Mel Tucker Suspended

Just a very odd situation.

As I said in another thread, you can't make this kind of story up. Reading this at 1am Saturday night I had to make sure I wasn't high, ya know?

So much to go through here, and there are many that are not fans of Brenda Tracey, so she's natural getting dragged by some parties. There is no love lost between her and MSU 5 years ago during all the sexual assault stuff (you can look up her comments on Izzo etc).

The bottom line is this, ole Midnight Mel put himself in this situation. I had heard rumblings via a few sources that 'multiple' things would come out about the man (a major one is sleeping with staffers). None of this would be a surprise to those out in Colorado. He simply has a reputation for that and excessive drinking.

Now, this is absolutely terrific for MSU if they can show 'with cause'. They get out of maybe the worst coaching contract in sports history. I'm sure they are carefully navigating this as to how to lawyers would like them too.

Now, most importantly, how do WE cap this? I'd say he's fired after the hearings in a month. That's a reasonable timeline. How is the chemistry with the staff? Who feels like they were passed over for the interim gig? Who is a bit ticked that the worst part of their defense got basically a promotion? How does Dantonio coming back as an associate HC factor into all of this? Those are for us to find out.

Washington game was already a tall task. Now...
Agreed he has done it to himself. What ive read is he's admitted to doing things but said it was consensual. Could be stupid $70m mistake. He will never get another coaching gig. One thing im not sure of is unconsensual phone sex part Wouldn't she just hang up? But man it really is unbelievable given she was there for trainingon this. What a gift for Michigan State if they get out of that contract. GOY was 11 now 16.5. Washington or no bet gotta think
My guess is that Tucker eventually accuses MSU leadership of setting him up in some type of entrapment scheme. As others have mentioned, there is no better outcome for MSU to be able to fire Tucker for cause. It took about 15 minutes for everyone involved to realize they made a colossal mistake in signing him to that ridiculous contract. If you're looking for a way to get out of it, what better way to use Tucker's complete narcissism against him? Tucker, like many coaches is by nature likely a completely entitled, selfish, low caliber individual. I would give him as many opportunities to interact with female professionals as possible, hoping that he'll do what guys like him often do and let his commitment to what feels good right now lead him to bad decisions. Letting Tracey know that they need her help in the program and that Tucker has great intentions toward fostering a positive environment toward victim advocacy would lead her to be motivated to help. That would lead to more interactions for Tucker with someone who would not take one ounce of shit from him. All they had to do is give Tucker some rope and wait until they could get out of the contract. If he actually conducts himself professionally and Tracey has a positive impact, that's a great outcome also because you have evidence that you hired a good guy and your program grows and matures.

This might seem a little conspiratorial, but if I was in charge at MSU and I was desperate to get out from under that contract, it's not a far fetched nor a difficult thing to pull off.
My guess is that Tucker eventually accuses MSU leadership of setting him up in some type of entrapment scheme. As others have mentioned, there is no better outcome for MSU to be able to fire Tucker for cause. It took about 15 minutes for everyone involved to realize they made a colossal mistake in signing him to that ridiculous contract. If you're looking for a way to get out of it, what better way to use Tucker's complete narcissism against him? Tucker, like many coaches is by nature likely a completely entitled, selfish, low caliber individual. I would give him as many opportunities to interact with female professionals as possible, hoping that he'll do what guys like him often do and let his commitment to what feels good right now lead him to bad decisions. Letting Tracey know that they need her help in the program and that Tucker has great intentions toward fostering a positive environment toward victim advocacy would lead her to be motivated to help. That would lead to more interactions for Tucker with someone who would not take one ounce of shit from him. All they had to do is give Tucker some rope and wait until they could get out of the contract.

This might seem a little conspiratorial, but if I was in charge at MSU and I was desperate to get out from under that contract, it's not a far fetched nor a difficult thing to pull off.
A few things I just read make me think that this leak was not exactly an accident...
I just edited my post to add that even if Tucker conducts himself well, that's a win also because now you have more confidence that your coach is a solid guy and the help from Tracey allows your program to grow and mature off the field.
A few things I just read make me think that this leak was not exactly an accident...
I don't know how you can read the leaked/planted story without thinking that this does not make sense and this is an op.

The question is did she approach them or did they approach her, but it really does not matter at this point as they have enough out in public to remove him. The question is what $$$ deal will be reached.
If you get entrapped into jacking off on a call with Brenda Tracy, you deserve what's coming.
I agree, but at this point it is an op. This Title IX stuff is not allowed to be made public and it was intentionally released by someone at the school or Tracy to move public opinion before the upcoming hearing to effect the hearing.

He will lose his job and the attorneys will fight over how much money he is owed.
Yeah, but it is Title IX now and the hearing next month is a Title IX hearing, at least that is what I remembered from the article/leak. If you followed the Loudon County, VA stuff when the school and school board hid the fact that a kid identifying as or dressing like a girl raped another girl when transferring him to another school by claiming that they could not mention the allegations because of Title IX.

Is there a separate code of conduct investigation?
I have a feeling that there is more to this than meets the eye (as is often the case), as situations like this aren't always as black and white as they seem, but we shall see...

With that said, there is no way he isn't done as MSU has too much past baggage to let this drag on longer than necessary as there are too many eyes on this given their past missteps.
Here is the part that I remembered. I have highlighted another part that I did not remember about an outside Title IX attorney which may mean that is part of the Title IX process or may mean it is part of another investigation. I thought all of the sexual stuff had to go to Title IX no matter what.

Per Title IX and school policy, Veidlinger did not issue a finding of fault in her final report, but instead summarized the facts and referred the case for a hearing.

At the hearing, planned for October, both sides will have the opportunity to present evidence and make arguments. Another outside Title IX attorney hired by the school will then decide whether the evidence shows that Tucker likely violated school rules.
I agree, but at this point it is an op. This Title IX stuff is not allowed to be made public and it was intentionally released by someone at the school or Tracy to move public opinion before the upcoming hearing to effect the hearing.

He will lose his job and the attorneys will fight over how much money he is owed.

I have no doubt it's an op. Would love a transcript of this call, just to see what leads to jacking off on the horn with Brenda Tracy (Google her images if you need to).
I'm a let the dust settle kinda guy more and more as I get older...

There is some definite grey area here, imo, as of now...

But the bottom line is this dumbass put himself in this position and we'll likely start hearing about the other indiscretions now...

No chance I feel bad for this guy (had no issue with him before) after his yelling and screaming last October from the sidelines to intentionally hurt opposing players. Not a good look...
Just read his statement from this evening and as suspected definitely more to this than initially reported, as it won’t be that hard to prove some of the stuff he is claiming and in the end she may not come out of this looking any better than he will. What a mess…
Just read his statement from this evening and as suspected definitely more to this than initially reported, as it won’t be that hard to prove some of the stuff he is claiming and in the end she may not come out of this looking any better than he will. What a mess…
That being said, a few attorneys I know have dissected his statement and he's hurting himself even more.

Again, just a weird situation.
That being said, a few attorneys I know have dissected his statement and he's hurting himself even more.

Again, just a weird situation.
Makes sense. I think the usual lawyer advice is to stfu. But people think they can prove their innocence by talking.
By now that should be expected. The Duke lacrosse case should have been enough. It‘s really easy to gain fame by just accusing a dude. Not saying Mel is innocent. I just find the rush to condemn ill-informed and often stupidly self-righteous.

This isn't her first rodeo. She knows what she's doing.
Reading both statements and both USA Today articles, it appears that Title IX was just the mechanism used to get this complaint/claim to the University. I would assume that Tracy is very familiar with the Title IX process and what to claim. She claimed that she was discriminated against by having her speaking engagement (which was an event paid for by the University) canceled after and as a result of the phone incident/sexual harassment.

They investigated it as a Title IX investigation and found that she was not discriminated against and therefore it is not a Title IX case/violation. But now the University is aware of the event from the investigation summary, which the USA Today reporter has but chooses to release partial quotes without context instead of actual portions of the report. Now it is a University code of conduct investigation, which I would assume they would determine he is guilty of, especially with the PR being created.

Unless Tracy filed criminal charges, which would be risky for her and I don't think phone rape is an actual thing, there would be no other way to have the University look into these claims so Title IX was the vehicle used.
Just some bill clinton type stuff....a guy like saban this would settle down. For Fitzgerald you can't be losing

Time for a crazy take. I think sparty looks better this year. I have some faith in tuck as a coach even tho his pass d sucked back 2 back. Lost some faith with that but I think he's a great dog coach.

I liked them to upset washington before this. I think if anything this helps the situation spot.

I'm calling a sparty upset. When they lose nobody will remember I said this....but I do really like the spot for aparty and I bet their season wins over. Think they've gameplanned for this game all summer. Mel's had multiple upsets as double digit dogs
Just read his statement from this evening and as suspected definitely more to this than initially reported, as it won’t be that hard to prove some of the stuff he is claiming and in the end she may not come out of this looking any better than he will. What a mess…
There is a morality clause in his contract where if he puts MSU in a bad light publically, university can fire with cause and he won’t see a dime. He won’t coach at MSU again.
Just some bill clinton type stuff....a guy like saban this would settle down. For Fitzgerald you can't be losing

Time for a crazy take. I think sparty looks better this year. I have some faith in tuck as a coach even tho his pass d sucked back 2 back. Lost some faith with that but I think he's a great dog coach.

I liked them to upset washington before this. I think if anything this helps the situation spot.

I'm calling a sparty upset. When they lose nobody will remember I said this....but I do really like the spot for aparty and I bet their season wins over. Think they've gameplanned for this game all summer. Mel's had multiple upsets as double digit dogs
Not sure the secondary can hold Washington O under 40. Really like the Over.
There is a morality clause in his contract where if he puts MSU in a bad light publically, university can fire with cause and he won’t see a dime. He won’t coach at MSU again.
100% agree, was just making the point that I don’t think she will come out of this unscathed as it sounds like there is more to the story than meets the eye.

Obviously he will lose much more, and if what has been reported is true, he rightly should, but I’m not convinced that “her side” is the gospel, as again, often times these things are more grey than black and white.

Doesn’t excuse his behavior (and stupidity) in any way, but I have been around long enough to know things aren’t always how they appear at first glance that’s all.
One thing im not sure of is unconsensual phone sex part Wouldn't she just hang up?

This is my thought too. There has to be zero chance anyone could ever claim rape via phone sex. All you have to do is hang up the phone, there’s no possible explanation otherwise, and not hanging up would mean you were “consenting” to the call and what took place.

We live in a clown country though, so here we are.
This is my thought too. There has to be zero chance anyone could ever claim rape via phone sex. All you have to do is hang up the phone, there’s no possible explanation otherwise, and not hanging up would mean you were “consenting” to the call and what took place.

We live in a clown country though, so here we are.
Yeah, more and more it seems like a set up almost. Again, he shouldn't have put himself anywhere near this whole thing, especially being married (I think I read he's married). But it seems she's just looking for a big payday. And MSU will likely do anything to get out of that contract.
There is a morality clause in his contract where if he puts MSU in a bad light publically, university can fire with cause and he won’t see a dime. He won’t coach at MSU again.
That clause was obviously put in there so that MSU could pull the rug out at any time regardless of this incident. They could always come up with something that humiliates the university, they didn't really need it to go to this level. Very smart move by them, and guessing he knew that all along. Sounds like it could have been something as simple as saying the wrong thing at the podium after a game.

Unless there is some intermediary that makes that decision, they've always had this out.
This is my thought too. There has to be zero chance anyone could ever claim rape via phone sex. All you have to do is hang up the phone, there’s no possible explanation otherwise, and not hanging up would mean you were “consenting” to the call and what took place.

We live in a clown country though, so here we are.
Apparently the phone log says 36 minutes. Not sure if that has been confirmed or not, but if so…hmmm. Will also be interesting to see the phone logs post that call, because if there is documentation that she called him late at night AFTER this incident, again…hmmm