Johnny Football

The issue with Manziel is that his alcohol use has led to multiple incidences, albeit small ones. Therefore going out and partying right after getting the job back is seen as seriously irresponsible. Clearly the team and a lot of us in this thread view getting drunk and missing meetings as problematic and reason that he shouldn't be out getting hammered mid season. Maybe he needs to show up for a game hungover and not be able to play for you to view it as problematic. If this was Russ who got drunk last weekend, then no big deal bc he doesn't have a patter of alcohol leading to poor decisions

Right. If it were 99% of the league it wouldn't have been an issue. It seems like D-Woww is just ignoring this part for some reason. I don't really think people are disagreeing with him when it comes to, again, 99% of the league. Manziel is different, and that's due solely to his own actions in the past (and present).
the thing that is abundantly clear in these threads; i just don't think weed and alcohol used by guys in their 20s is that big of a deal, provided they arent harming anybody. let the on field stuff determine who plays and who doesnt, unless the athlete commits a violent crime. people are welcome to disagree; the legality or lack thereof of weed in most states shows that you have the popular opinion and I dont

But isn't it in their contracts, as part of the CBA, to not smoke weed?
society has devolved for more reasons that we can count man. i dont think letting ppl who smoke weed but do nothing else wrong have jobs is going to have a negative impact on society.

I agree with you, I don't think people smoking a little weed have a negative impact on society either. However, if you choose to work for a company and are told beforehand these are your hours, this is the dress code, this is our drug policy, etc. then you have a responsibility to comply with that the same as you do to wear a tie if that's required. Don't wanna give up the weed, work somewhere else.
Davis to start. Good luck to him..

Deck the halls with chocolate brownies, fa la la la la ,la lalala.
Johnny's birthday is Sunday, I'd be afraid to start him after that celebration too.
Tale of the tape ...

Austin Davis, 26
11 games, 8 starts, 3-5 as a starter
13 TD
63.6% COMP.

Johnny Manziel, 22 (turns 23 this Sunday)
12 games, 5 starts, 1-4 as a starter
5 TD
57.7% COMP.

Davis as a Brown, 7-10, 1 TD, 0 INT, QB RATING 125.8.

Manziel as a Brown, see above.

So if you knew them simply as "QB-A" & "QB-B", and "QB-A" has been more recently impressive than "QB-B", who would you start in McCown's absence against Cincy this week? And if you do know their names, and your argument is that the Browns should see what they have in Johnny, then why shouldn't they see what the have in Davis? He's had the better short career.
Behind the Rams line or behind the 7 balls of silly putty?

It's fine , don't let JFF play. Pettine won't be there next year and I doubt JFF will either.
Davis looked better as a passer in just a couple full series of downs behind the same line than Manziel has yet to look in his pro career. But you're right, I doubt either will be back with the Browns, or much heard from in the rest of their days in the league. I can't see Pettine as a sexy DC candidate the way his defenses have performed here, he may have to start over as a linebackers coach or something. And Manziel will probably bounce to a couple more rosters before calling it a career if he doesn't party himself out of the league this summer. And hey, there's always the CFL.
Should have somewhat of an apples-to-apples comparison this weekend. Manziel has two starts against the Bengals, one home, one away. The Browns have been outscored, 61-10, in those two games.
Lebron doesn't give him court side seats anymore , does he?

Id worry about him jinxing the cavs
Davis looked better as a passer in just a couple full series of downs behind the same line than Manziel has yet to look in his pro career. But you're right, I doubt either will be back with the Browns, or much heard from in the rest of their days in the league. I can't see Pettine as a sexy DC candidate the way his defenses have performed here, he may have to start over as a linebackers coach or something. And Manziel will probably bounce to a couple more rosters before calling it a career if he doesn't party himself out of the league this summer. And hey, there's always the CFL.

Him and Tebow yukking it up as commentators. Call it "Saint and Sinner"
Pettine is the real fuck up in this entire situation

I think the two situations, disappointing athlete and unsuccessful head coach, are mutually exclusive in this case. Under first-time HC circumstances, after inheriting a bad team, under a GM who did not hire him, stuck with a rock star rookie QB he never wanted, his handling of Manziel has been about the only thing Pettine's had right in the last calendar year or so. A stronger, more secure coach would have cut Manziel by now. Pettine looked a lot better at 7-4 in 2014 before Manziel ever saw the field, but I suspect a 2-14 record since with plenty of bad on-the-field coaching sprinkled in has doomed him.
I don't think I used "mutually exclusive" correctly. I meant unrelated, or they both suck independently.
Davis has a lot more touch on his pass. I'd use him over Johnny anyway.
Davis has a lot more touch on his pass. I'd use him over Johnny anyway.

I mean he is what he is; a journeyman backup/3rd stringer. He had a bit of success last year to start the season but came down to earth. i got nothing but resepct for the guy, he was a walk on in college and forged an NFL career for himself. thats impressive. don't think hes a hidden gem though who will ever start consistently.

Part of me wonders if they just know that Cincy owns JFF's ass and want to throw Davis into the fire, adn then when he throws 3 picks and loses by 25, go to JFF vs SF at home where he has a chance to succeed.
I'm more than half-serious that the Browns probably don't want to count on the life of the keg party when his birthday strikes 13 hours before kickoff. Safer to prepare the other guy.
i mean i think its safe to say if JFF played yesterday, nothing would have been different and he would be dealing with a ton of criticism. now he gets a home game vs a bad team who is coming off a win as a dog in a letdown spot. hell win and look good.
Browns won't win another game. Not pinning it on Johnny, they've quit. They shot their one puny wad in that Monday nighter.
Was just talking to a Browns fan at work. It's hilarious. He said Phil Dawson is the best player the Browns have had in this decade
Dawson's up there. I'll go Cribbs. But we're splitting special teams hairs.
Browns and JFF are two separate circuses whose three rings overlapped, they're the two trains in the train wreck. Get this through your CTG heads. He's not a capable NFL quarterback.
Pettine said not so fast, my friends, on Sunday's starter.
I think if they would have started JFF all year they would have had a good year

thing is mccown wasnt their problem. in fact, he was damn good. i just never understood what they wanted with a 34 year old journeyman. one blogger the other day actually took mccowns numbers with chicago and cleveland (took out the year in tampa with no o line and mess of a coaching staff) and he has been quite good.

the organization is just a mess. every time they take a step forward, they take 2 back
McCown's not that good. He's better than Manziel, probably because he can see where his receivers are. At some point, maybe when you're 36 like he is, you are what your record is, I don't care how bad your teams are. He's the most heroic loser in Browns history.
ur right, hes not that good. hes not that bad either though. hes played no worse than say, matt ryan
Not sure what's up with Matt Ryan, but if he ever needs a change of scenery ... would be the best here in 20 years.
oh my god this dude needs to shut the fuck up already. did JFF bang his daughter or something? just play the kid for christ sake

I have a spider sense that Pettine knows he's gone (who wouldn't), and he's saying, "You wanna see the drunken midget? Fire me."
Pettine's press conferences the last two days are funnier than Saturday Night Live. Yesterday, he said the team played their butts off. They lost 30-fucking-7-to-3 at home and it wasn't that close. Complete bizarro world.
I think Andy Dalton executed the first untouched, 3-yard QB sneak for a TD in the history of football.
Fire pettine so he has a chance to catch on to a HS job. Lots of openings and these high schools like to hire fast.
Give pettine that shot!
Fire pettine so he has a chance to catch on to a HS job. Lots of openings and these high schools like to hire fast.
Give pettine that shot!

Can't wait to see this guy's next job. It won't be TV. He has the personality of a rusty spoon.