Lakers/ Grizz series


Resident Newlywed
At 3–1, I’m taking a stab on the Grizzlies to come back and win this series. As the series has gone on, I think this Memphis team is gelling a bit more. Seeing LeTired slowing down just a bit. All these games will add up and catch up. Grizz a 2 seed- still one of the best in the league. Need Brooks or any other Grizz besides Bane and Morant to step up

I think there is good value here
10 pays 31
Ha -

Well I’ll stick to these type of thoughts in my head to myself or just ignore them
All good man...

Grizz have a weird build right now. They need really good shooters to go with Ja imo. I like JJJ still in that mix, but scoring for them is too inconsistent in the playoffs.

Credit the Lakers defense, for sure...

Also, this Memphis D isn't like it was last year in the playoffs.