NBA Finals Discussion thread

Shump would be a massive loss for the Cavs. Dude's defense and timely offense has been 2nd to none.
Man. The Warriors bench guys need to hit these shots. It's the one area the Warriors have the clear advantage. Tough to do it on the road
Will take the 1st. Still confident the better team will prevail.

Game 3, home team 1st quarter mojo.
Kerr tries to adjust. He tries to bring double team on LeBron, but doing halfway job on that and that's actually worse than not brining it at all.
They also try to get the ball moving on offense and that's good for the Warriors. Most of the baskets they made, came off assists (8 out of 9 baskets) - after only 40 out of 72 baskets coming after assists in the first two games.
Officiating is a lot better this game. The refs aren't calling ticky tack fouls to send the teams to the line. And lots of offensive calls just like mikado said

james jones with his 3rd foul... All three were silly fouls
You can't have LeBron starting 2nd quarter. Curry is out, Klay is out - he must get 3 minutes of rest at least.
That's the problem of the Cavs (partially). When Klay and Curry come in, they are fresh, while Bron is already starting to feel the fatigue.

And Shumpert is injured I guess... and badly...
JR with 7 points, shooting 3 from 3. I wrote about it somewhere, that we can expect 20+ points game from Smith in one of the two home games.
Man I hate Marc Davis. Him and Malloy are the league's most incompetent officials. Not crooked, just stupid.
Another ugly game. Refs starting to allow the Cavs' bully tactics.

LeBron has traveled on every bucket.

Just need the Dubs to hang within 6 and own the 4th.
I think this game is a lot better than last.

It's just a clash of styles. Warriors gotta get into transition and the cavs gotta keep it a gritty half court game
Cavs in the Dubs' head. Can't match the bully.

Gonna hold and see if fatigue hits Cleveland.
This is exactly why 3 point shooting teams fail. The Warriors bigs just can't compete. And it's really taking a toll
Even when the Warriors get into transition they are thinking too much and not spacing like they did in the regular season. All because of the cavs bigs

It's gonna come down to whether the cavs can keep up this energy