Kobe Bryant RIP

From TMZ
4:30 PM PT -- L.A. weather was extremely foggy Sunday morning, and law enforcement sources tell us even LAPD air support was grounded because of it. Flight tracker data shows Kobe's chopper appeared to first encounter weather issues as it was above the L.A. Zoo. It circled that area at least 6 times at a very low altitude -- around 875 feet -- perhaps waiting for the fog to clear.

We know the pilot contacted the control tower at Burbank Airport around 9:30 AM PT, and the tower was aware the pilot had been circling for about 15 minutes. The pilot eventually headed north along the 118 freeway before turning to the west, and started following above the 101 freeway around Woodland Hills, CA.

At around 9:40 AM they encounter more weather -- as in seriously heavy fog -- and the chopper turned south. This was critical, because they turned toward a mountainous area. The pilot suddenly and rapidly climbed from about 1200 feet up to 2000 feet.

However, moments later -- around 9:45 AM -- they flew into a mountain at 1700 feet. Flight tracker data shows they were flying at about 161 knots.
#withVK. Mourn his family members and all the others innocent people onboard. Horrible for them.
Lizzo did a shoutout already, and now the first thing Alicia Keys is talking about is kobe. "We're here in the house that kobe built"
Sucks that Bryant and his daughter died but this was just as bad.

Just as bad.

So terrible.

Orange Coast College baseball coach John Altobelli was among those who died in the crash, the college confirmed. As a mentor and coach for 27 years, he helped students earn scholarships to play at four-year colleges and treated players like family, the statement said.

“Coach Altobelli was a giant on our campus — a beloved teacher, coach, colleague and friend. This is a tremendous loss for our campus community,” OCC President Angelica Suarez said in a statement.

Altobelli’s wife, Keri Altobelli, and his 13-year-old daughter, Alyssa, who played on the club team with Bryant’s daughter, were also among the victims, according to his family.

Kobe Bryant, daughter Gianna among 9 dead in helicopter crash; L.A. in mourning
Tragic, awful. Another example to be nicer to each other, love unconditionally, forgive and just be thankful for life. It’s odd, my 5 year old son wanted me to come to bed with him tonight and was crying he just wants his dad. He couldn’t stop hugging me. Rarely happens, guess he could sense my grief today. I needed that cuz this shit makes you think deep.
Tragic, awful. Another example to be nicer to each other, love unconditionally, forgive and just be thankful for life. It’s odd, my 5 year old son wanted me to come to bed with him tonight and was crying he just wants his dad. He couldn’t stop hugging me. Rarely happens, guess he could sense my grief today. I needed that cuz this shit makes you think deep.

Thanks for sharing this.

We should all absorb.

Seriously, don't waste a day. They're all so important. Until they're gone.
when in doubt, sit it out

weather should've grounded him or at least waited til fog burned off but giving the client he had and maybe a lil bravado on the pilot's part, he pushed ahead and disaster.

My 21 yr old son is training for his VFR rating now on single engine crop dusters and the amount of time and concentration just for THAT is incredible. now throw in weather, low ceiling with terrain and having to cut over into IFR due to weather would make anyone shit themselves.
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can fathom losing that many people/family members and the 5 families affected in an instant...losing both parents or one parent and child gone

This is the hardest hitting tragedy involving the passing of a person of stature because of the children involved.

It is very hard to comprehend.

Those last few seconds on that helicopter I can only imagine, damn. That shit resonates deep.

Again, RIP to all those that had their lives cut short in this terrible, terrible event.
Yet it appears he taught others and was Kobe's trusted pilot, the only one who he'd let fly him around. Perhaps overconfident.

Would figure the 'pressure' of being Kobe's pilot may have affected this dude into making a questionable decision.

Kobe was known to be anal with his time keeping, he needed to be where he needed to be when he needed to be there.

That is the reason why he preferred to use helicopters as most of us know, LA traffic is unforgiving.

So rather than side with the idea of safety this dude could have sided with attempting to please his client.
Maybe I’m confused. Didn’t the chopper catch fire in the air??? If so what’s the fog and weather have to do with that
Maybe I’m confused. Didn’t the chopper catch fire in the air??? If so what’s the fog and weather have to do with that
That was an early speculation. Most have it hitting land then exploding. There is a good eyewitness account I saw earlier detailing it.
Is there any chance there was a malfunction and this guy purposely flew it to a remote area to avoid any casualties on the ground... been thinking that all day.... dunno if I’ve just seen too many movies
Is there any chance there was a malfunction and this guy purposely flew it to a remote area to avoid any casualties on the ground... been thinking that all day.... dunno if I’ve just seen too many movies

Someone posted the communication between the chopper and air traffic control. Also the Reddit page that was posted gets into a little more detail. Sounds like he flew into the side of a cliff because of the visibility issues.
Someone posted the communication between the chopper and air traffic control. Also the Reddit page that was posted gets into a little more detail. Sounds like he flew into the side of a cliff because of the visibility issues.

im looking forward to the official version of events. One of my coworkers who is an amateur pilot told me they found the rotor half a mile away (dunno if true) from the impact site which tells him there was more to it then just a crash into a side of a mountain. This pilot was certified to fly in these typw of conditions so apparently not super odd they were in the air. Everyone makes mistakes but it sounds like it would be weird if that’s what happened.
This is a big one for sure. As far as I can remember (in my lifetime at least), nothing to really compare it to. When I seen this and posted it I really hoped it was fake, TMZ is usually spot on but didn’t see it anywhere else so was hopeful. That family must be mess. Sad shit
Michael Jacksom immediately came to mind when I read this. International star that passed in an accident.

Sports wise, maybe Len Bias. Maybe not the star power of Kobe, but a unexpected tragedy none-the-less.
im looking forward to the official version of events. One of my coworkers who is an amateur pilot told me they found the rotor half a mile away (dunno if true) from the impact site which tells him there was more to it then just a crash into a side of a mountain. This pilot was certified to fly in these typw of conditions so apparently not super odd they were in the air. Everyone makes mistakes but it sounds like it would be weird if that’s what happened.

Read the reddit thread posted in this thread, if you haven’t already. Seemed to be every pilot who was posting came to the same conclusion, that he was flying too low at the time and hit a cliff he couldn’t see because of fog. I’m just as interested in the official report when it comes out, and anything until then is just speculation...but they make a pretty compelling case in that thread and it seems to match up with the communications log that is out there. Either way, I’ll take the speculation of actual pilots who’ve done it over the Twitter masses who think they know anything.
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Trump should make his death a national holiday. In the name of the mamba but to celebrate all athletes who have passed.