Johnny Football

I don't even know why the players get drug tested for anything besides steroids to be honest. If someone wants to do some blow or smoke some bud let them, why does it matter if it isn't enhancing their ability? Mark Grace used to smoke cigarettes in the dugout, no one cared and it didn't make him a better player, and if Josh Gordon wants to roll up a J after a game, who fucking cares? It is their own time....
The Ravens would have never blocked that FG had Johnny been playing :tiphat:

snakebit franchise.
Come home JFF.
I don't even know why the players get drug tested for anything besides steroids to be honest. If someone wants to do some blow or smoke some bud let them, why does it matter if it isn't enhancing their ability? Mark Grace used to smoke cigarettes in the dugout, no one cared and it didn't make him a better player, and if Josh Gordon wants to roll up a J after a game, who fucking cares? It is their own time....

could not agree more with this
I don't even know why the players get drug tested for anything besides steroids to be honest. If someone wants to do some blow or smoke some bud let them, why does it matter if it isn't enhancing their ability? Mark Grace used to smoke cigarettes in the dugout, no one cared and it didn't make him a better player, and if Josh Gordon wants to roll up a J after a game, who fucking cares? It is their own time....

I agree/disagree

most places drug test now before you start a job
I agree/disagree

most places drug test now before you start a job

true, but that needs to stop as well. its insane that companies still think that the fact that a dude who smokes a joint at night has any impact on his value as an employee. if anything, test for heroin or worse but petty drugs are nto a big deal and as a society in all jobs we need to move away from the puritan mindset that led to the laws and rules that are in effect today
LOL at not wanting a company test for drugs. Even if it is just weed. You try starting a company and apply those rules. You're insane d-woww.
LOL at not wanting a company test for drugs. Even if it is just weed. You try starting a company and apply those rules. You're insane d-woww.

So you think that a dude that takes a hit before bed every night, harming nobody, should immediately be disqualified from a job? That is significantly more insane than what I said. Sure, if a guy tests positive for meth then sure I'm not going to hire him, but weed? Come on man. What the hell should I care if the guy smoke some weed when he's not working ( doing it on the clock is a different story)
This debate has nothing to do with Manziel, since he's supposed to be in early recovery after inpatient treatment for substance abuse, and he has a pattern of being a disruptive jackass. But at least D-Woww has managed to sound ridiculous on a separate issue. See, these private business owners, D-Woww, they sort of have a hang-up with employees breaking state laws.
So you think that a dude that takes a hit before bed every night, harming nobody, should immediately be disqualified from a job? That is significantly more insane than what I said. Sure, if a guy tests positive for meth then sure I'm not going to hire him, but weed? Come on man. What the hell should I care if the guy smoke some weed when he's not working ( doing it on the clock is a different story)

So as a future manager how are you going to ensure that your employee is smoking in the evenings/weekends only and not during his lunch break or in his car when he's driving to meet a client?
true, but that needs to stop as well. its insane that companies still think that the fact that a dude who smokes a joint at night has any impact on his value as an employee. if anything, test for heroin or worse but petty drugs are nto a big deal and as a society in all jobs we need to move away from the puritan mindset that led to the laws and rules that are in effect today
Society's devolved, to a large extent, thanks to the "laws and rules that are in effect today". How much further down the rabbit hole do you want to go?
This debate has nothing to do with Manziel, since he's supposed to be in early recovery after inpatient treatment for substance abuse, and he has a pattern of being a disruptive jackass. But at least D-Woww has managed to sound ridiculous on a separate issue. See, these private business owners, D-Woww, they sort of have a hang-up with employees breaking state laws.

its his personal life. If he wants to be an alcoholic that's on him and that's his choice, its perfectly legal. As long as it doesn't affect his performance on the field I don't care. If you bench him for sucking that's another story. The debate for drugs is different to me because its pretty much a nationwide standard. Gordon would have been fired from his job if he was just a 9-5 guy.
Heres what we don't know; was he showing up late for practice? was he not learning plays? If that is the case, he should be benched, but for those reasons. Not because he was out partying. Us at our 9-5 jobs are teh same way. We can get shitfaced every night as long as at 9am through 5pm we do our jobs well. However, if the alcohol makes us suck at our job, then well get fired. So I guess what i am saying is i support Petine if it was affecting how he does his job. If he just didnt like that he was out partying on an off week, thats being too hard on the kid
Society's devolved, to a large extent, thanks to the "laws and rules that are in effect today". How much further down the rabbit hole do you want to go?

society has devolved for more reasons that we can count man. i dont think letting ppl who smoke weed but do nothing else wrong have jobs is going to have a negative impact on society.
Heres what we don't know; was he showing up late for practice? was he not learning plays? If that is the case, he should be benched, but for those reasons. Not because he was out partying. Us at our 9-5 jobs are teh same way. We can get shitfaced every night as long as at 9am through 5pm we do our jobs well. However, if the alcohol makes us suck at our job, then well get fired. So I guess what i am saying is i support Petine if it was affecting how he does his job. If he just didnt like that he was out partying on an off week, thats being too hard on the kid

The thing with Manziel is that he just completed treatment and agreed with the team that he wouldn't be drinking/partying. He did. The end.
its his personal life. If he wants to be an alcoholic that's on him and that's his choice, its perfectly legal. As long as it doesn't affect his performance on the field I don't care. If you bench him for sucking that's another story. The debate for drugs is different to me because its pretty much a nationwide standard. Gordon would have been fired from his job if he was just a 9-5 guy.

You're just wrong, Alex. Employers discipline and dismiss employees all the time for alcohol abuse, especially if the employer thinks it's hurting or embarrassing the business, in this case the NFL team. People in this guy's corner can have him, he's a toxin.
Also, if anyone knows what he was in treatment for, let me know. I do know that if you're in treatment for coke, you're not supposed to drink, and if you're in treatment for alcohol, you're not supposed to do other drugs. It's just the way those programs work, I didn't make the rules, and obviously Manziel doesn't think he has a problem. But he's been a problem for the team. The players backed the coach last week, so his defenders are basically the members of Sigma Chi Douche, standing up for a brother.
People in the Sunday night in-game were joking around about how Gronk gets away with public partying, and Manziel doesn't. Let me explain the way the world works. Gronk is a tight end. Manziel is a quarterback. Gronk is a fucking awesome football player. Manziel is terrible. The rules are different.
They need to let Johnny go out on Sat night and just get fucked up, let it roll into Sunday and see how he plays. Maybe it opens up his creative juices and he turns Cleveland into the next QB factory.
I don't know why, but the name Todd Marinovich popped into my head all of a sudden. Granted, Manziel not nearly as hyped/talented as Marinovich was, but the parallels seem eerily similar now that I think about it.
Obviously Leinart wanted to be a celeb more than a QB and now he works for FS1
You're just wrong, Alex. Employers discipline and dismiss employees all the time for alcohol abuse, especially if the employer thinks it's hurting or embarrassing the business, in this case the NFL team. People in this guy's corner can have him, he's a toxin.
e.g. Tuckfexas
They need to let Johnny go out on Sat night and just get fucked up, let it roll into Sunday and see how he plays. Maybe it opens up his creative juices and he turns Cleveland into the next QB factory.

JFF as Earnest Hemingway?
People in the Sunday night in-game were joking around about how Gronk gets away with public partying, and Manziel doesn't. Let me explain the way the world works. Gronk is a tight end. Manziel is a quarterback. Gronk is a fucking awesome football player. Manziel is terrible. The rules are different.

Manziel has had no chance to blossom because of the mishandling of him. I think he could really BLOOM given the chance
Hemingway and Mark Twain came to mind, and maybe even tip with his current book writing endeavor

Unfortunately, these are apt and foreboding comparisons; one ended up in Ketchum Idaho dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound and the other dead broke, if I recall correctly

JFF may want to go talk to T.O. and OchoCinco for advice and ask them what happens when you waste a career?
Alex, I'd love to hear your theories as to how he should have been handled. He's never earned the playing time he's already received! I can tear the Browns to shreds on pretty much everything, including drafting the guy in the first place, but the only way they've botched the handling of Manziel has been to prolong the train wreck. A clean divorce after last season would have been bold, but smart.
tip, in fairness, how many 1st round qbs have to "earn" the right to be given a shot. when you draft him that early, you have to at least see what he can do on the field. and you know, maybe model the offense to fit his strengths. Manziel played a good 1st half last time, and in the 2nd half they had him stepping back in the pocket. He is never going to be good at all if they want him to be that kind of qb, and if they wanted a pocket passer they should not have drafted him. this is what Washington has done with RG3 too (injuries have crushed him but overall gruden had no desire to work with a non classic style qb).

Here is what you do; you play JFF and if he wins you might have something. If he sucks, you get rid of him and nobody questions you bc everyone sees how bad he is. AND, in that case where he sucks really bad, then you probably have a very high pick where u can get a Goff or Lynch or whatever.

Of all the things that have happened to him, the one thing that I can not defend is fighting with his girl. Apparently he was all up in her face. I am completely against any kind violence towards women and feel like he got off light with that one. But if he is playing well, then let him go out on weekend nights. It's fair to say that he cant be wasted yelling at people at 4am in hotel lobbys, but for instance, the pics from last weekend did not look like anything he shouldnt be doing
Of all the things that have happened to him, the one thing that I can not defend is fighting with his girl. Apparently he was all up in her face. I am completely against any kind violence towards women and feel like he got off light with that one. But if he is playing well, then let him go out on weekend nights. It's fair to say that he cant be wasted yelling at people at 4am in hotel lobbys, but for instance, the pics from last weekend did not look like anything he shouldnt be doing

Except that he's not supposed to be doing what he was doing in the pics. Didn't he agree with the team to abstain from drinking after the recent incidents? He also lied to the team about the videos and what he was doing that night...that is why the team said they demoted him to 3rd string...not necessarily the partying itself, but the fact he lied about it to them when asked.
If the team wants him to be sober and in his hotel room studying the playbook on a Saturday night, then its just not gonna work out with him. You ever see Major League 2? When they try to change Sheen's image by making him all clean cut, and he sucks? Its like that. There has to be something in between; u cant ask him to abort his social life completely, its part of who he is. At the same time, he needs to not be getting in trouble with the cops. So why can't it be agreed that he can go out, drink, do his thing, but not get in legal trouble and not be hungover at practice?

And as far as him lying about it; I get why that looks bad but he probably felt like he had to. Its just a bad fit. The Browns seem to want him to be something he isnt, on and off the court
If the team wants him to be sober and in his hotel room studying the playbook on a Saturday night, then its just not gonna work out with him. You ever see Major League 2? When they try to change Sheen's image by making him all clean cut, and he sucks? Its like that. There has to be something in between; u cant ask him to abort his social life completely, its part of who he is. At the same time, he needs to not be getting in trouble with the cops. So why can't it be agreed that he can go out, drink, do his thing, but not get in legal trouble and not be hungover at practice?

And as far as him lying about it; I get why that looks bad but he probably felt like he had to. Its just a bad fit. The Browns seem to want him to be something he isnt, on and off the court
The problem is perception, and the perception is, whether fair or not, is that he hasn't put in enough time studying the playbook or breaking down film. Nothing wrong with winding down after a hard day's work, but I think most people believe he isn't putting in the kind of effort it takes to succeed at this level, and just trying to do it on talent alone. And, quite frankly, he isn't that talented...
The problem is perception, and the perception is, whether fair or not, is that he hasn't put in enough time studying the playbook or breaking down film. Nothing wrong with winding down after a hard day's work, but I think most people believe he isn't putting in the kind of effort it takes to succeed at this level, and just trying to do it on talent alone. And, quite frankly, he isn't that talented...

Ok, but when you are the Browns, still why not play him. IF this perception is accurate and he is not doing what he needs to do, maybe losing the last 5 games by 30 will make him realize that. it could be the best thing for his career. I just don't see what this team has to lose. I am not saying that if they were 5-6 and even barely in the playoff hunt, they should play him, but this team is garbage. you could argue that if he is terrible, it would help both him as a player, and the browns as a franchise in the long run. and if hes not, then maybe they have something in him. either way, starting austin davis does nothing
Solid comparison on Major League. Had a long rebuttal but tough to go up against the Sheen character
If the team wants him to be sober and in his hotel room studying the playbook on a Saturday night, then its just not gonna work out with him. You ever see Major League 2? When they try to change Sheen's image by making him all clean cut, and he sucks? Its like that. There has to be something in between; u cant ask him to abort his social life completely, its part of who he is. At the same time, he needs to not be getting in trouble with the cops. So why can't it be agreed that he can go out, drink, do his thing, but not get in legal trouble and not be hungover at practice?

And as far as him lying about it; I get why that looks bad but he probably felt like he had to. Its just a bad fit. The Browns seem to want him to be something he isnt, on and off the court

The answer is because he hasn't proven that he can do what they want him to do. Fuck, just do what they ask for like 6 months, maybe it'll take a year...that means ZERO fuck ups, no fights with a g/f, no drinking when they've asked you not to. When he proves that, then he can be allowed to drink and "do his thing."

Essentially, he's still on "probation" from the team. Prove to them that you can be treated like an adult, and no longer need a probationary period, and you can be treated like the rest of the adults on the team. Josh Gordon went through the same thing, so stop acting like they're picking on poor Johnny....he made his bed, now he can lie in it.

This seems like a pretty cut and dried situation. I think most would agree if we were talking about someone without previous issues, and someone that didn't have restrictions put on them, they would agree with what you're saying. The issue with Manzeil is that he STILL hasn't complied. Until he does, he gets treated like a child.
Lareux, yes Josh Gordon did go through the same thing. Hes now suspended for some alcohol & drugs while Greg Hardy plays every week. This is where the leagues priorities are. Get rid of the drunks and stoners, but the violent wife beating animals can play. Such a joke.
the thing that is abundantly clear in these threads; i just don't think weed and alcohol used by guys in their 20s is that big of a deal, provided they arent harming anybody. let the on field stuff determine who plays and who doesnt, unless the athlete commits a violent crime. people are welcome to disagree; the legality or lack thereof of weed in most states shows that you have the popular opinion and I dont
Ok, but when you are the Browns, still why not play him. IF this perception is accurate and he is not doing what he needs to do, maybe losing the last 5 games by 30 will make him realize that. it could be the best thing for his career. I just don't see what this team has to lose. I am not saying that if they were 5-6 and even barely in the playoff hunt, they should play him, but this team is garbage. you could argue that if he is terrible, it would help both him as a player, and the browns as a franchise in the long run. and if hes not, then maybe they have something in him. either way, starting austin davis does nothing
Don't you think the football people realize there isn't much there though? I mean, what was Tebow's record as a starter, and yet no one else will touch him as a QB. Besides, wasn't it ownership that pushed to draft him, and yet Pettine's still allowed to demote him? I'd say they've already made up their mind, which is why playing him wouldn't make any sense (if he plays well, they're stuck with a guy they don't really want anymore). At least this way they can just wipe the slate clean and move on.
you are barking up the wrong tree with me using the Tebow comparison hahaha i defended him for years. to clarify, i dont think hes a star qb or anything, but i certainly think he gives teams a better chance to win than many of the guys who have started games over hte last 3 years. to me, its the same thing with Tebow, RG3, JFF, etc....these guys arent traditional pocket passers so coaches don't want them, even though if someone had balls, they could be useful in the nfl, even if they arent superstars
before u all come at me with anti-tebow remarks; i know i am in the minority. i dont need to have that argument again. i just think that if, lets say ryan lindley is starting a playoff game last year, then these guys should be getting looks
the thing that is abundantly clear in these threads; i just don't think weed and alcohol used by guys in their 20s is that big of a deal, provided they arent harming anybody. let the on field stuff determine who plays and who doesnt, unless the athlete commits a violent crime. people are welcome to disagree; the legality or lack thereof of weed in most states shows that you have the popular opinion and I dont

The issue with Manziel is that his alcohol use has led to multiple incidences, albeit small ones. Therefore going out and partying right after getting the job back is seen as seriously irresponsible. Clearly the team and a lot of us in this thread view getting drunk and missing meetings as problematic and reason that he shouldn't be out getting hammered mid season. Maybe he needs to show up for a game hungover and not be able to play for you to view it as problematic. If this was Russ who got drunk last weekend, then no big deal bc he doesn't have a patter of alcohol leading to poor decisions
the thing that is abundantly clear in these threads; i just don't think weed and alcohol used by guys in their 20s is that big of a deal, provided they arent harming anybody. let the on field stuff determine who plays and who doesnt, unless the athlete commits a violent crime. people are welcome to disagree; the legality or lack thereof of weed in most states shows that you have the popular opinion and I dont

I think it's also clear that most people share your sentiment...just NOT with Manziel. The issues he's had in the past have mostly involved alcohol, so he's basically been asked to abstain until he proves that he can focus 100% on the task at hand and not be a distraction. He hasn't done that. When he does, you'll be 100% correct. He doesn't need to have committed a violent crime (although he may have slapped around a woman) to have the consequences/limitations he does...he went to rehab. When you go to rehab, restrictions are put on you.