.

Speaking of my cup of tea, I went 4-0 today. I also had the under in the bowl game, got lucky, and it hit. So I'm up damn near 10 units today. Now this isn't the 30 or 40 unit gains of some of you fellas, but it's a HUGE day for me, and I'm thrilled with it.

ML dogs: 46-71, 39.32%, +7.105 units
spreads: 51-43-5, 51.52%, +23.064 units