Is there a chance he'd take us back?

Well....I mean he did oversee the worst defense in the history of football last year but I'd rather have him than Donatell...

Consider the situation and the personnel he had. There was no way that was turning out good.
so check this out (copied and pasted from my facebook lol)....
[h=5]Chip Kelly showed up at Wing Bowl this morning. How awesome is that?! I took video. You can't really hear anything that is said, but just look at the crowd, the reaction, and consider the fact that this was at 6 in the morning and the place was sold out, and then tell me that Philly fans arent the best<wbr>watch?v=rU5q7VSIdrs[/h]
Ha. Sometimes I think being a Birds fan is an actual mental problem.

Two days ago I met a guy who went to Oregon. This was in a work setting, not just some random guy, and my first question was still about Chip Kelly.

I'm sure the other people in the room were like "Uh, Joe, what the hell are you talking about?"

Also, fuck those people. Go Birds. what'd he say about him???

if he wasn't devastated to lose him I think that would have bothered me all meeting long
Hahahahaha. Funny thing was, he only went to grad school in Oregon so he said he didn't care about their football team. Then he didn't really give an opinion on Chip Kelly.

Then I lost a little respect for him and mostly asked questions of others in the meeting.

Perhaps more importantly, it's now only like 65 days or something until the Birds screw up the draft, which I'm pretty excited about.
2nd or a 3rd rounder from anyone for Foles? You're insane, Smoke, no fucking way. Reid's not going to bid against himself for the guy, he didn't even look any good.
wrong about him not looking good.

prob cant get a 2nd. 3rd is logical. word is KC likes Mallet though, even though thats incredibly stupid of them because he sucks.
for the love of god, I don't care if Vick restructures so he is paying the Eagles to stay on the team, I still wouldnt want him
"good" is in the eye of the beholder, D-Woww. I thought he looked like the next guy up. One team burned a late third-rounder on him last year. Reid would have to be one hell of a believer.
Philly's going to draft a QB, don't you think? If Chip likes Geno at all, that's your next QB.
Much better class next year

See what happens for a year with Vick then go get someone

Unless you think you can make something out of EJ Manual and hes sitting there with the 3rd rd pick you got for Foles
After leading the Baltimore Ravens to victory, Super bowl MVP Joe Flacco decided to gift his teammates with a specially embroidered bottle of Crown Royal Extra Rare. Crown Royal XR (retailing for $129.99) is available on a limited basis as the whiskey hails from the famed LaSalle distillery near Montreal which no longer produces whiskey.

Id rather have Vick with Dennis Dixon backing him up than Foles on the roster

I couldn't disagree more.

I want Vick nowhere near this roster, let alone starting for this team.

The inmates have taken over the asylum and there's no way, not a single chance I'd let Vick stick around with a guy who's never been an HC in the league before.

This team needs to pull their head out of their ass and throwing Vick out of town is the start of it.

He also costs too much money, even if he does restructure his deal. Kelly said he liked Foles in AZ, he says he can coach in this league, then coach 'em up. Roll with Foles for a season then draft a QB if you have to.

But for Goddsake don't keep Vick, don't bring in Mallet or Alex Smith. Spend money on other positions first and see what you have with Foles behind an actual offensive line. Then worry about QB in a far deeper draft at the position next year if he sucks. At least you'll have filled in some major holes in other spots in the meantime.
If they trade Foles I will finally admit this team is in full rebuilding mode & not expect to sniff the playoffs for the next two seasons.

That said, regime changes tend to do this, kick out young QBs and start over. Of course, if Kelly was really thinking ahead, he'd go with Foles this year and if it didn't work out he could use the first round pick on a QB next season and essentially guarantee himself three years in the league. The failed Foles year, the rookie QB season, then the year where it's all supposed to come together in the form of success/playoff team.
I don't think we really know that yet, of course that's subjective, but whether he is or isn't kind of isn't the point.

It's fine to say you want to get rid of Foles. You don't like him, that's fine. But what's the better option?

Vick is on the downside of his career, he's expensive, and he may very well be part of the head-case issue that this team has become. So right there are three reasons not to bring him back. But even if you do, what's your long term plan? Use him for a year, maybe two, when you draft a QB in this year's up coming draft?

If you're going to do that, Foles would be cheaper. He also has arguably more upside to him as you've seen Vick's ceiling, but there's no way anybody has seen that from Foles.

But again, you don't like Foles so fine. You get rid of Foles and you get rid of Vick for any of the half dozen reasons there are to let him go.

Now what?

The QB talent in the draft this year is shit so you don't waste a top pick on that. Maybe you reach for someone late, but really if you're looking for a QB in the draft you want to look at next year.

So you look at free agents. Who's available that you really want? Alex Smith? How much different from Nick Foles is Alex Smith, really. The only time Smith really played well was under Harbaugh. Under every other coach he was mediocre at best which suggests something about the system, the coach, or both—neither of which we have.

And free agent QBs cost money. You have to invest in these guys not for a season, but as if you're looking at them as long-term solutions. What available QB do you want to spend a bunch of money on and name the Birds' starter for the next three to four years at least—and don't say Joe Flacco because he's not going anywhere.

This is less me making the case for Foles than me making the case against going QB shopping this season. The market sucks at that position. Wait until next year there and the options will be better.

Meanwhile, nobody is going to give us shit for Foles right now, even Fat Andy knows that. If—and I grant you that it's a big if, but if Foles were to go out and have a solid season, and Chip still didn't like him, at least then he'd have value that we could move. And we could move him at a time where the options to replace him would be better than they are right now.
I know I said before he was hired that Kelly could adapt his system to any QB (and I still think he can) but if you're gonna turn over two thirds of the roster anyway, I dont think its a good idea to stick with a marginal QB whos only gonna be able to run 70% of the offense you really want to run....if it was someone like Flacco, Luck or Ryan, then yeah...go ahead...but Foles doesnt have the arm strength, skill or decision making ability to be anywhere near their level.
FWIW I dont think the starting QB is on the roster right now.

I dont know who it will be but if he is on the roster, its more likely that its Vick than Foles
BTW - Niners blocked Donnatell from interviewing for the Saints DC spot...guessing theyd do the same with us so he seems like hes out...
Pthpt, Castillo's still available.

Dennis Dixon at QB. Castillo back in charge of the defense, what could possibly go wrong.
Things headed in the right direction. Cautiously optimistic. If Peters is really going to be able to make a comeback and he is 80% of the player he was in 2011, I'm confident we can at least be in the conversation in the NFC East, which is definitely the worst division in football.
All accounts have Peters looking great

Thinking now we get that Utah DT in the first...

And DRC might be back in the plans (he made the probowl with Davis as his DC)

But all optimism for me is contingent on getting rid of Nick Foles......

(I love that DWowws work blocked him from CTG so now we can continually trash Foles and we dont have to hear any backlash...)
I don't want that Utah DT at all. Not impressed with him given the competition he faced. I want SEC, ACC, and Big 10 DLs only.

haha I deleted my blistering sentence about Foles to spare him an aneurysm. He's at the point that no matter what happens with Foles, he'll still be convinced that he was a good QB, just not in the right situation. I don't see it myself, he doesn't have a great arm, he has average mobility, and I have never really seen any flashes of good things apart from last preseason, when he was playing against second and third stringers. I'm with you on restructuring and keeping Vick to see how he works with Chip. If he's bad, let Chip decide between Dixon and Foles.