Manti Te'o's Dead Girlfriend was a hoax?!?!?!?!

^ I'd believe that, but like I said, if he was in love with her like he claimed, you think they'd be Skyping, facetiming all the time so the hoax would be impossible
He flat out said he met her at a Stanford game.. What a fucking liar..
But some people don't do video shit or even talk on phone. It happens. People feel comfortable behind a phone text or computer.
Yeah but not when they were soooo in love and were so far from each other. Long distance relationships like that, some type of Skype would be a requirement
Teo and Dad are lying:

Lennay Kekua was a Stanford student and Cardinal football fan when the two exchanged glances, handshakes and phone numbers that fateful weekend three seasons ago.

She was gifted in music, multi-lingual, had dreams grounded in reality and the talent to catch up to them.

The plan was for Kekua to spend extensive time with the whole Te'o family when upwards of 40 of them came to South Bend in mid-November for ND's Senior Day date with Wake Forest.

"They started out as just friends," Brian Te'o said. "Every once in a while, she would travel to Hawaii, and that happened to be the time Manti was home, so he would meet with her there. But within the last year, they became a couple.
Jesus this is bizzare. I'm lost. Newspaper accounts, family accounts of relationships. Just weird.
Manti's response:

Update (6:10 p.m.): Manti Te'o's statement:
This is incredibly embarrassing to talk about, but over an extended period of time, I developed an emotional relationship with a woman I met online. We maintained what I thought to be an authentic relationship by communicating frequently online and on the phone, and I grew to care deeply about her. To realize that I was the victim of what was apparently someone's sick joke and constant lies was, and is, painful and humiliating. It further pains me that the grief I felt and the sympathies expressed to me at the time of my grandmother's death in September were in any way deepened by what I believed to be another significant loss in my life. I am enormously grateful for the support of my family, friends and Notre Dame fans throughout this year. To think that I shared with them my happiness about my relationship and details that I thought to be true about her just makes me sick. I hope that people can understand how trying and confusing this whole experience has been. In retrospect, I obviously should have been much more cautious. If anything good comes of this, I hope it is that others will be far more guarded when they engage with people online than I was. Fortunately, I have many wonderful things in my life, and I'm looking forward to putting this painful experience behind me as I focus on preparing for the NFL Draft.

what are you blaming the media for here exactly?

Listening to and believing Te'o?

their inability to do any research in a story and find facts. they ran stories of this in sports illustrated, on espn, etc etc. and not ONE reporter did any investigating to see its authenticity even if the story had more holes than swiss cheese from the jump. it was too good for ratings, too much eye candy, too much of a dream.

the media is lazy and doesnt care about anything but what sells. smoke, you should know this more than anyone.

now the media has made this into a bigger story than this...and that is sick

Well, since you asked — and many of my friends have, some more than once — no, I will not be cheering for my alma mater, the University of Notre Dame, to win big-time college football’s championship on Jan. 7. What’s really surprising me are those who believe as I do that two players on the team have committed serious criminal acts – sexual assault in one case, and rape in another — but assumed that I’d support the team anyway, just as they are.
“Aren’t you just a little bit excited?” one asked the other day. There are plenty of good guys on the team, too, I’m repeatedly told. And oh, that Manti Te’o is inspiring. I don’t doubt it. But as a thought exercise, how many predators would have to be on the team before you’d no longer feel like cheering?
Sexual violations of all kinds happen on every campus, I know, and neither man will ever be found guilty in court; one of the victims is dead and the other, according to the Notre Dame student who drove her to the ER afterward, in February 2011, decided to keep her mouth shut at least in part because she’d seen what happened to the first woman. Neither player has ever even been named, and won’t be here, either, since neither was charged with a crime.
The Department of Education’s civil rights office is well aware of the second case, though; in fact, federal investigators were on campus when it occurred, as part of a seven-month probeinto the way Notre Dame handles such reports. And as a result, with its Title IX funding on the line, the university marked the 40th anniversary of coeducation in 2012 by changing the way it investigates sexual assault for the second time in two years.
Lizzy Seeberg at a tailgate party with her father, brother and friends on Sept. 4, 2010, several days after accusing a Notre Dame football player of sexual assault. (Courtesy of the Seeberg family.)

I’ve spent months researching these cases and written thousands of words in the National Catholic Reporter about the whole shameful situation, some of which you’ve likely heard about: Two years ago, Lizzy Seeberg, a 19-year-old freshman at Saint Mary’s College, across the street from Notre Dame, committed suicide after accusing an ND football player of sexually assaulting her. The friend Lizzy told immediately afterward said she was crying so hard she was having trouble breathing.
Yet after Lizzy went to the police, a friend of the player’s sent her a series of texts that frightened her as much as anything that had happened in the player’s dorm room. “Don’t do anything you would regret,” one of them said. “Messing with Notre Dame football is a bad idea.”
At the time of her death, 10 days after reporting the attack to campus police, who have jurisdiction for even the most serious crimes on school property, investigators still had not interviewed the accused. It took them five more days after she died to get around to that, though they investigated Lizzy herself quite thoroughly, even debriefing a former roommate at another school with whom she’d clashed.
Six months later — after the story had become national news — Notre Dame did convene a closed-door disciplinary hearing. The player testified that until he actually met with police, he hadn’t even known why they wanted to speak to him — though his buddy who’d warned Lizzy not to mess with Notre Dame football had spoken to investigators 13 days earlier. He was found “not responsible,” and never sat out a game.
My family celebrating with my dad, John Henneberger, Notre Dame Class of ’44, on his birthday, the same day the above photo of Lizzy Seeberg was taken, Saturday, Sept. 4, 2010.

A few months later, a resident assistant in a Notre Dame dorm drove a freshman to the hospital for a rape exam after receiving an S.O.S. call. “She said she’d been raped by a member of the football team at a party off campus,” the R.A. told me. I also spoke to the R.A.’s parents, who met the young woman that same night, when their daughter brought her to their home after leaving the hospital. They said they saw — and reported to athletic officials — a hailstorm of texts from other players, warning the young woman not to report what had happened: “They were trying to silence this girl,” the R.A.’s father told me. And did; no criminal complaint was ever filed.
It’s not only what I believe went on at that off-campus party, or in the room of the player Lizzy accused, that makes it impossible for me to support the team, though that would be enough. The problem goes deeper than that, and higher, because the man Lizzy accused had a history of behavior that should have kept him from being recruited in the first place. And as bad in my book as the actions of those young men was the determination of the considerably older men who run N.D. to keep those players on the team in an effort to win some football games.
Among those being congratulated for our return to gridiron glory is ND’s president, Rev. John Jenkins, who refused to meet with the Seeberg family on advice of counsel, and other school officials who’ve whispered misleadingly in many ears, mine included, in an attempt to protect the school’s brand by smearing a dead 19-year-old.
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(Yes, Lizzy suffered from depression, but according to her therapists was neither “unstable” nor a teller of tales. No, she had never before accused anyone of such a thing. And no, she had never before attempted suicide.)
At first, officials said privacy laws prevented them from responding. But after some criticism, Jenkins told the South Bend Tribune he’d intentionally kept himself free of any in-depth knowledge of the case, yet was sure it had been handled appropriately.
The school’s “proof” that Lizzy lied is that she said the player stopped attacking her after receiving a call or a text. Phone records contradict that, showing that it was the player who called a friend rather than the other way around. Case closed, right? Sure, if you don’t think someone in the middle of both a physical and an anxiety attack could possibly be mistaken about whether her assailant stopped to make a call, or take one.
Joanne Archambault, who ran the San Diego police department’s special victims unit for 10 years and trains cops around the country, told me for my NCR story that because of the way the brain processes information in traumatic situations, victims almost always get some details wrong. Only the phony reports are perfect.
I have no trouble understanding the many Notre Dame fans who don’t know the facts of these cases. Or even those who tell themselves well, maybe, but innocent until proven guilty, right? Lucky them, I say.
The alums who mystify me are those who know the real story, believe it, and are giddy still over a winning season that’s at least in part the result of wrong behavior. I did myself a favor recently and unsubscribed from the alumni e-mails touting the school’s good works and asking, “What would you fight for?” (Football?)
My husband says he continues to be amazed by the depths of my disillusionment; had I really thought they were so much better than this? You bet I did; in fact, Notre Dame isn’t Notre Dame if it isn’t, which might explain why school officials maintain to this day that they’ve done nothing wrong, have never besmirched Miss Seeberg’s memory, and have no idea how so many fans think they know so much about her. (Here’s how: A longtime ND donor I interviewed said a top university official told him straight up that Lizzy had been sexually aggressive with the player rather than the other way around: “She was all over the boy.”)
Though 13 Seebergs went to Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s before Lizzy, her family is sitting this season out, of course. Yet in their Chicago suburb, football fever runs so high that they, too, regularly field queries from friends about whether they’re excited for the Irish.
“We just say ‘No, not too excited, really not a big fan any longer,’ ” says Lizzy’s father, Tom Seeberg, who’s remarkably indifferent to the team’s success: “When tragedy rocks you to your core, all the little stuff is stripped away.” And yes, sports fans, there are people who consider football the little stuff. Since Lizzy’s death, Tom and his wife Mary have raised $280,000 in her memory, enough to open the “Lizzy House” for laypeople teaching for free in the Jesuit-run, inner-city Chicago Cristo Rey school where Lizzy volunteered.
Lizzy’s aunt, Katie Garvey, who met her husband at ND, has come to believe that even if the facts of these cases were “blasted from every news source in the country, the average Notre Dame fan would still find a way to discount it.” Part of her is actually kind of glad for them, that “they don’t have the burden of knowing,” even if “their resistance to knowing is absolutely remarkable.”
In South Bend, naturally, knowing is particularly burdensome: “I’ve watched almost every game this season and there’s not a single time that I don’t feel extreme anger when I see [the accused] on the field,” said Kaliegh Fields, a Saint Mary’s junior who went with Lizzy to the police station. “Once I start thinking about the people who put the school’s success in a sport over the life of a young woman, I can’t help but feel disgust. Everyone’s always saying how God’s on Notre Dame’s side,” she added. “And I think, ‘How could he be?’ “
Even if it was a hoax on him how annoying do you have to be as a person that your fake Internet girl would kill herself via leukemia to get rid of him instead of dumping him
And thats not even about the kid that died taping ND practice when it was completely unsafe to be on the tower!!
What ever happened to meeting a girl face to face. WTF. He kind of reminds me of one of those shy guys who gets nervous around women. This is the type of shit a lab geek does not some all american potential first round draft pick and heisman candidate does. Fucking weird.
yes Alex, he is saying he never met her i believe, was just a thing like that mtv show...which was hilarious this week when some idiot about 20 miles north of me spoke only online to a girl for almost 2 years, never face time though, never on phone, and mtv crew took him to meet her. her was a him, her was black, her was fat, and her was Yag (online pic was hot blonde). idiot talked sex stuff, sent pic of cocknballs and all. guess its called catfishing.

seems manti's only defense at this point, which is blown to shreds already.

what are you blaming the media for here exactly?

Listening to and believing Te'o?

Maybe for not fact-checking the story before they ran with it (and ran with it time and time again). Of course the media deserves some of the blame here. A quick 5 minute search would have shown them that Te'o's "girlfriend" didn't and never attended Stanford. I know, it's crazy for anyone to think that the media and journalists actually do some legwork before publishing stories.
Only 2 possible conclusions from this is he's either off the charts mentally disturbed or Yag right?

Also why has no one in the media mentioned the "girlfriends" funeral? If he was that in love with her, wouldn't you think he would have at least attended that, even if he had never actually met her before? That should have set off alarms for everybody

His answer was that she wanted him to play in the game, and not stop what he was doing to attend her funeral. Not saying I believe it, but that's what he said.
If he was a victim(which he wasn't) the thing I can't wrap my mind around is the guy never got suspicious at the lack of pics or evidently willingness to FaceTime during their "relationship". Deadspin made it clear that the pics of the girlfriend were really of that Reba chick to pass off as the girlfriend, so there couldn't have been that many of them. With how chicks instagram and take pics nowadays I cant believe he didn't get the least bit suspicious when no updated pics were sent to him. No pics from the hospital? No pics just because? No FaceTime....the whole thing is absurd for anybody to believe he was just some innocent victim here
Manti's response:

Update (6:10 p.m.): Manti Te'o's statement:
This is incredibly embarrassing to talk about, but over an extended period of time, I developed an emotional relationship with a woman I met online. We maintained what I thought to be an authentic relationship by communicating frequently online and on the phone, and I grew to care deeply about her. To realize that I was the victim of what was apparently someone's sick joke and constant lies was, and is, painful and humiliating. It further pains me that the grief I felt and the sympathies expressed to me at the time of my grandmother's death in September were in any way deepened by what I believed to be another significant loss in my life. I am enormously grateful for the support of my family, friends and Notre Dame fans throughout this year. To think that I shared with them my happiness about my relationship and details that I thought to be true about her just makes me sick. I hope that people can understand how trying and confusing this whole experience has been. In retrospect, I obviously should have been much more cautious. If anything good comes of this, I hope it is that others will be far more guarded when they engage with people online than I was. Fortunately, I have many wonderful things in my life, and I'm looking forward to putting this painful experience behind me as I focus on preparing for the NFL Draft.

So if this dumbass can't figure out an online ruse about a supposed fake girlfriend, how the hell is he going to be able to read an NFL offense? LMFAO

espn sat on this story for 10 days, they sat on bernie fine story for 10 years, til statute of limitations ran out. espn has more syracuse alum working for them than any other alum.
He also lies about his height and weight. I have heard Kiper, Herbstreit, and others mention his ideal size to be a NFL linebacker. He is listed at 6'2" and 255. During the National Championship game against Alabama I noticed that he was shorter than Yeldon, who is listed at 6'2", and smaller than Lacey, who is listed at 220 but probably closer to 230. It will be interesting to see how he measures at the Combine.
so wait, he is saying this was just his internet girlfriend

Well yes, that's what he is now saying. Total 180 from when he said they MET outside of a Stanford game and she VISITED him and his family in Hawai'i.
Deadspin dropping bombs. Dude has better hope that statement is legit or deadspin will find out and it'll be 1000x worse for him
He also lies about his height and weight. I have heard Kiper, Herbstreit, and others mention his ideal size to be a NFL linebacker. He is listed at 6'2" and 255. During the National Championship game against Alabama I noticed that he was shorter than Yeldon, who is listed at 6'2", and smaller than Lacey, who is listed at 220 but probably closer to 230. It will be interesting to see how he measures at the Combine.

if he is 255 i am 255
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"couldn't do it without my girlfriends family"
does he even get drafted now?

how can you, he would get absolutely slaughtered in the locker room and have zero confidence
Maybe he wanted some sympathy votes for the heisman, I don't know. I hate liars though. Everybody has that one friend who lies like crazy or exagerates.
1. "About this Te'o story. Who makes up a dead girlfriend other than George Castanza?" (@chrisrose)

2. "No judgement right now on Te'o story...but watch the show Catfish..this could've happened.." (@erinandrews)

3. "Brent Musberger hasn't seen Te'o's girlfriend either, but he is assured, real or fake, that she is smokin.'" (@ballsdotie)

4. "Manti Te'o might see his draft prospects drop but he should probably be No. 1 in the fantasy draft. (@DanMacEachern)

5. "Manti Te'o's life is like the movie "Ghost" if you replace the pottery with football and the ghost with pathologically lying about loss." (@agentbizzle)

6. "Imma let you finish, Lance, but Manti Te'o had one of the best sports-related hoaxes of all time. OF ALL TIME!" (@JBrodkin)

7. "Has Darnell Dockett started hitting on Te'o's fake girlfriend via Twitter yet?" (@sportspickle)

8. "Reports are swirling that Manti Te'o also doesn't exist after the inability to locate him in the BCS Championship Game." (@EvilMikeTomlin)

9. "These Te'o jokes are all very funny but let's all try and remember that a person who never existed is dead." (@sethmeyers21)

10. "The Te'o story had to shatter every record for time people wasted trying to come up w/ their reaction tweet. This one took almost 4 minutes." (@SportsLawGuy)
He also lies about his height and weight. I have heard Kiper, Herbstreit, and others mention his ideal size to be a NFL linebacker. He is listed at 6'2" and 255. During the National Championship game against Alabama I noticed that he was shorter than Yeldon, who is listed at 6'2", and smaller than Lacey, who is listed at 220 but probably closer to 230. It will be interesting to see how he measures at the Combine.

That's nothing new though. Guys/schools lie about height and weight all the time.
Also Te'o claimed to talk to her every night on the phone until they fell asleep. Well unless that Tuiasosopo dude paid some chick to do that, there is no way that's the truth. That would take some serious commitment from whoever was doing the hoaxing. Yet another hole in a story filled with them. Te'o better start calling Oprah up for an interview cause he got some splaining to do
Also Te'o claimed to talk to her every night on the phone until they fell asleep. Well unless that Tuiasosopo dude paid some chick to do that, there is no way that's the truth. That would take some serious commitment from whoever was doing the hoaxing. Yet another hole in a story filled with them. Te'o better start calling Oprah up for an interview cause he got some splaining to do

Shouldn't be too difficult to get a hold of his phone records and see if these calls actually took place.
People defending him are just as crazy as he is. At the VERY LEAST he lied multiple times on national tv about meeting her, spending time in Hawaii, etc..... This dude and ND are full of shit and everybody knows it
Shouldn't be too difficult to get a hold of his phone records and see if these calls actually took place.

Oh trust me with how the media will start digging on this one now, somebody will get ahold of those records, if they haven't already