Johnny Football

Browns will be on the hook for a couple mill guaranteed. Just said to my daughter on the way to the game yesterday, best job in the world is to be a fired Browns coach. Much better job than active Browns coach.
Johnny gonna johnny this Sunday.
Really hoping he doesn't suck or screw up off field, because I really want to see him on a day that I don't work.
Yeah, I work Sunday.
Or rather I should say , I push that data usage.
He's got a bit of a meat grinder after this Niners game to finish the year, if he can stay healthy and out of trouble. Niners, roadies @ KC and @ Seattle, Steelers come here. With the way the team's been playing dead lately, it doesn't set up too well for him, but at least he's on the field. Browns season can't end soon enough.
Given the defense around.....

Almost any QB can get shots....not talking just to JFF

I mean ANY of em.
Lareux, yes Josh Gordon did go through the same thing. Hes now suspended for some alcohol & drugs while Greg Hardy plays every week. This is where the leagues priorities are. Get rid of the drunks and stoners, but the violent wife beating animals can play. Such a joke.

Josh Gordon is serving a suspension

Greg Hardy served his

not saying one should play or the other but the league is pretty consistent in its role that if you break their rules, whether you agree or not, you get suspended

One player is currently playing because he served his
also I get the argument that they should be allowed to do some of this stuff thats legal, because if they are good enough on the field and in the room anyway they will get fined

except for the fact that they sign contracts where its explicit what they can and can't do, when you break those rules you are just dumb

in JFF's case, I want to see him play, but Tip is right at the position, if you want to be QB you need to put in the hours. Look at that feature Peter King did on the Cardinals game plan with Carson Palmer, during the season its basically a 16 hour a day job being a QB 7 days a week if you want to succeed, so if the browns are being hard on him now its so that he learns that it's needed to help his future, if they just let him continue this they are enabling him to be Leinart 2.0
teed that is an excellent observation and while I'm not much on Peter King i did find that a good read and goes to the heart of what you're saying.
post the read please

some guys have it tho.......I will reserve comment until i read the article
Lol Twinkie. Just google it. Not even trying to be funny this time either.

"peter king mmqb carson palmer"'s the first result, and it said the search took .38 seconds :p
Uh-oh guys. JFF may have had an alcoholic beverage over Xmas, so now hes in big trouble again!!!

Good grief, get this guy out of Cleveland ASAP. Hes looked significantly improved as a QB and seems to be staying out of serious trouble, but god forbid one photo of him with alcohol leaks and its news again. If they want him to be a choir boy, I don't know who they thought they drafted.
Uh-oh guys. JFF may have had an alcoholic beverage over Xmas, so now hes in big trouble again!!!

Good grief, get this guy out of Cleveland ASAP. Hes looked significantly improved as a QB and seems to be staying out of serious trouble, but god forbid one photo of him with alcohol leaks and its news again. If they want him to be a choir boy, I don't know who they thought they drafted.

I don't understand the defending of this guy. He isn't allowed to drink per his past fuck ups. It's that simple.

If he wanted to be an NFL QB, he should have shown some maturity after being drafted and he wouldn't be in a position where the team won't allow him to drink. Even after he's being held to conditions he can't be responsible.
no, hes not allowed to drink and do stupid things because of them. he was in his home and not acting out at all. this is nothing like any past incident, if you are gonna penalize the guy every time he has any alcohol, might as well just cut him now bc hes just not the type whos gonna sit in on holidays and not enjoy his life.

shit, even greg hardy is allowed to go out and have a drink
and if cleveland really does want him to not drink at all and read teh bible or something on holidays, he should just be like ok fucking cut me, jerry jones isnt going to let me be a free agent for more than 5 minutes
no, hes not allowed to drink and do stupid things because of them. he was in his home and not acting out at all. this is nothing like any past incident, if you are gonna penalize the guy every time he has any alcohol, might as well just cut him now bc hes just not the type whos gonna sit in on holidays and not enjoy his life.

shit, even greg hardy is allowed to go out and have a drink

No, he's not allowed to drink because of his past actions. The team put the stipulations on him and he agreed to them.

Greg Hardy's incidents didn't involve alcohol which is why he's allowed to drink. I'd imagine he isn't allowed around the woman he beat up. Should he just show up at her house because it's Christmas and expect everyone to look the other way?

Come on D-Woww, you sound like an apologist right now.
and if cleveland really does want him to not drink at all and read teh bible or something on holidays, he should just be like ok fucking cut me, jerry jones isnt going to let me be a free agent for more than 5 minutes

Yep, he should. But he didn't. He agreed to the stipulations. It's that whole "acting like and adult and being responsible for your actions" notion (what a crazy idea these NFL teams with millions of dollars invested in players have, I know). If he didn't think he could abide by their rules, be an NFL QB and get paid millions of dollars, you're right....he should have asked out. But he didn't.

And if you honestly think that he's not at fault at all because he can't abstain from drinking fucking alcohol for 6 months (or 8 months, or however long it is) knowing that at the other end of that 'rainbow' is another NFL contract, guaranteed millions, and everything that comes with that job, then I don't really know what to say.
No, he's not allowed to drink because of his past actions. The team put the stipulations on him and he agreed to them.

Greg Hardy's incidents didn't involve alcohol which is why he's allowed to drink. I'd imagine he isn't allowed around the woman he beat up. Should he just show up at her house because it's Christmas and expect everyone to look the other way?

Come on D-Woww, you sound like an apologist right now.

looks like somebody didnt read the report
he agreed to act like an adult. i would say that drinking at your house with friends in lieu of making it rain and dacing on stage at bars is a step in that direction. nowhere did any report say that their agreement was for him to be 100% sober
looks like somebody didnt read the report

His arrest wasn't for drinking was my point. He was arrested for domestic violence wasn't he? Either way, it sounds like you have an issue with either the judicial system or the Cowboys, neither of which put a drinking restriction on Greg Hardy.

And you're right, I didn't read the report. I didn't have much interest in reading about some big douche bag who beat up on his girlfriend. I got the gist of the story from other outlets without reading the full report. Since you did read it...why wasn't he restricted from drinking alcohol?
he agreed to act like an adult. i would say that drinking at your house with friends in lieu of making it rain and dacing on stage at bars is a step in that direction. nowhere did any report say that their agreement was for him to be 100% sober

I'm not sure which report you're referring to with Manziel. He's had a few issues, so there's been a few reports. From the people in Cleveland that I've heard, it seems that Johnny agreed not to drink. If I'm not mistaken it was part of his agreement after he went into and left rehab. Most people who go to rehab have those stipulations put on them.
He admitted he was an addict and went to rehab. This is a fact. Part of addiction is the fact that you have no control over the substance you are addicted to - but instead the drug/alcohol control you. It's basic and simple. He is a pro athlete, but he could be a doctor, a pilot, a construction worker or a gambler. Ultimately failure is ahead. I don't know why this is hard to comprehend.
i dont necessarily think hes an "addict" I think hes a spoiled entitled kid who never had anyoen tell him no before and got into the partying lifestyle. I think his biggest fault is not taking his job seriously at first, and partying like he was a college freshman. That is not right. But I don't think hes an "addict" I feel like his whole "im an addict ill go to rehab" admission thing was like when an actor in hollywood is pictured at a club with a woman that isnt hsi wife, and his move is always "im a sex addict, im getting help in rehab now" when we all know that no, hes not an addict, he was just cheating and he got caught but saying hes an addict at least makes him partially seem like a victim.

IDK i could be wrong. Maybe hes a real life alcoholic. Allen Iverson was a real life alcoholic and would party til 6am and be at practice at 8. JFF is no AI. All I know is if the Browns are trying to play tough parent here, whatever, they can release him and move on to QB number 15 in the last 5 years or whatever

IDK i could be wrong. All I know is if the Browns are trying to play tough parent here

Or, the Browns recognize and understand the disease of alcoholism and do not believe it's in their interest, or JFF, to have him as a "leader/QB"?

I rest....:shake:
D-woww is ignoring that this guy spent two months in inpatient treatment for substance abuse less than a year ago. Pettine visited Manziel in treatment. What Manziel does off the field matters to the Browns. It's not just videos of a guy partying, in or out of his house, he's either in recovery or he's not, there's no gray area. He's a public figure, if he doesn't think he has a problem, he should probably explain why he was in a treatment program.

That said, no one seems to be making a big deal about this one, probably because everyone involved just wants the season to end.
On the field, thought he took a step back last week as a passer. Accuracy sucked, decisions and reads sucked, the usual stuff from him. Running around like he's in a pick-up game at recess.
would it surprise anyone if he is behind the selling of the videos to TMZ, I mean the guy was selling autographs in college
The Browns are not faultless here. Everyone knew JFF was a partier and a rock star, the excitement factored into his draft stock. He was such a bad rookie, and I mean about as bad as a rookie QB can be in every way on and off the field, I think the team was immediately concerned, disappointed, horrified. Think the the Browns felt stupid, even though they should be used to that feeling. And they've botched it this year, coming down hard at times, letting it go at times. Even before any of the videos or news surfaced, and before the roadside incident with his girlfriend, there was a buzz around town that he was drinking in public, as soon as training camp started. He's also reportedly almost always late on game day. Late by NFL quarterback standards anyway. He continues to behave like a punk, I don't know any other way to characterize it. He's a child.
hahhaha now he has a "concussion" and wont play Sunday. Concussion my ass. Guarantee Pettine called him in and said "look were done with you and your shit, you aren't playing sunday but as a favor we will say you got a concussion on sunday and that is the reason why, that way it doesnt cause unwelcome bad press to you or the organization."
D-woww, this is all on Manziel, Pettine wants him on the field. He's jaking it for the meaningless season finale. Did the exact same thing last year, partied all night in Baltimore, team officials had to wake him up for the game, missed treatment for his "injury".
I imagine it's fairly easy to get yourself into the concussion protocol these days.
Wonder if booze and coke is the standard treatment for a concussion on New Year's Eve.
Peter King@SI_PeterKing <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 10m10 minutes ago</small>
JFF1: Reported this on @SNFonNBC re Manziel: Browns require players in concussion protocol to be seen by team medic at 9 am on Sunday …

Peter King@SI_PeterKing <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 11m11 minutes ago</small>
JFF2: … even if they’re not playing. Manziel didn’t show up Sunday. Browns couldn’t reach him on phone. At this point I can tell you …

Peter King@SI_PeterKing <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 10m10 minutes ago</small>
JFF3: … Browns are so done with the guy. I will be stunned if he ever plays another snap for Cleveland. He wants to go to Dallas.

Can't wait for the inevitable black and white PSA he does in 5 years about substance abuse for the NFL. Guy is a gold mine for the shield in the making.
Johnny doesnt have it, I'm off the Johnny train.
He doesn't wanna do What it takes to succeed