Made a bet on tomorrows bet on Golden State at Spurs

If you were them would you play Green. This is major revenge and the target should be around 20
I'd sit Draymond Green. Play Pops game and use your reserves and see if they can beat the Spurs.
Do the Spurs really have a big advantage in talent here? This game looks more even-Steven to me, with both teams taking pride in playing the right way and in winning, with ebbs and flows but neither team clearly dominating...
I will think more about it meanwhile from Killer sports
he Warriors are 0-11 ATS (-8.41 ppg) as a road dog with less
than two days rest off a game as a favorite in which they had
6+ double digit scorers.
This is not gospel but is frequently right
Adding a 1 unit bet on over 201,5
simply do not understand this total. Refs lean over. GS has 3 days off after this game