Manti Te'o's Dead Girlfriend was a hoax?!?!?!?!

You would be surprised cap. It's a fucked up world man.


There are a bunch of weirdos out there. People that don't have anything better to do since they are sitting on their ass all day because they don't have jobs. From a personal story, people actually go out of their ways now a days to make up stories/complaints to get free food from delivery restaurants. It's really sad

There are a bunch of weirdos out there. People that don't have anything better to do since they are sitting on their ass all day because they don't have jobs. From a personal story, people actually go out of their ways now a days to make up stories/complaints to get free food from delivery restaurants. It's really sad

but didnt he say he had seen here, his family said he has seen her, and he is friends with the tuiassopo kid who is supposedly lenae? if any of that is true, he is a fraud in on the f'd up game.

we just need phone records at this point.
Bingo! You win the prize. Of course that's why they aren't rushing to judgement.

i am sorry, ppl can hate me or say whatever about me, but if you dont think for one minute this is disgusting journalism by espn and they arent the biggest piece of shits on tv, then you are an idiot.

they are giving teo the benefit of the doubt but havent for others. are u kidding me? now its either because nd got out in front of it and defended him or espn is defending that themselves because they know they look like suckers all year and refuse to admit it yet.

how they arent rushing to judgement on this when they did last year around this time is sickening for our country.
Yup phone records will go along way to getting to the bottom of this. Kinda surprised Deadspin didn't already have those locked down before they released their piece. That'll be the nail in the coffin
i cant believe they are spinning this as teo the victim, or maybe i can. people will wake up in the morning feeling bad for this kid again!!!!!!
<header> [h=1]Most unbelievable part of Te'o saga? Swarbrick's trust in him[/h]

By Gregg Doyel | National Columnist
<time pubdate="" datetime="2013-01-17T04:09:00Z">Jan. 16, 2013 11:09 PM ET</time>

Notre Dame people bought it. They bought the whole damn thing. Manti Te'o told them about his girlfriend, and they bought it. He told them she was injured in a car crash. Then dying of leukemia. Then she died, and not just during the football season but six hours after his grandmother died.
Notre Dame bought it.
And Notre Dame is buying it still.
The story of Te'o that we heard all fall fell apart Wednesday thanks to some absurdly thorough reporting by Deadspin. The girlfriend didn't die six hours after his grandmother. She didn't have leukemia. She wasn't in a car crash.
She wasn't real.
Where we go from here, nobody knows. What happens next is mysterious, disconcerting territory. Te'o has yet to speak, other than to put out a statement that said he was the victim of the hoax.
"I was the victim ..." Te'o said in the statement. "It further pains me that the grief I felt ... [was] in any way deepened by what I believed to be another significant loss in my life."
Notre Dame believes it. Notre Dame believes every last piece of it. We know that because the school trotted out athletics director Jack Swarbrick to meet the media Wednesday night and Swarbrick uttered gem after gem, like this one:
"Nothing I've learned has shaken my faith in Manti Te'o one iota," he said.
The facts of this case are literally unbelievable, though I will leave myself some wiggle room to say the following, and to say it sincerely:
Nothing about this story has been comprehensible, or logical, and that extends to what happens next. I cannot comprehend Manti Te'o saying anything that could make me believe he was a victim. That doesn't mean such a tale cannot be told. It just means I can't conjure it in my head. You could give me three months to come up with a legitimate ending for this story that explains how Manti Te'o didn't know that his "girlfriend" of three years was a hoax.
And after three months, this is what I would write:
I can't do it. Maybe Te'o can. Maybe Te'o will meet the media on Thursday and tell a story so convincing, so believable, that I'm rushing to my laptop to try to scrub this story, the one you're reading now, from the Internet.
But I doubt it'll happen that way because this story, his story, strains the limits of belief. It strains my belief, and yours. I've been reading you -- on message boards and Twitter -- and you don't believe Te'o, either.
Notre Dame believes him.
"It does fully line up," Swarbrick said of Te'o's story about the hoax.
People who don't believe Te'o? Swarbrick has something to say to them.
"Then you don't know Manti, is my answer," he said.
Mine, too.
As for Swarbrick, he had better be right. The USS Manti Te'o has just entered unseen waters, and Jack Swarbrick attached himself to the hull. If this ship goes down, it takes Swarbrick down too. We'll never forget the 30 minutes he spent trying to convince us that the world really -- really -- is flat.
Swarbrick was pushed just once during the news conference, when he was gently challenged on his assertion that Te'o and his girlfriend had "exclusively an online relationship."
That doesn't jibe with this story in the South Bend Tribune, which in addition to being the paper in Swarbrick's hometown, also had this story circulating Wednesday on Twitter thanks to a passage that describes, in detail, the time Te'o first laid eyes on his girlfriend.
"Lennay Kekua," the story says of the fictitious girlfriend, "was a Stanford student and Cardinal football fan when the two exchanged glances, handshakes and phone numbers that fateful weekend three seasons ago."
The two exchanged glances, handshakes ...
Swarbrick was asked about that, and he had no answer. Because there is no answer, other than to make like an ostrich, stick your head in the sand and pretend the question doesn't exist. Swarbrick said there were "several meetings" set up between Te'o and Kekua, including in the state of Hawaii, but Kekua never showed up. Yet Te'o continued the relationship, presumably. And Swarbrick bought the story, definitely.
The news conference hit its nadir when Swarbrick started a sentence before breaking down:
"The thing I'm most sad about is ..." Swarbrick paused, sipped from a cup of tea, composed himself and forged ahead. "The single most trusting human being I've ever met will never be able to trust again in his life."
Single most trusting human being? Manti Te'o?
I would suggest someone else takes that trophy.
i am sorry, ppl can hate me or say whatever about me, but if you dont think for one minute this is disgusting journalism by espn and they arent the biggest piece of shits on tv, then you are an idiot.

they are giving teo the benefit of the doubt but havent for others. are u kidding me? now its either because nd got out in front of it and defended him or espn is defending that themselves because they know they look like suckers all year and refuse to admit it yet.

how they arent rushing to judgement on this when they did last year around this time is sickening for our country.

I'm sure you weren't referring to me, but wanted to be certain. I agree with you 100%.
Penn State was hideous criminal activity, I know of no laws broken in this Teo scandel.

Despite your beliefs, the two situations are nothing alike.
liars usually do many things to tip us off at work...a few which i noticed tonight

1. look to the left, teo did this in espn interview at least five times

2. drink beverage between answering questions. the nd guy did this repeatedly when answering questions

3. slow down his speech. noticed teo did this in interview as well when asked personal ?s about lenae.

one thing i am decent at in life is because my career depends on it is i can look at an inexperienced kid like him and tell he is lying within 2 seconds if there is suspicion, he is lying! i just watched the interview

i learn this in day 1 of training at the mgm in vegas and teach this to anyone i train.
i could care less if he's Yag, i would prefer it for his cause at this point and i dont even like him or nd, just plz tell me something
liars usually do many things to tip us off at work...a few which i noticed tonight

1. look to the left, teo did this in espn interview at least five times

2. drink beverage between answering questions. the nd guy did this repeatedly when answering questions

3. slow down his speech. noticed teo did this in interview as well when asked personal ?s about lenae.

one thing i am decent at in life is because my career depends on it is i can look at an inexperienced kid like him and tell he is lying within 2 seconds if there is suspicion, he is lying! i just watched the interview

i learn this in day 1 of training at the mgm in vegas and teach this to anyone i train.
liars usually do many things to tip us off at work...a few which i noticed tonight

1. look to the left, teo did this in espn interview at least five times

2. drink beverage between answering questions. the nd guy did this repeatedly when answering questions

3. slow down his speech. noticed teo did this in interview as well when asked personal ?s about lenae.

one thing i am decent at in life is because my career depends on it is i can look at an inexperienced kid like him and tell he is lying within 2 seconds if there is suspicion, he is lying! i just watched the interview

i learn this in day 1 of training at the mgm in vegas and teach this to anyone i train.
Another tell of a lie is saying yes but subconsciously your head is shaking no. Good stuff.
liars usually do many things to tip us off at work...a few which i noticed tonight

1. look to the left, teo did this in espn interview at least five times

2. drink beverage between answering questions. the nd guy did this repeatedly when answering questions

3. slow down his speech. noticed teo did this in interview as well when asked personal ?s about lenae.

one thing i am decent at in life is because my career depends on it is i can look at an inexperienced kid like him and tell he is lying within 2 seconds if there is suspicion, he is lying! i just watched the interview

i learn this in day 1 of training at the mgm in vegas and teach this to anyone i train.
Im a pretty good liar and I dont do any of those things
Watching SC and can't believe the twist they are putting on this. Oh yea and Swarbrick is gonna go down over this as well
Seriously tho

In the SEC we just pay players and have fake classes and grades and drugs and shit

we dont lie about fake made up dead girlfriends
It isn't fair to drag Reagan and Troy into this.. a lot of truths and myths need to be addressed here, and they will be at noon PST tomorrow
1/16/13 9:48 PM

this is so great tho

one of CFBs all time great talents....overcoming everything(in the best mussberger sucking notre dame cock voice)

Lance Armstrong paid a private dick to get this story

best cheater in the game haha
liars usually do many things to tip us off at work...a few which i noticed tonight

1. look to the left, teo did this in espn interview at least five times

2. drink beverage between answering questions. the nd guy did this repeatedly when answering questions

3. slow down his speech. noticed teo did this in interview as well when asked personal ?s about lenae.

one thing i am decent at in life is because my career depends on it is i can look at an inexperienced kid like him and tell he is lying within 2 seconds if there is suspicion, he is lying! i just watched the interview

i learn this in day 1 of training at the mgm in vegas and teach this to anyone i train.

It's not necessarily just looking to the left (or right) though, it also has to do with looking up or down as well. There is a chart about this (from the FBI) that I'll look up.

I'm also assuming you meant he looked to your left, which is his right. Looking to his left would indicate that he is accessing memories. Looking to his right would indicate he is creating in his mind, or lying to you. I'm sure that's what you meant, since you said you're experienced with this. If not, I hate to tell you this, but you're doing it all wrong.

This all has to do with the eyes, and if you're talking about the interview after the MSU game, I didn't see his eyes really move in either direction. His head was turned to his left a few times, but that's not his eyes (and looking to his left indicates he is telling the truth and accessing memories). I may be misunderstanding which interview you're talking about though.
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what hurts his draft status more?

The fake dead girlfriend so I could come out the closet and be a hero later?

Or the Alabammer truck show?