*** MLB Regular Season In-Game Thread ***

I feel like I could hit this dude pitching for pads and reds just staring at pitches until they in 0-2 holes
reds should have let Mahle attempt to pitch out his own jam, nothing worse than having a reliever come in and give up all those inherited runners and you get charged with them!! that would piss me off royally!!
Jfc, tigers defense started kicking the ball all over the field to fuck Skubal day. that looked a lot like last year defense, FUCKING UGLY
Detmers threw way too many pitches in 1st but guess considering he was at 15 with 1 out he did get to get out at 22. Needs a more efficient inning with some more k’s! There number 2 freezing naylor on filthy curve!!
I swear it fuckin kills me these Mfers charging 5 bucks a beer at casino. I remember back when they were a buck!! Mfers printing money and need to Jack up alcohol prices also. I’m gonna rape them on these mlb props for charging so much!!
Anyone that owns the alchemist cookbook or whatever it's called please let me know the least painful way I can kill myself
Anyone that owns the alchemist cookbook or whatever it's called please let me know the least painful way I can kill myself

Damn bro. What happened to prostitution? I feel ya, between a cock in my mouth and that I’d prob go with this option. Option 3 prob more better tho, just regroup and realize it only money, shit will come and go so many times in your life, not worth taking it that serious, if ya do man ya should prob not do this.
Damn bro. What happened to prostitution? I feel ya, between a cock in my mouth and that I’d prob go with this option. Option 3 prob more better tho, just regroup and realize it only money, shit will come and go so many times in your life, not worth taking it that serious, if ya do man ya should prob not do this.
It's sarcasm my boy, if I wasn't so sarcastic I'd be married by now since I'm basically PBF
Mfer. Detmers wore down on me., put his last batter in 0-2 hole and couldn’t punch him out. Shit. The k props I missed we freaking had. Tigers w a comedy of errors did Skubal in. Detmers pitched really well, rang up 4 guys in 1st 8 outs. Just needed 1 more punch out but the early inefficiency did him in. That said I been tracking the k props last week or so and I been doing really well, just started betting them as normal sized plays today, I think I have found another avenue to bust these lousy books up!! :)
I have noticed really need to get on the pitcher k props fast as they come out, don’t take much of nothing to move them and happens quick! The problem with that is they don’t come out uniform at all! Far as I can tell they just throw them out whenever they feel like it anx in no particular order!! Really a pain in the ass! For instance they had Kyle wright out last night, one the latest starting games today but 1st pitcher w props up! Wtf is that??
I gotta stop being allergic to under props also! I don’t think I been wrong on any under, for some reason I just havnt been able to talk myself into playing under props in any sport despite my leans hitting at really high clip! Makes no sense, I been more a under guy on totals my whole life! Maybe that it? I just like having a chance to play overs!!!! Lol,
How the heck do cards have 5 runs off 5 singles and a walk? Zona doesn’t have any errors either, that pretty crazy. Guess they doing some strong situational hitting!
Had I seen cards lineup before making the bet I would have doubled what I played on the Ff under and took some full game also. Dickerson in cleanup and yadi 5th, I thought they looked ugly after the 4 hole anyways, now they pretty weak top to bottom today! If I had any faith in dbags pen I would prob live bet them but think cards have too big a edge with the A relievers getting night off yesterday.
Hopefully that wasn’t a huge jinx of myself. Just couldn’t help but say something after seeing the lineup!!
Had I seen cards lineup before making the bet I would have doubled what I played on the Ff under and took some full game also. Dickerson in cleanup and yadi 5th, I thought they looked ugly after the 4 hole anyways, now they pretty weak top to bottom today! If I had any faith in dbags pen I would prob live bet them but think cards have too big a edge with the A relievers getting night off yesterday.

0-0 w 3 outs to go! Man, if I woulda seen this lineup cards rolled out I woulda doubled this shit for sure!
I have noticed really need to get on the pitcher k props fast as they come out, don’t take much of nothing to move them and happens quick! The problem with that is they don’t come out uniform at all! Far as I can tell they just throw them out whenever they feel like it anx in no particular order!! Really a pain in the ass! For instance they had Kyle wright out last night, one the latest starting games today but 1st pitcher w props up! Wtf is that??
Surprised you aren't actually studying umpire notes until you fall asleep if you're putting so much effort into strikeout props. They are at times the one who control the Ks...moreso than hitter and pitcher
Surprised you aren't actually studying umpire notes until you fall asleep if you're putting so much effort into strikeout props. They are at times the one who control the Ks...moreso than hitter and pitcher

I don’t have to study much, any the guys who been around I have a notebook full of! Just havnt broken it out yet, I will be shortly but as I was just posting bout this shit, they are all over the place when they come out and just randomly post a guy here and there, no fucking set time of reason for it, then they move so quickly ya gotta be ready to pounce. For most part I think I’m gonna just be fine tuning and just playing sparingly when I happen to have chance at number I like, hopefully by time I have it working smoothly missouri will legal and I can fire at numbers when they pop.
VC takes his moderating very seriously

Can't sleep when you're moderating. 24/7 job. He's gonna need a ton of coffee when me and Tea are together

The only time he answers my text is late as hell!! Being the gangster i am I keep the law in my pocket!
Usually writing up my preview articles

I’m mostly capping. Sometimes trying to harass the old lady into waking up and fucking (as you can tell that don’t work very often!). Sometimes just laying in bed preying to whomever may be listening to please let me fucking sleep!!
I typically am up but trying to find a way to be in bed by 10 lately, sometimes gotta watch Dateline into the wee hours to fall asleep though

Lately I kinda been able to get to sleep at reasonable time but when I do that it basically a foregone conclusion I’ll wake back up within a hour or so then I have no chance of going back to sleep. It’s a damn shame I dont have good plugs anymore, I fucking refuse to pay the prices Mfers want these days for a Xanax! That only thing that has ever kept me on any kind of decent sleep schedule.