Is David Blatt stupid?


Pretty much a regular
Why would he say Kevin Love is not a max player, when there are easily 20 teams that would pay him max money.

Blatt seems like dead man walking here
This experiment is twisting in the wind, he's going to get the axe as soon as Bron gives the nod. They've been playing pick-up basketball all year.
Agree , may be this week. Lebron had the chance to give him an endorsement last week and didn't. What a disaster , thing is the east is so bad I don't necessarily think they need to worry too much at least not yet
Agree , may be this week. Lebron had the chance to give him an endorsement last week and didn't. What a disaster , thing is the east is so bad I don't necessarily think they need to worry too much at least not yet

Nope, get a 'real' coach, get cohesive and make a run...
They have the highest paid asst coach and Lebron likes him ... can't think of his name, but he's probably the new coach pretty soon.
the Cav's roster is stupid...

Kevin Love is a scrub, guy can barely shoot the rock.

Should of got a bunch of defensive minded shooters who can set screens for Kyrie and Lebron.
the Cav's roster is stupid...

Kevin Love is a scrub, guy can barely shoot the rock.

Should of got a bunch of defensive minded shooters who can set screens for Kyrie and Lebron.

Doesn't he lead the team in 3 pointers made?
Blatt's seemed to be at war with his players from the jump. It's just not going to work. Can't fire the whole team, as they say.
His stubborn defiance makes him stupid though. Guy thinks he's John Wooden. Roll out the ball, let Lebron call the shots, enjoy the ride.
Not sure how this is Blatt's fault. Sure, he hasn't been able to adapt his coaching style from the way it's done in Europe, y'know, where guys actually listen to what their head coach has to say but, to me, this is squarely on Lebron and the Fantasy Basketball roster he got management to put together.
Fantasy basketball rosters beat everyone but the Spurs, every other year. I could coach this team, half drunk from the couch.
I believe this is what happened with Spoelstra in Miami (blame the coach) .. lost in the finals. (even with Wade and Bosh)....then next year add a body or 2,understand the system.., win.....expectations are too high...
I believe this is what happened with Spoelstra in Miami (blame the coach) .. lost in the finals. (even with Wade and Bosh)....then next year add a body or 2,understand the system.., win.....expectations are too high...
Difference is, Bosh and Wade are/were smart enough players to adapt their game. Kevin Love has never had to defer on offense in his career (and that's saying a lot considering he had to play with Westbrook), has no clue what to do off the ball, and obviously has no great interest in playing defense. As for Kyrie, he's the worst kind of PG there is - one that doesn't understand his role is to make his teammates better on offense.
Coaching this team requires someone who can manage superstars, x"s and o"s are overrated, Blatt can't clearly and obviously would have never been hired had they known Lebron was coming.

Whomever Lebron wants you get if reasonable and try to win some titles before he breaks down in 4-5 years
Coaching this team requires someone who can manage superstars, x"s and o"s are overrated, Blatt can't clearly and obviously would have never been hired had they known Lebron was coming.

Whomever Lebron wants you get if reasonable and try to win some titles before he breaks down in 4-5 years
You're going on the assumption Lebron doesn't bail at the end of next season.
add and remove players...
adding Mozgov and shumpert (role players) are a good start..... plus lebron hasnt played in 2 weeks... doubt they make it past toronto or chicago but you need to start somewhere and adding those 2 players are a very good start to building for next year........
I don't think Lebron will leave. Also don't think he'll be all that great in two years. He already looks battered. That's why they have to axe Blatt, no time to screw around.
Cals not being offered the position... they dont need him or his style,, (i am a kentucky fan)

He reportedly turned down 10 yrs/$80 million give or take which included the role of coach and team president back in late May/early June. But that was before he knew Bron Bron was coming to Cleveland. His relationship with Bron is more important than 'style' at this point imo -- they have always been tight. You can bet your bottom dollar Cal would have been gone had he known Bron was coming to Cleveland. But I agree, not likely to happen now.
An NBA head coach needs to be able to control the team if not the superstar. Micheal was always on the same page as Phil and Phil may not have been able to control micheal but he controlled the team. Same way with Riley and majic. And Larry and KC. Blatt gets into arguments with his players during timeouts for Petes sake. The guy has got to go. And then you have to solve the personnel issue. I agree with Hugh that Love is not the answer. I don't hunk he is a good bb player. Talented but doesn't get the game. Kyrie just want to shoot. The team currently is a joke. In the kings game the other night they had a guy triple teamed in the corner with no one left in the paint and the sac guy just lobbed to a teamate wide open under the basket. Incredible. Fire Blatt trade Love and have lebron sit kyrie down and explain how he wants him to run the point. I hope lebron doesn't bolt. If they do it correctly they can win there. Just not with current personnel. IMO
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Get a coach that can get these players in line, you have one of the most unselfish superstars on the court ever, this isn't rocket science , blatt sucks
Nothing to do with anything, but I'll also say Blatt has the face or a purebred weimaraner.
Get a coach that can get these players in line, you have one of the most unselfish superstars on the court ever, this isn't rocket science , blatt sucks

Sometimes it is just the players and culture...
like I said earlier the additions of Shumpert and mozgov and waiters gone ...