Friday Discussion Thread


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Apr 14 Fri 2023

Mahle is prob my least favorite of twins starters but damn +145? We all know how bad Cortes does me tho, dude has beat me a bunch but it still twins or nothing at that price. Prob wait till Saturday Sunday to try and get another win out of them.
I usually like lefties against fish but does madbum have anything left? I assume the walks will come down but he been pretty much trash since they signed him, that was a terrible move. I have to look at snakes vs lefties, and look closer at bum. Can’t imagine anything but a zona play.
Just a guess without looking at all but not likely jays stay dogs vs rays, I think there be jays money all series. I’m not a big berrios fan, dude is tough to figure game to game.
Damn, they giving O’s all kinds of respect all w sudden, or is it lack of respect for cws? That would make sense, I’m way down on them from start of season already, just tired of same bs out of chisox, could be too early to bail, any other team I would think so.
Woodford -180? Lmfao. For love of god don’t play cardinals unless you like their team
Total over then just play that!
How high will they set one my knew favorite pitchers k prop? They have several up but not my guy yet, pussies. I see a few I prob Gonna have to run across river and play tonight tho caste they gonna move im sure.
NYY under…….yanks haven’t had back to back overs this year…..currently 0-5 after an Over…..
If you RR all dogs x2 and x3 tomorrow I think you'll be happy Sat morning

Gotta budget it right but it's a great set up

I was actually telling someone I thought it was a fantastic card to play a group of 4-5-6 dogs in a 2 and maybe 3 team RR. Those pay so good w dogs if you can put a few good ones together. It def feels like a day to take a shot or 3 at something like that. Maybe a whole weekend of it since it pretty clear where lines gonna be.
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I was actually telling someone I thought it was a fantastic card to play a group of 4-5-6 dogs in a 2 and maybe 3 team RR. Those pay so good w dogs if you can put a few good ones together. It def feels like a day to take a shot or 3 at something like that. Maybe a whole weekend of it since it pretty clear where lines gonna be.
Might just do it blindly in some fashion while I try to focus on NBA

Brain doesn't need micro bases after Madness and Masters then all this's likely why early ALS is kicking in
Might just do it blindly in some fashion while I try to focus on NBA

Brain doesn't need micro bases after Madness and Masters then all this's likely why early ALS is kicking in

I forgot all bout nba before I saw this card, barely know who won masters other than seeing some Spanish dude blabbing bout inspiring ppl like Sevi inspired him (I still don’t care once Tiger out and prob never will). I tend to think messing w the numbers good for the brain, use it or lose it, or not but I’m sure I do worse things for my well being, either way capping bases makes me happy and this card feels like one I can at least put together a couple 3-1, 4-2 type RR would pay pretty good, pay awesome if I accidentally run into a 4-0 or 5-1, if I split won’t be very eventful but worth the risk. It really doesn’t even take much work to throw a few together on this card I think will have pretty good chance. I rather do it that way than just randomly play them all but if that your preference I think it a pretty good card either way.
I forgot all bout nba before I saw this card, barely know who won masters other than seeing some Spanish dude blabbing bout inspiring ppl like Sevi inspired him (I still don’t care once Tiger out and prob never will). I tend to think messing w the numbers good for the brain, use it or lose it, or not but I’m sure I do worse things for my well being, either way capping bases makes me happy and this card feels like one I can at least put together a couple 3-1, 4-2 type RR would pay pretty good, pay awesome if I accidentally run into a 4-0 or 5-1, if I split won’t be very eventful but worth the risk. It really doesn’t even take much work to throw a few together on this card I think will have pretty good chance. I rather do it that way than just randomly play them all but if that your preference I think it a pretty good card either way.
Burnout from capping after March and Masters

That Spanish dude blabbing is by far my favorite ASU golfer since I've moved here. He didn't know English when he came to ASU. Love the guy.
Burnout from capping after March and Masters

That Spanish dude blabbing is by far my favorite ASU golfer since I've moved here. He didn't know English when he came to ASU. Love the guy.

I get it, that why I took a pretty decent break earlier before the end of ncaa. I know start of baseball then nba playoffs + baseball till all star breaks one my favorite stretches I plan on grinding daily and I get burnt if I don’t get in a break sometime. By august I’ll want another one for sure. I just don’t really like golf more than whether or not I care bout the Spanish cat. Tiger and his video game were only time I ever did or will, I suck at playing it, never had the patients for it, it is fantastic for naps but for that to work I have to be interested enough to keep it on 5 min and I really just can’t or don’t anymore.
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I get it, that why I took a pretty decent break earlier before the end of ncaa. I know start of baseball then nba playoffs + baseball till all star breaks one my favorite stretches I plan on grinding daily and I get burnt if I don’t get in a break sometime. By august I’ll want another one for sure. I just don’t really like golf more than whether or not I care bout the Spanish cat. Tiger and his video game were only time I ever did or will, I suck at playing it, never had the patients for it, it is fantastic for naps but for that to work I have to be interested enough to keep it on 5 min and I really just can’t or don’t anymore.
You're in the Midwest

No bar here would survive without showing golf. It's bigger than baseball here. I get it.
This how I sum golf up. Never much cared till tiger, his greatness was enough to transcend a sport I never really cared for. Now all the guys are basically that good and it don’t feel like watching anything special to me, it just golf again which I never liked. Lol
You're in the Midwest

No bar here would survive without showing golf. It's bigger than baseball here. I get it.

lol. It not like im going to bar and watching baseball. Baseball just the easiest sport for me to typically make money at, that what excites me, plus capping it all numbers which I like.
This how I sum golf up. Never much cared till tiger, his greatness was enough to transcend a sport I never really cared for. Now all the guys are basically that good and it don’t feel like watching anything special to me, it just golf again which I never liked. Lol
That's pretty much expected lol, St Louis guy isn't their target market at all
lol. It not like im going to bar and watching baseball. Baseball just the easiest sport for me to typically make money at, that what excites me, plus capping it all numbers which I like.
People all over here go to the bar and watch golf, lots of times after they played a round
That's pretty much expected lol, St Louis guy isn't their target market at all

I have bunch of friends who love golf. It just ain’t ever interest me, everything bout it is pretty much opposite of everything I like.
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People all over here go to the bar and watch golf, lots of times after they played a round

I hate playing it just as much as watching it, I would sooner run myself into a brick wall for a few hours or go lift weights than ever torcher myself w touching another golf club in my life let alone watch other ppl do it.
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I have bunch of friends who love golf. It just ain’t ever interest me, everything bout it is pretty much opposite of everything I like.
Around here it's probably more important than NBA lol...old people love shit they can identify with
I hate playing it just as much as watching it, I would sooner run myself into a brick wall for a few hours or go lift weights than ever torcher myself w touching another golf club in my life let alone watch other ppl do it.
The superintendent appreciates this :party:
Around here it's probably more important than NBA lol...old people love shit they can identify with

I get it. That why I don’t like it. Me and golf don’t share any of the same sensibilities or preferences. The ppl who end up liking it that you wouldn’t think would identify find it relaxing, the swing of golf club never felt naturally pleasing to me and my competitive nature doesn’t find something I can’t easily do fun, I find it annoying and the fact my aggressiveness can’t overcompensate to make me decent like most sports just makes me hate it more :)
I get it. That why I don’t like it. Me and golf don’t share any of the same sensibilities or preferences. The ppl who end up liking it that you wouldn’t think would identify find it relaxing, the swing of golf club never felt naturally pleasing to me and my competitive nature doesn’t find something I can’t easily do fun, I find it annoying and the fact my aggressiveness can’t overcompensate to make me decent like most sports just makes me hate it more :)
Aggressive golf guy is the worst. Played a round with a buddy that cycled and took 7 shots in the sand and he went WWE on the rake at a very nice course....that shit was funny to me but I can't imagine if he was playing with the average joe.
Aggressive golf guy is the worst. Played a round with a buddy that cycled and took 7 shots in the sand and he went WWE on the rake at a very nice course....that shit was funny to me but I can't imagine if he was playing with the average joe.

Been there done that, cept mine was a green, I had no idea how soft they were! Funny enough putting and around greens seems to be the problem for most guys I know who like golf and I’m actually better than a lot of them at that. It getting the fucking ball close to the green that takes me way too long!, I’ve thrown or broke plenty of drivers and irons when forced to play. Not to mention my eyesight freaking sucks and always has, following a baseball is tough enough for me, actually having any idea where the fuck a golf ball goes when I hit it just frustrates me even more. Lol
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I have enough patients to dissect baseball numbers all day, matter fact that stuff relaxes me. Trying to play golf makes me lose my shit about as much as anything. It wouldn’t now cause I’ve learned to just not give a shit anymore but I’m not gonna be interested in something if I can’t strive to be good at. I really tried for a summer or 2 cause enough my friends wouldn’t shut the fuck up bout it and insisted on playing. Not like any them good enough that would make me happy. I like bowling, I even watch more bowling than golf. Power good, strikes loud, Dan likes. Golf quite, golf boring, Dan don’t like. Lol
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I should really hate tiger, his video games, and golden tee (which I don’t really care for). All those things are what was responsible to drawing more my kind of ppl to golf. Had that never happened golf woulda been left to the type of assholes I can’t stand who have always played it.
I have enough patients to dissect baseball numbers all day, matter fact that stuff relaxes me. Trying to play golf makes me lose my shit about as much as anything. It wouldn’t now cause I’ve learned to just not give a shit anymore but I’m not gonna be interested in something if I can’t strive to be good at. I really tried for a summer or 2 cause enough my friends wouldn’t shut the fuck up bout it and insisted on playing. Not like any them good enough that would make me happy. I like bowling, I even watch more bowling than golf. Power good, strikes loud, Dan likes. Golf quite, golf boring, Dan don’t like. Lol
I enjoy the separation but I'm single and love to challenge myself. I really don't get wrapped up in others which I did 20 years ago...I simply don't care now but a good group on the course is as good as it gets. Could be RV guy or millionaire....what's fun is the experience.

Honestly I can go play a round by myself here in Summer when demand is low and will play KJ1 and KJ2 balls and of course KJ2 is better. But with buds in and just enjoying the views and the freedom, it's priceless.
I enjoy the separation but I'm single and love to challenge myself. I really don't get wrapped up in others which I did 20 years ago...I simply don't care now but a good group on the course is as good as it gets. Could be RV guy or millionaire....what's fun is the experience.

Honestly I can go play a round by myself here in Summer when demand is low and will play KJ1 and KJ2 balls and of course KJ2 is better. But with buds in and just enjoying the views and the freedom, it's priceless.

I get that part of it and if we didnt have such awful humid summers ir crappy winters it would prob help far as enjoying being out there, that another thing, playing physical sports you used to being drenched in sweat, on the golf course it sucks.

It wouldn’t matter to me if I was alone or with ppl far as the frustrating part, it just what i expect of myself and what I’m sure is totally unreasonable to expect when starting to play golf but I’m a instant gratification type cat, I couldn’t see or feel the progress w golf to want to keep trying the way I could with other sports I was never anything special at, lol.

Funny thing is with my shitty vision I was never any good at baseball till way after youth sports were long gone. I could pitch ok but I was never interested playing much cause it not that fun when you can’t see a baseball out the pitchers hand!! Once I fixed my vision it was a different world, I’ll occasionally go to batting cages now or play a little w my nephews but not like I ever loved playing baseball any more than golf. Smashing a baseball is so much more satisfying than golf ball to me for whatever reason. Maybe cause I can hit the baseball and the swing doesn’t feel super unnatural to me, plus I can kinda see where the baseball goes! I just wasn’t built for golf, I don’t understand how the hell chuck barkley plays golf cause he the person I’ve seen play golf I relate the most to in his swing looks so freaking uncomfortable! The way he looks doing it sums up exactly how I feel swinging a golf club.
Surprised M‘s and Rox aren’t hitting lefties better than they are

That’s how I thought bout fish last year, they were heavy w right handed bats but they struck out at a crazy clip vs lefties. Wonder if it has anything to do with kind of stuff lot of lefties throw and Miami was free swinging? Overall I think seattle will hit better than they have at some point, it still really early and they have lot of talent. Rox will hit everyone at coors and not so much away. Are we talking strictly so far this year? If so it just super early imo, teams you looking at and thinking they should hit lefties better probably will sooner or later for most part. The stuff I say bout pirates or any other team im talking about far as hitting lefties or righties is stemming from last season a great deal. You can’t trust 2 weeks of baseball splits.
Speaking of seattle, at some point I think picking up Wong gonna be a good move, he been Fuckin terrible but again it pretty early, his numbers are gross bad but you gotta put in context, had he waited till June to have 10 bad games it wouldn’t be as noticeable. You can respect the numbers teams are putting up but gotta be aware none of them likely to look the same a month from now. Pitchers going on only their 3rd time up in rotation. Last year none of them were coming close to the innings and pitches guys logging already this year cause they had a full spring. We have already seen bunch of dudes this week who had awful numbers thru 2 starts be better, expect more of that, other than maybe Oakland teams mostly don’t carry pitchers who gonna have 10eta’s over the course the year! Lol.
That’s how I thought bout fish last year, they were heavy w right handed bats but they struck out at a crazy clip vs lefties. Wonder if it has anything to do with kind of stuff lot of lefties throw and Miami was free swinging? Overall I think seattle will hit better than they have at some point, it still really early and they have lot of talent. Rox will hit everyone at coors and not so much away. Are we talking strictly so far this year? If so it just super early imo, teams you looking at and thinking they should hit lefties better probably will sooner or later for most part. The stuff I say bout pirates or any other team im talking about far as hitting lefties or righties is stemming from last season a great deal. You can’t trust 2 weeks of baseball splits.
My bad i meant should be instead of aren‘t lol.
Seattle has 80 total AB’s vs lefties. You can’t really get anything from that. Obviously lineups a bit changed but last year they were middle the pack w low .700s ops vs them, it unlikely they gonna have a .600 ops vs lefties when it all said and done. Will they start hitting them 2marro? That the “fun” with baseball! Rockies had a .770 ops vs lefties last year, I imagine quite a bit of that came from home games tho.
My bad i meant should be instead of aren‘t lol.

80 AB’s. At some point every team will prob have 80 AB’s only hitting .600 ops vs lefties, all that takes one or 2 good starters and bunch of pen guys for a few weeks. We won’t notice it like we do right now. They will def hit lefties better, starting 2marro is tough to say, lol. I’d feel ok bout saying seattle will hit Gomber a little bit.,
I feel better expecting seattle to hit Gomber above a .600 ops than I do Rockies will up their .700 ops vs Gonzalez in seattle but that pretty obvious statement given the price. Lol
Im assuming this is more a total question and I’d be more inclined to look at seattle team total than wanting to involve Rockies cause I don’t trust them in a pitchers park, Gonzalez is usually solid there and seattle pen is more than capable of slamming the door on rox/.
Speaking of regressing one way or the other id guess seattle pen is gonna pitch better than they have thus far, unless something changed drastically they had some filthy arms coming out the pen last year and so far the era is fine (not elite) but their k:bb ratio sucks along w the whip (thanks to the walks no doubt). They had above 3:1 k:bb ratio last year and it not even 2:1 right now.