Is there a chance he'd take us back?

Of the guys you mentioned, I believe Manuel, Foles, and Nassib COULD be something good. The rest I agree with
Agree, twink, he's about done, plus the 100% chance of injury.
i agree, he sucks. i hate the guy. but what do you do? who else isi there? if you kept foles ud have to use the ofense in a Brady-like way, and i dont think thats what CK wants. its gonna be a long season, but they werent gonna win anyway.
While I agree that there is 100% chance that Vick will be injured at some point this season, you keep him because he is the kind of athlete that you want running an unconventional offense. Even at his advanced age he is still incredibly fast and shifty and can wing the ball, he's just not and will never be the kind of guy that can sit in the pocket and calmly go through his progressions. You have to have a capable backup behind him for sure, but 2010 wasn't that long ago and I can't help but wonder if its worth giving him a chance with this new offense and a chip on his shoulder.

Either way, the Iggles as they are currently constructed are no better than a 8 or 9 win team, and that's only IF things go their way (no major injuries and Peters back to full strength and productive).
I tell you what though...if and when he does get hurt...and we had to go to Foles (i think he'll be traded but assuming he's on the team), it wouldn't be the worst year to go 4-12 again.

next years draft is loaded. I foresee a lot of tanking...
Very interesting, Vick may actually be a fantasy sleeper if chip takes the reigns off in this offense.
I am back.. n not letting u eagle fans get away with the BS I have been reading.
Ej Manuel?
U nerds trying to pull a Todd mcshay? Manuel stinks
Mark it down
Well ... ugh.

All right, I can live with Vick since he's cheap and it's only for one year. That was the whole idea anyway, just get through this year with a placeholder at QB. I would have preferred Foles since we have no true idea of what his ceiling is and because Vick is on the downside of his career, but if Vick is better for Kelly so be it.

I also just hope Andy Reid is dumb enough to give us something halfway decent for Foles since we wasted time and a pick on him because I'm not sure anybody else is and to let him walk is going to feel like a huge waste.

It will also be nice to see if Dennis Dixon can be an NFL starter as I see no way Vick lasts the year. None. I put his total games played number at 8.5. I figure Dixon will be starting by Week 7. Which, to be totally honest, I kind of don't care about.

Mostly because I'm putting our season win total right now at 6. But that's really in the blind without looking at the schedule.

To me, right now, the Eagles are no different from the Browns as far as expectations. I expect nothing but a few wins and maybe a fun game to watch here and there. That's it. But I have very little faith in what this team is doing right now personnel-wise.

Of course, I've never run an NFL team so what the fuck do I know. I hope they prove me wrong.

Go Dennis Dixon.

Former Eagles coach Andy Reid was asked about Foles during his press conference at the scouting combine. The new Chiefs coach said, "He's not available. You just had (Eagles GM) Howie (Roseman) up here (on the podium), so I think you know that."
However, the conversation between the teams about Foles nonetheless occurred later that day. The Eagles reiterated what Reid already knew – Foles is not on the market at this point.
So Geno is faster than Manuel...

4.56 vs 4.62

(Kap ran a 4.53. Wilson ran a 4.55)

and Luck was 4.6

he's not called a running qb like a few people here have called one or more of the others because of one thing though... if only I could put my finger on it
Now you know you miss this...just admit it.


and Luck was 4.6

he's not called a running qb like a few people here have called one or more of the others because of one thing though... if only I could put my finger on it

its not about 40 times imo, its about style. Manuel and Smith werent running qbs in college, but this shows that they could be in this style of an offense.

Luck can run, but he doesnt look to. Kind of like Aaron Rodgers. You can't say that Luck isnt called a running qb bc hes white...hes not called a running qb bc he doesnt run much.

his wheels are a huge weapon in goal to go situations though, absolutely
its not about 40 times imo, its about style. Manuel and Smith werent running qbs in college, but this shows that they could be in this style of an offense.

Luck can run, but he doesnt look to. Kind of like Aaron Rodgers. You can't say that Luck isnt called a running qb bc hes white...hes not called a running qb bc he doesnt run much.

his wheels are a huge weapon in goal to go situations though, absolutely
Id say A_rod has more elusiveness than Luck...regardless of 40 time

makes more happen in the pocket...or did
Mike Mayock of NFL Network answered a bunch of questions Sunday evening at the Combine.

And as you might have guessed, many of his answers involved prospects the Eagles could be interested in. Let’s go through a few of them, Q&A style, and I’ll add in my take afterwards.

What Makes Alabama cornerback Dee Milliner a good player?

“What I see on tape is a tough instinctive guy who tackles, which I love. I love a corner that will tackle. When you come out of Nick Saban’s Alabama program, especially when you’re a defensive back which Nick takes a big interest in as a former defensive back coach, you are well-coached. He understands zone concepts, he plays man-to-man, he presses, he tackles.”

My take:
Mayock’s comments came before Milliner ran a blazing 4.37 40 on Tuesday morning. As I wrote earlier, Milliner could be in the mix with the No. 4 pick. Or a team could be looking to deal with the Birds to get ahead of the Lions, who might want to grab him at No. 5.

What did you like about Geno Smith’s performance at the Combine?

“I saw everything that I saw on tape about Geno, and that is he flashed everything you want to see in a franchise quarterback on tape during the season. He has a big arm, good arm, he moves well, he can be accurate. Everything I saw on tape I saw here today. He’s a natural thrower; he doesn’t force the ball. What I go back to is I don’t care as much about this – I’m happy he did this because it just shows me he’s not afraid. Cam Newton did it and he didn’t throw the ball well and he still was the first pick in the draft. To me, it’s more important what you see on tape. I want to bang the table because I want to like Geno Smith. We interviewed him, I love what he had to say, but there are just too many inconsistencies on tape for me to say that Kansas City or anybody that high should take him. He’s more of a 20-32 [overall pick player]. I’ve said that based on watching six of his games. I’m going to watch the rest of them, but there are just so many inconsistencies with both Geno Smith and the entire quarterback class that I have trouble banging the table for any of them.”

My take:
On the surface, that’s not a ringing endorsement, but the part I found significant was that Mayock said he sees flashes of everything you’d want out of a franchise quarterback in Smith. In other words, he doesn’t see a red flag like a weak arm, limited athleticism, etc. Mayock sees a high ceiling; he just doesn’t see consistency.

Teams grade quarterbacks differently, and it’s an imperfect science. Russell Wilson lasted to the third round; Colin Kaepernick went in the second; 23 teams passed on Aaron Rodgers. None were considered can’t-miss prospects coming out of college. Yet all are considered franchise guys now (although Wilson and Kaepernick obviously still have a lot to prove).
The bottom line is the Eagles have to evaluate Smith and decide if he’s a franchise quarterback. If they think he is, they have to give strong consideration to taking him at No. 4, assuming he’s still there. Quarterbacks tend to rise as we get closer to draft day. We’ll see if that happens with Smith.

Will upcoming surgeries affect Milliner and [Oregon DE/OLB] Dion Jordan’s draft stocks?

“I don’t think so, as long as – and again, 32 teams view medical results in 32 different ways. Dion Jordan and Dee Milliner held off just so that they could compete at the Combine. They’re going to do everything but the bench [press] I think. I respect them for that and as long as it’s the minor surgery that apparently it is, I don’t think it’s going to affect them at all. Dion Jordan is a guy to me that’s had trouble in keeping weight on, and part of the problem has been that shoulder. So if you want to like Dion Jordan – and I do, Dion Jordan could be an Aldon Smith-type of defensive player, but he has to put on 20 pounds. To do that, he has to get the shoulder right.”

My take:
Mayock’s point about Jordan is a fair one. The concern is not that either player is going to miss some or all of OTAs. The concern with Jordan would be about whether he can stay healthy and keep the weight on that’s necessary to compete in the NFL.

Follow Sheil Kapadia on Twitter and e-mail him at
If the Birds used their pick on Geno Smith I might jump off a tall building. Of course, Joe wanted Ricky Williams rather than McNabb so what the hell do I know.

I'm still putting this team's win total at 6.5 games and looking at the under. But as Smoke says, next year's draft is loaded so tanking might just be the cure here.
its not about 40 times imo, its about style. Manuel and Smith werent running qbs in college, but this shows that they could be in this style of an offense.

Luck can run, but he doesnt look to. Kind of like Aaron Rodgers. You can't say that Luck isnt called a running qb bc hes white...hes not called a running qb bc he doesnt run much.

his wheels are a huge weapon in goal to go situations though, absolutely

I don't get your point. Geno Smith didn't look to run at WVA any more than Luck looked to run at Stanford. Luck was actually a more accomplished runner. Smith is regarded as a candidate to run a read-option because he's black.
He wasn't a runner at WVU but he clearly has the speed to do it if they decide to put him in a system where it's necessary.
Looks like Joekel might be available now that Albert has been franchised by KC

Some people like Fisher better though...or even the kid from Oklahoma
It's really not complicated that I have two NFL teams. Truly, it's far more complicated for others than it is for me.

I heard Eskin today on the radio—in Vegas, which was weird.

Anyway, he did his best 'There is no way Namdi is with the Birds unless hell freezes over and dogs and cats start humping in the streets' bit.

It really was the first time in weeks I thought Namdi might be staying. Ha.