Manti Te'o's Dead Girlfriend was a hoax?!?!?!?!

Twink. Go to urban dictionary. Type in catfish. Voila!

Or google. Or Bing. Or any other search engine. May have to sift through pages about real catfish, but catfishing would probably work. lol
Thanks dick. I'm on my phone. And I can't screen shot and upload to twitter. So go fuck yourself before you suggest that

I wasn't being a dick. Jesus. I didn't realize you were on your phone, although even if you were you can probably save it to the phone as well. I wasn't being a dick at all though, just giving a suggestion. Holy fuck Batman!
I wasn't being a dick. Jesus. I didn't realize you were on your phone, although even if you were you can probably save it to the phone as well. I wasn't being a dick at all though, just giving a suggestion. Holy fuck Batman!

Seriously, not sure which phone you have, but with an iphone you can just hold down on the image and it will ask you if you want to save to your pics. You can upload to anywhere from there.

(I'm not being a dick, I'm trying to help you)
I know how to so that obviously. I can't upload it to twitter because my twitter account doesn't have access to my
Phone library. I am pissed off because I spent the last 45 minutes trying to figure it out but I don't want to get out of bed and turn computer on
I know how to so that obviously. I can't upload it to twitter because my twitter account doesn't have access to my
Phone library. I am pissed off because I spent the last 45 minutes trying to figure it out but I don't want to get out of bed and turn computer on

I'm sorry, I didn't know any of that though. I'm not sure why you need your Twitter account to have access to your phone library though, unless you don't have an iphone.
iPhone.... When I was in twitter account I had option the first time to let twitter have access of my phone library when I was trying to upload pic. At that time I clicked no because I have some pics of the girl I'm dating in her and didnt want those to somehow upload. (I never upload pics to twitter so didnt want to chance).... Ill save it to desk top and do it tomorrow
iPhone.... When I was in twitter account I had option the first time to let twitter have access of my phone library when I was trying to upload pic. At that time I clicked no because I have some pics of the girl I'm dating in her and didnt want those to somehow upload. (I never upload pics to twitter so didnt want to chance).... Ill save it to desk top and do it tomorrow

You can just pull up the image on your phone. When you do, there is the little arrow in the bottom left corner. Click on that arrow, and one of the options is Twitter. You can put your friend's twitter handle in there and send it to him.

Or is that what you're saying...that since you clicked "no" sometime ago, Twitter doesn't show up as an option with the arrow? If so, I'm sorry you already knew this.
Ok. Thank you. I'm an idiot. I never upload pics anywhere from phone. That's almost as bad as not knowing how to right click and sve on desktop. Time to finally sleep, night
Ok. Thank you. I'm an idiot. I never upload pics anywhere from phone. That's almost as bad as not knowing how to right click and sve on desktop. Time to finally sleep, night

I'm completely kidding here, but me thinking you didn't know how to right click on an image to save it isn't looking so stupid now is it?

Teo'o originally said they met after a game, and his dad said they met up in Hawaii. Fair enough

Now they say he never met her in person. Ok

So he is in a long distance relationship with a girl he has never met in person. He is into her so much he would talk to her for hours on the phone, sometimes falling asleep. She gets into a car crash. Can't be hurt too bad, he doesn't bother to visit her in hospital, maybe suprise her and cheer her up. After the accident they find she has leukemia. Once again, can't be too bad, he doesn't feel its worthwhile to visit her and put something positive in her day. Fair enough. She's dying of leukemia. Still not worthy of a vist.

Yep, sounds all above board to me. Cannot doubt the ND/teo'o version at all

espn sticking with the teo victim story, even mike and mark this morning. wow

with the time between knowledge of it and this story breaking, no doubt espn and notre dame have worked together here.
Clowny's been killing him all night about it. Its gold.

Catfish, both the tv show and the movie, is pretty entertaining but theres no doubt in my mind its all fake/scripted. I find it hard to use that as a crutch when the show is so obviously not real.
Where are Te'o's flower receipts and phone records? Was Te'o not suspicious when there was no obituary OR funeral?
I don't think there are many things that a man would be ripped apart for by his team mates more than creating a fake girlfriend. Just think about the locker room situation for his upcoming NFL team.

Time heals all wounds though. Will people eventually forget about this? I don't know.