Manti Te'o's Dead Girlfriend was a hoax?!?!?!?!

completely relevant with this media coverage and blasphemy that lareux nba and myself have touched on. but the point is, shows how pathetic psu was not getting out in front of something, if they did, no story, no sanctions for that school.

Yea like back in 1998.
just a PR comparison, not extremes of matters

Far more difficult to handle the PSU situation from a PR stand point when you're talking about a lot of people being implicated. People with very deep pockets who donate to the university and have political interests on the line.
[h=2]Lennay Kekua – Manti Te’o's Fake, Dead Girlfriend – Was Real, Says Arizona Cardinals Fullback Reagan Mauia, Who Claims to Have Met Her[/h]College Football, Manti Te'oJason McIntyreJanuary 16th. 2013, 9:54pmReagan Mauia, a fullback on the Arizona Cardinals, has added another layer to theimpossible-to-believe Manti Te’o fake girlfriend/hoax story. He talked to ESPN:
“This was before her and Manti,” Mauia said Wednesday evening. “I don’t think Manti was even in the picture, but she and I became good friends. We would talk off and on, just checking up on each other kind of thing. I am close to her family. When she was going through the loss of her father, I was — I offered a comforting shoulder and just someone to bounce her emotions off. That was just from meeting her in Samoa.”
Mauia said Tuiasosopo — whom Mauia believes is Kekua’s cousin — introduced the two. After the initial meeting, Mauia said he met her at an “after-party” for all of the athletes involved in the camp.
“She was tall,” he said. “Volleyball-type of physique. She was athletic, tall, beautiful. Long hair. Polynesian. She looked like a model … ”
He said it is his understanding that Kekua’s mother is operating her Twitter account. He said he’d never met her mother. When told by a reporter that she apparently might not have existed, Mauia said “No, she is real.”
So she’s real? Or was real? And died? How?
Notre Dame says Te’o was duped. Te’o said he’s been the subject of an elaborate hoax. Notre Dame AD Jack Swarbrick has put his reputation on the line and gone on TV to say Te’o was duped. Deadspin searched far and wide and found no mention of her, ever.
Which leaves us … who knows where.

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Lol this is the craziest story in a lonnnnnng time. You gotta ask for proof pics/skype/google/meet etc to avoid getting catfished. If he was that gullible not to do this then that might be the bigger red flag to NFL execs then if he was in on it
That's too funny. So he says the girl who didn't exist is real and he met her. At first I just figured this could be true, and Te'o did get hoaxed by this same girl that Mauia met and talked to. Then I realized that if there was a girl who was hoaxing Manti, she would have a different name, so there's no way that Mauia actually met Kekua (you know, since she's not a real person and all). Holy fuck this is getting ridiculous.
Lol this is the craziest story in a lonnnnnng time. You gotta ask for proof pics/skype/google/meet etc to avoid getting catfished. If he was that gullible not to do this then that might be the bigger red flag to NFL execs then if he was in on it

Agree. Te'o is pretty much f'd either way now. If he was in on it, NFL executives will obviously question his character, trustworthiness, etc. If we wasn't in on it, and was truly hoaxed, they will question his intelligence, ability to understand defenses/offenses, if he's slightly retarded, etc.
As bad as it is to say, he's fucked if he's Yag as well. No GM is gonna be eager to bring that kinda distraction into a locker room
As bad as it is to say, he's fucked if he's Yag as well. No GM is gonna be eager to bring that kinda distraction into a locker room

Sadly, this may be true. Who gives a flying fuck is someone is Yag? Clearly, if someone is Yag and playing in the NFL, them being Yag hasn't stopped them from succeeding at football. Just because someone is openly Yag, as opposed to being in the closet shouldn't change anything in the least. I know that's not how it is in the NFL, and they all hide behind this *macho* facade, which leads me to believe that him being openly Yag would hinder his NFL prospects. It's pretty sad, but it's true.
notre dame is doing the right thing here actually, not allowing their investigation to be public. that is how you stay off the ncaa radar.

assuming brian kelly wont speak on this at all. and for that matter wonder how much this factored in his decision to flirt with the eagles if at all.
Yup media is going to be out for blood. They will dig and dig and dig like they did when the Tiger Woods thing dropped
This is going to be investigated by every news outlet thoroughly as hell. Excellent journalists are embarrassed.

think you mean journalists who are thought of as excellent but are far from it. If they were excellent, they would have done some research on this story months and months ago.
Yup media is going to be out for blood. They will dig and dig and dig like they did when the Tiger Woods thing dropped

And that's why Manti should come clean and tell the truth immediately. Or it's really going to suck for him when they find the truth and catch him lying (again).
I agree that's what he should do, but with him releasing that statement and ND releasing their statement/press conference, he's all but painted himself in a corner now. He better hope every single loose end is tied up or they WILL find it
How easy is it for media to get phone records, like they did with Petrino, etc? To me that will all but seal the deal
How easy is it for media to get phone records, like they did with Petrino, etc? To me that will all but seal the deal

Its very easy. They will most certainly get their hands on those phone records.
The cards fullback has met a fake girl LOL. This is seriously one of the most bizarre stories I've ever heard. Tuiassasopo is like the talented mr ripely or some shit.
The cards fullback has met a fake girl LOL. This is seriously one of the most bizarre stories I've ever heard. Tuiassasopo is like the talented mr ripely or some shit.

You seriously couldn't have scripted a story like this. If this was the "plot" of a movie, people would say it's too unbelievable. It's surreal.
i saw that long deadspoin article but i couldn't get through it. seems like a long-winded way of saying that teo is a raging, repressed homosexual.

the best thing i saw on this is a picturre of a broken coffee mug with the dead girl's name on the bottom. since i'm computer illiterate, i can't post it here but if someone can find it and knows what it means, they should post it.
I know a bunch of Samoans and they are referring to him as a Fa'afafine. They've pretty much turned their backs on him and claiming he is an Hawaiian island boy not a Samoan.

BTW it is still legal to stone a Fa'afafine in Western Samoa. There is your weird fact for the day
I know a bunch of Samoans and they are referring to him as a Fa'afafine. They've pretty much turned their backs on him and claiming he is an Hawaiian island boy not a Samoan.

BTW it is still legal to stone a Fa'afafine in Western Samoa. There is your weird fact for the day

i think they used to call teboiw one of those farfaline types at florida once he started turning down hot chicks.
I know a bunch of Samoans and they are referring to him as a Fa'afafine. They've pretty much turned their backs on him and claiming he is an Hawaiian island boy not a Samoan.

BTW it is still legal to stone a Fa'afafine in Western Samoa. There is your weird fact for the day

why are there so many samoans in green bay? didnt think they were eskimos
Seriously lets just say it's a hoax exactly as Te'o says it is and he was truly a victim. What's the motivation for the hoaxer here?! If he was really talking to some female voice on the phone for hours on end until he would fall asleep and this went on nightly for most of last year, whats the motivation? Like really, that's some pretty remarkable commitment from the chick carrying out the hoax isn't?! Alot of people aren't that commited to their jobs much less something as insane as that
Cap the answer would be blackmail and a payoff to make this never come to light.

I don't for a nanosecond though believe he wasn't in on the fraud.
Cap the answer would be blackmail and a payoff to make this never come to light.

I don't for a nanosecond though believe he wasn't in on the fraud

Doesn't look like many others do either. Darren Rovell posted a poll conducted by Sports Biz (think it's Sports Business Journal) that had 90% of the people who replied say they thought he was in on it.
i finally read the whole article, it seems like he is either butt fucking this tuiassosopo actually, did this together as a sick prank for attention, or both. based on that report, i really dont see it any other way. i will let manti speak to it though and see what he has to say, but i am afraid i know what he will say, and its the only thing he can say.

highly doubt he will take questions, though that would help him and show guts.
Could be huge if he comes out as Yag. Pro sports need a openly Yag star.

Agree, but as someone pointed out, that's not happening in the NFL first. Hell, it may never happen in the NFL period, but they certainly won't be the trend setters.
Maybe he became a stalker and she faked her death to get him off her back. Lol
C'mon guys... 3 tweets. Took less than 5 seconds to realize that acct was fake. Real acct closed and someone picked up the handle
So Bend Tribune has pulled story that exposes Te'o as a liar. The one where he met the girl. THAT's interesting.