Jan Tennis Pre and Aussie Open Discussion

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Picking up where we left last night. Lame
At least it shouldn't take me til 5am to go to bed and start tomorrow at 1:30p

I don't mind the late night and late start but after losing and watching two shit matches was absolute murder
Sucks didn't realize Tsitsipas/Med won't start til 1:30 here at the earliest. Still 3 hours away

Prolly sleep with it on and crack an eye occasionally to see what's going on
Still revved up

Guess sleeping til 1-1:30 this afternoon has that effect
You up and about? Bank and I have just been in PM mode this match but will move here if you're up
If we have any feminists on here I apologize in advance but I can't help but think of how great Collins must be in bed when watching her play. Much like Camilla Giorgi that complete aggressiveness really works for me. With that said I am putting a few bucks on her to pull the upset.
If we have any feminists on here I apologize in advance but I can't help but think of how great Collins must be in bed when watching her play. Much like Camilla Giorgi that complete aggressiveness really works for me. With that said I am putting a few bucks on her to pull the upset.

She not a chick I’d jump in the sack with sober. Find it interesting anyone even thought bout way she fucks. She all yours buddy!! lol
I ended up with so much riding on barty in parlays from nba, seeing how I never seen Collins play I got a tad nervous, went back to casino and did mini hedge, basically just enough to pay for the tickets, not into any profit. I think I wasted that money, barty the truth.
Can’t wait for 2marro night/morning! Should be a really good one. Med pricier than I had hoped but I think for good reason. I like him and over 3.5 sets. In my totally amateur not sharp at all tennis opinion I think if I liked rafa I’d be more inclined to play the over. But I’m a huge tennis square who usually doesn’t do much other than parlay the big 3 as much as possible to the finals then play joker usually, lol. So don’t take me very seriously!!

It gotta be square laying a big price vs rafa, or maybe taking rafa at plus would be? Hell if I know, I just like Med game better, after seeing a long stretch of rafa struggling to score points off scrub berrentini serve I just don’t think he gonna have lot of success breaking Med. Med stopped joker from getting 21, I’ve always thought joker better than rafa, except on clay of course (and who counts that stupid surface? Lol) So makes sense to me he should stop nadal as well!!
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Can’t wait for 2marro night/morning! Should be a really good one. Med pricier than I had hoped but I think for good reason. I like him and over 3.5 sets. In my totally amateur not sharp at all tennis opinion I think if I liked rafa I’d be more inclined to play the over. But I’m a huge tennis square who usually doesn’t do much other than parlay the big 3 as much as possible to the finals then play joker usually, lol. So don’t take me very seriously!!

It gotta be square laying a big price vs rafa, or maybe taking rafa at plus would be? Hell if I know, I just like Med game better, after seeing a long stretch of rafa struggling to score points off scrub berrentini serve I just don’t think he gonna have lot of success breaking Med. Med stopped joker from getting 21, I’ve always thought joker better than rafa, except on clay of course (and who counts that stupid surface? Lol) So makes sense to me he should stop nadal as well!!
I don't know why you would discount results on clay when its grass thats the strange surface to play on.
I don't know why you would discount results on clay when its grass thats the strange surface to play on.

You joking right? It’s always been incredibly obvious clay yields different winners than every other surface: I’m not discounting them other than joking but I still think winning on clay means nothing when it comes to playing on hard court or grass, just like being great on hardcourt or grass doesn’t mean much when you play on clay. It completely irrelevant for this match tho. I’m not dismissing nadal greatness, I happen to think joker better but it total opinion/preference either way. At this point I think Med game on hardcourt is better than rafa, if they weee playing on clay I would’nt give him a chance. And the trump card to the claim clay is way different is we both know nadal would be the fav on clay right?

To be honest I’ve never played on a grass court or clay., only hard courts so I can’t say 1st hand the differences( clay seems way worse to me and it clearly slows the ball down the most. The winners on clay have historically not won a lot on the other 2 surfaces tho, nadal being a exception, and most the all timers had to struggle to get a few French opens, Some didn’t. I really can’t believe this a argument but again it irrelevant for this match. I might be a tennis square but Im far from ignorant on the subject, I love playing tennis and watching, I just only watch majors, and bet the handful the really good or great players I heard of! lol.
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She has a pretty good body but she isn't all that pretty. Camilla Giorgi is the hottest girl currently playing.

Post a pic. Never heard of her. Lol

None their bodies are horrible, they obviously in shape, I didn’t think hers was all that great and like many tennis players she got bigger shoulders than I find attractive, lol. she seemed little odd around waste/tummy, maybe it was the outfit I dunno. I’m sure she in really good shape.
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Now that I think bout it just cause I “dismissed” clay doesn’t mean you know how I feel bout grass!! I didn’t say anything bout that, again think irrelevant for this match but I’d certainly listen to grass being way different than hardcourt as well. Still think it closer to hard court than clay but I’m sure there plenty of differences in both. I just think the fact 12 or something of nadal majors came from the French while impressive is lessor than the other guys cause he didn’t have the competition on that surface they had to face on hard and grass, nadal being a factor in both those def speaks to his greatness but both the other big 3 won at least 1 or 2 French. I don’t think Sampras ever did which I think a knock on him. It clearly a mismatch when guys who didn’t grow up on clay face guys who did!!
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Alot easier to find grass courses around here than clay, not sure I have any idea where to find clay courts here and I live in the desert! My friends who play a lot traveled to Key Biscayne the only time they've ever got to play on clay and that was one of the main reasons for the trip.

Thing with grass is the ball doesn't come up like hard court which is why Wimbledon is known for serve and volley more than the others, just hard to get quality returns/passing shots when the ball sits down but the grass still allows for quick change of direction since the footing is still great. Clay is more about the sliding and change of direction which kinda reminds me of dirt racing, just takes a different animal to learn that style.
Alot easier to find grass courses around here than clay, not sure I have any idea where to find clay courts here and I live in the desert! My friends who play a lot traveled to Key Biscayne the only time they've ever got to play on clay and that was one of the main reasons for the trip.

Thing with grass is the ball doesn't come up like hard court which is why Wimbledon is known for serve and volley more than the others, just hard to get quality returns/passing shots when the ball sits down but the grass still allows for quick change of direction since the footing is still great. Clay is more about the sliding and change of direction which kinda reminds me of dirt racing, just takes a different animal to learn that style.
Thats funny because I have never seen a grass court much less played on one.
Fair, both will likely need a set to get there and I couldn't parlay Med/over which is why I did what I did
the only way it gets there with 3 sets is if we have all breakers--- i bet this way more than i should have so i am kind of jacked up for this and ready to stay up late
the only way it gets there with 3 sets is if we have all breakers--- i bet this way more than i should have so i am kind of jacked up for this and ready to stay up late
Oh I'm finishing off the vodka soda and going straight to a bowl of cereal and a bloody mary in about an hour
so for me to hit the over--- i guess i should really be rooting for #1 everyone to be holding serve and #2 probably Nadal to win the opening set since I highly doubt Rafa is going to win in 3
so for me to hit the over--- i guess i should really be rooting for #1 everyone to be holding serve and #2 probably Nadal to win the opening set since I highly doubt Rafa is going to win in 3

The big fear in this bet is Rafa not winning a set.
the over 2.5 sets bet is at -200 --- tells me they expect this to happen --- the game lines for Rafa are at +3.5 which only happens if #1 he wins a set or #2 it goes to 3 tie breakers---in either case, it will put my over 38.5 as a win--- i guess it could go 4 sets and be under 38.5 but i see that as unlikely