Johnny Football


I really hope this is true and someone has a pic of this and is just waiting for the highest bidder.
This deep undercover stunt in Vegas is Manziel's finest moment as a Brown. Disguises are always good comedy. It's not enough for me to want the Browns to keep him, but I'll prop this one.

Also, whichever mod gave me the new avy ... solid.
The pics, avy and t shirt. All phenomenal. So glad the browns are around to make the Lions look like a normal franchise.
This deep undercover stunt in Vegas is Manziel's finest moment as a Brown. Disguises are always good comedy. It's not enough for me to want the Browns to keep him, but I'll prop this one.

Also, whichever mod gave me the new avy ... solid
I think I have given you your last 3 avy's....chief wahoo...bron pimping the yanks and this...
Local sports talk said the Browns have hired Hue Jackson for the next two years :rofl:, is that confirmed?
Yep. Kind of like that hire. Stack him up against his most recent predecessors (Shurmer, Chud, Pettine), he's at the very least the most qualified in that bunch. Got him before he flew to interview for the NYG. Very un-Browns-like. Also pretty much guarantees Manziel's gone, a nice touch.
if he were smart he should start JFF

Johnny's done here. He was done weeks ago, but especially after a coaching change. No one would agree to come here with that fart lingering in the building.
the browns should send JFF to Pitt - we know how fragile their QB is so he would definitely add to the team
any team that signs this piece of shit is not going to be considered in the league by me (doesnt mean

But to put it in another way, they will be dumber than the Cleveland Browns!!
Only the Lions can give them a run.

The prisoner of the moment in me has to say Browns. The playoff drought, the drafting, the QB parade, and plus the Lions won in Cleveland in the Weeden Era. Lions do have that 0-16 mark though, seven years ago. It's a close one.

I'm starting to wonder if this Manziel kid's going to actually die one of these weekends. Sick kid.
Browns definitely have you beat pre-internet. And I like to say they were the Patriots of the Eisenhower administration. (In fact, I think the Browns and Lions played for the title a few times during the Eisenhower administration.). So it's not so bad for our teams, jk, we just have to go back several years before we were alive.

Sources say while in his hotel room, the two of them argued over another girl. Crowley told police she tried to leave the room, but that Manziel wouldn't let her.

Crowley told police Manziel "restrained" in some manner and "led" her down a back stairway to the valet area.
"I was crying and begged the valet, 'Please don't let him take me. I'm scared for my life!'" she told police. The valet reportedly told her, "I don't know what to do" and let Manziel leave with her.

Sources say Manziel then drove her about a half mile to her car which was parked near the Concrete Cowboy bar off Cedar Springs Road. She claims she jumped out of the car and tried to hide from Manziel but he found her in some nearby bushes.

"He grabbed me by my hair and threw me back into the car and got back in himself," she reported told police. "He hit me with his open hand on my left ear for jumping out of the car. I realized immediately that I could not hear out of that ear, and I still cannot today, two days later."

Crowley then reportedly hit Manziel several times hoping to get out of the car, but, she told police, Manziel "threw me off of him" and she hit her head on the car window. She told police he would not give her her phone.

Sources say Manziel then got on Interstate 30 and began driving to her apartment in Fort Worth. While en route, she claims, she yelled at him, "I hate you!" He allegedly replied that "he was going to drop me off, take my car and go kill himself," sources said.

She says she thought he was on drugs or maybe having a psychotic break. She told police she then began telling him she loved him.

She says at that time Manziel "started laughing" and then reportedly yelled at her to "shut up or I'll kill us both."
She says they finally made it to her Fort Worth Apartment where the argument continued.

Crowley claims Manziel became angry, smashed her phone. He then went outside and started "pacing," she told police. While she was alone, she tried to use her computer to contact her parents through Apple's FaceTime video chat system.

She said Manziel came back into the apartment, checked her computer and realized she had tried to contact her parents.

"I was in my kitchen so out of fear for my life, I pulled a knife out of my knife block and advanced toward him," Crowley told police.
Really sad. Basically this is a case of a privileged kid that took his opportunities for granted. Goes way beyond football.