NBA Finals Discussion thread

How quick though? If Warriors lose 4 straight games that would be the biggest collapse of Nba history.
so lets say they win game 5. If that happens, i don't see them losing all 3 road games. And if it gets to game 7, Cavs should be exhausted.

Most logical is Cavs in 6. I'd sit LBJ in Game 5.
The Warriors just think to much on fast break. And the cavs are just way too physical for them. Just more will. More heart.
Like you could tell curry just wanted to pull up for the 3 on that play earlier. Somehow some way he wanted to take the 3.

So fucking stupid.
LBJ points/ Cavs win prop cashes again. Too bad I wasn't on it this time. Fucking Dubs.
[TABLE="class: odds-data, width: 745"]
[TH="class: center time-column ng-binding, align: center"]Time[/TH]
[TH="class: center match-column ng-binding, align: center"]Game[/TH]
[TH="class: center handicap-column ng-binding, align: center"]Spread[/TH]
[TH="class: center moneyline-column ng-binding, align: center"]Money Line[/TH]
[TH="class: center total-column ng-binding, colspan: 2, align: center"]Total Points[/TH]
</tbody><tbody ng-repeat="event in events = ( | filter: linesDataExists)" ng-class-even="'even'" class="ng-scope">[TR="class: ng-scope"]
[TD="bgcolor: #E9E9E9"]18.00[/TD]
[TD="class: name, bgcolor: #E9E9E9"]Golden State Warriors[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E9E9E9, align: center"]-2.5
[TD="bgcolor: #E9E9E9, align: center"]1.714[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E9E9E9, align: center"]Over 192.5
[TD="bgcolor: #E9E9E9, align: center"]Under 192.5
[TR="class: ng-scope"]
[TD="class: name, bgcolor: #E9E9E9"]Cleveland Cavaliers[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E9E9E9, align: center"]+2.5
[TD="bgcolor: #E9E9E9, align: center"]2.270[/TD]
All the Warriors guards do is take 3's. He's gonna have to hit 7 again in game 4 IMO. They don't know any better and won't be changing it up now.

David Lee should start. Seriously.
Well all they have to do is win game 4 and they win back home court advantage but can they do it? Right now it doesn't look like they can.
Pretty sure this Warrior team might not compare quite so favorably with some other championship teams of recent times...regular season and post season two different animals.
The closest comparison is the 2012 mavs but that was one special team with an offensive genius in Carlisle and Tyson in top form.
Well all they have to do is win game 4 and they win back home court advantage but can they do it? Right now it doesn't look like they can.

Whole series for them depends on game 4.

They haven't lost 3 in a row all season.

Gotta play smarter, fouling Jones and giving him a 4 point play, Curry behind the back pass out of bounds, Draymond needs to shut up and just play.

Green and Barnes 2-18 tonight.
The cavs are just more prepared for what playoff basketball brings. You can be damn sure Lebron and his former heat teammates and other vets preach what it takes every single moment they're together. That cannot be the case in GS. Who do they have that's been through the adversity? Other than Kerr.
I will probably be on the Warriors in Game 4. I'm worried a bit that lack of experience can cause them to fall flat, like what happened to the Thunder against Heat, where they played worse and worse after every loss, but basically, that 4th quarter explosion by the Warriors, is something that they can do each night for 8 - 10 minutes and usually it will win them ball games.
Green shouldn't see more than 5 - 10 minutes a game imho.
Speights and Lee are much more suited for this series and Green can't stop LeBron and can't shoot in this series and can't make the right decisions on offense, with the ball, when Curry passes him, so why leave him on the court???
I'm not backing the Warriors in game 4. You're much better off taking curry to hit 5 3 pointers. Because they're not covering if he doesn't. Is something going to magically change?
Green made so many boneheaded fouls. And is speights hurt? He didn't see any action... WHY?

I'm guessing so...seriously how else does a 6-10 guy miss a dunk ? he had a calf injury so he couldn't really work out either.

Wouldn't start Lee but would pull Bogut or Barnes quickly if they starts slow.
He's not on the injury report though.

lee should be playing 25-30 minutes. He just hasn't had that amount of minutes so it's pretty dangerous to amp it up now. The Warriors game 4 chances rely in the 3 point shooting of Curry.... I don't really believe Kerr will be smart enough to change much
@SportsInsights: According to @SynergySST, LeBron James has scored or assisted on 68.7% of all Cavs points in the first 3 games of the #NBAFinals.

good god