Johnny Football

Shut the fuck up is a pretty aggressive thing to say, even on the internet, wife boobs.

I, and I think others, find it humorous how goddamn literal you are. No, for the court record, I doubt he dies this year, the odds are against it. Yes, I think he's an addict and prone to reckless behavior that puts his health at risk. I do believe he's unhealthy.

The only reason I chimed in was because of the "dead within a year" comment. That is literally, again, the ONLY reason I laughed at it and wrote what I did. It's not me being literal, it's exactly what the fuck was actually fucking said.
wow wow wow
you boys are still at on johnny.. reminds me of HS girls and the kardashians, instead its men on CTG and a punk QB

It's not about Johnny anymore. It's about sense, nonsense, and wife boobs.
Also, and I'm sure I'll regret asking, I'm up against the internet's greatest super sleuth, when was I on board with Johnny Manziel??

Top of my head, I remember acknowledging it was an "exciting" pick (think I used some form of that word), and I'm not sure I commented too much after that until he appeared in a game. I distinctly remember calling my shot early, saying this elf at QB isn't going to work, something like that. Think I said that in the Cleveland-Carolina in-game, the game he faked an injury last season.

You're drunk and not doing anything else, do a search on the site and I'm sure you'll find the thread. Before you do though, care to put your money where your mouth is about whether or not you were "behind" Manziel?
The only reason I chimed in was because of the "dead within a year" comment. That is literally, again, the ONLY reason I laughed at it and wrote what I did. It's not me being literal, it's exactly what the fuck was actually fucking said.

Lar, let me educate you on how people talk. When someone says, "He'll be dead in a year," the listener isn't supposed to mark the calendar. He's supposed to get what the speaker is trying to say.
You're drunk and not doing anything else, do a search on the site and I'm sure you'll find the thread. Before you do though, care to put your money where your mouth is about whether or not you were "behind" Manziel?

If I was ever in Johnny's camp on this site, and CTG agrees with your evidence, I'll buy you a beer.
Lar, let me educate you on how people talk. When someone says, "He'll be dead in a year," the listener isn't supposed to mark the calendar. He's supposed to get what the speaker is trying to say.

Let me fill you in on how CTG has taken those comments. Seriously, go back in the fucking thread and look for yourself...most of the people who posted actually think the dad knows something we don't and that he really will be dead in a year. In fact, it was said "the smart money" would be on the under.

So, the ones actually taking the comments literally you're cool with, but the guy who is laughing at the ridiculous comments because they can't possibly be literal is the one you have an issue with? Seems legit.
His fucking father said he'll be dead within a year. Who is a greater authority on the wellbeing of Johnny Manziel. Johnny Manziel's father on the record to the Dallas Morning News, or Lareux shooting the shit at CTG?
Let me fill you in on how CTG has taken those comments. Seriously, go back in the fucking thread and look for yourself...most of the people who posted actually think the dad knows something we don't and that he really will be dead in a year. In fact, it was said "the smart money" would be on the under.

You're a fucking robot. You think capone and braves and I will bet even money that this guy will die within 12 months? He'll stay safe by accident.
His fucking father said he'll be dead within a year. Who is a greater authority on the wellbeing of Johnny Manziel. Johnny Manziel's father on the record to the Dallas Morning News, or Lareux shooting the shit at CTG?

JFC Tip we already talked about this. OF COURSE HIS FATHER is going to say that, and I commend him for doing so.

Tip, are you afraid your son will be dead within a year? I'd bet dollars to donuts he's doing the same fucking thing Johnny fact, you've told us as much over a few year period of time.
Lareux in the bat cave, robot voice ...

"12 months does not compute, 12 months does not compute, he is young, he is alive, he has money, the numbers are not in favor of this proposition. I must inform CTG of this error ..."
You're a fucking robot. You think capone and braves and I will bet even money that this guy will die within 12 months? He'll stay safe by accident.

Jeez, I don't know if hey would or wouldn't. The point is, if no one thinks he'll be dead within a year (or even 2 or 5 for fucks sake), what in the fuck are we talking about? Johnny may be an addict, there's millions of them out there. End thread.
JFC Tip we already talked about this. OF COURSE HIS FATHER is going to say that, and I commend him for doing so.

Tip, are you afraid your son will be dead within a year? I'd bet dollars to donuts he's doing the same fucking thing Johnny fact, you've told us as much over a few year period of time.

Not really even close. For starters, he doesn't drink that much. He's not reckless with substances, he's reckless with associates. Gullible, if you will.
Lareux in the bat cave, robot voice ...

"12 months does not compute, 12 months does not compute, he is young, he is alive, he has money, the numbers are not in favor of this proposition. I must inform CTG of this error ..."

Again, JFC Tip. I simply said it was laughable that it was suggested he would be dead within a year, nothing more, nothing less. You agree with that, and according to you seemingly most everyone else would as well. Yet here we are somehow...and it'll be blamed on me instead of the idiots responding to my comments twisting around what was said. Such is life at CTG.
Also, his fucking dad implied he was an addict two years ago, and then went full monty this week. I believe him.
Repeated self-destructive behavior. It's a very accurate symptom of addiction.

So why don't you feel the same about your son? You've given us examples of his repeated self-destructive behaviors. Apparently, he has that symptom of addiction.

If your son was an NFL QB, I'd expect that you'd have done the same thing Johnny's father just did (as would I, and most others). I think you'd have made the same speech even if your opinion was that your son wasn't in the same spot as Johnny right now.

What is this repeated self destructive behavior Johnny has exhibited though, just curious. Is is the drinking? Even if he's drinking 4-5 days a week that what literally millions of kids his age do (fuck, you do it yourself). Is it the taking private jets to Vegas? Missing work related activities? (that does matter too, but again, indicative of many 20 something kids) Possible cocaine use? (he's 20 something, yep, that happens)

Ryan Leaf
Todd Marinovich
Jim Kelly
Bruce Smith
Andre Rison
Michael Irvin
Cris Carter
You are off the deep end on this, my friend.

My son has a lot of problems. Obstacles. We all got problems. None of this has anything to do with Johnny Manziel, unless you want to say he and I have both been in trouble for drinking. (I finished well behind the pack in the '91 Heisman vote though.)

Let's break this down, the last couple pages. Guy's a public wreck, agreed? Maybe not agreed, but we have to start somewhere. His NFL career is hanging by a thread. His father is concerned for his life. People here (and his father) threw out the phrase, the number, that he's going to be dead in "a year", without a hell of a lot of analysis. I didn't mark down the date when anyone said it. I understood that the point was, guy better get his shit together, or this will be an unhappy ending. For him, not me, what the fuck do I care about Johnny Manziel?
If you don't want the Aaron Rodgers dual ghoul pool challenge, how about this one. I bet he never starts another NFL game. Beer, 20 bucks, hundy?
Let's break this down, the last couple pages. Guy's a public wreck, agreed? Maybe not agreed, but we have to start somewhere. His NFL career is hanging by a thread. His father is concerned for his life. People here (and his father) threw out the phrase, the number, that he's going to be dead in "a year", without a hell of a lot of analysis. I didn't mark down the date when anyone said it. I understood that the point was, guy better get his shit together, or this will be an unhappy ending. For him, not me, what the fuck do I care about Johnny Manziel?

Sure, any of that, or all of that can be true.

Let's break it down this way...his dad said he'd be dead within a year, some people jumped on that bandwagon and agreed (took him literally, yes). I found that to be hilarious, ridiculous, and ludicrous all at the same time. I made a comment saying that him being dead within a year was hilarious, ridiculous, ludicrous...everyone then just comes at me as if I'm saying he's a model citizen, that I have his back, I think he's going to be a good NFL QB, I don't care about starving kids in Africa, I don't like hippos because I haven't mentioned they're endangered, etc, etc, etc.

At the end of the day I only thought it was ridiculous someone said he'd be dead within a year and that somehow the "smart money" was on the under. YOU agree with me about that....that's ALL I SAID. That's it.
If you don't want the Aaron Rodgers dual ghoul pool challenge, how about this one. I bet he never starts another NFL game. Beer, 20 bucks, hundy?

Why would I bet that either? I AGREE WITH THAT. I've said since he entered the draft that he was a bum and wouldn't do anything in the NFL. Why would I have changed my mind now that he's in the spot he is?
Yes. I agree that he probably won't die this year. Sorry that fired you up. When people say the price of gas is through the roof, do you run to check the roof?
Yes. I agree that he probably won't die this year. Sorry that fired you up. When people say the price of gas is through the roof, do you run to check the roof?

No, but Tip, AGAIN, some in this thread are actually taking that literally. Ask them the fucking question, not me.
Johnny's father actually said he thought Johnny would be dead within a year. It happened. The dude who thinks it laughable, ridiculous, and ludicrous because OF COURSE it's not close to reality, and OF COURSE his father didn't really mean dead within a year has the drunk asking him why he's being literal.

The dudes who think the father is actually right, that Johnny quite possibly will be dead within a year, and that the dad really means he thinks Johnny will be dead within a year aren't asked why they're being so literal when, you know, THEY are the ones being fucking literal.

I asked this last night...are we in the Twilight Zone?
How many people accepted your wager? That should tell us who thought it was literal.
How many people accepted your wager? That should tell us who thought it was literal.

Explain the comments by those people who really think Johnny is on the verge of death. It's puzzling isn't it?

If they all agree that the comment was fucking ludicrous, why would the argument have even started? I haven't changed what I said from the first post I made, and it was only about how fucking ludicrous the "dead within a year" comment was. Someone clearly doesn't think it's BS and thinks it needs attention, or we wouldn't have gotten this far would we have?
Lar has a problem with context. I don't think Charlie Sheen will die tonight. But would it surprise me?
Lareux, man, nobody literally thinks he'll be dead within a year. You can't take things so literal man, my goodness.
Lar has a problem with context. I don't think Charlie Sheen will die tonight. But would it surprise me?

It's quite literally the opposite in this thread. Somehow you agree with me and you're still acting as if we're on opposite sides. Talk about trolling. Have another beer.
Just went back and skimmed it over, I see one over/under at 36 months and one shot at taking him in the death pool, then a ton of back and forth with Lareux and tip with some other stuff sprinkled in
I'm not agreeing with you at all, you literal bastard.

When someone says he thinks Manziel will be dead in a year, he kind of means it like when he says, "I wouldn't do that in a million years". (I feel like your first response would be, "ha, who lives a million years.")

It's a literary/rhetorical device. It's for effect. You don't have to send the sentence to the lab.
Yep KJ, so did I. Here is my first post...

Lol at him being dead within a year or two. He's essentially doing what most kids his age do, or have done. He happens to be an NFL player so can't exactly be doing what he's doing, but talk of him dying is hilarious. He's drinking and doing some blow. I've been on the side that he would be a bust from the jump, and I am certainly not defending him, but his dad is being quite dramatic.

And the immediate response. It's akin to asking someone why they don't care about rhinos dying because they're talking about endangered tigers. What in my post would have had anyone assume what he assumed?
At that age do you think you would have been responsible to stop those drugs if they were causing episodes of violence and literally costing you millions of dollars? It's the irresponsibility that would be terrifying as a parent. He's doing all this now with everything to lose. What the hell is going to happen when he has nothing to lose?
Here's another good one...

Of course, and I agree completely about his intentions. Doesn't change the hilarious factor that we're talking about him dying and somehow the "smart money" is on him being dead in 2 years. I'll take the over for a billionty.

Lar, it's extremely presumptuous of you to dismiss the kid's obvious problems as youthful experimentation because you used. He has partied himself out of the NFL. His draft status alone would have bought him more time. He's a side show now.

How was I presuming anything other than the fact that him being dead within a year was laughable?
I'm not agreeing with you at all, you literal bastard.

When someone says he thinks Manziel will be dead in a year, he kind of means it like when he says, "I wouldn't do that in a million years". (I feel like your first response would be, "ha, who lives a million years.")

It's a literary/rhetorical device. It's for effect. You don't have to send the sentence to the lab.

For the love of Zeus. Have fun guys. Stay drunk Tip.

Arguing over loose, secondary comments about the exact date he might die, that's laughable. Lar put the chuckles into this upbeat saga.
oh what a thread, not a bad read on a slow night for me..
thanks guys
Exactly. And people are actually talking about him possibly being dead before 2017. It's like the Twilight Zone or something.

Well it sounds like he was almost stabbed the other night unless the chick lied about advancing toward him with a knife. Being dead doesn't just involve overdosing.

What did this response mean, by the way? I think we all realize that being dead doesn't just involve this a comment saying that it IS possible he'll be dead soon because he was "almost stabbed" recently?

Is it saying his odds of dying are increased now that we can add possible stabbing to the list?

If not, what was the point of the post, except to point out the obvious that dying doesn't only mean overdose? Like, if that post is not somehow lending credence to the idea that he'll be dead soon what in the hell was the point of it?
Don't forget the chuckles brought about by Johnny going to rehab for stress.

Seriously, and I mean seriously in the sense that I want you to guide me, where'd you get the stress thing? I have not heard any news source put its name to a story about what he was in for. The Cleveland media seems to at least whisper alcohol, and there's a lot of coke smoke around town, but the local media has never run with a definitive thing.
What did this response mean, by the way? I think we all realize that being dead doesn't just involve this a comment saying that it IS possible he'll be dead soon because he was "almost stabbed" recently?

Is it saying his odds of dying are increased now that we can add possible stabbing to the list?

If not, what was the point of the post, except to point out the obvious that dying doesn't only mean overdose? Like, if that post is not somehow lending credence to the idea that he'll be dead soon what in the hell was the point of it?

I think he was probably just contributing to the worldwide observation that guy makes a lot of bad choices.
My word, he came close to getting stabbed. By a knife. Unless she lied about possibly attempting to stab him, an odd thing to lie about. And that shit tends to happen more when a person is wasted, just as death by any accident or violence. Seems that's a problem here.

That's all, do you really enjoy this?
My word, he came close to getting stabbed. By a knife. Unless she lied about possibly attempting to stab him, and odd thing to lie about. And that shit tends to happen more when a person is wasted, just as death by any accident or violence. Seems that's a problem here.

That's all, do you really enjoy this?

That didn't answer the question at all.
So he was drunk at practice late in season and they used 'concussion protocol' to cover it up? lmao