Johnny Football

and no charges being pressed by Dallas or Ft Worth police....why?

Victim won't cooperate. I get the feeling the end of this story is right around the corner. Kid's pulling a Nick Cage in Leaving Las Vegas, for all to see on Instagram and TMZ. His agent dumped him this morning. His dad told the Dallas Morning News he fears Johnny won't make his next birthday. Pretty sad.
I was fairly out in front on this train wreck, and I'm glad the Browns are moving on, and I think he sucks at NFL football even without the extra demons ... but I don't want dude to be a corpse. Get it together, lad.
What are the chances Johnny doesn't embarrass himself, or worse, on this Super Bowl Weekend? Kind of a big deal for celebrity partiers addicted to drugs and attention.
Over on him being dead is 36 months. Smart money is on the under.

And, yes, it is sad. And that's coming from a Texas graduate.
Lol at him being dead within a year or two. He's essentially doing what most kids his age do, or have done. He happens to be an NFL player so can't exactly be doing what he's doing, but talk of him dying is hilarious. He's drinking and doing some blow. I've been on the side that he would be a bust from the jump, and I am certainly not defending him, but his dad is being quite dramatic.
Lol at him being dead within a year or two. He's essentially doing what most kids his age do, or have done. He happens to be an NFL player so can't exactly be doing what he's doing, but talk of him dying is hilarious. He's drinking and doing some blow. I've been on the side that he would be a bust from the jump, and I am certainly not defending him, but his dad is being quite dramatic.

At that age do you think you would have been responsible to stop those drugs if they were causing episodes of violence and literally costing you millions of dollars? It's the irresponsibility that would be terrifying as a parent. He's doing all this now with everything to lose. What the hell is going to happen when he has nothing to lose?
At that age do you think you would have been responsible to stop those drugs if they were causing episodes of violence and literally costing you millions of dollars? It's the irresponsibility that would be terrifying as a parent. He's doing all this now with everything to lose. What the hell is going to happen when he has nothing to lose?

Oh, I have no idea if I would have been. He's already got
money though, he's a silver spoon kid. He may lose his millions in the NFL, but he'll be okay with the family
money, not to mention the idiot society that will still worship him presenting opportunities for him to be on TV and make money.

Regardless, we are really talking about him being dead in a year? Hahahahahahaha. Todd Marinovich thinks Johhny is a lightweight. So does Jamarcus Russell, and the rest of the list of guys who've had issues with drugs or alcohol (most entertainers from the 70s/80s/90s as well). I stand by the comment that it's hilariously dramatic to be talking about death. If you could die simply from douchebagginess, I'd agree completely that he'll be dead soon.
It's not the first time his dad has been out in front on his son's public problems though. People, including the Cleveland Browns, blew it off when his dad told ESPN Johnny had an alcohol problem two years ago. His dad probably has Johnny's best interest in mind when he gets "dramatic" with the press. He's got a son to save, he's allowed some dramatic liberty. He probably figures publicity is the only thing that gets this kid's attention.
It's not the first time his dad has been out in front on his son's public problems though. People, including the Cleveland Browns, blew it off when his dad told ESPN Johnny had an alcohol problem two years ago. His dad probably has Johnny's best interest in mind when he gets "dramatic" with the press. He's got a son to save, he's allowed some dramatic liberty. He probably figures publicity is the only thing that gets this kid's attention.

Of course, and I agree completely about his intentions. Doesn't change the hilarious factor that we're talking about him dying and somehow the "smart money" is on him being dead in 2 years. I'll take the over for a billionty.
Lar, it's extremely presumptuous of you to dismiss the kid's obvious problems as youthful experimentation because you used. He has partied himself out of the NFL. His draft status alone would have bought him more time. He's a side show now.
Of course, and I agree completely about his intentions. Doesn't change the hilarious factor that we're talking about him dying and somehow the "smart money" is on him being dead in 2 years. I'll take the over for a billionty.

I wouldn't bet the ranch on him not overdosing, dying recklessly, committing suicide. Guy's a wreck.
Lar, it's extremely presumptuous of you to dismiss the kid's obvious problems as youthful experimentation because you used. He has partied himself out of the NFL. His draft status alone would have bought him more time. He's a side show now.

He partied himself out of the new NFL, you're right. Should we go through the list of players who did much worse back a decade or so ago and further back? Lol, this is funny that YOU of all people think he's going to "overdose"...from what drinking? He's been seen doing some blow.
I keep hearing that it wasn't alcohol that put him into rehab, but that's hardly the point. Drug and alcohol addiction is a life and death thing. Addicts are much more likely to die young, die violently, die accidentally, put themselves in unsafe situations. And you actually can overdose on alcohol, people croak from alcohol poisoning all the time. The way this kid likes to hit the Jager from the bottle, he's an excellent candidate.

No one is seriously "betting" on his life ending, Captain Literal. (I guess I'd have to see the plus-money figure.) People are saying, "This sure seems like it won't end well, hope the kid gets some help."

But cub's right, he should be a hot pick in a ghoul pool. Especially if you get extra points for the young guys.
Dude's family has tried to get him back to rehab twice in the last seven days, JFF refused.

Just a young guy horsing around, eh Lar?
Why are u people still talking about this punk?
He is not worth talking about. Kinda like the kardashians at this point. Fuck him.
Why are u people still talking about this punk?
He is not worth talking about. Kinda like the kardashians at this point. Fuck him.

You're right, his celebrity shelf life should be about over, but we keep rubbernecking from the other side of the highway. I mean, guy had a police helicopter looking for him last weekend, it's going to get a mention, lol.
It's not the first time his dad has been out in front on his son's public problems though. People, including the Cleveland Browns, blew it off when his dad told ESPN Johnny had an alcohol problem two years ago. His dad probably has Johnny's best interest in mind when he gets "dramatic" with the press. He's got a son to save, he's allowed some dramatic liberty. He probably figures publicity is the only thing that gets this kid's attention.

Should have raised him as a normal child instead of a rich, spoiled brat. Awful parenting right there ya oil snobs.
Should have raised him as a normal child instead of a rich, spoiled brat. Awful parenting right there ya oil snobs.

Could be just good old Texas gossip, and piling on, and they're Tech fans, but my Texas peeps have always said as much. Guess he was a prick in high school too.
Kid was clean as a whistle, a couple of years in Cleveland has resulted in massive substance abuse
Should have raised him as a normal child instead of a rich, spoiled brat. Awful parenting right there ya oil snobs.

Unfair, even if your parents are perfect, that doesn't mean you will be. I remember him calling his son out even in college.
Is it possible he never hit the women? Fort Worth and Dallas PD both closed the case within 48 hours. It would be odd for them to close a case so quickly if there was any shadow of a doubt that he could have hit her. If he pulled a ray rice, I agree, fuck him. This women seems to be his kryptonite. I'll also point out that both times (this women) the police have been involved in his altercation he was below the legal limit for alcohol. I feel like this women sounds like she's full of shit, and no one seems to be doubting here.This is the new age media taking a guys life and spinning it out of control until he himself has no control over it. He's never been arrested, he's never been caught on video doing some stupid shit, he's never texted positive for drugs. It seems like his problem is that he doesn't know how to stay out of trouble. Is he an asshole? Maybe. Can he play football? Probably not.

This reminds me of the Richie Incognito bullying drama.. Media spin.. Meanwhile the bitch Martin was texting him day and night about slaying pussy. Another ESPN/TMZ fuck job

This is just another take but it's worth pointing out how easily the media makes us believe what they want us to believe without knowing anything about it.
Alex, is his family also overreacting? How about the Browns? What do the Browns have to gain by releasing him and paying him 4-million, other than they're not in the recovery business and they're better off without him around?
You'd think you could find one teammate, one friend, one family member, one acquaintance who would say he's OK. Just one.
Is it possible he never hit the women? Fort Worth and Dallas PD both closed the case within 48 hours. It would be odd for them to close a case so quickly if there was any shadow of a doubt that he could have hit her. If he pulled a ray rice, I agree, fuck him. This women seems to be his kryptonite. I'll also point out that both times (this women) the police have been involved in his altercation he was below the legal limit for alcohol. I feel like this women sounds like she's full of shit, and no one seems to be doubting here.This is the new age media taking a guys life and spinning it out of control until he himself has no control over it. He's never been arrested, he's never been caught on video doing some stupid shit, he's never texted positive for drugs. It seems like his problem is that he doesn't know how to stay out of trouble. Is he an asshole? Maybe. Can he play football? Probably not.

This reminds me of the Richie Incognito bullying drama.. Media spin.. Meanwhile the bitch Martin was texting him day and night about slaying pussy. Another ESPN/TMZ fuck job

This is just another take but it's worth pointing out how easily the media makes us believe what they want us to believe without knowing anything about it.
Dude, he went to rehab wtf
Dude, he went to rehab wtf

Well, to be fair, he never tested positive for drugs, which is what Alex said.

He went to rehab for stress is what they said. I know that's laughable, but the "real" reason most think he went is for alcohol anyway, not drugs.
Well, to be fair, he never tested positive for drugs, which is what Alex said.

He went to rehab for stress is what they said. I know that's laughable, but the "real" reason most think he went is for alcohol anyway, not drugs.
Stress lol. Alex is just making excuses for him. Everything Johnny does is always someone else's fault. Johnny needs to grow up. No other way around it.

I heard cocaine.

In any event, if he goes the 12-step route, you don't jump to another substance and smooth sailing. If you're an alcoholic, quit drinking, still smoke a little pot and go to AA, don't even bother. Old timers don't want anything to do with you, you haven't changed a bit. Not how I feel, but that's AA.
alex has to be trolling here. look back in this thread and see how strongly i pushed for the kid and called cleveland stupid. i was wrong. tip was right. hes a piece of shit. at this point i just hope he gets his life together
I was behind johnny also dwoww, loved him at A&M. He tore it up there, cant say he didn't. Lit bama up for like 600 plus rush n pass yds one game. He just competed but I have given up on him. He is a punk. Maybe he can get a shot in Canada and work his way to the NFL in a few yrs cuz we all know NFL QB play is pretty much awful except for a handful of guys. There will always be opportunities.
Stress lol. Alex is just making excuses for him. Everything Johnny does is always someone else's fault. Johnny needs to grow up. No other way around it.


no really, nothing to do with Alex...he went to rehab for stress. Lol, of course it's ridiculous though.

Yes, of course he has to grow up. My only point in any of this was the comments about him being dead within a year. That's just such a laughable overreaction it's bordering on lunacy.

And i I was saying Johnny was going to bust before he even entered the draft. Well before Tip jumped on that bandwagon...Tip was behind the dude when he was drafted by the Browns.
how is it an overstatement. many young celebs have died of overdoses and drug/alcohol related causes
no really, nothing to do with Alex...he went to rehab for stress. Lol, of course it's ridiculous though.

Yes, of course he has to grow up. My only point in any of this was the comments about him being dead within a year. That's just such a laughable overreaction it's bordering on lunacy.

And i I was saying Johnny was going to bust before he even entered the draft. Well before Tip jumped on that bandwagon...Tip was behind the dude when he was drafted by the Browns.

no really, nothing to do with Alex...he went to rehab for stress. Lol, of course it's ridiculous though.

Yes, of course he has to grow up. My only point in any of this was the comments about him being dead within a year. That's just such a laughable overreaction it's bordering on lunacy.

And i I was saying Johnny was going to bust before he even entered the draft. Well before Tip jumped on that bandwagon...Tip was behind the dude when he was drafted by the Browns.

have you ever known someone close to an addict say this? Its hardly ever an overreaction. I'm guessing his Dad may know a little more about his son than us here on CTG ( maybe).

Anyone that has known addicts and you hear that comment from someone close to them knows that what his Dad said today should be taken seriously. I'm pretty convinced his son is in a real bad place. People really say these types of things for "dramatic" effect.
how is it an overstatement. many young celebs have died of overdoses and drug/alcohol related causes

Name a few of them since there were many. The ones you're going to name are well over Johnny's age and were doing much harder drugs for much longer than he's been even partying. He drinks. He's done some blow in the past. That describes probably 75% of kids his age. Seriously. The only reason this is even an issue is because he's a pro football player (or he at least plays one on TV). He's not going to die in the next year because he likes to drink. He's like 22 not 62. We can stop with the dramatics now.

The only thing that would be plausible would be suicide or something, but Johnny doesn't think he has a problem (he may not even actually have a problem, he's a 20 something year old who drinks and does some blow), he's got money and he's living how he wants. Just because he isn't motivated to stop what he's doing to play pro football doesn't even come close to meaning he's going to means he's a fucking douchebag moron.
Well I highly doubt his son is in a bad place unless see some hard evidence. Does a little blow? Big deal.

If we start talking about him doing H or meth, you have a case. I would place a large amount of money he will live well into his 30s and maybe even his 40s
have you ever known someone close to an addict say this? Its hardly ever an overreaction. I'm guessing his Dad may know a little more about his son than us here on CTG ( maybe).

Anyone that has known addicts and you hear that comment from someone close to them knows that what his Dad said today should be taken seriously. I'm pretty convinced his son is in a real bad place. People really say these types of things for "dramatic" effect.

Yes, of course I have and I even said I understood why he said it (you did read my comments didn't you?).

That has nothing to do with the reality....Johnny isn't going to "end up dead within a year," regardless of what his father said. The point about his parents basically creating the monster has to hold some weight as well. Johnny is the affluenza kid who just happens to play football. He feels entitled because he was coddled his entire life. Now his dad is trying to pull out all the stops to reign him in (and good for him).

Again, Johnny is no different than literally 3/4 of college aged kids. The ONLY reason we hear about it is because of what he does for a living. And it's been completely blown out of proportion because of that status. Who says he has an issue and is an addict anyway? Can't he just be a 20 something kid doing what most other kids are doing (or have done if they're now older)?
Name a few of them since there were many. The ones you're going to name are well over Johnny's age and were doing much harder drugs for much longer than he's been even partying. He drinks. He's done some blow in the past. That describes probably 75% of kids his age. Seriously. The only reason this is even an issue is because he's a pro football player (or he at least plays one on TV). He's not going to die in the next year because he likes to drink. He's like 22 not 62. We can stop with the dramatics now.

The only thing that would be plausible would be suicide or something, but Johnny doesn't think he has a problem (he may not even actually have a problem, he's a 20 something year old who drinks and does some blow), he's got money and he's living how he wants. Just because he isn't motivated to stop what he's doing to play pro football doesn't even come close to meaning he's going to means he's a fucking douchebag moron.

I would dispute even this, he blows under the limit both time he encounters the police. That's pretty lucky on his end if hes an alcoholic. I don't really buy hes doing blow just because he has a rolled up bill in a bathroom. He could have easily been fucking around, and even if he was..coke? man please (I'm agreeing with you Larry for the most part, take it easy)