Is there a chance he'd take us back?

It was a disaster from the start. All of it. The decision to hire Jim Washburn as defensive line coach before Andy Reid even found a defensive coordinator. The decision a couple weeks later to make Juan Castillo his defensive coordinator. The decision to replace Castillo with Howard Mudd and his gimmicky offensive line scheme.

In Washburn and Mudd, Reid got two veteran line coaches with glowing reputations but one with a novelty scheme that can’t produce sustainable results and the other with a blocking system that might have worked for Peyton Manning and the Colts but was ill-suited to the quarterback and personnel the Eagles have.

And in Castillo, Reid got a defensive coordinator who was not only miscast from the beginning but forced to work with a defensive line coach who had little respect for the former offensive line coach and didn’t hesitate to show it, two team insiders – one player, one coach – said in the last few days.

The whole thing was built the wrong way. You can’t hire a defensive line coach and then a coordinator. It takes the traditional power structure of a coaching staff and makes a mockery of it. How could Castillo be expected to lead that defensive meeting room when one of his own coaches was conspiring against him?

A coordinator must lead all the position coaches. If they don’t all respect him, then the players won’t all respect him, and the whole chain of command falls to pieces.

Castillo is a good man who was put in an impossible situation. Washburn, a lifetime defensive coach who’s never been shy about speaking his mind and trampling anyone in his way, often made his disdain for Castillo clear.

Washburn operated apart from Castillo, running his own little defensive line fiefdom and often either ignoring Castillo or derisively calling him “Juanita” in front of his players, the veteran defensive player said. He was condescending and confrontational and embarrassed Castillo numerous times in meetings and at practice.

Even after Castillo was fired in October and replaced by Todd Bowles, a respected veteran defensive coach, Washburn continued to be difficult, the defensive player said. And when slumping one-time Pro Bowl defensive end Jason Babin, who he had coached for years in Tennessee and was very close with, was released last week, Washburn became more disruptive than ever.

Babin was all about compiling sacks, never about winning, never about being part of a team, and it turns out Washburn was exactly the same. No coincidence they were dismissed less than a week apart.

Washburn followed Babin out the front door of the NovaCare Complex Monday morning, the latest casualty of a disastrous season and a disastrous series of decisions Reid made in a two-week span in late January and early February of 2011 (see story).

Washburn was actually a very good coach when it came to teaching young guys technique and getting them to play hard.

But his system was flawed. The Wide 9 doesn’t work.

Even last year, when the Eagles registered a league-best 50 sacks, the stats were hollow as the losses piled up week after week. And this year, we’ve seen the scheme continually put the Eagles’ safeties in difficult or impossible situations while the sack numbers dwindled.

The Wide 9 forces safeties to cheat the run, since the defensive linemen are so busy blasting up the field thinking sack that they’re often unable to or unwilling to tackle running backs or are out of position to make tackles. Just won’t work over the long haul.

There are a lot of reasons the Eagles are 3-9 this year, 11-17 over the last two years and out of the playoffs for a second straight year.

Uneven quarterback play. Offensive line injuries. Ineffective secondary. Underachieving receivers. Turnovers. Penalties. Play-calling. Injuries. Poor drafts. Bad coaching. You name it.

But the rapid and stunning deterioration of this defense into the shambles of the last two months is at the top of that list, and Reid in the last few days finally concluded that Washburn was hurting more than helping.

At the end of last year, Babin was enjoying a Pro Bowl season, Mudd’s offensive line was actually playing well together, Castillo was finally having some success as defensive coordinator and Washburn was a popular and crusty old defensive line coach whose unit was leading the NFL in sacks.

Now, Babin, Castillo and Washburn are gone, all fired over the past two months, all fired since the Eagles last won a football game back in September. Mudd is still here but only for a few more weeks, and then he’ll retire somewhere far, far away, where he’ll never have to think about Danny Watkins again.

When you’re as bad as the Eagles are, losers of eight straight games and winners of just 11 games over the last two years, there’s usually something corrupt on the inside. And Reid is doing everything he can to excise that corruption as he desperately tries to win a game or two before this nightmarish season sputters to a halt.

This whole thing reeks of too little, too late. Reid is likely gone himself in a few weeks, and by next fall, Mudd, Washburn and Babin will all be forgotten footnotes in the sad period in the history of a once-proud franchise.

Soon, the tearing down will end. Soon, the building will begin again.

E-mail Reuben Frank at
Nick Foles is officially the starting QB regardless of Vicks health per the Reid press conf

this is his Im gonna groom him as the QB and the wide 9 was the problem on defense hail mary attempt to keep the job....
With the Foles announcement they would be smart to shut down Shady as well so that he doesn't become another Jahvid Best. Since they are in obvious evaluation mode right now you might as well let Bryce Brown continue to see what he can do.

what do you Philly guys hear if anything on this? Dude is a fucking beast aside from the ball security thing which can be fixed.

the poll question on WIP this morning was:

What rookie QB would you rather have?


Didnt listen to find out the results....
Am I the only one hearing Chip Kelly a lot for the Birds job?

What I'm not hearing is Gruden, which I'm actually fine with.
Vic fangio.....I think they will look for the next diamond in the rough type coordinator/position coach who can stick around for a know kinda like Andy Reid....
I actually want them to get someone who will last about 2 or 3 years so we can get Bill OBrien when hes ready to move on
How about that avant grab?! Fucker makes a crazy catch every time he is given a lot of PT.
like the 3 wr's being used(maclin, avant, Cooper)
Bye bye djax I hope.
wade what have you been watching my brotha? Great game for Avant for sure, but hes been garbage this year, to the point where im ready to let him go and find a new possession receiver. Great catch, but hes done poorly for the most part this year imo.

I agree with you on a few things though. Cooper is decent and that kid is someone who plays well when given a chance. Maclin is fine, but hes not a number 1. Hed be a solid number 2, but Djax is pretty bad now. But hes signed awhile so he prob wont be going anywhere. How hard would it be to get a wr who actually has size?

Funny thing is McNutt was an accurate Foles throw away from being a guy everyone in Philly started splooging over.

To the non eagles fans, yes, they suck, but after a win its not the worst thing to actually be positive and try to look for good things. Yesterday I was impressed with a few pieces on the defense (Cox especially, that was a great pick, as much as you rip this teams draft history, i think they hit the 2012 draft pretty well), Foles, and Cooper/Maclin.

All that means is that these guys should be spared for the firesale, not that this team is actually good.
haha. yeah its a joke that they even put Foles' name with those guys (thats WIP for you), but thats good ? if you'd rather have him than Wilson. Crazy that ppl still doubt him even as he continues to ball. But ppl just cant get over the fact that the guys a player. Id put Foles last, and im a big foles fan.
Guess I missed avant struggling earlier in yr.
short term memory has him vs Dallas,TB.
Almost hoping we run the table just for the entertainment/freak out value of everyone from the time they play the last game until Reid gets shit canned

Cant believe people think there's a chance in hell he'll be back
Almost hoping we run the table just for the entertainment/freak out value of everyone from the time they play the last game until Reid gets shit canned

Cant believe people think there's a chance in hell he'll be back


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Dallas is gonna thrash us...similar to NYG

Tampa owes us one from earlier....shit who knows we could drop Carolina easy...I mean easy

Bengals for yall would be a good one, but off the Boys loss...ehhh
Almost hoping we run the table just for the entertainment/freak out value of everyone from the time they play the last game until Reid gets shit canned

Cant believe people think there's a chance in hell he'll be back

cmon smoke. id expect that to be a comment that one of the non eagles fans would make. But you and I both know that Lurie doesnt give a fuck about any fans, and I could absolutely see Reid playing up the "Wide 9 and no qb were the problem, let me have one more year with a new D coordinator and Foles" angle. I still think the chances are less than 50%. Prob less than 25%. But would you really be all that surprised? Lurie has never given a shit about what the fans want.
It has nothing to do with what the fans want

Theres no way in hell he's back

Whats he gonna blame? The defensive coordinator that he brought in? The wide 9 scheme that he employed? The inept players that he signed and drafted?

Just thought it was funny how after one win everyone goes from who's the next coach to oh fuck, Luries gonna keep this guy now
yeah but thats more an indictment of Lurie than fans being unrealistic. You don't think Lurie would be like "shit, i dont really care about this team, and im already on the books for paying andy and weve always been Yag for each other anyway, hell ill give him one more year with Foles."

I would be furious and there would be riots over it among fans, I just don't think Lurie cares much.
Smoke your eternal optimism always scares me/pisses me off. You've jinxed Fat Andy getting fired for 2 straight seasons, no more!

im looking for a new franchise if he comes back next season. You think I'm kidding......
Smoke your eternal optimism always scares me/pisses me off. You've jinxed Fat Andy getting fired for 2 straight seasons, no more!

im looking for a new franchise if he comes back next season. You think I'm kidding......

Im bound to be right sooner or later goddmammit
they backtracked pretty quick on that one after they got destroyed by everyone

“After a day of reflection, the Eagles and [G.M.] Howie Roseman decided to treat Mike like the high-character player that he is,” agent Peter Schaffer tells PFT. “They’re doing it because they believe that players who have done what Mike has done for the franchise should be rewarded. They always had Mike’s best interests at heart. So they renegotiated his contract to remove the provision that automatically dropped his pay.”
If this franchise doesn't play the rest of the year to get some draft position, then they're dumber than I thought.

Birds are currently fielding one of the worst lineups in pro football...
That was what concerned me about them winning in TB. I mean, nice drive. A pretty good game overall being that it there were a lot of backups out there, but let's not win too many now, boys.