Goodbye, NBA, I won't miss you

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
This is a total vent, well, mostly a vent, so feel free to stop reading right now if you're desperately in love with the league right now and love everything it's about.

For the last couple of years, I haven't even watched the NBA. Last year I was out of the country and only found out the Heat won via the Internet after it had been over for days.

The years before that I was busy doing who knows what. But I hadn't watched the NBA, hadn't cared, and shockingly didn't miss it much because I was pretty sure I wasn't missing much.

But deep down I love basketball, I grew up playing it and following it and I really do love the game.

So this year when I had a good run in the NCAA tourney which I followed for the first time in many years, I decided to bet the NBA playoffs a little.

I was up, I was down, I was back up, and now I'm back down and I'm done with it.

Here's why and here's what I learned.

The Eastern Conference does not have one good basketball team in it. Period.

It has one great player, LeBron, and a couple of very good players, Howard in Orlando, Agent 0, Kidd, Bosh, a couple others, but it doesn't have one good team. I don't mean 'great' team, I mean good. Period. Not one.

Detroit's the closest, but after watching them closely, Detroit reminds me of the last fading dynasty that used to drain bank accounts left and right, the Lakers at the end of their run.

They're not coached as well any more, their intensity isn't what it used to be. They had a great run, but they're done.

But beyond that, the basketball, overall right now in the league, is the worst I've ever seen it. NJ/Cleveland, NJ/Toronto, Detroit/Cleveland, Detroit/Chicago--these series were unwatchable. I had money on these games and I honestly could not get myself to watch any one of those games in any of those series in their entirety. Not one.

This is from a guy who can watch entire Browns games from start to finish. Who can watch Dallas/Vancouver hockey games and I'm not even a fan of either team in the least.

In the NCAA tourney I was watching entire games of teams I couldn't name you one player on and here I can't even force myself to watch the Pistons? And I've got four units on them?

The West is a little better. It's got better players, it's got an excellent team in SA, maybe not a great team, but an excellent team. And it's got some truly great players, Duncan, Kobe, KG, AI, Nash, etc., really great talents. But even there you've got teams like Utah getting to the Conference Finals. Are you f**king kidding me?

They don't even weight the playoffs so you end up with SA playing Phoenix in the second round for crying out loud?

Then, the officiating is so inconsistent, the league discipline so wildly laughable--Bruce Bowen knees Nash in the nuts, gets nothing, Horry checks Nash into the scorer's table and the Suns end up getting punished for it more severely. The whole f**king league, whether or not you believe it's staged in any way, meaning that teams or guys get more calls than others, whether you believe that or not, it doesn't matter because there's no consistency to any of it one way or another. It might as well be totally scripted, at least then the stories might make sense and you might be interested to follow it.

This really isn't about my last couple of days losing, though I'm sure that plays a part. But even when I was winning a few days ago, I noticed I'd still feel empty after watching this crap because the play is just so poor on the whole.

Yes, there are great performances, like GSW in the first round, or LeBron's tonight, but that's simply made all the more impressive because it's matched up with the utter inteptness of the entire rest of his team. GS' performance looks all the better because Dallas is full of a bunch of p*ssies.

At any rate, I know that given the length of this, very few will wade through it. But I just wanted to give a big fat middle finger to the NBA and not wish it a pleasant summer, because I don't wish anybody a pleasant summer who kicks me in the n*ts for no reason.

So f**k you, NBA, my life was better off without you before and it will be better off without you now. So, please, don't try to stop me and, if you get a chance, eat a fat d*ck.

Yours truly,

Joe Public
just cash my 25 to 1 on the cavs and all will be forgotton mr stern.
Playoffs have been god awful as they have wind down Joe. I'm mainly concerned with the officiating. Round 1 playoffs was good, but these are terrible. Lebron's performance tonight will draw some more fans in, but those are just the casual fans, who have no knowledge of the game. They just want to see a "neat dunk". But those are the fans Stern loves, so in his mind, the game is in great shape especially if Cavs make it to the finals.

Then you talk about the East/West disparity. I have NO IDEA why the Hornets moved out west. Grant it, they aren't anything special YET. But they got a good young group with West and Paul, and they could be a top team in the East to at least give it some more competition.

So, what does the future for the NBA hold? The #1 and #2 pick are both Western conference teams. Not only will Oden and Durant make the West even better. NO ONE on the east coast will be able to see them play on a regular basis. And the east coast dominates the NBA fan base.
Totally agree with your rant Joe but fading Detroit has been so profitable in this series that I must keep going.
Finally, as for betting on NBA from here on out: There is really no reason unless you just need action. I haven't seen a more unpredictable few weeks in some time. The logical situations aren't playing out. Aside from the Spurs closing their series out at home in a blowout win, betting the NBA has turned into a card game of High/Low. Will the next card be higher than a 7? is comparable to will Pistons beat the Cavs or vice versa.
I totally disagree.

We just witnessed one of the best playoff games in NBA history.

It's probably the best I've seen aside from a couple - that 3 Jordan had and the Reggie Miller 3 ball game.

It's the NBA, lots of shit isn't right with the league/officials and it's been that way for a while.
One last thing. As for the finals: It SHOULD be Cavs/Spurs now. Logic says Cleveland should rally behind James and the crowd should be electric in Cleveland.

So if that's the case, I wouldn't be surprised to see the Cavs win it all. Not because they are the better team. They are not. But just because. That's my only answer for this league right now. BECAUSE.
Totally agree with your rant Joe but fading Detroit has been so profitable in this series that I must keep going.

One thing I should add, is something this made me think of. If you are making money off it, by all means, don't even think of stopping. Four days ago when I had finally turned it around, I was only barely considering it myself, I just wanted my number and I didn't get it. But if you are winning and feel good about your plays, keep going.

What you're doing, what Bet's doing, keep on keepin' on.

My reality is that the NBA is not my thing. I don't even like to watch it any more, much as I'd like to, I don't. So now that I don't see enough money in it to continue and don't care about the teams or the baskeball left to be played, I'm going to root for Ottawa to make history, come back and with the Cup and then head into my summer.
I totally disagree.

We just witnessed one of the best playoff games in NBA history.

It's probably the best I've seen aside from a couple - that 3 Jordan had and the Reggie Miller 3 ball game.

It's the NBA, lots of shit isn't right with the league/officials and it's been that way for a while.

It was a good performance by one player, and it will draw in more casual fans. But something just isn't right about the Cavs making it to the finals. You just have that feel that NO WAY they are in the top 2 in the league. That team is god-awful.

Something about the game tonight just wasn't right. It was bad basketball by both teams, and a great performance by one player.

The officiating I guess didn't shock me. It's been brutal all playoffs...Probably as bad as it has ever been.
One last thing. As for the finals: It SHOULD be Cavs/Spurs now. Logic says Cleveland should rally behind James and the crowd should be electric in Cleveland.

So if that's the case, I wouldn't be surprised to see the Cavs win it all. Not because they are the better team. They are not. But just because. That's my only answer for this league right now. BECAUSE.

'an_horse' :smiley_acbe: :wacka wacka: :shake: :cheers: :bow: :Wacka%20Wacka: money; :dance3: :36_1_36:
We just witnessed one of the best playoff games in NBA history.

I disagree. We just witnessed one of the great individual performances in NBA history. What we also witnessed was a disgrace for a basketball team, and a lack of heart by a former champion.

You're going to tell me that a team that could, now should, win the Eastern Conference has only one player on it who can score 27 of their last 28 points in the game?

You could get players from the D-league to do better than that, you and I both know it.

Outstanding individual performance. But it's accentuated by, it looks better because of, the ineptitude around it.

What I do agree with is when you say it's the NBA and it's been like this for a while.

You're absolutely right. It's what pushed me away from the game a few years ago, I just figured it may have changed. I was wrong. Lesson learned.
'an_horse' :smiley_acbe: :wacka wacka: :shake: :cheers: :bow: :Wacka%20Wacka: money; :dance3: :36_1_36:

But then again, I guess you could also say that the Pistons will come back and win this series. NO WAY IN HELL they can comeback in this right? I guess we'll have to wait and see. Well...I won't be seeing. I'll just be waiting.
Tonight was a helluva game, one of the best single individual performances I have ever seen, but I understand your rant as a whole JP.

It is all a grand plan for Bron to be the champ this year.
bron is taking over teh world, its happening slowly just like how mike did. some are catching on now others will be.

we are all witnesses
I wouldn't say the Pistons have a lack of heart JP..I think Lebron is just that good...he is everywhere on o and d.
I won't be seeing. I'll just be waiting.

I can read about it on "the Internets," maybe I'll find it using "The Google."
Tonight was a helluva game, one of the best single individual performances I have ever seen, but I understand your rant as a whole JP.

It is all a grand plan for Bron to be the champ this year.

I really don't get it. Games 1 through 4 were officiated pretty fuckin good. The refs let a lot of shit slide. Both these teams play PHYSICAL fuckin D. And the refs let them battle and decide it on the court. Then tonight, we get a foul fest. Mcdyess is thrown out on a TERRIBLE call. James got every call imaginable down the strectch. And both teams shot I think around 80 FTs.

I wouldn't say the Pistons have a lack of heart JP..I think Lebron is just that good...he is everywhere on o and d.

yup David Stern is doing that thing that Mr Burns does in the simpsons with his fingers when he says "Excellent" :smiley_acbe:
I really don't get it. Games 1 through 4 were officiated pretty fuckin good. The refs let a lot of shit slide. Both these teams play PHYSICAL fuckin D. And the refs let them battle and decide it on the court. Then tonight, we get a foul fest. Mcdyess is thrown out on a TERRIBLE call. James got every call imaginable down the strectch. And both teams shot I think around 80 FTs.


Lebron always get all the calls nothing new
I wouldn't say the Pistons have a lack of heart JP

Sorry, Hunt, I disagree, and here's why.

Please tell me you think that LB could have gotten that final dunk two years ago on that Pistons team. No f**king way. The Pistons, like 'em or hate 'em, were the next generation of the Knicks who were the next generation of the Detroit Bad Boys from years ago.

That team made you earn your points.

Not tonight. Tonight they neither doubled him to prevent him getting the ball, nor clogged the lane to force him to kick it out. They parted the sea for him.

It, to me, was a jaw dropper. Nice move by LeBron, but the Pistons used to be a tough team. Not tonight and, honestly, they've only been tough sporatically in both this series and the Chicago series.
It's Stern ball believe.

I think the Cavs are the better team so far. THey know how to use their superstar, plain and simple..and honestly, Detroit has no answer for him and the way he has played the last 3 games I'm not sure anyone would.

THe cavs remind me of the Stons in 04 when they dismantled the Lakers. No one expected that.

THe league wants Bron to succeed and he is delivering.
cavs vs bulls is the future of the east.

i think detroit is in decline mode. i could be wrong but this game pretty much seals the deal on how i thought about this detroit team this entire postseason. why i choose to bet otherwise tonight i will wonder for at least one more day.
Lebron always get all the calls nothing new

I agree, and if that's how the league wants to do it, that's fine. But I just want consistency throughout the game, and game by game. You can't let all that shit slide, especially in games 1 and 2 when Lebron was getting bodied up in the paint, but not getting calls; then proceed to call this game as tight as a virgin pussy.

It's very tough to play D in the NBA. NBA players are just too skilled offensively. It becomes even tougher when you have no idea how to defend a player. Can you hand check him in so and so situation or not? Can you come over and help with the body, or not? Once the refs start getting inconsistent, the players no longer decide the outcomes.
An addendum, you know you've made the right decision when the first thing you feel is relief.

If and when I have a bad year in the NFL I walk away upset, feeling like I left money on the table, made mistakes, whatever. But before this decision was even cold my first feeling was, 'whew, what a relief.'

And very little of it is the losing. It's that I don't have to be involved in these games in any way any more.

Ugh, thank God.
i think detroit is in decline mode.

We disagree on a number of things, Brewer--except the White Sox--but you're right on here. I really think they're like the Lakers. They need to re-tool. They also need a new coach.

If you can't beat the Cavs in a seven game series with one of the best defensive teams in the league, you need to be fired.
I wouldn't say the Pistons have a lack of heart JP

Sorry, Hunt, I disagree, and here's why.

Please tell me you think that LB could have gotten that final dunk two years ago on that Pistons team. No f**king way. The Pistons, like 'em or hate 'em, were the next generation of the Knicks who were the next generation of the Detroit Bad Boys from years ago.

That team made you earn your points.

Not tonight. Tonight they neither doubled him to prevent him getting the ball, nor clogged the lane to force him to kick it out. They parted the sea for him.

It, to me, was a jaw dropper. Nice move by LeBron, but the Pistons used to be a tough team. Not tonight and, honestly, they've only been tough sporatically in both this series and the Chicago series.

GOod point JP, I think this is partly FLip's fault and that they just were in awe of LBJ tonight. He was siumply incredible.

I got to hand it to him.

When someone makes shot after ridiculous shot like that, it deflates any team.
seemed to me chauncey was at awe when he was interviewed in the locker room by sager (sp?).
I agree, and if that's how the league wants to do it, that's fine. But I just want consistency throughout the game, and game by game. You can't let all that shit slide, especially in games 1 and 2 when Lebron was getting bodied up in the paint, but not getting calls; then proceed to call this game as tight as a virgin pussy.

It's very tough to play D in the NBA. NBA players are just too skilled offensively. It becomes even tougher when you have no idea how to defend a player. Can you hand check him in so and so situation or not? Can you come over and help with the body, or not? Once the refs start getting inconsistent, the players no longer decide the outcomes.

you should have watched lakers games this year Kobe never ever got calls all fuckin year and in the playoffs.

wait he did get calls in 1 game at Utah had like 25 ft's lol
seemed to me chauncey was at awe when he was interviewed in the locker room by sager

I'd think you'd kind of have to be. This was like Jordan's 55 or whatever in Boston Garden.
your right Throwback, he would have fouled him and Lebron goes to the line for 2...same thing would have happpened tonight, no one was going to deny this kid tonight.
seemed to me chauncey was at awe when he was interviewed in the locker room by sager

I'd think you'd kind of have to be. This was like Jordan's 55 or whatever in Boston Garden.

your comparing lebron to mike now?
seemed to me chauncey was at awe when he was interviewed in the locker room by sager (sp?).

Billups likely played himself out of Detroit in this round. I can't see Detroit giving him the money he will command from a trash club with lots of cash. Then again, the Pistons really don't have a back up plan. So, they might be forced to overpay just to salvage the few remaining years this corps group has.
If the Pistons have had ben wallace he wouldnt have let Lebron make that game winning layup.

Excellent point.

I dare say that the coaching and the lack of Big Ben may be where it all came apart for them.

I said it before and now it sadly looks more right, Ben leaving Detroit was a horrible thing. He was Detroit Piston basketball. Sometimes you have to overpay for the guy who is your heart and soul. Even if you have a Sheed, a Rip, and a Chauncy.
your right Throwback, he would have fouled him and Lebron goes to the line for 2...same thing would have happpened tonight, no one was going to deny this kid tonight.

Tayshaun Prince looked quite Yag tonight with his arms down moving out of the way of James' dunks like a girl.:pillow:
If the Pistons have had ben wallace he wouldnt have let Lebron make that game winning layup.

Excellent point.

I dare say that the coaching and the lack of Big Ben may be where it all came apart for them.

I said it before and now it sadly looks more right, Ben leaving Detroit was a horrible thing. He was Detroit Piston basketball. Sometimes you have to overpay for the guy who is your heart and soul. Even if you have a Sheed, a Rip, and a Chauncy.

yeah Pistons did Big Ben dirty :shake:
If you guys are talking about Wallace not being there. What about Mcdyess? Maybe HE would have stepped up and hammered LBJ.

OOO Wait...He was ejected on a flop.
Ben was offered a fuckload by the Stons..they were the ones that gave this guy a chance when no one else would and then he goes to Chicago? It was a done deal last year in the Heat series that Ben was gone.

It is a done deal that Chauncey is gone is the same play and same scenario.
your comparing lebron to mike now?

I'm comparing his performance tonight to Mike's in Boston, yes.

Here's the thing I think that might get missed about how I (and some others) feel about LeBron.

I don't hate the guy. I don't like the media and the advertisers painting him as the second coming of Jesus (the first being MJ) before he's done anything in the league. And I don't like people glomming onto that idea in the hopes that they can be the first on the bandwagon--which isn't a shot at you personally, Brewer.

I'm a prove it person. I laughed at Kobe early on because he deserved it. He was selfish and he would lose games for them single-handedly. But he grew up, now he sticks daggers into your eye and doesn't think twice about it as you bleed out at center court.

I believe, and have said, I think LeBron could surpass Kobe, probably will within another year or year and a half. And games like tonight just exemplify that growth.

Oddly enough, if you did want to really start comparing LB to MJ, even though I think it's way too early, MJ's Garden playoff performance and LB's performance tonight came at about the same point in their careers, did they not?

(Oh, and I'm watching Blade II in the background as well.)
cavs have a team full of em. guys who wont quit and play with a purpose.