MLS Expansion - Good or Bad For the League?


CTG Super Moderator
Staff member
This seems like a horrendous idea to me and sort of a long shot attempt at a cash grab. I actually think they need to make the league smaller. Talent is already stretched as it is. Now they are stretching it even further. Some of these guys playing really shouldn't be playing pro soccer. (though I believe the league minimum is like 30K a year). If they make the league smaller then they are making the teams better, and at the same time making the league better.
Going further with why the fuck are they expanding. Just reading now league viewership is actually down this year. With around 220,000 viewers per match. They are below the WNBA FFS! It's not that soccer is just flat out unpopular. I believe NBC is averaging around a million for the EPL. Also they need to change to the international schedule. I think I heard the commissioner of the MLS saying the reason they don't want to do that is because we are considerably larger then most countries with a league, such as England. True. But every other league in this country is traveling day by day and week by week across the country no reason the MLS can't to do it too. Also, Russia, much bigger then the US, and much harsher winter then the US, has switched to a winter schedule (with a break I believe most of Dec. and Jan.).

The MLS is retarded. I believe if they keep going down the path they are, the league may collapse.
Germany and spain do a shorter winter break as well

I think 20 is the right number going higher seems dumb
I think they wanna keep playing in the summer, due to only really competing with baseball.

They are considering dropping about 6 games a year to allow intermational breaks, but more importantly so that there arent weekday games, where they have a tough time drawing crowds

Would rather they get rid of the new england and chicas franchise before they stary expanding
Alex was reading somewhere about how the next union talks need to figure out how to keep their good talents in the country as well as their flawed contracts where the player is practically owned by the league for a ridiculous amount of years.
I will try to find that article but it seems a lot of really good talent in the MLS either don't get paid enough or would want to play in europe and have been scouted but their ugly contracts scare those clubs off
Agree with expansion being a bad idea and a cash grab. The talent isn't there already. 20 seems a fine max. 24 seems outrageous. I wouldn't invest in the long-term health of the league
Alex was reading somewhere about how the next union talks need to figure out how to keep their good talents in the country as well as their flawed contracts where the player is practically owned by the league for a ridiculous amount of years.
I will try to find that article but it seems a lot of really good talent in the MLS either don't get paid enough or would want to play in europe and have been scouted but their ugly contracts scare those clubs off

yeah I mean I don't know the pay scale or anything but I think most EPL players are making more a week then most of the MLS players make in a year. So I would assume most of the 2nd league players in the world are making more then guys in the MLS. Not to mention the competition is just much better. The attention youll get is much better. The potential to become a big star is much better. There's really almost no incentive to stay in the US if you have talent. Now they are making it far worse IMO. The league will become worse, much worse.
Agree with expansion being a bad idea and a cash grab. The talent isn't there already. 20 seems a fine max. 24 seems outrageous. I wouldn't invest in the long-term health of the league

I think 20 is too many, way too many. Leagues do less then that all around the world. Make it 16. Also make relegation happen (or maybe it already does? idk)
relegation in the US won't work for any sport

Why not for soccer? I mean I don't know the state of the lower leagues but I've always felt its a great idea. The draft system is too engrained at this point in all the other leagues. Though I do think it's stupid that a culture of losing is promoted rather then teams finding there own talent and rebuilding
Why not for soccer? I mean I don't know the state of the lower leagues but I've always felt its a great idea. The draft system is too engrained at this point in all the other leagues. Though I do think it's stupid that a culture of losing is promoted rather then teams finding there own talent and rebuilding

you know I have to agree with Teed here, funny all the north american sports don't have a relegation group whatsoever, just different divisions. Hmmm I think it comes down to TV things perhaps? I mean with all these television rights with certain teams, leagues and divisions.
there would have to be interest for the lower level for relegation to exist

we don't attend minor league sports at all in this country
there are too many teams in every american professional sports league...we love to expand and expand.

Good arguments have been made that expansion in the NBA has really hurt the quality of the play in the league.