Mel Tucker Suspended

This is my thought too. There has to be zero chance anyone could ever claim rape via phone sex. All you have to do is hang up the phone, there’s no possible explanation otherwise, and not hanging up would mean you were “consenting” to the call and what took place.

We live in a clown country though, so here we are.
She suffered so greatly by the incident that she later texted him Happy Father‘s Day haha
This woman is an all-time piece of shit, exploiting for personal gain resources available to women who actually suffer or are in danger. How does she have the conscience to receive all the sympathy that well-meaning people are sending her?
This woman is an all-time piece of shit, exploiting for personal gain resources available to women who actually suffer or are in danger. How does she have the conscience to receive all the sympathy that well-meaning people are sending her?
Yeah, she gamed the Title IX process to get this into the University. This is from the original reporter from USA Today who broke the story and is sympathetic to Tracy:

But their relationship was upended during a phone call on April 28, 2022, Tracy says in a complaint she filed with the university’s Title IX office in December that remains under investigation.
Apparently the phone log says 36 minutes. Not sure if that has been confirmed or not, but if so…hmmm. Will also be interesting to see the phone logs post that call, because if there is documentation that she called him late at night AFTER this incident, again…hmmm
From the original USA Today reporter who broke the story and is pro-Tracy:

During that time, the two also talked on the phone at least 27 times, Tracy’s phone bills show – an average of once every two weeks for a half hour. They often spoke at night to accommodate their work schedules, they said. They chatted about their jobs and eventually more personal matters, such as their families, mental health and daily lives.
My main thing now --

Who slipped this?

Bottom line -- Mel is done at MSU and they'll save some money. This is better than the long, slow process of eating this contract.

Whether she is credible or not, her career is likely ruined as well.

I'll let the dust settle here until a full opinion comes out.

I still expect more Mel stories to pop out (nothing crazy, just Mel being Mel).