*** MLB Regular Season In-Game Thread ***

Fuck hell let him go back out there to just throw a pussy AB against Hosmer for a walk

What a fucking bag
Yea that sucks, gave him a chance and he blew it. Not punching Alfaro once was the difference, had him in 2k hole twice and he a strikeout waiting to happen.
I can’t believe his number was 4.5 pre game tho. He def deserves to be getting those 6.5 lines like the other guys with his kinda stuff get.
looks like basically all of mlb is going to be postponed today except for west coast games. these shithole cities with their downpours in may. get a fucking roof.
Eovoldi had to navigate trouble but he has still yet to let baserunners score this year.,picked up 2 k’s in the 1st inning, he did throw a lot of pitches tho. 4 ks to go!
How the heck did milw have 2 doubles in the 1st and not score a run? That seems pretty tough to do, I’m assuming wong either got thrown out trying to stretch it into a triple or stealing 3rd before yelich double?
Just need enough yanks to reach base where he facing order for 3rd time in the 5th, opponents have a ops over 1,000 the 3rd time seeing him this year!
Well shit, yanks gonna have to get to him the 2nd time thru, the 3rc won’t happen until he gets thru 6!
And moose strikes out w bases juiced and 1 out. Great job situational hitting prick, this why you Mfers have 4 wins!
Well that inning gave some hope they can get him out the game, he will be facing lineup 3rd time around before end the 5th.
Well, he at 77 pitches thru 5, I’d assume he comes out for 6th even tho this been bout the point he been pulled in most his stsrts. Heart of yanks order getting 3rd crack so hopefully if he does come out they run him right back out!!